Conservative Feud
So apparently now, there is a rift between Candace Owens and her boss, Ben Shapiro.
I found this article interesting, because I have been thinking the same thing for sometime. Please read it when you have a moment. It also mentions Tucker Carlson, stating Owens and he are fairly well aligned in their view of this war. I have been frustrated with Tucker Carlson for quite a while now and becoming more and more frustrated with Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens. I know they have long been among our favorite pundits, but in my view, some of their recent statements regarding Israel, concern me...and that is independently of anything I have read. I thought it long before, I ever read it. This article and the recent dust up only gave me courage to *say* it.
Tucker, Charlie, Candace, Rand Paul, Tulsi Gabbard, Glenn Greenwald, Col. Doug Macgregor, Vivek Ramaswamy, all hold the same view. That is that the United States has no place involving ourselves in this war. No, I certainly don't think any of them are anti-Semitic, or that they deserve that label; it is unfortunate that things always seem to come to that kind of rhetoric. But, honestly, I don't think any of them get it. None of them! They have all made thinly veiled criticisms of Israel ever since this war started, (some before). But they all know they have to be very careful, because the majority of their supporters and followers are fiercely behind Israel. Charlie, especially, has found himself between a rock and a hard place, because he has always believed himself to be one who stands with Israel. He risks looking like a hypocrite, if he condones giving aid to Israel after being so vocal against funding Ukraine. But it's easy; they are two completely different wars. And only one of those nations is commanded in Scripture for us to bless through our prayers, tangibly and morally as well.
I think the comment that started everything with Charlie was when he basically accused PM Bibi Netanyahu, or at least Israeli leadership, of intentionally allowing Hamas to breach the Israeli border because Bibi wanted a war! What a dirty thing to say! The truth is, they were caught off guard. Israel was trying to work toward a little trust with a new leader. They were allowing Palestinians to come across the border for work. You can read about that here. Charlie could have known, if he did proper research. He adamantly stated he had a right to know what happened! Sorry, brother, no you don’t! Five days after the attack, there was information revealed in articles such as this one. It explains exactly, the progression of Hamas and how they were underestimated world wide. Plus, PM Netanyahu and other conservatives in Israel do not have a strong majority to effect things easily. The same thing between political parties and differing agendas that happen here, happen there as well. Plus, leadership were all highly distracted by the effort for judicial reform. Maybe Charlie should have dug a bit deeper and offered some grace, as opposed to questioning Netanyahu's administration on their motives...especially an accusation like that! Kirk was out of line.
Then a day or so later, he questioned, (basically blamed) Israel for intentionally targeting a church in Gaza that was holding Palestinian civilians. Well, yeah, that’s what the barbaric leaders of Hamas do - use their own people as human shields!! But to accuse Israel of intentionally targeting a Christian church, is a new low. Again, he adamantly stated he had a right to know and was going to get to the bottom of it. Wrong again, Charlie!! You do not get to know, reveal, or expose Israeli intelligence...or involve yourself in anyway in this war...especially since you don’t support it.
This is around the same time Candace tweeted that no nation gets to cause genocide -“no government anywhere has a right to commit a genocide, ever.” Again, this was absolutely appalling to me. We all knew she was referring to Israel, though she later tried to deny that and also do some clean-up. Cowards that they both are! Just own it! Or apologize, neither of which either one of them did. Oh, except just a little clean-up; they probably remembered who their base is. Pro-Israel supporters!!! But the clean-up was without apology
I think I am one that is done with both of them. I do believe we should be able to agree with some issues someone supports while disagreeing with them on other issues, but I think this was a step too far for me.
After Charlie Kirk’s comments created some back-lash, he quickly invited Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa on his show. It was a smart thing to do for clean-up and to ensure us he is still very much pro-Israel. To Pastor Jack’s credit, he came as pastor and friend; but I am pretty sure, he set Charlie straight on some things and told him to be more careful next time. I think if Pastor did lecture him, Charlie would take it to heart.
Next, came the war between Candace and Ben Shapiro with which I began this article. Ben rightly took offence to Candace’s comment about genocide. And he was video taped saying he thought it was disgraceful and that she doesn’t know as much as she thinks she does about Israel. I agree. That is when Candace threw Bible verses back in his face...quoting verses from Matthew 5 and 6 and in a final tweet, posted “Christ is King”.
I didn’t understand it in it’s entirety, initially; but after a little research I realized the comment, “Christ is King”, that she made to Ben, is a slur to a Jew and viewed as an attack. It goes back to the days of the Holocaust. I hadn’t thought it through entirely. Of course it would be a slur! And that must have been what Candace Owens meant in her public argument with Ben Shapiro. Pretty low! There were other Jewish people that responded, “I know what Candace meant.” That is what caused me to research, and I am glad I did. So when she claims none of her comments were an affront to Jews….well let’s just say she has a little work to do. To say “Christ is King” in that manner is offensive to a Jew because that is not what they believe. Of course He is King!!! To all people and nations! But all of those people do not have understanding yet. It would be okay to say those words to a Jew in a loving manner, to try to bring them into the Kingdom. And it is ok to always stand for truth and uphold ones convictions. But it is most certainly not okay to throw those words into the face of another, in the manner Candace did. It is disgraceful! And Jesus would not approve. So very sad that Candace stooped to this level.
Would it be wrong of me to question whether or not Candace is even a Christian as she claims, because I do have that question. “By their fruits will you know them.” I am smelling a bit of rot. To be more kind, I believe both Candace and Tucker (and maybe even Charlie) are new Christians and they have a lot to learn if they are not too prideful to do so.
Not that anybody needs to hear my view, but I'm really getting tired of the view that America should not be involved in this war. It is a rare view, as opposed to the war in Ukraine, but the people I have mentioned thus far, all hold to it. The three main people I am addressing here, have really become a thorn in my side. They have all become very arrogant with their fame, in my opinion. I think we should observe these people carefully and check ourselves before just automatically believing they are correct about everything they say. They are all very influential. And they *will* influence the next President of the United States. That could be very dangerous for us if we ever determine we are justified in leaving Israel. I think it's sad. But we know from Scripture that eventually every nation will turn against God's chosen people. I will not be one. I can talk tough too...just like Candace...maybe she too needs a nudge in the right direction from someone like Pastor Jack.
More Important Than It May Seem
I think Tucker Carlson, Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk are all trying to make their positions regarding "America First" and now Israel seem as though President Trump's views are the same as their own. They are NOT the same. President Trump did more for Israel than any other President in my life time. While these three claim they support Israel, they do not seem to understand the old adage "Put your money where your mouth is." If President Trump was still in office, he would ensure Israel receive our aid. And he would not hesitate to bring fire on our enemies if they stepped too far. That's why there were no wars during his administration! Tucker is a pacifist at all costs and I am not sure he understands fighting for anything; and that sometimes there is simply no other choice. I truly don't believe he understands "peace through strength". And neither of these three want any aid given to Israel. Candace made that clear when in her interview with Tucker, she said Thomas Massie was one of the people she admires. Thomas Massie is the only Republican in the House that voted with Democrats against giving any aid to Israel, even in a stand alone bill. That should tell us exactly where Candace stands, even though she basically tries to hide it.
But anyway, what these three are saying *is* different than Trump, but they *do* have his ear. And one thing I have always said about Trump he *listens* to what others say. They will be an influence on our nation, if we don't stop to think about what they are saying, and demand a correction from them.
They are seen as being strong Trump supporters (I am not so sure about that... especially in Tucker's case.) So what that results in is people believe Trump holds the same view as these guys! People are all over X saying this is why we shouldn't support Trump. They are equating Trump with these same positions. That's why their stance is so dangerous! Trump is pro-Israel, and very anti-war, but that doesn't mean he won't fight if necessary. And yes, what people say on social media matters! Why do you think they tried so hard to shut conservatives down last election?? It matters!!
It doesn't have to be a difficult decision as to where our allegiance should lie! What is so hard to understand about Genesis 12:3? "I will bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you." That *IS* putting America first! We want to receive God’s blessings! That is how we became a super power, in the first place!
Some Facts
Listen carefully to the Tucker and Candace interview, that I mentioned earlier. I think it is Episode 39 of “Tucker on X”. They are trying to walk a thin line, because they don't want to rile their supporters, but they truly don't get it. And Candace, and some of her supporters, are mischaracterizing the situation with Ben Shapiro; even twisting it to be about her faith as opposed to his faith. It wasn't! It all started with the comment she made on X that left many to believe she was saying "[Israel] is committing genocide." Implied, but I understood it that way too. And I was furious. The whole world understood it the same way! And you can read about why in this article. When Candace realized people were upset, she had clean up to do.
That's what I believe the interview with Tucker was supposed to accomplish. Candace took the opportunity to explain that just because she tweeted Bible verses, doesn’t mean it was about Ben, like people were claiming on X. She claimed he was egotistical to believe such a thing. Uh, yeah it was about Ben and it was a direct hit! She knew exactly what she was doing, and she is using the Tucker interview for clean up and counting on people not understanding that what she posted on X was a racial slur and a belligerent attack. She is now saying no, it wasn’t for clean-up, that this interview was planned a couple weeks in advance. Well, so. That doesn’t mean they didn’t change the planned content. They most certainly did. And Tucker tried to make Candace the victim.
In another podcast, she stated Muslims were “quartered in Israel” as if they weren’t allowed to be anywhere else and in Israel is keeping them in some isolated, state restricted camp. She didn’t understand it meant they are together where they want to reside together as a group. There are four quarters in Israel, Jews, Armenian, Muslims, and Christians. “Muslims being quartered” is the comment Ben was referring to when he said in so many words that she knew nothing about Israel and displayed faux sophistication regarding Israel. He is right. She has a lot to learn about Israel and the Bible. We all do!
Tucker begins his interview trying to be sure we all know Candace is a loving mom who cherishes her family. Well yeah, we knew that. You won’t get an argument from me there. But neither do I need to be played. The interview is designed, intentional persuasion. Tucker reminds us of prior situations where he is trying to prove to us all the times Candace was right. Highlighting all the subjects that conservatives are so sensitive about and have always approved of her positions. He was trying to make us believe that if she was right about all of these situations, than obviously she is right about this too. But that is not the way things work. No one is right about everything! You can agree with some part of someone’s ideas and disagree with another. We do not have to be so loyal that we don’t think for ourselves on every issue! They are attacking her “for being right”, Tucker informs us.! She is being corrected for stupid statements!
Then Tucker plays a bunch of clips from leftists which happened during covid and BLM. Those clips have nothing to do with now, but Tucker successfully makes her look like a victim, constantly attacked by people with whom we all disagree. He did a great job of setting the stage making her the victimized heroine.
Eventually, he gives her a chance to explain her feud with Ben completely, presenting a lop-sided explanation, that was in no way accurate. She is acting the classy, victim who is without revenge for the “ad hominem attacks” against her. But the truth is, she offended Ben, Jews, and millions of Christians when she implied Israel was guilty of genocide. Maybe she should have explained that! But no, there was no mention of that. And then she offended Ben and every Jew under the sun with her final tweet.
Of course in the interview, they talk about how horrible it is that some people have been saying “to be pro-America, one needs to be pro-Israel.” Well no. One doesn’t. But it does help to be supportive of Israel, if we want to receive God’s blessings. Apparently, they have yet to learn that.
And certainly there was no mention of Candace’s return fire to Ben using Bible verses and a well-known racial slur. I now know what she meant, too! And so does Ben, of course. Ben was not making it about her faith, or for posting Bible verses as she and others claimed. He was talking about her racial slur directed at him that “Christ is King”! And yet in the interview, they call others “radical"!!! I am furious that I have to use that phrase as something negative in order to explain what happened. But it is needed for others to understand how this would offend a Jewish man. I want to forever proclaim “Jesus Christ is King”! But may I never do it to intentionally stab a sword into the side of a Jew and then twist it. That’s exactly what she did.
They end the interview of course by bringing up President Trump reminding us how all of DC is against Trump. But that’s the bait that everyone knows is needed to keep conservatives following them... “See! We support Trump”, has long been used to keep everyone knowing that everything is ok. “You can trust us.” Everyone knows they have to be on Trump’s side to win conservative support. That’s just a fact. These three especially know it. That is who their supporters are, and that is why they try to be so careful walking a very thin fence-line. They are going to have to convince me.
Most people that follow Tucker are not even going to be aware of what the issue really was, because Candace and Tucker didn’t really go into it. One could basically say they hid it. Candace simply acted the victim and like she was above the fray where Ben Shapiro stooped. Many will not even try to understand why Ben was offended and why he had a right to be. Candace totally avoided commenting on what she had said that upset people. She ignored or tried to hide what the issue was really all about.
And now, again today, a video clip has come out with a new interview with Charlie Kirk. They have totally misconstrued absolutely everything that actually happened. In this interview, there was a mention of the Bible verses without a mention of the racial slur. No mention of the controversy over her comment about genocide. They are trying to sweep it all under the rug. They even highlighted the post with a title that states Ben is calling for her resignation. I didn’t see him doing that! I did see him say in so many words, if she is so unhappy, then quit. I agree.
It will all probably blow over and everything will be fine. But it is not fine for me. I want people to be completely aware of these pundits’ positions until they change them, or until they decide their base is more important than their own radical views. Sadly, I think they are the ones that have become the radical agents.
- I almost hate to share this article, because I have never been 100% behind Erick Erickson, but he is right about this. And he makes clear some failures from Turning Point, USA; and I agree with him.
- These articles relate more to US failures than Israel's, but very interesting read.
Interesting reading from Mike Huckabee I
Interesting reading from Mike Huckabee II
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