Science and Correct Information

FOX news host, Chris Wallace, made a foolish point on his show Fox News Sunday. He stated that people are concerned about the “science” of vaccines because so many deny the science of evolution and global warming. Good grief!!! Global warming and evolution is NOT science!! They are theories! Actually they aren’t even theories; they are hypotheses. Certainly these claims are not science, any more than the anti-vaccines claims are science.  It is time Americans start thinking for themselves and quit believing the barrage of influence being forced upon society by false news and media sources. Science of global warming and evolution is NOT science!!! Just as the anti-vaccine movement is not based on science!
If we are not careful we will lose our right to choose as parents. If this movement continues without regard to gathering correct information, they will lose all credibility, and any valid points they do have. If people refuse to educate themselves with proven science and instead opt for emotional opinions and left wing bloggers, the government will end up forcing themselves upon us. It is only if we stay truly informed, committed to common sense will we be effective in keeping our freedom in this area. Go ahead and take a stand against an unnecessary vaccine, such as Gardasil,  but for crying out loud, don’t include in that refusal a vaccination that has proven to be effective with little side effects, such as small pox, measles, mumps and now even chicken pox.  The true facts here ARE in favor of the vaccine!  Educate yourselves and quit believing lies. The benefit to risk ratio is overwhelmingly in favor of the vaccine!

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