Friday, January 30, 2015

America IS a Christian Nation!

This week's Hal Lindsey Report is posted below. As always. it is timely and true. I hope you will take a moment to read what Mr. Lindsey has to say.

Especially important to me is the fact Lindsey encourages us to understand that America IS a Christian nation. There are many, including our president, that want to rip that title from us. They must not succeed. Read the facts as Hal Lindsey presents them and determine to understand why it is so very important.

Surely there are some things worth fighting to protect. Our title of "Christian nation" is one.


January 30th, 2015
This week on 'The Hal Lindsey Report'
My friend, the late Paul Crouch, used to chide me about the title of my book, "Satan is Alive and Well on Planet Earth." He said I gave the devil too much credit. Paul would say, "He's alive, but he's not well."

He said it in a good-natured way and I was never offended. I also knew he was making a serious point. Satan is a defeated enemy. He's headed for hell, a place created specifically for him and his cohorts. It is Satan's destiny to bow down before Jesus Christ, and to confess that Jesus is Lord.

But, until then, Satan has a major role in God's plan.

When I wrote "Satan is Alive and Well on Planet Earth" back in 1972, college campuses were buzzing with "spirituality." Their mantra seemed to be: "All that is spiritual is good, except for Biblical Christianity."

The Church of Satan had been founded in San Francisco just six years earlier. "The Exorcist," one of the biggest box office hits of all time, was about to arrive on the scene.

There is an ebb and flow to these things, but over the forty years since that time, the world has continued its dramatic move toward spiritual darkness. The secret rituals of yesteryear have given way to a new open emphasis on Satan. A few months ago, I told you about Katy Perry's Grammy Awards performance. She performed what appeared to be a Satanic ritual. In fact, some who were present insist she summoned Satan onto the stage! Today, it seems there's a new competitiveness among entertainers to each be more evil than the other.

What attracts men to Satan? It's called the "sin nature," something all human beings must confront. The problem today is that Satan can be influential enough when he's not seen, but when he's made the center of things, he can be downright devastating.

How bad can it get? In the Old Testament, when the people had turned fully from God, they came to the point of sacrificing their own children to their new demon gods. (Jeremiah 7:30-31) It's hard to imagine such a thing happening in America. But in those same forty-odd years since my book came out, Americans have sacrificed more than 54 million children on the altar of promiscuity and convenience.

Back in 1972 when I said Satan was alive and well, I was right. In 2014, he's still alive and, in every measurable way, he's become an even bigger success in the intervening years. But Paul Crouch was right, too. Satan is a defeated foe. His doom is sure.

Contrary to what President Obama declared in his speech to the Turkish parliament a few years ago, America IS a Christian nation. Just ask the CIA! At the time, the CIA World Factbook gave the stats to prove that the United States is the most Christian country on earth. Now that's information compiled from strictly secular census data, not based on the Biblical definition of a Christian. But it doesn't really matter to the rest of the world. They have no problem identifying America as the world's representative Christian nation. That's why the Muslims see a giant bull's eye when they look at the United States. (And it probably doesn't help when they watch American television and movies and see us portrayed as rich, greedy, lascivious, lazy, moronic, self-centered, foul-mouthed, sex-obsessed, and gender-bending perverts!)

However, as authentically Christian as it really is, America doesn't seem to be present in the prophecies of the Tribulation period. The Apostle Paul offers perfect descriptions of a declining, self-imploding society (America?) in the run-up to the Tribulation, but it seems to be absent from the action of that terrible time. The Apostle John even describes the modern church in his depiction of the church at Laodicea. But there's no America having an impact on the Tribulation scenario. Why? I'll discuss possible explanations this week.

Finally, I'll take a few moments to remind all of us that, no matter how confusing or threatening or frightening the future appears, we are of all men the most blessed because we have hope -- a blessed hope!

Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, CPM Network, The Word Network, various local stations, or Please check your local listings.

God Bless,

Hal Lindsey

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Missions and Politics

“We spend too much time protecting the culture of those that join our country, and far too little defending the culture they have chosen to join." ~ Anonymous

Whether we like to admit it or not, radical Islam is invading our country. Read Erick Stakelbeck; Col. Alan West; Jay Sekulow; they have mountains of proof and examples. We cannot hide our heads in the sand and pretend it isn’t so.

Along with many that choose to ignore this enemy, there is a segment of “the church” that continues to ignore or even attack all things political. This is an extremely dangerous precedent which encourages others to simply ignore what is taking place. It seems they have created a thought that politics is somehow ungodly and a solution for nothing - that the world can only be helped by “changing one heart at a time”. I’m afraid that simply isn’t so. At least, it isn’t the complete truth.

We will never do away with radical Islam by missions alone. We will never win Islam simply by witnessing.  That doesn’t mean we are not to try.  But there must be a desire to tell the truth about the evilness of this “religion” – which isn’t really a religion at all, but rather a political ideology.  Because it is a political ideology that is aggressive in a violent agenda, we must use a strategy that involves governments not afraid to use an equally aggressive foreign policy.

Picture this: You are in the forest on an afternoon stroll to enjoy the beauty of nature, when you come across an injured bear cub.  The innocent little cub is bleeding badly and you know time is short.  But before you can get to the cub to save its life, Mama Grizzly appears from behind a small knoll.  She is intent on your destruction.  She is not about to let you come near her cub.  But more than that, she views you from a completely different perspective that may not even involve her cub. You are there for her to rip your heart out…simply because that is what she does.

There is no way you are going to get to that cub without subduing that mama. But more importantly, your very life is in danger now.  As long as that mama is staring you down, you don’t stand a chance for anything without some kind of protection.  A 30.06 would be handy about now and would probably be your only defense.

This scenario is the same way of radical Islam. Islam is the mama grizzly and more than she is intent on saving her cub/her people, she is intent on your destruction.

This is exactly why simply witnessing to the Muslim people will never work, just in itself.  This evil ideology will never come to an end without subduing its power; government intervention with national defense is needed. An outcry from the people is mandatory.

We cannot continue to wink at Islam and pretend it is something other than what it really is.  We must call it out.  We must strike vigorously and effectively against it. It is time Americans speak up and let their voices be heard. We must change laws; we must have passport control; revoke citizenship when necessary; deport those that have broken our laws. We must secure our borders. We must call the enemy, the enemy.

It is extremely foolish for people to think we are not at war with Islam. Radical Islam has said time and time again that they are at war with us.  It is simple-minded to believe that we need only share the love of God to be effective against this evil. Attempting to change one heart at a time is a wonderful thing for individuals. But it is only a band-aid at best. We cannot change the heart of a centuries old people that have only learned to hate because they follow a false god.  We will never be effective to end this evil, “only one heart at a time”. It is irrational to believe politics should not be involved.  We are seeing a trend in some mission fields that love to put down our government, as well as anyone that has a desire to put an end to this evil enemy.  This is extremely dangerous, as we are losing the will to pay attention politically and what is going on with our foreign policy and national defense. Those that might be opposed to an aggressive solution are merely swatting down flies, only for more to appear. It is only causing more lives to be lost.

One day a generation will look back at history and say: "Why did the world allow this to happen?" "Why did America remain silent?" "Why didn't the greatest nation in all of history not do something?" Yes, they will say this! Just as my generation looked back and pondered the Holocaust wondering how it could ever have happened and why the world remained silent! I am not going to be a part of those who remain silent.

It is my belief this is exactly why recently we have seen a rise in those who deny the Holocaust. "Holocaust deniers" started within a foreign enemy, but the idea has made it to the fringe of America, with a threat to be incorporated even to those in the mainstream. There is an agenda! If history can deny the Holocaust ever took  place, then there is nothing to point back to and say, "See!!  This very thing is happening, today!" "We must not be silent as the nations were in the Holocaust generation!" "We should learn from our past and do something different, today."

Those are the very words we should be hearing on the world scene in regard to Islamic Terrorism. Why are we allowing this to take place? Why does no one do anything? Why are we so afraid to speak out?

I grow weary of those who claim we as individual citizens can do nothing. When was the last time you wrote a letter to the editor?  When was the last time we called a Senator or Representative? When did you dare ever make an unpopular Facebook post, to call attention to an atrocity and evil so great that it makes Hitler and the Holocaust look humane? If we haven't acted, then in a sense, we too, are a "Holocaust denier". We too, then, are responsible for the rise of the evil that is taking place in the world.

Some wonder about "the church's" lack of support for Israel. We see some in "the church" mock this Christian doctrine and long held belief with regard to Israel's place in history. Whom do you suppose benefits from this change in Christian support? The truth is, "the church" has joined the left in their lack of support for God's chosen people. That belief has manifested itself into citizens who refuse to call radical Islam for what it really is. Because of that radical Islam is growing.

We pride ourselves on bringing the Gospel while remaining silent in any movements, or political endeavors against such evil. We chastise our brothers and sisters in Christ, for not supporting missions, when we actually have no idea what they may have done financially, or otherwise. We simply don't like their political endeavors. It threatens us. It makes us look bad, because in actuality when it comes to the political world, we have no understanding of what to do or how to do it. We blame someone for not supporting us in our missions, but fail to see that we give no credit or support to those who are fighting the battle in the political world. "I know better than you", we arrogantly surmise, but the truth is our pride is a stench to those who come in contact with us. It appears as the height of hypocrisy to those who have fought the battle in a war zone, - those who lost their lives; those severely wounded -  and received no voice of support for what needs to be done and the battle that rages.

Yes, the blood of the martyrs is the birth of the saints! Yes, God turns it all to His glory. But we are very foolish indeed, if we believe that gives us an "out" to do nothing and speak nothing about the atrocities that are occurring around the world. We sit safely in our comfort zone and say "Praise God! See what has happened! God is saving souls!" But we have no regard to the actual growth of this radical Islam in America and elsewhere, because so many will do nothing to stop it!!

And we pretend we have such a greater understanding than anyone else. The truth is, in our silence, we continue to bolster those that bring such cruelty to the world. I will NOT face God for that silence. I am a missionary, too!! ISIS is evil and they are coming for you! Hear that message!!! God never intended for us to placate evil, to not stand against atrocities. God is a Warrior, too - the First and the Last; the Beginning and the End.

Yes, even one soul is worth salvation; and we desire for everyone to have an occasion to hear the Gospel.  But until the politics of this invasion is dealt with, there are more that are raised for death than ever will have a chance at salvation.  Until Islam is dealt with by our government, more and more souls die without an opportunity to ever hear the Gospel.  They die through war; they die by suicide; they die by abuse; they die because of who they are.  They continue to die without ever hearing a Christian message. We are dealing with a culture of death.

We must subdue the mama that continues to breed and grow the Islamic “religion”. And that effort needs our attention, now!! Just because we have a God that can turn evil to good, gives us no right to ignore the evil and try not to fight it. We don't get to just sit back and say "Look what God has done." God is a God of actions, and he expects his people to act against evil; not placate it, or ignore it. Shame on us as the atrocities continue!!!

Again, we cannot continue to wink at this; to offer grace; to pretend it is something it is not. We must fight. And we must not condemn those that see their mission as a mission that is just as important as the one that brings the Gospel to the “baby cub” by evangelism. It must be someone’s mission to subdue Mama Grizzly. May God eternally bless those warriors! May their blood count for something, too! I, for one, am tired of seeing "the church" ignore it, pretending they know something more.

We are at war. It is past time we act like it. We must defend our culture; we must defend our title as a Christian nation; we must defeat the enemy that is now aggressively within. The truth is, we must defend the fight in order that the Gospel be allowed to continue.


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Silence is Not an Option

I have posted, below, the latest remarks from terrorist expert, Erick Stakelbeck.  I hope you will take a moment to listen.
Erick Stakelbeck
This interview comes after the latest attacks in Paris, France.  It is past time that Christians finally speak out against this false and dangerous religion.

Remaining in silence and allowing this false religion to continue their actions is beyond reprehensible, in my opinion.

We place many in danger when we ignore it, wink at it, or unknowingly spread their message, thereby inadvertently supporting it. We cannot allow our ignorance to be an excuse. If we don't speak out against a movement that is wrong, then it is the same as supporting that movement.

We are all to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ - to be missionaries, where ever we might be. We don’t have to go to a foreign land to spread the Good News.  We should be speaking out about this before others are misled. I believe we are required to speak out on this just as we are to support any missionary activities. It is, after all, the same mission field wherever we might be.

We cannot remain silent about this dangerous “religion” as they seek to spread and invoke sharia law throughout the world.