Friday, December 1, 2023

As the War Rages - III

Ok; Charlie Kirk has me fired up once again. I used to be so proud and supportive of him. Those days are gone. And I hope we will all wake up to the danger he is presenting. He is helping lead the media war against Israel...whether he thinks he is or not. Please listen to this video clip, - it begins about the 2 hour 10 min mark, so fast forward and consider this as you listen...

The truth is Charlie Kirk didn't "broach the subject" of Israel having intelligence about the Hamas attack as he states in this video. It was a lot more than a delicate “broach”! He basically accused PM Netanyahu of fully knowing about the coming attack and ALLOWING the boarder breech in order to intentionally start a war! Seems he loves to back himself up in this podcast, by playing clips of previous ones. But he carefully chooses which ones he wants to share. His accusations were a lot worse, than what he shows here. Of course he didn’t re-run the worst comments. The truth is, he absolutely did blame Bibi. By the time I was done watching, I thought he might as well align himself with the Palestinian supporters at the universities! I am sure there is a whole lot more to the story of how this terrible attack came to fruition, (like Israel leadership having a desire to trust Hamas and therefore offering work permits from Gaza into Israel.) but Charlie Kirk apparently just wants to be right and repeat the left's narrative!!! 

So in Charlie's view, all of a sudden the liberal NY Times, who broke the story, is accurate and he will just take their report at face value. (And likewise for The Guardian – also the liberal Axios and MSNBC!) It appears Charlie is just going to immediately take everything they report as fact, because he wants to validate his own accusations against Israel! Has he forgotten the NY Times has basically been a Holocaust denier ever since the Holocaust happened? Does he realize they have never had a fair report about Israel in the eight following decades? So NY Times is supposedly accurate now when they have lied for decades about Israel; and Charlie jumps on this as soon as he hears the report.

I think we can all agree there absolutely is more to this latest story, than what he talks about in this clip, but it looks like Charlie Kirk just wants to be right!!! So he brings it all to us as fact.

Further, he wasn’t attacked by “emotionally unhinged people” as he accuses in this video. He was *countered* by Christian Zionists (like me) because he basically accused Netanyahu of knowing and allowing the border breach in order to start a war! His comments were way out of line. And I won’t forget that after his accusations, he brought Pastor Jack on for clean-up, because his statements were so inflammatory. To be fair, in the unrestricted realm of social media, he probably *did* hear a few people calling him "anti-Semitic"; but that doesn't excuse his statements against Israel. I suggest he toughen up and maybe quit being so proud. Pastor Jack was gracious in coming on his show to help him out, but I would bet my life that after Pastor had a good talk with Charlie.

Does Charlie not know that there are those in Israel strategically working to get rid of Bibi Netanyahu, just as in America the left has been trying to get rid of Donald Trump? The same tactics have been used in both situations. But for specifics, it has been more recently reported by some, that the decisions and pressure by Biden and Blinken have been intentional to help get rid of Netanyahu! Their primary goal is to get rid of Bibi!! Report that, Charlie!! Does Charlie not remember when even during the Clinton years, Bill sent James Carville to disrupt elections against Bibi and they have been after him ever since? Oh, probably not. Charlie was just a toddler then. But I remember!

In this podcast, Charlie brings up prior leaders like Golda Meir, Moshe Dayan (he can't even pronounce it correctly) and Henry Kissinger. Kirk does so as a means to demonstrate that Israel has always had a practice of not administering the first strike. They never wanted to utilize a pre-emptive strike, because the world would surely never side with them if they did. So what Charlie is saying is that Israel forced the invasion, so they could carry out an extermination of Hamas. That kind of accusation should infuriate anyone who claims to be a supporter of Israel.

We all have learned to love and trust Charlie Kirk; and Turning Point, USA has done a multitude of good things, so we probably don’t really listen carefully to what he is actually implying. But we shouldn’t simply take what he says at face value, because we agree with him on other issues. Listen to his implications and insinuations. Listen to his tone and the words he uses as he discusses this. Here are some examples:

  • Everyone had prior knowledge about this...I guess, because NY Times and Joe and Mika Scarborough said so.

  • Charlie is calling for resignations; or no more funding. Just whose resignation does he seek? What he really wants is no more he can be right about that too. And that is the point where America will no longer be on the side of Israel.

  • He is whining because someone said that “Bolstering terrorist propaganda is evil.” He is angry that someone called him “evil” for that… Well guess what, Charlie? Bolstering terrorist propaganda IS evil and that is exactly what you are doing in this video and the others videos that started the backlash against you.

  • Then Charlie confidently tells us: “Don’t worry; a whistleblower will come out with the truth.” But then he glibly states, oh but “the whistleblower will be killed.” Really??? Well that statement alone should tell us exactly how he views Israel. Murderers of truth, I guess.

  • He correctly states Israel was on the brink of a civil war, but then he implies that was Bibi’s fault. He is only giving half the facts on every issue, and sadly it is all the left’s narrative that he chooses to share.

  • He blames Bibi as the catalyst for causing the civil unrest in the nation because Bibi is trying to change their “constitution” in regard to the judicial system. No he isn’t! He is trying to gain back what once was – reinstating the old norm! Blaming Bibi for the national division is a talking point from the left and yet Charlie chooses to use it!!!

  • He accuses Israel government of lying...that would include Bibi, I guess.

  • He uses only liberal sources the entire podcast!!! NY Times and Joe and Mika Scarborough from MSNBC??? Good grief! lol

  • Listen to the word he chooses when he talks about Israel expecting help from the US. He says Israel is DEMANDING 14 billion dollars from America. This infuriates me! Have you noticed how Israel is carefully tiptoeing around Biden and Blinken! I wouldn’t call that demanding. Charlie is so out of bounds with that! It is absolutely not true.

  • And finally, as is getting to be the case with a certain segment of conservatives he gets to the point where he also blames America. That used to only be the left that did that.

  • He ends his diatribe by saying “I really hope this error from Israel came out of pride and ego”...Like that’s how the attack came to fruition. But that’s not bad enough. He then says: “Because I don’t have to even say what the alternate to that is.”- Meaning Israel allowed it to happen on purpose...just like he claimed initially...and if we carefully think it through, we all know that’s what he *really* believes.

  • Oh and somewhere along the way Charlie tries to claim that he actually suggested that “maybe Bibi was double-crossed”. Right. Yeah, he said it – but barely. He said it in the same manner that he said “this was hopefully caused by Israel’s pride and ego.” You could tell that what he actually believes is the complete opposite. And that he just said that as a calming factor to ratchet down viewers’ opposition and preventing a reaction to what he really believes.

  • In any case, Charlie is helping spread the left's narrative about Israel knowing this was going to happen...even now saying he agrees with Joe and Mika Scarborough. They are trying to undo PM Netanyahu, and Charlie is seemingly unwittingly helping them. 

It's deeper than this, because Charlie basically said today that the Israeli government actually knew the day of the attack it was going to happen, but Mark Levin posted the truth on X today explaining that what they are accusing Netanyahu of actually happened when the previous left-wing party was in power. I feel quite confident Charlie Kirk and the whole lot of them will stick to their accusations, but this is what Levin pointed out today.

BUT the leftwing Bennett-Lapid- Gantz led coalition ran the government. Netanyahu was not prime minister. Likud and the other parties that are part of the present coalition government were not in charge. It occurred on the Bennett-Lapid-Gantz government's watch. Any fifth grader could have done a Internet search and learned which Israeli government was in office at the time the document was circulated among Israeli officials.

I am not calling for Charlie Kirk’s cancellation. I am calling for his correction...and that is going to have to come from us! He is always telling us how he holds more strongly to account, Christians. Well we need to hold him to account too. We cannot let him continue in this narrative and still support him. He obviously does not understand “I will bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you.” Because he is so angry with our government, he feels the freedom to call out Israel’s too. It simply doesn’t work that way...especially when one is barking up the wrong side of the tree.

Apparently Charlie can’t see the ramifications of his words….he only wants to be right. He wants the funding of Israel to stop. This will help justify his calls for no aid to any nation. How come we never hear him talk about all the money going to Iran?

The harsh truth is this kind of rhetoric and blatant criticism IS basically an attack on Israel. And he should be discerning enough to know where that will lead - “every nation will turn against Israel”. If conservatives continue in this vein, count us blue; count us as one of those nations. We are one and the same.

I will withhold judgment of Israel and even defend them until I have all the facts about what PM Netanyahu or his intelligence knew….and I will *not* simply believe a biased report from two leftist newspapers and a leftist propaganda television station just because a conservative guru said so. Charlie should do the same!! But he was in too big of a hurry to be proven right. I have lost all respect for him and will no longer support him, until I hear an apology. Clean up, Charlie!!! You are in dangerous waters and your pride is getting the best of you!

Final thought: And what?? It was more important to talk about *this* without any confirmation, instead of the fact that according to the IDF, Hamas broke the ceasefire on day 5? 😡 End rant...for now. I know Charlie isn't anti-Semitic, but he IS being very foolish and extremely arrogant. I will refrain at this point from any name-calling like “anti-Semitic”, but he is looking a little misplaced to me, and I might be at least thinking the former! I am becoming increasingly concerned with certain people that we want to look up to as conservatives. No longer. I am extremely frustrated with him, but not yet “unhinged”. Lol He won’t want to see that side of me. 😁