Saturday, December 29, 2012

27 and Counting

An interesting email, currently circulating:
1. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.

2. A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.

3. Colt: The original point and click interface.

4. Gun control is not about guns; it's about control.

5. If guns are outlawed, can we use swords?

6. If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words.

7. "Free" men do not ask permission to bear arms.

8. If you don't know your rights you don't have any.

9. Those who trade liberty for security have neither.

10. The United States Constitution (c) 1791. All Rights reserved.

11. What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?

12. The Second Amendment is in place in case the politicians ignore the others.

13. 64,999,987 firearms owners killed no one yesterday.

14. Guns only have two enemies: rust and [liberal] politicians.

15. Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.

16. You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

17. 911 - government sponsored Dial-a-Prayer.

18. Assault is a behavior, not a device.

19. Criminals love gun control -- it makes their jobs safer.

20. If guns cause crime, then matches cause arson.

21. Only a government that is afraid of its citizens tries to control them. them.      
22. You only have the rights you are willing to fight for. 
23. Enforce the "gun control laws" we ALREADY have, don't make more.

24. When you remove the people's right to bear arms, you create slaves.

25. The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control.

26. "A government of the people, by the people, for the people...
And of course, Wayne LaPierre's recent statement:
27. "The only solution to a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun."

Monday, December 17, 2012

On the Wall

Below is an important petition from the desk of Jay Sekulow at The American Center for Law and Justice.

I believe this is the worst thing I have seen from the Obama Administration to date. That our government has been sending millions of dollars to a country that has been on the fence about their alliance to the United States is way out of line. That Egypt is now led by a member of the Muslim Brotherhood who has avowed to destroy Israel and invoke Shariah law in that region is incomprehensible. That our U. S. President has still promised fighter jets as well as U.S. troops to train Egyptians to fly them is beyond common sense or reason. But none dare call it treason...
On Sunday, Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood President declared martial law while he pushes through a new constitution based on Shariah law.

Today, news reports say the Obama Administration is set to send them 20 American-made F-16 fighter jets that cost U.S. taxpayers $200 million. American servicemen are expected to train the Egyptians on how to use our weapons.

Another Shariah dictatorship on Israel's border – armed with American weapons – cannot be allowed to happen.

The ACLJ is demanding that all aid to Egypt be cut off until Congress can certify that it is in the interest of U.S. and Israeli national security.

Sign our Petition to Stop Funding Egypt and Defend Israel today.

Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel

Please spread the word.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

SOS ~ Saving Our Sovereignty

Below is an email message from Senator Rick Santorum.  He has been working tirelessly on our behalf to fight this UN treaty that will rob us of our sovereignty. This is only one of many that may be coming our way. We need to set a precedent with this one! Be pro-active!! Make a call; spread the word. It's time.
We learned late yesterday that the Senate has scheduled a vote on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) for Tuesday, December 4.
We have to re-up our efforts to stop this treaty from being ratified. Please help us defeat this treaty by doing the following things right now:
  • Call the Capitol operator at 202-224-3121 and ask to be connected to your Senator. Tell your senator to oppose the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities because it jeopardizes our sovereignty and threatens our rights as parents to make decisions for our special needs kids.
  • Tweet this: #CRPD threatens parental rights/US sovereignty. Call your senators/ask for "NO" vote on Tues. (202) 224 3121                                              
  • Post this on Facebook: The US Senate will vote on Tuesday on U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). This treaty threatens parental rights and US sovereignty. Please watch this video, then call your senators and ask them to vote "NO". (202) 224 3121
  • Forward this email to five friends, and ask them to do each of these action items and sign our petition to stop CRPD.
Remember, if just 67 senators vote in favor of this treaty, CRPD would become law of the land under the U.S. Constitution's Supremacy Clause, would trump state laws, and could be used as precedent by state and federal judges. 

As a father of a special needs little girl, I believe that it is up to parents to make choices for their children, not the government. Yet, that's exactly what this treaty will do.
Please, we must defeat this treaty now.

Thank you,

Rick Santorum signature

Rick Santorum


Friday, November 23, 2012

Finish the Job!

This is Hal Lindsey's recent video from his "Watchman Warning" segment on November 17, 2012. This video was created just before the "cease fire" between Hamas and Israel. Prime Minister Netanyahu, of course, was pressured into the cease fire, with many predicting that things would come back to bite Israel with this action; and so it already has.  The problem is that this cease fire has made Israel look weak; Hamas is already declaring this a victory.  US Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton has praised (said to be gushing!) Egypt's leader Mohamad Morsi (an Islamic Terrorist from the Muslim Brotherhood!) for brokering the deal! Finally, from past actions we can know and understand the cease fire will never be kept.  It is already beginning to break down. In general, this is nothing short of a great fiasco and serious dilemma for Israel!

Mr. Lindsey gives a bit of history of the Gaza Strip in this video, as well as a sincere but strict warning that Israel should be allowed to "finish the job".  While this "Watchman Warning" is already somewhat out of date, with it being made even before the cease fire, the underlying message is still relevant. Prime Minister Netanyahu is in a precarious place, needing to pacify both the Obama administration, as well as the UN - neither of which should be standing in the way of PM Netanyahu's duty as the leader of Israel.  We would do well to listen to Hal Lindsey; there is a message for us, as well.

Below is a photo listing some of Israel's success during the recent struggle with Hamas from the Gaza Strip. Certainly, you will never hear about this in the mainstream media. This photo was posted on United With Israel's website. To me, this shows more than the success of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) Rather, more importantly, this shows some of what Israel has been up against. We will never hear that in the mainstream media, either. Why? It might cause those without understanding to realize that hey, maybe Israel isn't the bad guy, after all.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

"We Want Answers!"

It's time to act. If we are to achieve a fair investigation of the Benghazi issue, as Senator John McCain says: "It is going to require the American republic demanding it."  Please watch.

Friday, November 9, 2012

The Hal Lindsey Report ~ 11/9/12

November 9th, 2012

This week on 'The Hal Lindsey Report'
On Tuesday, more than 119 million Americans filed into polling places across the nation and cast their ballots. Though the voters faced myriad initiatives, referenda, proposals, and a dizzying array of candidates ranging from councilmen to constables to Congressmen, the one race that fixated the entire nation was the race for the White House.

The challenger, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, had been campaigning for more than two years. Some would argue that the incumbent, President Barack Obama, had been campaigning for four years. But few can argue with the notion that this campaign was perhaps the most divisive in the history of American presidential politics. It was also the most expensive. When all is said and done, upwards of three billion dollars has been spent by both sides in the race for the Presidency.

Pundits across the political spectrum thought that Governor Romney might actually unseat President Obama. No president has ever won re-election with an unemployment rate this high. No president has ever won re-election with an approval rating this low.

Yet, once again, Americans shrugged off conventional wisdom. They expressed their preference for four more years of the policies that have brought the United States to the precipice of the fiscal cliff. In the end, President Obama won re-election by convincing just over 50% of the voters that the policies and plans that didn't work in his first term would somehow work in his second.

But the question on the minds of many of this program's viewers must be, "Where do we go from here?" The past four years have seen a marked increase in the erosion of many of our basic rights, values, and traditions. This administration has expressed almost unprecedented hostility toward Israel, traditional marriage, gun owners, small business owners and entrepreneurs, corporations, the energy industry, pro-lifers, and Christian institutions. And now that the President doesn't have to worry about facing another election, who knows how that hostility will be expressed.

I have long said that there is no nation resembling America described by the Bible prophets in these last days. That means that the US must decline from its current preeminence and be crippled or destroyed by a catastrophic economic collapse or some sort of debilitating attack. I fear that now we are on the fast track to that disaster.

But even if Governor Romney had been elected, I don't believe it would have stopped America's slide -- perhaps just slowed it a bit. The bottom line is that America is failing because its people are turning their backs on God and are consumed with satisfying their own wants and desires. The concerted efforts of the Left to push God out of our public consciousness are succeeding and, sadly, gaining momentum.

I believe the only real hope that remains for America's future is if God's people - and there are millions of us - will do as He asked. In 2 Chronicles 7:14, God says that if we will humble ourselves before Him, seek His face, and turn from our sinful ways, then He will forgive our sin and heal our land. Notice, He didn't say if the "leaders of my people will humble themselves" He said, "If my people." That's you and me.

So let's not lose hope and be discouraged. There is a way out and, more importantly, a way up. It's called "the blessed hope." Paul said that if we have hope in this life only, we'll be of all men most miserable. But our hope is in Christ's soon return to catch us all away to be with Him for eternity. And that will be better than any election night victory party!

Oh, yes, this week I'll also be discussing Superstorm Sandy and how it highlights America's glaring vulnerability; the growing threat that Iran poses to the United States itself; and what both of these situations may indicate about America's future.

Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, Inspiration, CPM Network, various local stations, or Please check your local listings.

God Bless,

Hal Lindsey

Monday, November 5, 2012

My America

In the past month, I finished reading Obama’s America by Dinesh D’Souza as well as his earlier written work The Roots of Obama’s Rage. D’Souza offers an interesting perspective having been raised in the third world economy of India. I have highly recommended both books. Both books are compelling and were easy for me to read. I have heard reports from some people that they are difficult to read because it is heartbreaking to see where the current President has taken our beloved country. Yes, in that regard, they are a bit difficult to read.

While I may not necessarily agree with everything Mr. D’Souza has written, I believe his thorough study on the matter has brought him to an accurate deciphering which he readily admits is only his theory of Obama’s actions. I’m convinced he knows he is correct, and I also believe he is right on target.

I have learned a great deal by reading these two books. I have also had my own beliefs validated by the findings of Dinesh D’Souza. I simply did not know how to give credence to my beliefs.  Learning the term anti-colonialist, though I don’t necessarily like the term has given me a greater understanding of Mr. Obama’s beliefs. Mr. D’Souza has shown me how.  One of the most important revelations I came to, was a greater understanding of why it is so critical for those that desire to destroy America, to do so by doing away with our faith-based history. Wipe it all away, has been the goal of revisionists in these later years. I understood it was happening; and I knew they wanted to remove God from the roots of our foundation, but I did not fully understand why.

A profound truth I came to while reading these two books is:  if America’s goals and ideals were not based on spreading the Gospel, then it is much easier to view us as evil Colonialists or as an Imperialist nation whose sole focus is to take over and control other nations for our own benefit.  That is not my America. But I learned it is Obama’s.

My America is, in fact, a tool given by the God of the Universe to aid in bringing Jesus Christ to a hurting world. And it is my belief, that Christians are to be the operators of that tool. If you have an accurate accounting of the history of America, there is no debating my belief. This is a major factor in why I continue to fight the things that I believe are incremental endeavors trying to bring about America’s demise.

Tomorrow is Election Day. I feel like I have prayed without ceasing for the outcome. I decided I wanted to share the last couple pages of Dinesh D’Souza’s book The Roots of Obama’s Rage. This excerpt isn't even the most important of facts that are laid out by Mr. D'Souza, but I have chosen it because it is a heart-felt appeal from Mr. D’Souza to change the direction our nation has been taken the last four years. It seems appropriate before we vote. If you have been one to believe that America is an evil empire only concerned about her own earthly gain, or that the "American Dream" is all about selfish ambition and ideals with no concern for a hurting world, I hope you will take the time to read one of Mr. D'Souza's books, and instead learn and receive all that is right with America, regardless of what her new enemies may try to promote.
"…Call it empire if you will, but America’s role is very different from that of previous empires.  Contrary to the charges of the anti colonialists, the United States today has no intention of ruling or seeking tribute from other countries; America’s foreign policy goals are basically to encourage people to trade with us and to make sure they don’t bomb us.  That’s pretty much it.  Of course America could stop being the global policeman, but then there wouldn’t be anyone to deter North Korea from nuking South Korea or to prevent China from kicking around the small countries in its neighborhood, or to put a stop to genocidal wars in Bosnia or Rwanda or the Middle East. Someone has got to be the cop, and it’s a role I wouldn’t want to hand over to China, Russia, or the United Nations.  There is currently no alternative to American leadership in the world, and deep down even American liberals know this.

So one great threat posed by Obama is that in weakening America he will jeopardize the security and a stability that America provides not only for its own citizens but for the world. Then there is a second threat that Obama poses to his own country. America is currently the world leader, but it is faced with serious competitive challenges from leaner, hungrier nations like China and India.  The economic balance has tipped in favor of these countries; they are growing five times faster than the United States. Chinese cities are bigger, newer, and glitzier than anything in America today.  Also, China and India have larger populations and this too has economic significance.  Since China has more than three times the number of people that America has, even if the Chinese per capita income only rises to one-third that of the United States, China will have a bigger GNP than America.  AT current rates, the Chinese economy will over take that of the United States in a few decades.  The American era will be over, and if history is any guide, it will never return.

What are we going to do about this? Here we are at a fork in the road. We can either draw from the wellsprings of American strength and get about the business of competing in the world, or we can give up on the American dream and lapse into a second-class position as indeed Britain eventually did.  If Obama has his way, America would look  a lot like Obama’s father wanted Kenya to look: government-run peasant cooperatives rationing land and natural resources in order to enjoy a modest self-sufficiency.

Recall Obama’s granny outlining for him the simple life in the village before the white man came. Each family had its own hut.  The men tilled the land and the women drew the water.  The boys learned to throw their spears and the girls learned to grind millet.  The elders watched over everything and made all the rules.  I understand the appeal of growing up in a simple, settled society, because I grew up in one.  We didn’t have all the problems of modern life.  But then we also didn’t have basic amenities that most people today take for granted.  Equally important, there is very little mobility and opportunity in settled societies.  That’s why so many people from the old country would be thrilled to have a chance to move to the United States.  Consequently I understand Obama, but I don’t sympathize with him  In fact, his warped ideology really scares me.  His vision for America may be therapeutic for his psyche, but it is a ridiculous one for America in the twenty-first century.  The dream of the two Obama’s is not the dream that I want for America.  Obama’s dream is actually an American nightmare.

It’s time to act.  Yes, we need change, and this time the change we need is to change the man in the White House. America isn’t the rogue elephant: Obama is.  It’s not a matter of putting him out of his misery; it’s a matter of putting him out of our misery.  We also have to get rid of his team of sycophants and enablers.  I am thinking of Harry Reid, Chris Dodd, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank: The entire liberal Democratic menagerie.  Do all these enablers, or even his own private staff, know who Obama really is and what his goals really are? I suspect they do not, because Obama’s philosophy derives from his own unique experience.  So they are in a way, dupes of Obama and of his translations strategy; this would make Obama a true loner.  But it makes no difference.  The sycophants and enablers are the ones who are clearing the path for this Pied Piper, and we had better get rid of the whole crew before they take us off the cliff.

More than this, we need to ask ourselves how we got into this situation.  We need to reexamine what it is to be an American.  This means we must no longer respond so lethargically to the competitive challenges we face. Ronald Reagan once noted that the American national anthem is the only one in the world that ends with a question: “Oh say does that Star Spangled banner yet wave, o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?” Only we, through our resolution and through our action, can answer that question."

~ Dinesh D'Souza -The Roots of Obama's Rage

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Truth

From Secure America Now:

For the first time in our history, our enemy is not any individual nation. "Our worst enemy has no country."

Monday, October 15, 2012

Who's The Fairest Of Them All

Looking for an interesting book to read to help you in your decision before voting in November?

I recommend Stephen Moore's most recent book, Who's the Fairest of Them All.

The fiscal policy between the two Presidential candidates could not be more different. Stephen Moore explains how.

"Fairness is a good principle but should not be put ahead of growth," Moore told The Daily Caller. "There's nothing fair about making everyone poor."

You will find Moore's interesting interview with the Daily Caller here.

You can watch Stephen Moore's interview with Pat Robinson of CBN below.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Voice of the People

I don’t believe I have ever felt more burdened for America.  I have watched closely for many years, and have always felt great concern, but with the passing of time, my feelings become more intense.  We have been caught sleeping, Christian; and now we find ourselves in a predicament in which we will have to make up lost time. We haven’t paid much attention to the politics of our nation, and now, as the Presidential elections approach, we find ourselves with two, less than perfect choices as our candidates. It isn’t the first time this has happened, but it could be the last.

The truth of the matter is, we have never had a “perfect” choice in a candidate – after all, we are talking human beings here. And the Bible clearly tells us, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”  But for this election, though neither man is perfect, there is a distinct difference in the candidates and their policies.  

There seems to be so many who are disillusioned with our candidates, however. I have heard many Christians state that they are having a hard time justifying voting for a Mormon, but there is no way they would re-elect Obama.  This election, as last election, I am hearing so many say: “I simply will not vote, rather than vote for either of those two.”  Or, “I’m going to “write-in” my candidate’s name, I won’t vote for either Democrat or Republican. It’s a matter of principal.”

Really?  The principal of it all and the bottom line is the numbers are so close this time, that if you don’t vote, or if you write in another’s name, you are throwing your vote away. And this election, more than any other in our nation’s history, THAT matters. I am burdened by those (and there are many) that would choose not to vote at all, rather than vote for someone they feel does not reach their standards.

Instead, I greatly admire anyone that understands the importance of voting this election. I appreciate one that understands, at least for this election, we must vote against a candidate and not so much for one. I respect anyone that can look beyond the candidate (as difficult as that may be) and realize it is the candidate’s policy we are voting for this time around and not so much the man.

As I said earlier, we have had very little opportunity to vote for a Born-Again Christian candidate in recent years. We vote anyway, because it is our right; but more than that, it is our responsibility.  In these days, we have - more often than not - had to vote against a candidate rather than for a candidate and such will be the case again this time. 

Mitt Romney was not my choice for the Republican ticket. I did every thing I could to ensure someone else would have that spot, but the Republican Party chose Romney; so I have had to come to terms with that fact. I have heard the debate, and I understand the concerns, but this is the candidate of my party. I have two choices for President; anything else I’m afraid, will prove to be a choice for the incumbent.

I don’t think the question is “Can I vote for a Mormon?”  I believe the question is: Can I stand by and do nothing, when I have the opportunity to stop a President who is clearly the most liberal politician ever to run for the highest office of the land? Will I do nothing to stop the most pro-abortion President of our life time, one who is, in fact, mandating companies provide an abortion pill against their religious beliefs – a blatant disregard for faith and the Constitution? Can I vote for a man who by his actions and policies seems to be anti-Israel and in fact, has catered far more to our enemies than to our long time ally? Can I vote for a man that has initiated legislation that is contrary to our Constitution and has forced his decision upon us? Can I vote for a President that, in fact, seems to be destroying the strength of our nation and flat-out ignoring our Constitution? Or just as wrongly, in my opinion, can I not vote at all aiding someone with policies like these to gain re-election?

And there are additional points that are every bit as important as to why I should vote AGAINST this man and his policies:

  • Terrorist connections –Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, for one example. (Please read Obama’s America by Dinesh D’Souza)
  • Policies that would turn our sovereignty over to the UN.
  • A man that supports same-sex marriage.
  • 20 years in a church that taught anti-American Black Liberation Theology – Jeremiah Wright and his wretched statement “God d… America!”
  • A man who is the author of government mandated health care and other Socialistic programs.
  • Lavish vacations for him and his family; and rounds and rounds of golf which appears to be his number one priority. “Spread the wealth around,” I guess; as long as it isn’t his wealth.
  • 4 years of campaigning for re-election.
  • Strategist of one of the scariest foreign policies ever known to America!
I have the ability to stop this man’s anti-Judeo/Christian actions with my vote. Why would I not buffer my actions with prayer, and then make sure I follow through with my vote AGAINST the most liberal President our nation has ever known.

I have had to ask myself: “Why am I more troubled by voting for a Mormon than any other candidate I have voted for throughout my lifetime who might also NOT be a Christian?  I think a local pastor explained well.  It is because we don’t want to encourage others in a false faith. But I believe this pastor has responded well and set an example for us.  He has publicly clarified that this candidate’s faith is not the same as ours, but the pastor has also stated his intentions of voting anyway! Buoyed by prayer, that same action is the absolute best we can do.
For me, I would much rather vote for a man that at least lives his faith, though he may be blinded by inaccuracies, rather than vote for a man that pretends he has a faith that he  knows full-well he doesn’t hold. He only uses this faith for his advantage. “By their fruits we will know them.”

This time around, I am not voting for “the man”, I am voting against someone that I believe is either intentionally or unintentionally destroying this nation. Either way, his policies are working, to the detriment of us all! (I highly recommend reading Obama's America by Dinesh D'Souza or seeing the movie 2016.)

No, Mitt Romney is not the perfect candidate, but his agenda is far more moral in my opinion. With Mitt Romney, I am voting for a policy more closely aligned with my own.
Mitt Romney is pro-life; a member of National Rifle Association; and he is also a new member of HSLDA – the law group that is protecting our rights to educate our children in the manner in which we see fit. Mitt Romney understands the importance of our ally in the Middle East, Israel, and has a personal friendship with Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of that country. Governor Romney understands and will enact “Peace through strength” for our national defense policy. Mitt Romney gave 7 million dollars to charity last year! He is a good example of the American Dream and how it can benefit those suffering around the world. Mitt Romney understands the importance of a job! Mitt Romney, though not a born-again Christian, and unfortunately a member of a church that does not understand Jesus in the same manner as I, has none-the-less incorporated into his platform the Judeo/Christian values on which our country was founded. This time around, that’s enough for me.

For me, the choice is easy. Both candidates are living a faith. Both candidates are enacting policies that affect our nation according to their world view. The truth of the matter, though: one candidate’s faith is a whole lot scarier than the other. (Obama spent twenty years in Jeremiah Wright's church!) I must choose the candidate that most closely aligns with my beliefs and once again vote for someone who isn’t a Christian. But I will continue, as the local pastor has done, in telling others we MUST vote, while informing them my candidate’s faith is not the faith of my Bible.

I am reminded of 1 Samuel 8: 1-9 when the people of Israel cried out to God for a King. They demanded a king. It wasn’t the first time they had asked for a king. Samuel had appointed his son judges over Israel, but they were unholy – the Bible says they “turned aside after lucre, and took bribes, and perverted judgment.” (Sound familiar?) The people of Israel were very unhappy with Samuel’s sons and their corrupt ways, so they went to Samuel and demanded a king “to judge us like all the nations.”  Samuel didn’t like it, but he took it to God, anyway. The Lord told Samuel, “Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me.”

Give them what they want, the Lord said. Show them what the king will be like, He told Samuel. By the way, what they were told sounded a good deal like what we have seen with “King” Obama. But the people of Israel didn’t care, they had decided on a king, “to go out before us and fight our battles.” There are times that God allows men to have their own way, so that a lesson may be learned.

While there are a number of lessons we can draw from this passage of Scripture, I want to focus on the simple fact that God "hearkened to the voice of the people".

Our nation has also rejected God in some ways. But I will never let someone tell me we have rejected Him entirely - mainly because of a remnant of true believers. There are many fighting to keep God in our lives, to keep Him at the heart of our government. We strive to keep righteousness in our nation. And regardless of what liberal media tries to tell us, or make us believe, statistics prove we are still a right of center nation.

We are in a different place as Christians, than the people of Israel in the days of Samuel, but we also want a King; we are soon ready for our King: the King of Glory! Our hearts cry out for Him in these perilous days.  We grow weary of all we see and hear. We grow weary of our choices. But it isn’t time, yet. And so we continue.

Regardless, I believe we see a teaching in the story of Samuel that God does allow the people that which they ask. I believe it is in fact, the way God has allowed our American government to work, which was instilled into the hearts of our Founding Fathers, and put in place by those Christian men of God all those years ago.

But as we long for our true King, we must remember; King Jesus will return when the very last soul is in the Kingdom.  Until then we must keep doing all that He has instructed us to do.  We must continue in the Great Commission.  For some, that will be overseas missions; for some, that will be missions right here at home; for those able, it will mean financial support; and for all of us, it will mean prayer. There are those that God has instructed to be a “Watchman on the Wall” to warn others the time is at hand. Don’t underestimate or devalue their ministry. Undoubtedly, there are those behind the scenes that will work politically to ensure our freedoms are kept so that evangelists can do what they do; so that we as Christians can continue to do what we are instructed to do. We all have a part in the Great Commission.

In Israel’s case, the king they received was not for their good, they ended up with Saul. But that wasn’t the end of the story.  And the President we elect this time won’t be the end of the story, either. If the best candidate is elected, it will be a baby step, only, that allows us to get back on track with our foundational roots; a simple baby step that will allow us to fight the good fight for as long as we are able.  Doesn’t 1 Samuel 8 show us how God sometimes responds to our desires? Let’s let our desires be known first by our prayers and then by our votes!

All of us must be responsible in ensuring our freedoms are solid so that we might bring up another generation of believers. We must protect our rights, and in so doing we must educate where falsehoods abound – whether they be a distorted political world view, or a distorted matter of faith.  We must share the truth.  We must continue to have the freedom to educate our children; we must strive to keep our 1st Amendment rights to share our thoughts and views, and we must fight for the freedom to speak about the God of Redeeming Grace.

We must never underestimate the importance of our right to vote – It is what is maintaining our freedom to tell the whole world (including right here in America) of the one and only true God. We must educate ourselves, we must stay informed.  Pick up an informative book such as Obama’s America the book upon which the movie 2016 is based.  Don’t let anyone tell you it is partisan; it is NOT. It is a book based on facts, and it includes no endorsement of political parties as some have tried to say. Read Erick Stakelbeck’s The Terrorist Next Door. Educate yourself as to what is really happening!

Most of all, we must understand it is going to take a whole lot of prayer, repentance, and baby steps to bring us back to the place we need to be. Please don’t underestimate the importance of those steps. It must all begin with repentance and prayer. And if those two things take place - sincere prayer always leads to action - I guarantee you, it will end with voting – the voice of the people.
“And the Lord said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them.” ~ 1 Samuel 8: 7
Statistics show that seventeen million Christians didn't vote in the last Presidential election of 2008! Many "wrote-in" another name of choice, and some voted for a third party candidate though it was well-known this candidate would never garner enough votes to win. All of this was certainly more than enough to turn the tide in the last election. It would seem to me, the Christian who holds the Truth is responsible more than any other, when things go awry.   
"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” ~ 2 Chronicles 7:14

Faith and Freedom Coalition Message - Interesting points made here and an aid to help get out the vote.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Hal Lindsey Report - August 17th, 2012

August 17th, 2012

This week on 'The Hal Lindsey Report'

When the Lord called me to the prophetic ministry many decades ago, I knew that while the "big news" was the Good News, it would be carried in on ever-increasing waves of bad news.

The "big news" is that Jesus Christ is coming back and He's coming back soon. I believe that the Bible indicates that many of those of the generation that saw Israel become a nation in 1948 will still be alive at the coming of the Lord.  That's the Good News.

But I've reached the conclusion that we're in the final days of the Church Age by watching the onrush of the "signs of the times" as detailed by Jesus Himself -- all of which are "bad news" events.  Of course, these include things like earthquakes, famines, plagues, global weather pattern changes, ethnic strife, hot wars, cold wars, and the global rejection of Biblical truth.

But unfolding Bible prophecy is not all "doom and gloom."  It's a little like having major surgery.  You know it's necessary and when it's over you'll be much better off, but, still, you know it's going to hurt.  We know that what awaits the child of God on the other side of this life will be worth all of the sacrifice and discomfort that is hurtling toward us.

Because time is short and there is so much to lose, God called "watchmen" to sit on the wall, as it were, watch for approaching danger, and, when they spot it, sound the alarm to warn the oblivious townsmen, the blissfully ignorant.

There is a special crown -- or reward -- promised to those who answer the calling and faithfully warn those around them that, according to the "signs of the times," Jesus Christ's return is fast approaching. 

I know that many of you are called of God to be "watchmen" in these last days.  Don't make light of that burden you carry.  It's important that the blissfully ignorant hear and are stirred from their apathy.  It may not be pleasant to sometimes be considered the bearer of bad tidings.  It may be frustrating, even frightening, but God knew you could handle it.  That's why He called you.

Be like Moses, whom God said chose to "endure ill-treatment" because he considered the "reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt; for he was looking to the reward."  (Hebrews 11:24-26)

And what is it that the Church -- or all true believers -- is watching and preparing for?  The "Blessed Hope" that the Apostle Paul describes in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.  Someday soon, Jesus Christ is going to leave heaven and call for those who are watching for His return to leave this earth and meet Him in the air.  This even includes those who have died during this Church Age.

According to Paul, when Christ calls us, those believers who have died will be resurrected and those of us still alive will be instantly transformed from mortal to immortal.  We'll all join Him in the air between heaven and earth and be swept into heaven with our Savior.

Those who are left behind will be the ones who experience the "Day of the Lord," which begins with the great Tribulation.  You don't want anyone you know or love to be in that number.  And God doesn't, either.  That's why He needs you to sound the alarm as a "watchman."

And how do you make certain you're ready to experience the "Blessed Hope" and miss the "Day of the Lord?"  Simple. 

Recognize that you're a sinner who has fallen short of the standard that God has set.  (Every human being has!)  Confess your sinfulness and ask God to forgive you.  Accept the free gift of pardon that Jesus Christ purchased for you with His atoning death on the Cross.  Believe God's promise ("...whosoever believes in Him shall not die but have everlasting life." - John 3:16) and receive His pardon in your heart.  Then ask God to make of you what He wants you to be.  Thank Him for giving you eternal life with Him.

You are now a part of God's forever family and have just changed your eternal destiny.  Now, you are one of those watching for the "Blessed Hope."

Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, Inspiration Network, CPM Network, various local stations, or Please check your local listings.                                      

    God Bless,   
        Hal Lindsey

Friday, August 24, 2012

"Never Again!" ~ Hal Lindsey Reprt 8/24/12

August 24th, 2012

This week on 'The Hal Lindsey Report'

One of the central themes of Bible prophecy for the last days is the fate of the tiny nation of Israel.  The Bible says that it will be restored to its ancestral home with its national identity, language, peculiar dietary laws, and unique religious practices intact.

Against all odds, the Jews have been restored to the land of their fathers.  They have all the trappings of a nation, yet the Muslim world does not accept them as a nation.  From the moment of their restoration, their Muslim neighbors began plotting the Jews' annihilation.

Several times, the surrounding Arab nations attacked tiny Israel, only to be defeated and lose territory in the process.

But it's critical to understand that it's not just the state of Israel that her enemies seek to destroy.  Many of them advocate nothing less than the genocide of the Jewish race.

In fact, not since the era of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, has the rhetoric against the Jews been so incendiary.

Of course, Iran is leading the way.  Most of us are familiar with the calls by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran's President, and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, its Supreme Leader, for Israel to be wiped from the map.  Most recently, that dynamic duo has been referring to the Jewish state as a "cancerous tumor" and "a fake Zionist outgrowth."  Various other Ayatollahs and Iranian military commanders are publicly echoing those disgusting terms and calling for Israel's utter annihilation.

Though the United Nations meekly condemns the rhetoric as "shameful" and "hateful," it does nothing about stopping it, despite the fact that the UN itself officially labels "incitement to genocide" as a "crime against humanity."  (In fact, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has decided to travel to Tehran and hobnob with some of the world's most abusive dictators and regimes at next week's summit of non-aligned nations.  Apparently that "moral authority" and "walking the walk" stuff is considered overrated in international diplomatic circles, anyway.)

This steady stream of genocidal invective has flowed from Tehran and its allies for decades, but it has been ratcheted up since 2001.  In fact, the Iranians and their proxies have become more blatant about their intentions to annihilate the Jews than was Hitler!

You know, one of Israel's foundational principles is the motto: "Never again."  Simply put, this means that, based on their past experiences with the world sitting idly by as first one tyrant, then another, tries to exterminate them, the Jews have decided that "never again" will they trust their survival to global goodwill.

Bible prophecy tells us there will be one more pan-Arab attempt to eliminate the state of Israel and the Jewish race.  We know that one of the attacking factions will be led by Iran and Russia.  At this moment, it appears that Iran and Israel, which intends to defend itself against Iranian threats of nuclear attack, are on a collision course.  And I suspect that collision will happen sooner, rather than later.  Yet prophecy tells us that both Iran and Israel will still be here when Armageddon breaks out. 

This week, I'm going to scoot out on a limb and tell you what I suspect might happen to slow down the plunge toward that eventual climactic confrontation.

Also, when we look at all the chaos, uncertainty, danger, and sheer insanity that surrounds us daily, it's easy to become overwhelmed and discouraged.    In those times, we all need to resort to the "Christian's Standard Operating Procedure."   These are steps to be employed in times of crises, stress, and distress.  In fact, it would be wise for each of us to employ the Christian's S.O.P. every day of our lives.  I promise you, it will make a difference in your walk with God. 

Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, Inspiration Network, CPM Network, various local stations, or Please check your local listings.                                       

    God Bless,   
        Hal Lindsey       

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Keep 'Em Leaning Right

A couple comments on Facebook got me thinking, today.  Former Senator Rick Santorum has created a wonderful site called Patriot Voices. Check it out if you get the chance; I think you will like it. I have joined this site on Facebook, so comments people have posted to Patriot Voices show up on my personal Facebook page. If you are familiar with Facebook, you know how it works.  Anyway, someone posted in regard to Mitt Romney’s Presidential campaign on Senator Santorum’s previous comment about endorsements. Referring to Romney, the fan posted, “Keep him leaning right, Rick! Thanks for all you do!”

I “liked” it! I couldn’t agree more!  What an awesome encouragement! And it is exactly what Senator Santorum is doing. It is what we all should be doing, if we want our politicians to stand up for our standards and values. I have noticed lately that Mitt Romney is now a new member of The National Rifle Association (NRA), as well as the conservative educational group, HSLDA – Homeshool Legal Defense Association. So obviously, something is helping Romney to lean right!

Senator Santorum is also helping elect conservative candidates.  He has boldly stepped out in favor of certain candidates, endorsing those that have policies and ideas that are aligned most closely to our United States Constitution.

This constructive trend doesn’t begin and end with Rick Santorum; Governor Sarah Palin, and Michelle Bachman as well as others, have also worked diligently in this manner.

Additionally, today as I browsed Facebook, there were some comments on another “friends” status that I found interesting. This discussion was about Ron Paul. As is almost always the case, the comments were pro Ron Paul, without actually stating why.  The comments mostly bashed Americans for being ignorant, and not moving to “line-up” with Ron Paul and his stances.  Obviously the people commenting were frustrated, and opining about their intentions to vote for Ron Paul regardless, come Election Day as a “matter of principle”.  

I hate to say it, but lamenting and regurgitating all they have heard about the ills of America seems to be the mantra of many Paul supporters.  Saying Paul is the “only true Constitutionalist” while running down others is the norm. When one points out the error of their facts, some (not all) quite often respond viciously – not with verification of their facts, but unfortunately with more attacks. There have been many times I can do nothing but shake my head in regard to the name calling and negative comments I have endured when I have commented on Ron Paul sites. And I continue to believe that I rarely hear Ron Paul and his supporters ever say anything positive about America! 

After participating in the Ron Paul discussion on my friend’s Facebook page - though no one attacked me there – I really got to thinking. After seeing the woman’s post on Senator Santorum’s page: (“Keep him leaning right!”) I couldn’t help but see the dichotomy!

Senator Santorum, Sarah Palin, and Michelle Bachman have chosen to do something constructive with their platform.  They have not given up on America and they have only praised America’s attributes, while noting her failures with a hopeful attitude of correction by using a strong and effective rule of law.

Ron Paul on the other hand, in my opinion, has done nothing but “stir the masses” it seems. He has stirred up and torn down, criticizing America almost as much as the Obama’s. Many of his supporters seem to be in a state of frenzy with no idea of how to do anything constructive for America. Some take credit for the Tea Party movement - and there were indeed many Paul supporters that were involved with that - but things seemed to fizzle when others that joined that movement didn’t agree with much of Paul’s ideologies. Even the Tea Party movement was divided, including a Paul sect, along with those that were traditional, conservative Republicans. Foreign policy seemed to be the most divisive issue when it came to support for Ron Paul.

Now, as election time draws nearer, Paul and his supporters continue to attack fellow Republicans when at this point in time we should be joining forces in order to generate a positive outcome at election time.

Even the bitter battles during the primaries between Romney and Newt; and Romney and Santorum did not prevent these two class acts from following through with an endorsement of Mitt Romney – solely for the benefit of the GOP!

Come on, Dr. Paul; what’s your real agenda? When closely observed, some of your actions seem more likely to divide. If you are a Republican, get on board! If not, work from your own party of choice…oh, that’s right; you said you couldn’t win if you did that, and that it would cost too much money to try that. Well guess what?  You aren’t winning…but you do continue to divide and you don’t seem to be offering any solutions to your supporters. They stand faithful to you and that is a wonderful thing, if you offered solutions that would aid in restoring America….I will stand with Patriot Voices and others that continue to believe in America and are working to restore America.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What's It All About?

"Is everything about politics to you, Watchman?"

"No, everything is about Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior - my faith. Politics is merely one of the tools I use to help preserve my faith, as well as our religious freedoms in America. Another means would be prayer."

Personally I believe yet another tool to help us guard our faith would be "to stand".  I believe we are to stand against evil in this world. And no, I don't think that is a stretch contextually to connect this to politics.
"Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand." Ephesians 6:13
Too many, it seems, want to give in to the evil of this world...believing nothing can be done.

What have you done lately to help preserve our religous freedom in America?
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ~ Edmund Burke

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Hot Spot

It was a hot, summer day when a friend of mine since grade school and I were on an afternoon bike ride. She and I did this often – not an aggressive ride, but simply a slow peddle through our neighborhood where we could enjoy conversation as well as some moderate exercise. Though we were probably in junior high school by this time, she and I had been friends since first grade. Our topics of conversation often varied, but this day we entered into a discussion about Israel. 

“Jews are a religion”, she said, though I don’t remember exactly what sparked her comment.

I do remember though exactly where we were on that ride - the little hill just before the corner on the way back to her house. I stopped my bike for a moment so that I might better respond to her comment. She stopped then, too.

“Well, yes Judaism is a faith, but Jews are a nationality, they are a nation.” I explained.

“No, it is a religion!” She stated more adamantly this time.

I persisted and held my ground.  “They are a people! A nationality! You can even recognize physical characteristics in their anatomy.  Jesus was a Jew!” 

And so began an understanding for me. Israel and the Jewish people were a divisive topic. My childhood friend and I remained friends, but I’m not sure we ever broached this subject again. But for me, this was the early beginnings of a process that built the framework of my lifetime decision to defend the Jew.

I can’t pinpoint exactly when my love for Israel began.  I can’t remember exactly when I decided I would defend Israel with my prayers and conversation.  As I said, it was a process. I’m sure the things my father taught me regarding end times prophesy would be one reason.  I am confident that  my reading, in 1970,  Hal Lindsey’s book The Late Great Planet Earth would be another. I also know that at some point during these beginning days of my interest, I looked at a world globe. I was searching for the country of Israel. I had become interested enough to want to see exactly where Israel lay in the world landscape and I wanted to see her in comparison to the other countries about which I was learning and which were often making the news headlines.

I will never forget the impact that spotting tiny Israel on that globe had on me.  It was one of those “WOW” moments that one never forgets.  Having learned all I had recently been taught about Bible prophecy and eschatology, and now to see that little tiny country in comparison to the whole world, I experienced nothing short of total awe!  Understanding this tiny speck of land was the place that was causing all the world commotion, while relating it to Bible prophecy being fulfilled was absolutely amazing to me. I couldn’t help but know that if something so small could be that important, then there was not a doubt in my mind that only God could do it.  Only God would!!  I’m not sure I can adequately explain how greatly that visual impacted me. It was just one of those moments that “you knew, that you knew, that you knew”. For a country so small, so seemingly irrelevant, to be so important, I knew it had to be from God. It had to be miraculous and it had to have a purpose.  So I suppose it was then, I took up position on my wall.

Today, it is amazing to me, how little interest there often seems to be in what is taking place world-wide at this time. As Hal Lindsey says: “Yesterday’s prophecies are today’s headlines.” That’s why it is hard for me to understand the lack of interest.

Maybe it’s because our churches have gotten away from eschatological study. I don’t know. Maybe the lack of discussion has to do with the fear of politics.  For me, whatever position a politician took on Israel, would be a determining factor whether or not they had my vote. I even carried that decision to the local offices, taking quite literally “I will bless those that bless you, and curse those that curse you.” (Genesis 12: 1-3) For me, to vote for someone that placed no importance on Israel was to invite a curse….or at the very least, problems. God’s blessing is something to be sought, and we can not expect it if we do not follow His Word in its entirety.

How can something so important be mentioned so little among Christians?! Israel is undoubtedly God’s time-clock.  It is a barometer for our lives – a way to know exactly where we are in the greater scheme of things. 

God intended there be nations. It was God who divided the nations at the Tower of Babel. Though Scripture is clear, God did not like the idol they were building to the sky and confounding the languages was His way of putting an end to it; it is likewise clear, that if not for the division of nations, one of His greatest means for speaking to His people could not take place. If not for the boundaries of nations, His plan to use Israel as a benchmark so that we might know His return is eminent would not be possible.  If not for boundaries, that little speck of land known as Israel would mean nothing.

The Bible is clear:
  • The Jews would be forced from their land.
  • They would be scattered throughout the nations.
  • And they would one day return to their land.
The ultimate outcome of it all will be not only the return of Christ for His church, but also the redemption of His “Chosen People”, the Jews.

Of course we all know that on May 14th, 1948, Israel once again became a nation after 2700 years in exile. Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah and yes, Jesus all prophesied this end. In A.D.70, Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans; their sovereignty lost; her people dispersed. A miracle in itself which should give pause to all is that the Jewish people were never absorbed into any other nationality! The Jews remained a distinct people after 2700 years of having no homeland!! Think about that! Can any other people say that? Doesn’t that cause one to believe there must surely be a Divine plan?! Though I probably didn’t realize it at the time, that fact is exactly why the discussion with my childhood friend was so very important!  Though at the time, it mattered only to me, I’m glad I didn’t give in on that truth. To carry the miracle even further, not only did the Jew return to their homeland as promised, they returned in the exact same manner as prophesied in Isaiah 43: 5-6.
“Fear not: for I am with thee:  I will bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west; I will say to the north, Give up; and to the south, keep not back: bring my sons from far and my daughters from the ends of the earth."
This is all about redemption. It is not only about physical redemption of a nation, but it is most importantly about spiritual redemption; and it is not only for the Jew, but the Gentile - all people in all nations. And in verse 11 of Isaiah 43, we have the reason – so that all will understand and believe: “I, even I, am the Lord and beside me there is no savior.”
Photo from Christians United With Israel

Jerusalem was called a “divided city” by the prophets…a “burdensome stone for all people”.  This has never been more apparent than it is today. It is this very week that elections in Egypt demonstrate that fact as the Muslim Brotherhood candidate –Mohammed Morsi- claimed victory in this nation’s important outcome. It was officially announced just today. Neither candidate is a democratic candidate, by any means; but clearly there is one that would be more problematic for Egypt and Israel. And he just won that important election. For those that are unfamiliar with the Muslim Brotherhood, they are in fact the ones that founded Hamas and the PLO, Israel’s bitter enemies. Just last week an Egyptian imam associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, Safwa Hagazy, stated: “If the Brotherhood wins in Egypt, no longer will Cairo be the capitol of Egypt, but Jerusalem.”  Oh, really? We will see about that!

Yep, this is just one example of how Jerusalem is the religious hotspot of the world and the focus of international attention. Zechariah 12: 2 tells us:
“Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.  And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people:  all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.”
Another wake-up call for us is a story reported just this week, in the Jerusalem Post. It was reported strategic “war games” are taking place in the Mediterranean. Four unlikely nations - Syria, China, Russia and Iran – are gathering together 90,000 troops for the largest “war game” ever in the Middle East. Are we seeing the beginning of Ezekiel 38, i.e. The War of Gog and Magog? This would be referring to the people north of Israel and we know the Russian people are these descendants; and modern day Iran is Persia. Clearly, these nations are mentioned in the Bible and all seem to be in place to come against Israel as prophesied.

Why now are these forces being sent to the Middle East to take part in “joint exercises”? We don’t know, but we do know as Joel Rosenberg recently said to Pat Robertson on CBN a few days ago, that Ezekiel 38:7 tells us to get ready and be prepared. So why aren’t we talking about this? Why do we see so few headlines in the national media? Why do so few, seem so unconcerned. Why do so many prefer instead to hide their heads in the sand?

Something else that has recently taken place at this extremely active time is that Vladimir Putin, the current President of Russia, met with Prime Minister Netanyahu, just today. Putin is the only Russian leader ever to go to Israel. He went seven years ago in 2005, and he returned at this strategic time.

It is reported today that Prime Minister Netanyahu strongly stated that Iran must be dealt with. Netanyahu’s firm statements to Putin weren’t widely reported but on the Prime Minister’s Facebook page, he stated in part:

“We just had the chance to discuss the current negotiations between the international community and Iran. We agree that Iran’s continued pursuit of nuclear weapons is a grave threat first and foremost to Israel, but also to the region and the world.

Israel believes that the international community should have three clear demands of IranStop enriching uranium inside Iran; remove all the enriched uranium from Iran; and dismantle the underground nuclear facility near Qom. That is why Israel believes the international community now must do two things: ratchet up the sanctions against Iran; and also ratchet up the demands that are now being made of Iran.”  

Rosenberg believes Putin doesn’t see the Obama administration as a restraint, and I agree. America’s influence is imploding, says Rosenberg, we are no longer a threat and Putin has no restraints.  America is no longer a threat to her enemy. As we retreat from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, we strengthen the enemy.

A weakening of America, without question, is what is taking place.  Many tried to warn of the folly of telling our enemy when we would be leaving Afghanistan, but few listened.  Public opinion had turned too sharply against having our soldiers there. Americans want the troops out. It is understandable, if we haven’t been told the truth about that war, the enemy, or the outcome. It is understandable, with the way our troops’ hands have been tied behind their backs, while told to fight. What we need is a Commander-in-Chief. And what we need is politicians that will speak the truth. We don’t need Americans that in effect are joining forces with the enemy by stating that America is actually the one to blame. We need Americans to understand we have an enemy and just exactly who that enemy is.

Undeniably, Israel is the centerpiece of the world’s news headlines. Carefully studied, Israel is the nation at the focus of Bible Prophecy.  As Hal Lindsey said in his book The Late Great Planet Earth in 1969, and Joel Rosenberg said again last week, “The United States must decline in power”, for these prophetic events to take place. I am afraid we are seeing the decline of America right before our very eyes.

Because these things are told in Scripture doesn’t mean we are to sit back and do nothing. We are told to pray for the peace of Jerusalem for starters. (Psalm 122:6) When we pray for the peace of Jerusalem we are in effect, praying for her prophetic destiny, which will usher in the return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is also the Jews’ Savior, which they will one day understand.

We aren’t going to change any of this, but I believe as do many, that we can delay this outcome, giving more time to share the Gospel, and giving the world more time to receive God’s Plan for Redemption. We are certainly instructed to try. We are to fulfill the Great Commission until our King returns and we are to be “Watchmen on the Wall.” We certainly aren’t instructed to sit back and sing "Que sera, sera ~ whatever will be, will be". Yes, God already knows the outcome. But don't you think, regardless of all of that, He would simply want us to stand for that which is right?

Many speak of a Third Great Awakening ~ I don’t know. Joel Rosenberg says he doesn’t know. But 2 Chronicles 7:14 says:
“If my people, which are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from, heaven and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

In the end, I believe that should be the ultimate goal…at least while there is time.

In my opinion, Israel is one of the greatest evangelistic tools God has given us. As we see the world headlines match up with what the Bible tells us, it should cause us to seek out what the rest of God’s Word has to say. If we can visibly see that these prophecies are accurate, it should cause us and more importantly unbelievers, to rest assured that what the rest of the Bible tells us is also true.


Monday, June 4, 2012

Not Backing Down

The issue was largely unreported in our area. I follow closely, so I caught a small article in the local paper, and followed through with research to see what exactly was happening.

The issue? The Ron Paul campaigns strategy to take over the delegates in Idaho.
For starters, Idaho recently changed to a caucus state just this year, so this is the first time voters voted with the caucus system.  That was a nightmare in itself, but that will be for another post.

The caucus vote  revealed that Mitt Romney won the majority of votes in Idaho at 62%.  Santorum garnered a few more votes than Paul for 18.2% and Paul came in third receiving 18.1% of the vote. Newt Gingrich was far behind at 2.1%. The vote awarded Romney the state’s 32 national delegates which in this state are binding.

Then came the controversy!  It was reported (and many were aware of this strategy for sometime) that the Paul campaign had a plan to take over the state delegates at the National Convention in Florida.  They had a plan in place to elect as many committee precinctmen as possible, who in turn would be the ones to nominate the delegates that would vote in favor of Paul at the convention. Legal? Yes. Underhanded? I would say so; at the very least – entirely without good character.

Finally, the Paul campaign due to negative publicity, issued a statement that they did not support this “take over” in Idaho. You can read their entire statement here.  That's commendable if it were believable, but past actions show otherwise.

But a summary of their opinion can be read in this one sentence from the Paul campaign:
“Therefore, the Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign condemns efforts to expand its influence in the Republican Party in Idaho and beyond when these activities are couched as vengeful, underhanded, or markedly distasteful.”
The Idaho Statesman had several articles concerning the issue; and though the Statesman reported exactly what was happening in Idaho, some within the Paul campaign painted the newspaper's reporting as unfair and incorrect. However, one can read the strategy from the website of Paul supporters in Idaho, Idaho for Liberty , and it is exactly as the Statesman reported.

At the time I read the harsh criticism of Idaho supporters from Paul’s campaign manager, John Tate, I questioned whether it would lead to any further action. Apparently I was right. The insincerity of the statement is revealed when the Paul campaign asked for more money  for their delegate strategy the next day.  You can read about that in this article at the Idaho Statesman. So much for "commendable".

Another troubling statement from the Idaho for Liberty website reads:
“The issue, though, is not a lack of following the rules, but rather, a strategy of following the Party rules which are already in place. These rules allow any faction or coalition to benefit from a supermajority at the convention. Some Ron Paul supporters are motivated, in part, by the State’s winner-take-all decision. They view it as unfair and contrary to the National GOP rules, which dictate that proportional delegates should instead be given. Santorum’s people had a similar concern. Additionally, with over 2000 voting procedures that go into a party’s delegate selection process some believe it is morally wrong to bind any delegate based on the results of a single caucus vote because it would make the entire process meaningless.”
The Paul campaign doesn’t like this part of Idaho’s legal process which was voted upon this past year. So it seems they are going to ignore it and use this as their reason for “stealing” the delegates. It seems for the Paul campaign, “states rights” is only important when it benefits them!  The Ron Paul campaign is always quick to defend states rights (issues such as the marriage amendment, legalization of drugs etc.) until the state doesn’t agree with them…then it’s unfair.

Another inaccurate statement from that site states:
“Regardless of whether one agrees with Ron Paul’s ideals to restore this country, it is undeniable that he has the ability to defeat Barack Obama, as evidenced in national polls. Furthermore, Ron Paul is the candidate who will have the strongest backing from the entire GOP, Constitutionalists, Libertarians, Blue Republicans, Independents and other factions when running against Obama. As you’ve seen, the attendance and diversity at Ron Paul events is unparalleled. Add to that the support of the remainder of the GOP, and you have an unbeatable force.”

This is unequivocally false.  If it were true, Paul would have received above 12% of the vote through out the majority of the states. He did not! As I said before, even in Idaho, he only received 18.1%! Taking into consideration the totals of the other candidates, 82% of voters In Idaho did not vote for Ron Paul!  That hardly gives the Paul camp rights to take over the delegates.  Even in Idaho, where Paul support was one of his strongest states during the 2008 campaign, he acquired only 27% of Idaho's vote at that time. That was one of his highest ranking states!  Isn’t it time to speak the truth about Ron Paul’s minimal nation wide support?
“A recent article in our local newspaper, The Idaho Statesman (read it here), describes how the Establishment GOP are plotting against and attacking the Ron Paul supporters. We need your immediate help to ensure that liberty has a voice and fair influence over the election process. Please click the paypal “donate” button (below) to make a generous donation to help us win our campaign races across the State of Idaho. Monetary donations to precinct candidates do NOT fall under the Sunshine laws, hence they can be anonymous.”
They call this an inaccurate attack…It is not!  It is exactly what the Paul campaign said they are doing! Using the system to their benefit without regard to what is morally right. They use the system once again, in regard to the "Sunshine Laws".

A quick google of what is taking place in Idaho among Paul supporters will reveal they are not backing down from this strategy. While some of the comments on these newspaper and blog pages are over the top, (as they often are from SOME Paul supporters), the intent is clear: this group has no intentions of giving up or backing down.  To back up what is being said in this article, simply read the comments of readers posted to these pages, and you will see what I mean. Most are out of touch, and they continue to blame the establishment for their lack of success. It simply isn’t true.

It’s time for unity, but we are not going to get it. It seems the Paul camp will continue in the same manner that they did in the 2008 election.  Paul actually endorsed the liberal left Green Party candidate Cynthia McKinney at one point, before throwing any support to the Republican Party. He eventually told his supporters to cast their votes for the Constitutionalist candidate Charles Baldwin.

So if you hate the Republican Party so much, Dr. Paul, get out of it!! You are not helping this nation by your antics; you are helping destroy it!  It is the height of hypocrisy, in my opinion, and I continue to be disgusted by Ron Paul and his antics.


Further Links (Take your pick!):

“Idaho flashpoint”

A simple video explanation of the delegate strategy

The Nutshell

A well-written, easy to understand story about the Idaho delegate strategy