My Personal View

It is not my intent to change anyone with deeply held beliefs to view things the way I do. It is my hope that those on the fence about vaccines, will read this and look at this issue with an open mind and a desire to find the truth. Science must be appropriated. We must use facts and statistics and we must use them correctly. We cannot continue to allow this important issue to be decided with emotion or personal experiences that are being used to form a belief by deciphering and coming to incorrect conclusions of the facts.

This discussion, really at heart, isn’t even about the pros and cons of vaccines. It isn’t only about taking away the rights of parents and forcing them into doing something they don’t want to do. In my view, this is a contrived and blown up issue to divide conservatives, and more importantly to create inactive citizens because they do not trust the government and therefore believe all attempts at being involved are useless. Or maybe it is simply the people that already have an anti-government world view are simply further being used.

On a personal level, I really don’t care if you vaccinate your child or not. I am not one that believes vaccinations should be mandated. But on issues such as this one, I believe it should be left to the states to create law and up to the citizens to decide and vote on that law.

What I do care about is facts being distorted with inaccurate information and not backed up with science. What I do care about is opinions on one side trying to force it down others’ throats while claiming it is the other side that is being forceful. What I am sick of hearing is faulty statistics that point to the danger of vaccines when clearly the opposite is true. Look at this for a moment:  How many people do you know? And out of those people, how many have been vaccinated?  And how many of those vaccinated have autism or have died from a vaccine? And if there is 1 in 1000 for example, can it be proved it was caused by a vaccine? NO it cannot! Be honest! And this silly example is a miniscule example of the effects vaccines have on the general public. We all need to take a deep breath and use a little common sense!

And while we are being honest, how about this? This isn’t about your religious beliefs, your faith, or your God, as some claim. Nor is it about mine! This is only about information that each of us have chosen to believe, and act upon.

Perhaps our faith, is a convenient excuse that we believe lends more credence to our argument. Be honest, remember? There are no Scripture verses that should convict any of us one way or another on the topic of vaccines. But yes, this decision should be left to the parent first and foremost. I am only saying parents should educate themselves with an open mind while considering the source. I find most are simply looking for sources to backup and prove what they already believe. They are failing.  They are proving nothing at all, just as evolutionists prove nothing; those who believe in global warming prove nothing. There is no credible science on any of it. I am concerned about babies, the elderly and the infirm that are affected by this recent spread of inaccurate information, causing people to not vaccinate and creating little pockets that are less safe than others.  We hear from some that if we are worried we should just "move out of that pocket where we might be vulnerable" and other cynical answers from some anti-vaxxers. But again, this is not about those that choose to vaccinate!  It is about babies, the elderly and the infirm!! Maybe we all need to stop for a moment to realize that people that vaccinate really are thinking about others, too.

We definitely need to verify our sources. With the internet, it is so easy to say anything and convince people it is accurate. People get paid for "clicks" on their site. They don't care if it is true or not. They simply get more "clicks" and more dollars when they print a retraction. Much of the information being disseminated on this issue, has simply been exaggerated or misrepresented. We must verify our facts before we jump on any "bandwagons".

But the other important issue I am concerned about is the fact that if we are not careful, the government will force themselves on us. If the government presents facts more accurate than those who are simply believing bloggers and opinions, they will be the ones to gain. Because I guarantee you, there will be a dangerous outcome, unless people wake up, research all sides and then think for themselves. If we value our freedom, we had better get behind the science on this issue. There is a hornet's nest stirred up that is continuing to build. And it is without a doubt, someone is intentionally stirring those hornets.

And finally, what is most frightening to me in all of this, is to see smart, thoughtful, intelligent people buying into ideas and rhetoric that is NOT based on fact. That is a pattern that is very dangerous. Think about how scary that could be in other areas of our lives; in politics, our history, our faith and in our news. We aren't hearing about "fake news" for nothing! I am afraid that is becoming common place, and that right there is what is most dangerous of all! If we accept that type of propagation in one area, we will accept it in all. Disseminate fear, instead of fact and it appears one can get people to believe almost anything. We simply cannot let that happen. We must insist on facts. We must insist on truth in every area of our lives. Because a standard that is accepted in one area becomes accepted in all.


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