Thursday, June 24, 2021

Single Focus Issues and Ugly Truths

I think people wonder why I tend to be such a “political” person. I am sure they question as to why I blog my views, comment on social media and quite honestly make a total pest of myself. Lol I don’t do it to try to force people to think like me. I do it because I believe it creates dialogue, and that in turn creates thought, which will most likely come out in research – a search for truth. 

I may be seen as foolish when I delve into a social media page that is diametrically opposed to the way I think. I comment, but I prepare myself for the slings and arrows, because I know they will surely come. I don’t recommend that for everyone. Some people are simply not wired like that. But I am, and I do it because it helps me form my thoughts and beliefs. It helps me learn how far apart we are from one another and why. It helps me understand how someone can see one set of circumstances so contrary to another person’s perception. I have learned so much when I do that. When I understand what brought them to their belief system, it helps me more adequately explain mine; and as well, have patience with theirs.

Too, I will admit I am vocal because I do have the hope that I will influence someone to consider the way I look at things too...and why. I have simply never been a believer in silence. Yes, I am aware there are times that we must keep silent...with Scripture to back that up. But silence can also be a very dangerous thing (think the Holocaust)...and so I speak...or actually, write when I feel it is necessary.

Something that concerns me at this time, is something I have been concerned with in the past. I have seen this all take place in recent past – think 2007/2008. And just like last time, where it leads is to a divide of conservatives. This movement does appear to have gotten a bit more extreme and ruthless this time around.

There is a faction of the Republican party, that is in fact a dangerous aspect to the tenants they claim to support. They proudly think of themselves as the only “true conservative”. Everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon of the true conservative. Now I am not talking about the conservative Republican vs RINO battle that we have seen since 2008. That is still an issue, but it is not what I am referring to here. For this blog post, let me clarify that when I am using the term “RINO”, (Republican In Name Only) I am referring to those content with the status quo. When I say “conservative Republican”, I am talking about people like me – the heart of the Republican party with long held conservative beliefs. Conservative when conservative wasn’t cool, so to speak.

But I am not sure I have the right title or a correct name for the fringe group that I want to address here. Sometimes they are called the “far right”. But I don’t like that title. It isn’t quite accurate. Rather, many of them are libertarian, and libertarians are far from "right", nor are they the most conservative. Libertarians, believe they are the best advocates for freedom and conservatism. But actually, they are far too liberal in some of the issues they support – especially the social issues and the things they support legalizing in the name of freedom. That isn’t freedom. Anyway, that conversation is for another time.

The fringe group (for lack of better term) I am writing about today, is actually very antigovernment – almost to a dangerous degree. This is why libertarians fit in here. They also espouse a degree of freedom, further than most conservatives even want to go. This “far-right” group does not seem to understand that there must be boundaries and a rule of law that gives us parameters to work within. This group is angry and unsure of what to do with their anger. They are not opposed to a “whatever it takes” attitude. Civil disobedience is their mantra. And yes, there is a time for civil disobedience – when using the rule of law appropriately, has failed. This group is now advocating fighting “fire with fire”. That is, that we should pick up the tactics of the left instead of fighting the battle with honor, because honor hasn’t been successful. Lies, deceit, spin, attacks, “lists”; whatever it takes is their mantra, joining the left in questionable tactics. "They do it, so we will do it, too", kind of thing. Now, some in this group are not as extreme as others...i.e. those at the root. Some are simply followers who sincerely seek and long to get things back to the way they used to be. They are those who see our nation in trouble and want to do something about it, but are not exactly sure what. I don’t think they have considered the danger with whom  they have attached themselves and are following. And believe me, there is a danger.

I think some of the followers are new to the political realm and do not clearly understand how imperfect it can be. Politics in America simply does not work with perfection. It is about adhering to a strict rule of law – our Constitution – with a system to control and keep it. Yes. But in the preservation is where imperfection comes. It is still the best system in the world. But in a demand for what some perceive as perfection, they are going to instead get divide. Whether we like it or not, everything and I mean everything is only achieved in increments. We lose the right to life? It was lost incrementally and it will only be gained back incrementally. 2nd Amendment? Incrementally being attacked. Incrementally being protected. You get it. No such thing as perfection in politics. And to demand perfection is to bring failure. And yes, that's an ugly truth. 

I came across a quote today, that I had shared a few years ago. It was from Dan Calabrese who use to write for Herman Cain. He was speaking of a particular politician who is actually a libertarian (and brags about that) but always runs as a Republican. I want to share Dan's words, because it defines clearly and exactly what I am talking about here. I have left out the politician's identity. No sense stirring the pot too far. lol And I am not talking about him specifically anyway; or any individual for that matter. Instead insert "libertarian" for the politician's name.
"You'll never get [a libertarian] on board, but he's a libertarian utopianist who would rather preen to his fellow utopianists about how principled he is than solve anything, so who cares about him?)" 
And honestly, that is it in a nutshell - the ideology of those who think they are the new face of the Republican party. Perceived perfectionists preening for each other. It just doesn't work that way. We will not have utopia on earth. And the thought that they are somehow more principled is nothing more than blatant hypocrisy. Especially in light of some of their actions. They only think they are the new face of the Republican party. No they are not! They are dividers and they are going to find out that God doesn’t bless deceit.

Interestingly, the nameless far right group that I am addressing in this post, is also highly susceptible to conspiracy theories. If you have seen a conspiracy out there, you will most likely find those from this group are the ones buying AND selling. That’s another ugly truth. Sorry.

At present time, there is a conspiracy making the rounds that VP Pence was actually a part of a ring that includes Paul Ryan to assassinate then President Trump. Yes, really! Come on! There are other outlandish conspiracies that are just as silly, but also dangerous. One being that the White House is empty. No one there...blah, blah, blah. Also, many of the conspiracies revolve around the vaccine. STOP! I am NOT advocating for this vaccine! So don’t let me lose you over that fear and please do not misunderstand me! What I am saying is the vaccine debate is inappropriately being used for a lot of flat out nonsense! And the conspiracies that are surrounding it, are being used to divide us. I predicted this would happen a long time ago – the divide over vaccines – I just didn’t correctly understand how.

Of late, someone in our area was advertising an event with highly questionable speakers. People so badly want to have their already preconceived beliefs and convictions validated that they will excuse and hold onto flat-out insanity. Who cares if a speaker might be of a “new age” belief! Who cares he may have a questionable life style? Who cares if he is dramatic and adds a little inaccurate fluff and deplorable language? Who cares! He is saying what they want him to say. Single focus. Sole agenda. No mention of Jesus and Truth. Just new age gobbledy gook with a radical conspiracy that leaves everyone on the edge of their seats….espousing what they want to hear. Tickling their ears. Who cares!!! 

Somehow these things MUST be addressed, even as uncomfortable as it is. We cannot allow things that are untrue to stand. It is hurting our party. As Christians, it is hurting our witness. This is why we absolutely must demand balance. We have to be the wall of common sense and stop the types of claims and theories that are only hurting our party. We must demand truth.

I know someone who is a strong Christian. This person thinks like me politically. He also has quite an active sense of humor. He works with a gentleman who thinks like him politically, but who is not a Christian. Now, this man (the non-Christian) has heard of many of the same conspiracy theories we have all heard. He has noted, as have others, that it is largely a Christian, conservative audience that buys into these theories. So my friend, (the strong Christian) because of his active sense of humor, has a bit of fun with the gentleman he works with. He will expound upon a theory as if he believes it. He will highlight the really extreme, just to get a reaction from the non-believing associate. Now it is all in fun for them, and the gentleman has learned that the jester is merely doing that...simply jesting in fun. But think of the consequence, if these two didn’t know each other well? What if the one had not learned of the humor of the other? What if the Christian really believed the nonsensical theory? Very probably it would ruin whatever testimony of Jesus, the Christian would ever care to share. Why would anyone trust someone whose beliefs had been proven to be a far-fetched conspiracy?

My point in this anecdote is to demonstrate one of the biggest dangers in promoting things that simply are not true. We absolutely must be more careful than that. Research, reflect, listen. At all cost, seek truth, not conspiracies.

One more thing, we are so quick to condemn, while failing to offer support when someone does something right...maybe for our own political motives or agenda. Maybe there is a single focus issue that is more important to us. If someone doesn't support our single issue, then we are not about to give them credit for anything else they have done...even if we agree with it. That is not to say, there are not times where it is absolutely ok to stand and vote because of a single focus issue. Yes, I believe there are times for that. Jesus would be one. Life would be another. And the Constitution another.

But on the other hand, maybe sometimes we will accept a few distortions, in order to promote what we view as a larger agenda. Basically, this is an “end justifies the means” type of attitude and in my opinion, it is wrong. One cannot get to truth by using deceit. One cannot get to truth by using fear. One cannot see accomplishment by “stirring the masses”. One cannot find success by turning our nation upside down and bringing divide.

People are jumping on this bandwagon of new "far right" tactics (use any method necessary) which will only lead to our destruction. The conspiracy theories seem to go in spurts. The aggressive maneuvers gaining ground. All of this seems to be growing. I have long questioned the timing of these conspiracy theories. They certainly make the rounds on social media at specific times. And people seem more than willing to jump on the wagon because it fits a narrative they so badly want to believe. Unfortunately, sometimes it is the same people who from the other side of their mouth are calling for revival. 

Oh yeah, with these tactics. Sure! That’s the revival we are looking for. (Please, note sarcasm!) If you can’t see what is going on, you are a fool….you simply do not want to see it. It appears some are willing to die on a sword of deception, or their single focus issue rather that stand for what is true. But for me, even if some of it is ugly, I choose truth.

How do we get to truth if we don’t talk about the things that are happening in our world? How do we learn if we do not talk about the things that are being misconstrued. How can we expose conspiracy if we hide from it. Truth – that’s my single focus issue. And I hope it always will be. So I will continue to blog, to write, to be a pest on social media. Because somethings are just too important to ignore.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Who's Going To Fight?

In the past year, we have seen some dramatic changes in the way we live our lives. Most of us have never lived through a dangerous pandemic. Certainly not one of this degree; and for those who have, they most assuredly have never seen it handled in the way this one has been handled. In the past, it was the sick who were quarantined, not the well. It’s that simple. But anyway, as we are settling into the end of this catastrophe, we are better able to look at some of the consequences from it.

One of the things we are seeing, which I feel we could have never anticipated, is a mass exodus of citizens from “blue states” to “red states”. This escape has increased exponentially since COVID-19 brought about the restrictive nature of states that are run by Democrats. As well, I believe the break down of Law Enforcement in "blue states" is an important reason many are choosing to leave the areas they once called home, and search for better ground.

What are some of the repercussions of this exodus? We all know there are many consequences - most of them extremely detrimental to the states receiving the influx of people.

With people fleeing blue states, the massive increase in population isn’t just happening in a few conservative states. We tend to feel this is all about us and our home state, but this is occurring all across the US – Florida, Texas, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, etc. are some of the conservative states receiving a huge influx of people. With this happening, it is increasing prices of property value and in many cases, pricing locals out of the market. In my home state, where the living wage is much lower than anywhere people are coming from, locals are worried about property taxes going up so high that they will be taxed completely out of their homes. Young families will never be able to afford to buy a home or property.

But my question for this post is this: Who is buying up the properties in these blue states that allows the flight to continue? I mean think about it. If people are leaving these blue states, who in the world is staying behind and buying up the properties at the prices they are being sold??? I have heard big corporations are purchasing land and homes and turning properties into strictly rentals. I think that is probably a part of it. But what if there is a more sinister agenda? What if the goal is to diminish property ownership in America? What better way, to turn everything into a rental. To drive prices so high, most people can’t afford to buy. But more importantly to just not let them, by only offering rentals. If that happens, then we have lost something to cling to, to fight for, to believe in – and that is...our home. What if there is no home? 

I will get right to my point. What if it is the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) who is the one buying up properties in blue states, allowing citizens to leave the destruction that has come to their home states and also create destruction to the states they are going. Truly, we are finding the CCP is behind everything else! What if this is just a furtherance of their agenda? Or maybe it is simply those pushing the Karl Marx agenda right here in America, by other Americans. We know that is happening now too - specifically through Critical Race Theory as one example; but that is for another post. I want to talk about Communism, via Marxism.

Now for some, my comments about Communism, which I am about to embark on, may seem elementary or a "no brainer"; especially regarding the goals of communism when it comes to private property. We all know communism is about preventing Capitalism by limiting private property. Our Founders understood the importance of private property and keeping it our own, without interference from government. It is in effect, the "American Dream". But let’s take a look at the Communist Manifesto and the communists' plan, because what is happening in America right now, all seems to fit into their stated agenda. 

For this post, I am going to only deal with those things laid out in the Communist agenda that involve private property. But as background and for reference, I will start with the basic well-known “10 Planks of Communism”. These are easily googled and found on many sites.

Karl Marx's "10 Planks" of the Communist Manifesto:

  1. Total abolition of private property
  2. Heavy income tax on everyone
  3. Elimination of rights of inheritance
  4. Property rights confiscation
  5. Central banking system
  6. Government ownership of transportation and communication vehicles
  7. Government ownership of agricultural means and factories
  8. Government controlled labor
  9. Regional planning – there should be no distinction between city and rural
  10. Government controlled education

As you can see almost all of these planks revolve around the effort to destroy private property. Below are just a few other concerns from the manifesto which can be found in its entirety - again, in PDF format here:

  • The same will be true of agriculture, which also suffers from the pressure of private property and is held back by the division of privately owned land into small parcels. [Really???]

  • A corollary of this is that the difference between city and country is destined to disappear. [They want to see an end to cities and country, but for it all to blend as one.]

There is an interesting statement of faith in this document - at the end of the PDF. It simplifies in “question and answer” form that which is written in the Manifesto. And again, for this post, I have only highlighted what involves property rights. Also, please remember when you read this, this was written in 1847. It is an agenda to make Communism look good – to appear as if it is for the GOOD of the people. We all know better.

A Communist Confession of Faith” From the Communist Manifesto:

Question 1: Are you a Communist?                                                                

Answer: Yes.

Question 2: What is the aim of the Communists?                                            

Answer: To organise [sic] society in such a way that every member of it can develop and use all his capabilities and powers in complete freedom and without thereby infringing the basic conditions of this society. [The Big Lie]

Question 3: How do you wish to achieve this aim?                                          

Answer: By the elimination of private property and its replacement by community of property.

Question 16: Will it be possible for private property to be abolished at one stroke? 

Answer: No, no more than existing forces of production can at one stroke be multiplied to the extent necessary for the creation of a communal society. In all probability, the proletarian revolution will transform existing society gradually and will be able to abolish private property only when the means of production are available in sufficient quantity.

Question 18: How will you do this?                                                              

Answer: I. By limiting private property in such a way that it gradually prepares the way for its transformation into social property, e. g., by progressive taxation, limitation of the right of inheritance in favour of the state, etc., etc. II. By employing workers in national workshops and factories and on national estates. III. By educating all children at the expense of the state. (bold emphasis, mine)

Question 20: What will be the consequences of the ultimate disappearance of private property?

Answer: Society will take all forces of production and means of commerce, as well as the exchange and distribution of products, out of the hands of private capitalists and will manage them in accordance with a plan based on the availability of resources and the needs of the whole society. In this way, most important of all, the evil consequences which are now associated with the conduct of big industry will be abolished.


So there you have it. And I know I keep saying that I will only deal with private property in this post, but there is one more thing I want to mention that is imperative to the Communist agenda, (and incredibly important to me) so I will include it here:

Question 23: What will be its attitude to existing religions?                              

Answer: All religions so far have been the expression of historical stages of development of individual peoples or groups of peoples. But communism is the stage of historical development which makes all existing religions superfluous and brings about their disappearance.9 (emphasis in bold, mine)


I will lose most people if I try to delve into every aspect of communism’s goals. But everyone should read this manifesto - Especially the question and answer section which I have only included in part with this post. Please follow the link here: A Communist Confession of Faith

When taken into context, all of this explains very well why we are seeing what we are seeing take place in our society today. For example, this explains why we are seeing the degradation of women through destroying differences in genders. It explains why religion must be destroyed. It explains why taking control of public education is critical; and of course it explains why destroying private property is central to it all.

Some will find me too conspiracy minded for their liking. But I think this is something we need to remember and to contemplate. Nothing is done overnight, but rather incrementally. That truth is even noted in the Manifesto. Step by step, with patience and time. Regardless if this is a plot by the CCP as my theory suggests, or for whatever reason this is happening in America, it is still resulting in the Communists’ desired outcome. And that is, to control the masses by controlling private property – the most essential property being people’s homes. Who's going to fight for what they don't own?


A small glossary of terms you may come across as you read the manifesto:

  • Capitalism: An economic system characterized by freedom of the market in which individuals and/or corporations own land and means of production and distribution that are operated for profit.

  • Socialism: A system or theory of social organizations in which the producers or the state's possess both political power and production and distribution means I.E. ownership of land, industry and capital. Communism is the end result of socialism.

  • Communism: A system characterized by the absence of social classes and by common ownership of production means [That’s the polite, Webster definition – we know the end result]

  • Bourgeois: The middle-class/upper-class, or the owners of land and means of production. In Marxist theory, the capitalist class. [Hypocrisy much]

  • Proletariat: The working-class; the class of industrial wage earners.

  • Bolsheviks/Bolshevists: Russian word for "majority." Also, a member of the political party that seized power and set up a proletarian dictatorship in Russia – effectively introducing communism.

  • Czar: For this purpose, one in authority; leader. [Interesting to note, Democrats love this term.]