Friday, December 1, 2023

As the War Rages - III

Ok; Charlie Kirk has me fired up once again. I used to be so proud and supportive of him. Those days are gone. And I hope we will all wake up to the danger he is presenting. He is helping lead the media war against Israel...whether he thinks he is or not. Please listen to this video clip, - it begins about the 2 hour 10 min mark, so fast forward and consider this as you listen...

The truth is Charlie Kirk didn't "broach the subject" of Israel having intelligence about the Hamas attack as he states in this video. It was a lot more than a delicate “broach”! He basically accused PM Netanyahu of fully knowing about the coming attack and ALLOWING the boarder breech in order to intentionally start a war! Seems he loves to back himself up in this podcast, by playing clips of previous ones. But he carefully chooses which ones he wants to share. His accusations were a lot worse, than what he shows here. Of course he didn’t re-run the worst comments. The truth is, he absolutely did blame Bibi. By the time I was done watching, I thought he might as well align himself with the Palestinian supporters at the universities! I am sure there is a whole lot more to the story of how this terrible attack came to fruition, (like Israel leadership having a desire to trust Hamas and therefore offering work permits from Gaza into Israel.) but Charlie Kirk apparently just wants to be right and repeat the left's narrative!!! 

So in Charlie's view, all of a sudden the liberal NY Times, who broke the story, is accurate and he will just take their report at face value. (And likewise for The Guardian – also the liberal Axios and MSNBC!) It appears Charlie is just going to immediately take everything they report as fact, because he wants to validate his own accusations against Israel! Has he forgotten the NY Times has basically been a Holocaust denier ever since the Holocaust happened? Does he realize they have never had a fair report about Israel in the eight following decades? So NY Times is supposedly accurate now when they have lied for decades about Israel; and Charlie jumps on this as soon as he hears the report.

I think we can all agree there absolutely is more to this latest story, than what he talks about in this clip, but it looks like Charlie Kirk just wants to be right!!! So he brings it all to us as fact.

Further, he wasn’t attacked by “emotionally unhinged people” as he accuses in this video. He was *countered* by Christian Zionists (like me) because he basically accused Netanyahu of knowing and allowing the border breach in order to start a war! His comments were way out of line. And I won’t forget that after his accusations, he brought Pastor Jack on for clean-up, because his statements were so inflammatory. To be fair, in the unrestricted realm of social media, he probably *did* hear a few people calling him "anti-Semitic"; but that doesn't excuse his statements against Israel. I suggest he toughen up and maybe quit being so proud. Pastor Jack was gracious in coming on his show to help him out, but I would bet my life that after Pastor had a good talk with Charlie.

Does Charlie not know that there are those in Israel strategically working to get rid of Bibi Netanyahu, just as in America the left has been trying to get rid of Donald Trump? The same tactics have been used in both situations. But for specifics, it has been more recently reported by some, that the decisions and pressure by Biden and Blinken have been intentional to help get rid of Netanyahu! Their primary goal is to get rid of Bibi!! Report that, Charlie!! Does Charlie not remember when even during the Clinton years, Bill sent James Carville to disrupt elections against Bibi and they have been after him ever since? Oh, probably not. Charlie was just a toddler then. But I remember!

In this podcast, Charlie brings up prior leaders like Golda Meir, Moshe Dayan (he can't even pronounce it correctly) and Henry Kissinger. Kirk does so as a means to demonstrate that Israel has always had a practice of not administering the first strike. They never wanted to utilize a pre-emptive strike, because the world would surely never side with them if they did. So what Charlie is saying is that Israel forced the invasion, so they could carry out an extermination of Hamas. That kind of accusation should infuriate anyone who claims to be a supporter of Israel.

We all have learned to love and trust Charlie Kirk; and Turning Point, USA has done a multitude of good things, so we probably don’t really listen carefully to what he is actually implying. But we shouldn’t simply take what he says at face value, because we agree with him on other issues. Listen to his implications and insinuations. Listen to his tone and the words he uses as he discusses this. Here are some examples:

  • Everyone had prior knowledge about this...I guess, because NY Times and Joe and Mika Scarborough said so.

  • Charlie is calling for resignations; or no more funding. Just whose resignation does he seek? What he really wants is no more he can be right about that too. And that is the point where America will no longer be on the side of Israel.

  • He is whining because someone said that “Bolstering terrorist propaganda is evil.” He is angry that someone called him “evil” for that… Well guess what, Charlie? Bolstering terrorist propaganda IS evil and that is exactly what you are doing in this video and the others videos that started the backlash against you.

  • Then Charlie confidently tells us: “Don’t worry; a whistleblower will come out with the truth.” But then he glibly states, oh but “the whistleblower will be killed.” Really??? Well that statement alone should tell us exactly how he views Israel. Murderers of truth, I guess.

  • He correctly states Israel was on the brink of a civil war, but then he implies that was Bibi’s fault. He is only giving half the facts on every issue, and sadly it is all the left’s narrative that he chooses to share.

  • He blames Bibi as the catalyst for causing the civil unrest in the nation because Bibi is trying to change their “constitution” in regard to the judicial system. No he isn’t! He is trying to gain back what once was – reinstating the old norm! Blaming Bibi for the national division is a talking point from the left and yet Charlie chooses to use it!!!

  • He accuses Israel government of lying...that would include Bibi, I guess.

  • He uses only liberal sources the entire podcast!!! NY Times and Joe and Mika Scarborough from MSNBC??? Good grief! lol

  • Listen to the word he chooses when he talks about Israel expecting help from the US. He says Israel is DEMANDING 14 billion dollars from America. This infuriates me! Have you noticed how Israel is carefully tiptoeing around Biden and Blinken! I wouldn’t call that demanding. Charlie is so out of bounds with that! It is absolutely not true.

  • And finally, as is getting to be the case with a certain segment of conservatives he gets to the point where he also blames America. That used to only be the left that did that.

  • He ends his diatribe by saying “I really hope this error from Israel came out of pride and ego”...Like that’s how the attack came to fruition. But that’s not bad enough. He then says: “Because I don’t have to even say what the alternate to that is.”- Meaning Israel allowed it to happen on purpose...just like he claimed initially...and if we carefully think it through, we all know that’s what he *really* believes.

  • Oh and somewhere along the way Charlie tries to claim that he actually suggested that “maybe Bibi was double-crossed”. Right. Yeah, he said it – but barely. He said it in the same manner that he said “this was hopefully caused by Israel’s pride and ego.” You could tell that what he actually believes is the complete opposite. And that he just said that as a calming factor to ratchet down viewers’ opposition and preventing a reaction to what he really believes.

  • In any case, Charlie is helping spread the left's narrative about Israel knowing this was going to happen...even now saying he agrees with Joe and Mika Scarborough. They are trying to undo PM Netanyahu, and Charlie is seemingly unwittingly helping them. 

It's deeper than this, because Charlie basically said today that the Israeli government actually knew the day of the attack it was going to happen, but Mark Levin posted the truth on X today explaining that what they are accusing Netanyahu of actually happened when the previous left-wing party was in power. I feel quite confident Charlie Kirk and the whole lot of them will stick to their accusations, but this is what Levin pointed out today.

BUT the leftwing Bennett-Lapid- Gantz led coalition ran the government. Netanyahu was not prime minister. Likud and the other parties that are part of the present coalition government were not in charge. It occurred on the Bennett-Lapid-Gantz government's watch. Any fifth grader could have done a Internet search and learned which Israeli government was in office at the time the document was circulated among Israeli officials.

I am not calling for Charlie Kirk’s cancellation. I am calling for his correction...and that is going to have to come from us! He is always telling us how he holds more strongly to account, Christians. Well we need to hold him to account too. We cannot let him continue in this narrative and still support him. He obviously does not understand “I will bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you.” Because he is so angry with our government, he feels the freedom to call out Israel’s too. It simply doesn’t work that way...especially when one is barking up the wrong side of the tree.

Apparently Charlie can’t see the ramifications of his words….he only wants to be right. He wants the funding of Israel to stop. This will help justify his calls for no aid to any nation. How come we never hear him talk about all the money going to Iran?

The harsh truth is this kind of rhetoric and blatant criticism IS basically an attack on Israel. And he should be discerning enough to know where that will lead - “every nation will turn against Israel”. If conservatives continue in this vein, count us blue; count us as one of those nations. We are one and the same.

I will withhold judgment of Israel and even defend them until I have all the facts about what PM Netanyahu or his intelligence knew….and I will *not* simply believe a biased report from two leftist newspapers and a leftist propaganda television station just because a conservative guru said so. Charlie should do the same!! But he was in too big of a hurry to be proven right. I have lost all respect for him and will no longer support him, until I hear an apology. Clean up, Charlie!!! You are in dangerous waters and your pride is getting the best of you!

Final thought: And what?? It was more important to talk about *this* without any confirmation, instead of the fact that according to the IDF, Hamas broke the ceasefire on day 5? 😡 End rant...for now. I know Charlie isn't anti-Semitic, but he IS being very foolish and extremely arrogant. I will refrain at this point from any name-calling like “anti-Semitic”, but he is looking a little misplaced to me, and I might be at least thinking the former! I am becoming increasingly concerned with certain people that we want to look up to as conservatives. No longer. I am extremely frustrated with him, but not yet “unhinged”. Lol He won’t want to see that side of me. 😁

Friday, November 24, 2023

As The War Rages Continued

This video with Pastor Jack Hibbs (Calvary Chapel Chino Hills) and Amir Tsarfati (Founder of Behold Israel) is from about 4 weeks ago. I wish I would have shared it then, because there is so much good information. Regardless of my slight, the information is timeless. This is *exactly* what I believe, and Pastor Jack and Amir demonstrate so well why it is so important to stand with Israel.

We were warned early on that once this war got full swing, we would start seeing that US support would change from Israel, to demonizing them. We knew that we would see an all out effort to change the narrative to instead call a for support of the "Palestinians". Well, that didn't take long. And it really shouldn't come as a surprise. I did have one surprise, however, and that was of a negative response to Israel among people that should know better.
I've become frustrated lately with even people on the conservative side, because they, too, are aligning with leftists in the way they view our support for Israel, or lack of it. I'm talking about Tucker Carlson, Candace Owens, and even Charlie Kirk. I think the catalyst for this lack of support originated with everyone's almost-idol, Tucker Carlson. It comes from a belief that they are only putting "America First". And also, that we shouldn't be involved in foreign wars. What they fail to realize is, this *isn't* a foreign war. This is, as PM Netanyahu has said on multiple occasions, our war too! We are the "Big Satan", after all, and Israel only the "Little Satan". Further, Tucker's anti-war, pacifist beliefs certainly don't help.

Charlie Kirk strongly believes he is pro-Israel, but he recently made very troubling statements regarding that tiny nation. He did some cleanup (in my opinion) with Pastor Jack Hibbs, so I'm going to let that go for now (I think Pastor Jack Hibbs probably set him straight). And I also already explained his statements in my previous post here. But I want to focus on Candace Owens for just a bit, as she has recently been in the spotlight for her troubling views. Even the David Horowitz Foundation, who basically gave her her start, has had to denounce her. I'm very disappointed in her and I will admit a bit surprised. She has recently shown what I believe to be her true colors, and she cannot be excused from criticism, just because she's a conservative.
This is how Candace Owens lost me forever:
  • *Referred to Israel as a nation committing genocide; then tried to deny it, doing what I believe was some "cleanup" on Tucker Carlson's podcast. It didn't work for me.
  • *Candace basically threw anti-Semitic comments (well-known slurs) at Ben Shapiro, thrusting her Biblical sword into his side and then twisting it.
  • *She ignorantly stated that Israel keeps Muslims in state relegated "quarters"...instead of researching and understanding there are 4 separate quarters in Israel: Jewish, Muslim, Christian and Armenian. "Quarters" means where they *choose* to live. No apology from Candace for implying Israel treats Muslims badly.
  • *Most egregious for me, she interviewed Norman Finkelstein! Worse than an anti-Zionist, he is a liar, deceiver and hater of Israel! There are some people that one just shouldn't give a voice to, allowing them to spread their corrupt, evil and dangerous message. This was the last straw for me and Candace is without excuse. Her statements and actions regarding Israel are more closely aligned to those of "The Squad" than a Christian conservative.
  • *No apology for any of these things.
But anyway, I only express this now, because we need to know exactly where we stand with people we follow and/or even put on a pedestal. They are influencing us. They are influencing America. They gain our support and trust in one way and then they have another view about something else that causes extremely dangerous harm. One can be right about one thing, (even most things!) and be dead wrong about another. We shouldn't give any one our undying support and then follow them into the pit of hell. Anything clearly laid out in Scripture, cannot be left uncorrected, if someone is trying to draw us into a wrong belief. Our support of Israel is one of those things. (Genesis 12:3)
These people with such a large platform influence all of America with what they believe. Some people will just follow them blindly, because they have gained conservatives' trust. We already know the left and most Democrats (I am talking political leadership, not private citizens) do not stand with Israel. Many have a completely different view of the wars taking place there. We expect that of them. But to see conservatives join the same refrain is deeply troubling and needs to be brought out in the open.
These conservatives, if we are not careful, will be the voice that brings the fulfillment of the Bible verse that "every nation will turn against Israel". (Zechariah 12:3 and Chapter 14) The left is already there. *Someone* must bring the right to an anti-Israel view, and then prophecy will be fulfilled completely. We need to be obedient to Scripture and not allow that to happen. These people on the right which I have mentioned, (along with the left) are helping usher in Armageddon when they malign Israel and do not give proper support. We need to be sure we understand that fact and hopefully correct them...even if they otherwise think like us.

I believe now that there has been a cease-fire (even if they don't call it that) that once the hostages are released and the cease-fire is over, the negative reporting about Israel will become even greater and even more belligerent towards them.
If you find yourself confused as to why we should support Israel please listen to this video. It is about 1hour and 42 minutes in length, but will bring clarity to the entire situation.
Happening Now with Pastor Jack and Amir Tsarfati

Thursday, November 16, 2023

As the War Rages

Conservative Feud

So apparently now, there is a rift between Candace Owens and her boss, Ben Shapiro.

I found this article interesting, because I have been thinking the same thing for sometime. Please read it when you have a moment. It also mentions Tucker Carlson, stating Owens and he are fairly well aligned in their view of this war. I have been frustrated with Tucker Carlson for quite a while now and becoming more and more frustrated with Charlie Kirk and Candace OwensI know they have long been among our favorite pundits, but in my view, some of their recent statements regarding Israel, concern me...and that is independently of anything I have read. I thought it long before, I ever read it. This article and the recent dust up only gave me courage to *say* it.   

Tucker, Charlie, Candace, Rand Paul, Tulsi Gabbard, Glenn Greenwald, Col. Doug Macgregor, Vivek Ramaswamy, all hold the same view. That is that the United States has no place involving ourselves in this war. No, I certainly don't think any of them are anti-Semitic, or that they deserve that label; it is unfortunate that things always seem to come to that kind of rhetoric. But, honestly, I don't think any of them get it. None of them! They have all made thinly veiled criticisms of Israel ever since this war started, (some before). But they all know they have to be very careful, because the majority of their supporters and followers are fiercely behind Israel. Charlie, especially, has found himself between a rock and a hard place, because he has always believed himself to be one who stands with Israel. He risks looking like a hypocrite, if he condones giving aid to Israel after being so vocal against funding Ukraine. But it's easy; they are two completely different wars. And only one of those nations is commanded in Scripture for us to bless through our prayers, tangibly and morally as well.

I think the comment that started everything with Charlie was when he basically accused PM Bibi Netanyahu, or at least Israeli leadership, of intentionally allowing Hamas to breach the Israeli border because Bibi wanted a war! What a dirty thing to say! The truth is, they were caught off guard. Israel was trying to work toward a little trust with a new leader. They were allowing Palestinians to come across the border for work. You can read about that here. Charlie could have known, if he did proper research. He adamantly stated he had a right to know what happened! Sorry, brother, no you don’t! Five days after the attack, there was information revealed in articles such as this one. It explains exactly, the progression of Hamas and how they were underestimated world wide. Plus, PM Netanyahu and other conservatives in Israel do not have a strong majority to effect things easily. The same thing between political parties and differing agendas that happen here, happen there as well. Plus, leadership were all highly distracted by the effort for judicial reform. Maybe Charlie should have dug a bit deeper and offered some grace, as opposed to questioning Netanyahu's administration on their motives...especially an accusation like that! Kirk was out of line.

Then a day or so later, he questioned, (basically blamed) Israel for intentionally targeting a church in Gaza that was holding Palestinian civilians. Well, yeah, that’s what the barbaric leaders of Hamas do - use their own people as human shields!! But to accuse Israel of intentionally targeting a Christian church, is a new low. Again, he adamantly stated he had a right to know and was going to get to the bottom of it. Wrong again, Charlie!! You do not get to know, reveal, or expose Israeli intelligence...or involve yourself in anyway in this war...especially since you don’t support it.

This is around the same time Candace tweeted that no nation gets to cause genocide -“no government anywhere has a right to commit a genocide, ever.” Again, this was absolutely appalling to me. We all knew she was referring to Israel, though she later tried to deny that and also do some clean-up. Cowards that they both are! Just own it! Or apologize, neither of which either one of them did. Oh, except just a little clean-up; they probably remembered who their base is. Pro-Israel supporters!!! But the clean-up was without apology

I think I am one that is done with both of them. I do believe we should be able to agree with some issues someone supports while disagreeing with them on other issues, but I think this was a step too far for me.

After Charlie Kirk’s comments created some back-lash, he quickly invited Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa on his show. It was a smart thing to do for clean-up and to ensure us he is still very much pro-Israel. To Pastor Jack’s credit, he came as pastor and friend; but I am pretty sure, he set Charlie straight on some things and told him to be more careful next time. I think if Pastor did lecture him, Charlie would take it to heart.

Next, came the war between Candace and Ben Shapiro with which I began this article. Ben rightly took offence to Candace’s comment about genocide. And he was video taped saying he thought it was disgraceful and that she doesn’t know as much as she thinks she does about Israel. I agree. That is when Candace threw Bible verses back in his face...quoting verses from Matthew 5 and 6 and in a final tweet, posted “Christ is King”.

I didn’t understand it in it’s entirety, initially; but after a little research I realized the comment, “Christ is King”, that she made to Ben, is a slur to a Jew and viewed as an attack. It goes back to the days of the Holocaust. I hadn’t thought it through entirely. Of course it would be a slur! And that must have been what Candace Owens meant in her public argument with Ben Shapiro. Pretty low! There were other Jewish people that responded, “I know what Candace meant.” That is what caused me to research, and I am glad I did. So when she claims none of her comments were an affront to Jews….well let’s just say she has a little work to do. To say “Christ is King” in that manner is offensive to a Jew because that is not what they believe. Of course He is King!!! To all people and nations! But all of those people do not have understanding yet. It would be okay to say those words to a Jew in a loving manner, to try to bring them into the Kingdom. And it is ok to always stand for truth and uphold ones convictions. But it is most certainly not okay to throw those words into the face of another, in the manner Candace did. It is disgraceful! And Jesus would not approve. So very sad that Candace stooped to this level.

Would it be wrong of me to question whether or not Candace is even a Christian as she claims, because I do have that question. “By their fruits will you know them.” I am smelling a bit of rot. To be more kind, I believe both Candace and Tucker (and maybe even Charlie) are new Christians and they have a lot to learn if they are not too prideful to do so.

Not that anybody needs to hear my view, but I'm really getting tired of the view that America should not be involved in this war. It is a rare view, as opposed to the war in Ukraine, but the people I have mentioned thus far, all hold to it. The three main people I am addressing here, have really become a thorn in my side. They have all become very arrogant with their fame, in my opinion. I think we should observe these people carefully and check ourselves before just automatically believing they are correct about everything they say. They are all very influential. And they *will* influence the next President of the United States. That could be very dangerous for us if we ever determine we are justified in leaving Israel. I think it's sad. But we know from Scripture that eventually every nation will turn against God's chosen people. I will not be one. I can talk tough too...just like Candace...maybe she too needs a nudge in the right direction from someone like Pastor Jack.

More Important Than It May Seem

I think Tucker Carlson, Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk are all trying to make their positions regarding "America First" and now Israel seem as though President Trump's views are the same as their own. They are NOT the same. President Trump did more for Israel than any other President in my life time. While these three claim they support Israel, they do not seem to understand the old adage "Put your money where your mouth is." If President Trump was still in office, he would ensure Israel receive our aid. And he would not hesitate to bring fire on our enemies if they stepped too far. That's why there were no wars during his administration! Tucker is a pacifist at all costs and I am not sure he understands fighting for anything; and that sometimes there is simply no other choice. I truly don't believe he understands "peace through strength". And neither of these three want any aid given to Israel. Candace made that clear when in her interview with Tucker, she said Thomas Massie was one of the people she admires. Thomas Massie is the only Republican in the House that voted with Democrats against giving any aid to Israel, even in a stand alone bill. That should tell us exactly where Candace stands, even though she basically tries to hide it.

But anyway, what these three are saying *is* different than Trump, but they *do* have his ear. And one thing I have always said about Trump he *listens* to what others say. They will be an influence on our nation, if we don't stop to think about what they are saying, and demand a correction from them.

They are seen as being strong Trump supporters (I am not so sure about that... especially in Tucker's case.) So what that results in is people believe Trump holds the same view as these guys! People are all over X saying this is why we shouldn't support Trump. They are equating Trump with these same positions. That's why their stance is so dangerous! Trump is pro-Israel, and very anti-war, but that doesn't mean he won't fight if necessary. And yes, what people say on social media matters! Why do you think they tried so hard to shut conservatives down last election?? It matters!!

It doesn't have to be a difficult decision as to where our allegiance should lie! What is so hard to understand about Genesis 12:3? "I will bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you." That *IS* putting America first! We want to receive God’s blessings! That is how we became a super power, in the first place!

Some Facts

Listen carefully to the Tucker and Candace interview, that I mentioned earlier. I think it is Episode 39 of “Tucker on X”. They are trying to walk a thin line, because they don't want to rile their supporters, but they truly don't get it. And Candace, and some of her supporters, are mischaracterizing the situation with Ben Shapiro; even twisting it to be about her faith as opposed to his faith. It wasn't! It all started with the comment she made on X that left many to believe she was saying "[Israel] is committing genocide." Implied, but I understood it that way too. And I was furious. The whole world understood it the same way! And you can read about why in this article. When Candace realized people were upset, she had clean up to do.

That's what I believe the interview with Tucker was supposed to accomplish. Candace took the opportunity to explain that just because she tweeted Bible verses, doesn’t mean it was about Ben, like people were claiming on X. She claimed he was egotistical to believe such a thing. Uh, yeah it was about Ben and it was a direct hit! She knew exactly what she was doing, and she is using the Tucker interview for clean up and counting on people not understanding that what she posted on X was a racial slur and a belligerent attack. She is now saying no, it wasn’t for clean-up, that this interview was planned a couple weeks in advance. Well, so. That doesn’t mean they didn’t change the planned content. They most certainly did. And Tucker tried to make Candace the victim.

In another podcast, she stated Muslims were “quartered in Israel” as if they weren’t allowed to be anywhere else and in Israel is keeping them in some isolated, state restricted camp. She didn’t understand it meant they are together where they want to reside together as a group. There are four quarters in Israel, Jews, Armenian, Muslims, and Christians. “Muslims being quartered” is the comment Ben was referring to when he said in so many words that she knew nothing about Israel and displayed faux sophistication regarding Israel. He is right. She has a lot to learn about Israel and the Bible. We all do!

Tucker begins his interview trying to be sure we all know Candace is a loving mom who cherishes her family. Well yeah, we knew that. You won’t get an argument from me there. But neither do I need to be played. The interview is designed, intentional persuasion. Tucker reminds us of prior situations where he is trying to prove to us all the times Candace was right. Highlighting all the subjects that conservatives are so sensitive about and have always approved of her positions. He was trying to make us believe that if she was right about all of these situations, than obviously she is right about this too. But that is not the way things work. No one is right about everything! You can agree with some part of someone’s ideas and disagree with another. We do not have to be so loyal that we don’t think for ourselves on every issue! They are attacking her “for being right”, Tucker informs us.! She is being corrected for stupid statements!

Then Tucker plays a bunch of clips from leftists which happened during covid and BLM. Those clips have nothing to do with now, but Tucker successfully makes her look like a victim, constantly attacked by people with whom we all disagree. He did a great job of setting the stage making her the victimized heroine.

Eventually, he gives her a chance to explain her feud with Ben completely, presenting a lop-sided explanation, that was in no way accurate. She is acting the classy, victim who is without revenge for the “ad hominem attacks” against her. But the truth is, she offended Ben, Jews, and millions of Christians when she implied Israel was guilty of genocide. Maybe she should have explained that! But no, there was no mention of that. And then she offended Ben and every Jew under the sun with her final tweet.

Of course in the interview, they talk about how horrible it is that some people have been saying “to be pro-America, one needs to be pro-Israel.” Well no. One doesn’t. But it does help to be supportive of Israel, if we want to receive God’s blessings. Apparently, they have yet to learn that.

And certainly there was no mention of Candace’s return fire to Ben using Bible verses and a well-known racial slur. I now know what she meant, too! And so does Ben, of course. Ben was not making it about her faith, or for posting Bible verses as she and others claimed. He was talking about her racial slur directed at him that “Christ is King”! And yet in the interview, they call others “radical"!!! I am furious that I have to use that phrase as something negative in order to explain what happened. But it is needed for others to understand how this would offend a Jewish man. I want to forever proclaim “Jesus Christ is King”! But may I never do it to intentionally stab a sword into the side of a Jew and then twist it. That’s exactly what she did.

They end the interview of course by bringing up President Trump reminding us  how all of DC is against Trump. But that’s the bait that everyone knows is needed to keep conservatives following them... “See! We support Trump”, has long been used to keep everyone knowing that everything is ok. “You can trust us.” Everyone knows they have to be on Trump’s side to win conservative support. That’s just a fact. These three especially know it. That is who their supporters are, and that is why they try to be so careful walking a very thin fence-line. They are going to have to convince me.

Most people that follow Tucker are not even going to be aware of what the issue really was, because Candace and Tucker didn’t really go into it. One could basically say they hid it. Candace simply acted the victim and like she was above the fray where Ben Shapiro stooped. Many will not even try to understand why Ben was offended and why he had a right to be. Candace totally avoided commenting on what she had said that upset people. She ignored or tried to hide what the issue was really all about.

And now, again today, a video clip has come out with a new interview with Charlie Kirk. They have totally misconstrued absolutely everything that actually happened. In this interview, there was a mention of the Bible verses without a mention of the racial slur. No mention of the controversy over her comment about genocide. They are trying to sweep it all under the rug. They even highlighted the post with a title that states Ben is calling for her resignation. I didn’t see him doing that! I did see him say in so many words, if she is so unhappy, then quit. I agree.

It will all probably blow over and everything will be fine. But it is not fine for me. I want people to be completely aware of these pundits’ positions until they change them, or until they decide their base is more important than their own radical views. Sadly, I think they are the ones that have become the radical agents. 


  • I almost hate to share this article, because I have never been 100% behind Erick Erickson, but he is right about this. And he makes clear some failures from Turning Point, USA; and I agree with him.

  • These articles relate more to US failures than Israel's, but very interesting read.

Interesting reading from Mike Huckabee I

Interesting reading from Mike Huckabee II

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Israel, O Israel

The campaign in media against Israel will grow even stronger now. We've been warned from the beginning that the media will soon turn on Israel, making them the villain rather than the victim. Media always have; they always will.
There will soon be horrifying images posted to social media and in mainstream news, just as this article states. And as this happens, Israel will have to defend itself against these mischaracterizations. They will be made out as the aggressor, the bad guy preying on innocent women and children, when the exact opposite is true. Israel has always been foremost in the world in working to keep civilians safe.
Some will wonder how in the world could this war be as gruesome as portrayed. The truth is these are *terrorists* and they're purposefully kept hopped up on methamphetamine to allow them to do what they do without any feeling, by a regime who has brainwashed them and only uses them. There have been many reports on the drug that they use. Bags of drugs have been found as proof that this is what they're using. But the horrific things these young men (I am being gracious) are doing to civilians speaks much stronger than any tangible proof like finding a bag of drugs. Who could ever do those things without a warped mind; or the protection of the mind by using a drug that allows no feeling or emotion. This is the only thing that explains the ability to carry out such despicable and evil behavior. That, and it truly is demonic.
As time goes on, there will be even more calls in defense of the Palestinians. But we must remember, Palestinians voted Hamas into control in Gaza. Yes there are innocents among them, but up to 57% of Palestinians support Hamas and are terrorists themselves. Israel takes great strides to protect the innocent. Still, some want us to believe the opposite is true about Israel.
The Bible warns us that before it's all over every nation will turn against Israel. And “every” means “every”. So I find myself watching extra carefully for where that turn in America might come. We have always been so pro-Israel! How could that ever change? Media will be a big part of that change by biased reporting that makes Israel the aggressor.
Obviously views about Israel are changing at the colleges and universities throughout America. They are teaching the opposite of what is truth. And we are seeing the many protests and yes, riots, at those colleges. Among them are students that have no allegiance to America and certainly not to Israel. They should be sent back to their countries, in my view.
We have people in Congress, who have sworn their allegiance to “Palestine” even over and above America. They should be expelled for that. One of those people, Rashida Tlaib (MI) is actually leading the protests at the Capitol. Ilhan Omar (MN) and at least 7 others all share the same belief.
But really, none of these examples are a surprise; none of these are really even out of character of what we might expect. What I am more worried about are those that will turn against Israel who actually claim to be pro-Israel; maybe even *always* have been pro-Israel, but are now subtly and slowly moving away from that support. Some are making statements that make us wonder if they are really going to stand with Israel when the going gets rough. They will use “America first”, not actually understanding the Bible says “those that bless Israel will be blessed and those that curse Israel will be cursed.” So if we think about that, and believe God’s word, supporting Israel *is* putting America first. By doing so, we will receive God’s blessings upon us!
I actually believe the war in Ukraine was a precursor in the way of support (or actually non-support) to the war in Israel. We are all so angry at giving funds to Ukraine, that there's little patience for sending any money to Israel. And some of our most conservative people that we look up to, are headed that way. Tucker Carlson is one. I am not surprised by that; Tucker is so afraid of war, that I'm not sure he would stand for anything if it came to actually having to go to war for it. He constantly uses Colonel Doug Macgregor to support his stance and back up his views. And I don’t think Macgregor could be more wrong. Tucker likes to host him because Macgregor validates Tucker's views.
I think Charlie Kirk has been caught up in this, Candice Owens and others in the mold of Rand Paul, who carefully state they support Israel, while dropping hints it's okay to not want to get involved in this war. We all hate war and want to stay out of it as much as possible, but the truth is, an anti-war position is not an okay stance, if you believe the Bible.
Tucker Carlson has long been a pacifist, as I said, but he recently came out with a 13-minute video trying to defend his stance, while also showing his anger that somebody would ever suggest he's anti-Israel. But in the bigger sense of the word if he does not support being involved, then he *is* anti-Israel! It's that simple. “Never again” means never again!
Charlie Kirk in the past two weeks, has made very questionable statements. The first, actually questioning whether Bibi Netanyahu intentionally started this war for political reasons, by enforcing stand down orders as Hamas came across the border. Who would do that? Anyone who has followed Bibi for any length of time would never make that kind of accusation!! Kirk actually said he had the right to question it! Yeah, well maybe; I don't think so! He doesn't get to know Israeli intelligence!! And it is very foolish at a time like this to accuse Israel's leaders of something like that. The very next week Charlie was stating (in anger) that Israel had bombed a Christian Church in Gaza and he was going to get to the bottom of that! I wonder what he thinks actually happens in war. ??? It's messy and certainly won't be without mistakes; if indeed that attack on the church ever even happened. More likely, it was akin to what happened at the hospital! Hamas did it!! But things we do not like, happen in war! And Hamas does not play fair, all the while using human shields.
My point is not to criticize Charlie, but the truth is he has a huge platform and in this climate of anti-war, anti-Israel, anti-funding of any foreign nation even to the point of desiring isolationist policies, his words are going to be very detrimental to Israel, whether he intended that or not. His statements were more than just a policy criticism of Israel; they were dangerous. The end result is actually joining the ranks of the left with their verbal abuse of Israel and her leaders. Further, Israel has already had to give away some defense secrets and strategies in order to defend themselves to the world regarding the attack of the hospital. They had to prove it wasn’t them, but rather Hamas; and in doing so they revealed some of their equipment and strategy.
Tucker's long been on thin ice for me in regard to his foreign policy views. Now, in my opinion, Charlie joins him. Charlie did some cleanup work by adamantly assuring everyone he's always been pro-Israel, which of course he has. The other day, Charlie took even a more solid step by having Pastor Jack Hibbs on his podcast to convince us of his support. Personally, I think that was a clean up job. But yes, the right thing to do. I'm pretty sure Pastor Jack would instruct him to be more careful next time with what he accuses Israel. And I believe Charlie would take that to heart.
But anyway, these are the things that I think are important to watch. I am *not* saying these people are against Israel, per se. I am saying their statements and their support or their lack of support financially, philosophically, morally, Biblically and even strategically are important. What they do and state in order to claim “America first” will lead to confusion and cause others to become opposed to Israel, if we are not careful. I think that's what is happening.
So people can go ahead and claim their love for Israel all they want, but if they are speaking differently from the other side of their mouth, it only brings confusion to those who may not follow closely. We are in a very anti-war mindset in this nation, more than any other time in history. And Ukraine has been the precursor for that to get us there - understandably so. (This is the crux of Charlie’s problem in an apparent double speak regarding Israel, I think.) The way the war in Ukraine has been handled makes me wonder if that's what the Biden administration’s support for Ukraine has been all about in the first place: To stir the masses, which it most certainly has done.
It is okay to support one war financially, but not the other. They are two entirely different situations and handled by completely different people. Netanyahu is out to win and will! There in lies the difference. Ukraine and all that is happening there is being manipulated.
People are not going to like this, but I believe Speaker Mike Johnson has a healthy view of what should happen in Ukraine. That’s for another post.
Charlie Kirk, Tucker Carlson, Doug Macgregor, et al. lament our being in war because we do not have a strong enough defense at this time, and that might well be true. But Oliver North has laid out a fantastic six point plan to wrap all of this up with very little damage to anyone. Listening to it made so much sense that it just hits the heart as truth and actually offered hope that there is a way out of this with the right leadership!
Getting Joe Biden to follow North's plan will be absolutely impossible; but if we could get normal Americans behind that kind of plan, we would be far better off and and we would be able to avoid least for now. Our fear or even our disdain for a "foreign war", at least in this case, is going to get us in a whole lot of trouble. Media and Joe Biden push that fear in the way of appeasement; and now a few too many "conservatives" have joined them (though they would never admit that) by redefining what "America First" means. The end result of both approaches will have the same outcome - WWIII...though they both claim that is what they seek to avoid.
Israel is God’s time clock for all things "end times". And it is surely ticking. Personally, I believe we are in the “wars and rumors of wars” stage. This doesn’t have to be Armeggedon, though all things are certainly aligned. This is a time to pray, get ready and keep looking up! Our Redemption draws nigh!
Be careful what you believe....and listen very carefully.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Radical Ramblings Seeking Truth


Morning Musings (Or in this case, maybe “Radical Ramblings”. I will be in trouble for this one.)

Tucker makes a lot of good points in this video...especially the point he makes at the end of the video! It is vitally important and why I felt comfortable sharing. But below is my disclaimer and some greater concerns about Tucker.

There is something really bugging me about Tucker Carlson. Honestly, I just can't put my finger on it. I don't even like that I feel this way, because I know he's the conservative darling and everyone's favorite. I don't like being outside that box.

I've watched Tucker since his bow tie days, and he was never the most conservative guy on the stage. I always liked him. He was kind and thoughtful; intelligent and sincere. I really, really *do* like him. I agree with him on most things. He certainly became the Superstar on Fox after Bill O'Reilly met his demise. I am mostly excited about his new show on Twitter and his recent clip of “Biden is No Dictator” was spot-on!!! Humorous while making valid points!

But one thing about Tucker since becoming the big star he is, it has become abundantly clear that he is 100% anti-war! And his position on foreign policy and war is obviously the most important issue to him. He is livid over Ukraine and cannot seem to get beyond that discussion. It is certainly what he talks about the most and he started his first show on "Tucker on Twitter" with that topic. I share some of his concerns regarding that, but sometimes I cringe. I think he's missing something vitally important. Just listen to his first video on his "Tucker on Twitter" account. As he did on Fox, he comes out so strongly against the Ukraine war that it almost seems like he's defending Russia. I honestly don't think he sees the danger Russia presents in the world scheme of things.

To assure us how anti-war he is, he now says he's ashamed he ever "supported the Iraq War". I am sure that is true, but I don't really remember that. Perhaps he did. Almost everyone in hind-site has become opposed to that war. I don't mean when I say he is "anti-war" to sound negative about that stance. We're all anti-war!!! But his position on foreign policy actually aligns more closely with the Democrats of old; and I struggle with that. The pacifist (Yes, I am aware the word "pacifist" is no longer vogue. That doesn't change the truth of it.) view was always the liberal position in bygone days. Maybe that's changed. I certainly didn't see Obama as pro-war. He was most certainly anti-Israel. But it sure seems somebody wants us to believe the Democrats and Republicans have almost switched positions (or rather, joined forces) in regard to war these decades later. Is that actually true? The phrase “uni-party” has now become popular. I am not so sure our party is that bad, yet.

Tucker throws out a lot of criticism in the clip here and below, and mostly singles out all Republicans; or at least more Republicans than Democrats. (He did mention Chuck Schumer.) He is especially hard on Mike Pompeo here. I would like to see the full discussion with Mike Pompeo that Tucker shares in this video. I'd like to see the before and after comments of the segment Tucker shares. I have never seen Mike Pompeo as a warmonger simply because he wants a strong defense. He has always had a very wise and strong position in the support of Israel because of his Christian beliefs. Tucker doesn't get least he has never demonstrated that he does. I think this is why we see the main difference in Tucker's stance and Pompeo's stance. Pompeo is a strong Christian and follows a Biblical worldview. And by the way, Mark Levin as a Jew, also holds that stance. I am not defending Pompeo's sudden turn on President Trump, if that is what is actually happening. I'm trying to understand it. I know Pompeo was loyal to President Trump and a good advisor for his foreign policy. Even in recent days, I have seen Pompeo defend the policies of President Trump. He isn’t afraid to mention the good things President Trump did. He certainly doesn't deserve the beat down that Tucker gives him here. Nor is it accurate. Pompeo is in part, the reason Trump made good decisions regarding a strong national defense, as well as being a strong support to Israel.

I never saw Pompeo as kissing up to Trump. And I'm not sure why he would take the position against Trump now, that it appears he has taken from this video and which Tucker aggressively claims. Pressure? Fear of something that is in those documents that Trump kept? Maybe just a sincere belief that Trump should have turned them in when requested! Let's not forget Trump *did* try to comply, regardless of how media tries to paint it. He had the documents in a locked room and told Secret Service to come back for them. Certainly a tad different than the documents found in Biden's garage!! I assume Tucker's talking about that too, though not much in this video.

I really have no idea why Pompeo said what he did in this clip, except for the fact that perhaps he simply believes things should have been handled differently. There's room for discussion in that. From the clips I've seen of Pompeo, it isn't necessarily a turning or betrayal of President Trump. He perhaps would have just advised him differently. Perhaps it's simply media that's trying to make it look like even Trump's faithful have turned on him. Certainly there's a lot to gain from that.

Tucker Carlson does not have a Biblical worldview. Sorry. He just doesn't. And I am pretty sure Tucker has never had a fondness for Mike Pompeo, not understanding Pompeo's concern over Russia. (Ezekiel 38 and 39) Tucker, to me actually seems innately afraid of war...almost obsessive. He does not seem to

have the assurance and comfort we have as Christians, nor the understanding of God ruling over human events. 

As a side note, I was proud of Pompeo for deciding not to run for President this round. I thought that was out of respect for President Trump. Perhaps not. But I do not see any of this as turning against Trump. I guess time will tell. I do NOT like what he said in that clip!!

What really troubles me, is Tucker focusing on Republicans here. Why isn't Tucker as concerned about the double standard that is happening in regard to President Trump vs Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton? Pompeo has spoke to that on various shows and against the double standard that has occurred against President Trump. (Maria Bartiroma's show for one.) Perhaps Tucker should seek out that video.

Biden and Hillary's offenses are far more egregious, because neither of them were President of the United States at the time they kept the documents (or did away with them as in Hillary's case). Trump has latitude for his innocence in the fact that he was the President of the United States; the Executive Branch is given the right to declassify documents. Hillary's husband, Bill, set that precedent with a Supreme Court ruling as to why he had tapes in his sock drawer. Biden certainly didn't have any right to declassify documents as a Senator, or even a Vice President. And no one has a right to take a hammer or bleach bit to *anything*, as Hillary did! And yet president Trump is the one they are seeking to destroy.

But back to what Tucker is discussing here. When Trump was in the White House, he didn't do everything he did, all by himself. He had some very good advisors on some serious issues, in spite of what someone might want us to believe now. And Mike Pompeo was one of the most important staff members and advisors he had. I just really believe he has a different worldview than Tucker and so it's difficult for Tucker to make the connection that Pompeo has with his foreign policy views over Tucker's own view. He is far too unfair with him, in my view. I really think if Pompeo had a closer foreign policy belief to Tucker’s, Tucker would have just let Pompeo’s comments slide. He wouldn’t be discussing them at all. But Tucker’s anti-war views are threatened by Pompeo.

Someone wants us to believe the "neocons" and the Democrats are all pro-war and all one in the same. I am not so sure about that. Some that are labeled "neocon" simply do not deserve that label. According to Tucker, Mike Pompeo and Greg Abbott would be in that group! Someone even called Mark Levin a "neo-con" for crying out loud!! Pure foolishness!!! An ardent supporter of President Trump, Levin sees Trump's policies more accurately than does Tucker Carlson. And both President Trump and Levin have a far more gracious way of expressing their concerns than does Tucker. When Tucker speaks, America is corrupt and the cause of the entire world’s problem…much like when the Democrats speak. When President Trump or Mark Levin speak, the get to the root of the problem while still leaving the exceptionalism of America in tact. Tucker doesn’t know how to do that. Listen carefully and you will see what I mean. Tucker constantly comes across as bashing America, in spite of the conservative views he holds.

And some how, someone wants us to believe that America tries to get us into every war there is. That we are trying to selfishly rule the world. Or stay in a war because it's good for the economy. Whatever! That simply isn't true, and I just don't buy what's going on. It troubles me. I don't like the way Tucker more easily, and even more often, is bashing Republicans far more then he does Democrats. He did it on almost every show before he left Fox and now he continues in that vein with "Tucker on Twitter". Is that good for us? Is that bringing about a solution? Personally, I think it's causing division and unrest.

I agree with Tucker totally about what he says in this video regarding what is happening to President Trump. And I think he is sincere about his concern with that taking place. However, I think his concern is more over how destructive that is for the nation, than a concern for Trump. And that is okay! That is probably a very valid concern. He is right to be concerned. What is taking place is insanity. I don't know why we are not all irate about what is happening. We should all be outraged! It's Third World stuff. But his fear and continual anti-war rhetoric is dangerous to our nation. He paints us in the same light as those who seek to destroy the strength of our nation. Who will support us when we need to defend ourselves?

I find myself wondering sometimes if Tucker isn't the one kissing Trump's feet, as he projects about other Republicans that he claims kissed up to Trump during his administration. There may be some. I know everyone and I mean *everyone* sure wanted his endorsement when it came to campaign time. But I also think Tucker is doing the same thing in order to encourage Trump in his own (Tucker’s) pacifist views. I'm actually not so sure Tucker is all in for President Trump. I'm not so sure he's "all in" for a lot of things he says, or if he just knows that's what he needs to say to the audience he seeks to appeal...and which he most certainly does... It has gotten him where he is, before his ousting at Fox and an incredible following on Twitter. I do know for certain he has an at all costs anti-war philosophy! But that's the only thing I'm certain.

Somebody help me figure this out. I no longer trust Tucker. I don't like his continual bashing of Republicans and I don't like his total, constant barrage of anti-war rhetoric. I think what he is doing in the constant attack of America is akin to what the leftist do and have done for decades. That is, treating America as if we are warmongers infiltrating every Nation. It's as if he believes we are doing what the Alinskyites have accused us of and tried to make us believe since the 1970 s. He seems to hold the same view as leftists like Jimmy Dore and other radicals of that ilk. Think about that! How can that even be? They call America an "Imperialist Nation" as if we are throwing our weight around the world. That's not America and that isn't a healthy view of us. It's a destructive view, but I believe it is why Tucker so easily hosts communist-wannabe (it appears) Jimmy Dore, Colonel Doug McGregor, and Democrat (though now independent, Tulsi Gabbard.) I don't agree with their foreign policy either! They all leave out Israel! And that "the nation from the uttermost north" (Russia) will indeed one day attack her. Russia now has a strong alliance with Iran, Israel's most bitter enemy... As well as both moving into Syria. Perhaps this alliance needs to be stopped at Ukraine. Just a thought. We certainly aren't going about that war the right way. I'm not saying we are or defending that war as is. And I certainly have no solution there now. President Trump says he does and I believe him. Pretty sure, it isn't the same as Tucker's solution.

In all of it, I think they (Tucker, Gabbard, Macgregor, et al) forget this very important fact. Israel! America is NOT responsible for the disruption in the Middle East, as Tucker claims - even if we did get involved there; or in the reverse, if we shouldn't have. That turmoil in the Middle East was going to happen anyway. It has always been and always will be there, until Jesus returns. President Trump was very instrumental in securing a safety net for Israel. No one was going to mess with Trump. And getting us out of the JCPOA was one of the best things President Trump did. Now look at what's happening! Good grief!

Trump is not in the same category as Tucker's pacifist, anti-war views, though Tucker tries to paint him as such. Trump's doctrine is a strong “peace through strength” stance. Think about it! It wasn't Mike Pompeo that was scaring Kim Johg Un into submission! Nor was it Mike Pompeo keeping China in check. It was President Trump! It wasn't Mike Pompeo sending photos of someone's house, to a nation's leader as a subtle hint to stay in line. It was President Trump. He isn't the pacifist Tucker is trying to paint and trying to influence Trump into being. If it is working, it will only work until he is President again.

Further, actually the old narrative Tucker brings up, that "we knew about the weapons of mass destruction" was actually started by the left...the radical left! And we have all just bought in. But I still don't buy it...that, without apology. I can disagree with my favorite President on some things and still desire and commend him for the rest of his policies. And I know President Trump has commended Tucker for the boldness of this clip. I think in a quieter moment, President Trump will think about all of that and not simply the single issue (war) Tucker talks about here.

I think Tucker believes he influences President Trump. For the record, I think Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity also believe that they influence him. I also believe they *do* to some degree, but perhaps they are overestimating their influence just a bit.

I guess I just don't think Tucker's narrative is healthy for America. I don't think he got the moment right in regard to when he thinks everyone decided to gang up on President Trump. It wasn't Trump's comments about Iraq at the debates on February 16, 2016, as Tucker states here. That is simply Tucker's opinion. He *wants* to believe that, because that bolsters *his* view. He has no proof of that. Personally, I believe it was the moment Trump came down that escalator on June 16, 2015 to announce his candidacy for President. *That's* when the attacks started. And then it became a full bore onslaught 19 minutes after his inauguration when they were already calling for his impeachment - on January 20, 2017. Trump hadn't even done anything yet and they were loudly screaming "Impeach him!" In reality, the attacks were about *everything* Trump said he would do as President, that started the attacks...including his defense of Israel! It wasn't a certain moment on the debate stage. It was *everything*! He held a Biblical worldview, after all. And *that* is what the left recognized! This is spiritual warfare and always has been. And yes you can have a Biblical worldview without being a perfect man. I am not saying Trump is perfect.

To sum all this rant/rambling up, President Trump is not the pacifist Tucker would have us believe, or that Tucker seems to want him to be. Yes, Trump wants us out of war, and as President he got us there! But President Trump *will* fight for this nation, and the nations around the world, full well know it!! *That* is why he is so effective.

Thoughts? What am I missing?

One final thought, since I'm being kinda stupid here today and posting such controversial thoughts, let me just take it one step further and offer a prediction. I think if President Trump doesn't win the nomination for the Republican Party, we will see Tucker lending his full support to RFK Jr. - should the Democrat Party allow Kennedy to stay in the race. I am more afraid of RFK bowing out to run as an Independent. And if that happens, and that is where Tucker goes, that is when I will know I am right about Tucker Carlson. If not, I'll apologize. 

I am still watching him, listening, trying to learn and I'll do a double check on Mike Pompeo to see if he has indeed turned on President Trump. I am just not *yet* buying the venom Tucker is serving. At least not on this issue. I wish him the best on everything else.