Monday, January 13, 2025

Covenant Siblings

There is a controversial discussion taking place on social media right now. I don’t know where it actually started, but Allie Beth Stuckey, a podcast commentator for Blaze Media, weighed in and that is when I became aware of it. It’s actually quite astounding as to what people believe on this subject. 

Now I follow Allie, but I was unaware of exactly what her religious beliefs are, other than that she is a Christian. I don’t follow her that closely, only seeing a quote of hers from time to time. Come to find out, she is a Calvinist, so her beliefs are going to be a bit different than mine.

But the question posed was: “Do the Jews, Muslims and Christians worship the same God?” Now the obvious answer is No, they do not. Certainly, Muslims do not serve the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Islam is a monotheistic religion that traces its lineage to Abraham via Hagar and her son Ishmael. And we can leave any further connection right there. But this religion didn’t even begin until the 7th Century in 610 AD. And their person that would be (in their mind), equal to our Third Person of the Trinity, is most certainly not Jesus. So that makes the Triune God not at all the same. Jesus was there from the beginning. Plus, Muslims don’t even read the Bible, they follow the Quran, so we can rule them out from the get-go...It was actually shocking to me that some Christians did not have that understanding, and weren’t able to differentiate that fact. No way, do Muslims worship our God. They don’t even want to think they do. But for the Jewish faith, it is an entirely different story.

Why does it matter? For lots of reasons. But for me, besides not being Scriptural and God’s intentional teaching, to believe the Jew doesn’t worship our God is a complete departure from our nation’s Judeo/Christian values and norms. Even among Calvinists! And that matters. It is sad to see our nation rebuke the value system upon which our nation was founded.

Moreover, to believe otherwise, is a dangerous teaching that will cause Christians to abort the belief that we are to bless Israel and stand by her side.

It matters because these are the voices, that will one day cause our nation and others to leave behind our support for Israel. On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations.” (Zechariah 14:3) We are in fact, becoming a part of the world order that fights against her. I don’t want our nation to be a part of that. Genesis 12:3 states, “I will bless those that bless you, and curse those that curse you.” We certainly don’t need more reason for a curse like that from God. We should never allow Israel to be defined as just another nation that doesn't follow the one true God, which is what will happen from those without true understanding of this.

We need to stand by our Judeo/Christians principles for the sake of our nation, for the sake of the Jew, but more importantly for the sake of the Gospel. Jesus would not have been in the temple doing His Father's business if He was not One and the Same. It is vitally important to remember Jesus was a Jew who followed Jewish law. Throughout His life, Jesus quoted Scripture from the Bible which was in fact preserved for us by JEWS!

The discussion went off the rails pretty quickly, so I didn’t hang around long. No sense in arguing as Scripture teaches us. But we are to be prepared to give an answer for the reason for our Hope. So….

Covenant Siblings

As I said, it is a completely different story for the Christian and the Jew, as opposed to what I explained about the Muslim.

The Jews are the Covenant people with whom God gave the promise to Abraham. The Jews are God’s chosen and He is not done with them. Without the Jew and Israel, we would not be in Christ today. There is no Christianity without the Jews. We are the ones who are grafted in to that covenant! Romans 11:17 informs the church – we Christians – that we were grafted in as a wild branch into the Olive Tree of Israel. We are the ones grafted in, not the other way around. Grafted in where? With the JewsThe Jews are, in fact, actually the ones that preserved the Holy Scriptures for us. And the Jews are from whom our Savior came. We owe them our respect and hope...and our witness. They were also the first to share the Gospel message.

One commentator put it this way and I love it: “Christianity and Judaism are covenant siblings with Heavenly Father through Isaac (Abraham and his wife Sarah).”

Yes. “Covenant Siblings”. Perfectly explained.

He further explains that there is “a good reason why Christians have such a natural, innate affinity for Jews and why Muslims hate both. The fact is, the Christian religion spawned from Judaism, through the Highest Jew Jesus Christ Himself.”

Therefore, I believe yes, though it is a different story for Muslims; Christians and Jews, in fact, do worship the same God and here’s why.

  • God is referred to as the “God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob” throughout Old and New Testament. ~Genesis 50:24; Exodus 3:15; Acts 7:32

  • Jesus was a Jew from the Tribe of Judah, the line of David and He kept all of the Jewish law. Matthew 1:1-16

  • God is the Triune God From beginning to end of creation. God has no beginning and end. ~1 John 5:7 ~Revelation 1:8; Revelation 22:13

  • God is the Creator of all and in John 1, Jesus also says He is the Creator. Genesis 1:1; Colossians 1:16; John 1;1

  • He is Yahweh. Jehovah. The Great I Am. ~ Exodus 3:14; ~Isaiah 48:12; John 8:58

  • God is the same yesterday, today and forever. ~Hebrews 13:8

  • No one comes to the Father but by me. ~John 14:6

God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

Abraham and his offspring were given the Promised Land. God repeated this covenant to three generations. He first made it to Abraham in Genesis 12: 1-3; with Isaac in Genesis 21:12; and again with Jacob in Genesis 28:14-15.1 We call this the Abrahamic Covenant. The fact that the Bible refers to this so many times is a reminder that these are God’s Chosen ones, by covenant. To claim the Jews don’t worship our God denies the fact that the Jews are God's covenant people...God's covenants are forever. How sad to believe otherwise; or to believe that what He promised to the Jews, He later transferred to the Christians. That would only demonstrate that He doesn't keep His promises.

Throughout the Old and New Testament, God is referred to as the “God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob”. That tells us He is the God throughout the generations. This name for God emphasized the covenant that God made with Israel as God’s Chosen People. 

The important lineage is from Abraham and his wife, Sarah, through their son Isaac. This is through whom God gave the Abrahamic Covenant. This is also the line through whom Jesus comes. 

Scripture is very precise and complete in listing the lineage throughout the Bible in order to prove and prophesy that this is the line from whom the Messiah – Jesus – would come. It is intentionally and eternally important. And it is as important to the Jew as it is to the Christian to know and understand this lineage. That listed lineage is something that is very important so that we know Jesus is a Jew, fulfilling prophesy. And also, it is important the Jews know this as they are awaiting a Jewish Messiah. Jesus is of the line of David. The Messianic line the Jews expect their Messiah to be.

Move forward to the New Testament and in Acts 3:13, Peter also makes the point to refer to the "God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers". He specifically does this in order to make a point with the Jewish people. Peter purposely linked the miracle Jesus had just finished to the one and only God of their fathers. He did that so they would understand Jesus is one and the same. He is the Messiah, for whom they have been waiting. By pointing out this direct link, many came to Jesus that day.2 Their Messiah is Jesus whether they have full understanding or not. By saying Christians and Jews worship different Gods, we take away that connection. Jesus is the God of their fathers, and we are taking away a valuable witnessing tool, by denying their faith. They are still waiting for a Jewish Messiah and they will one day find One.

The reason the Jews have not yet recognized Jesus as their Messiah is very well explained to us in Romans 11. This was God’s plan to bring the Gentile unto Him. Salvation comes first to the Jew, and then to the Gentile - Romans 1:16 Salvation is come to the Gentiles – Romans 11:11-15. Because of the Jew’s transgression, (denial of Jesus) salvation has come to the rest of us! We all know what an effective stimulate jealousy can be.

I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy.

Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fulness?

Now I am speaking to you Gentiles. Inasmuch then as I am an apostle to the Gentiles, I magnify my ministry in order somehow to make my fellow Jews jealous, and thus save some of them. For if their rejection means the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance mean but life from the dead?” ~Romans 11:11-15

The Gentiles have favor in the church age because of their belief, but when God is finished with the Gentiles, He will reinstate Israel who was set aside because of their unbelief. Blindness has happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles comes in. In finality, God will graft Israel in once again. In other words, when the last of the Gentiles have been saved, God will set his sights on Israel one more time. God cannot do otherwise because of His promise to the fathers. God has set Israel aside temporarily for the sake of the Gentiles, but He has not forgotten, nor changed His promises. They are still His chosen. That requires an understanding of the one true God who is the same yesterday, today and forever.

In the Beginning

The Jews inability to recognize Jesus as the Messiah, doesn’t change who God is. The Object (for lack of better word) does not change. He is the God of the universe. The Great I Am. The one and only true God. He was the Triune God in the beginning, He was the Triune God when Jesus came to earth and died for our sins; and he is the Triune God, now and forever. The Jews’ misunderstanding of who their Messiah is, doesn't negate who God is. Neither can we negate the Old Testament, which we are in effect doing by saying the Jews do not worship the same God. It is the God of the Old Testament that the Jews give their worship.

A poor attempt at a visual.

I'm not saying the Jews are saved. We all know that Jesus is the only way to salvation. But to say that He isn't the same God, the God of all creation, (Genesis 1:1) the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is to negate the Old Testament, as well as John 1:1.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Clearly this verse demonstrates they are one and the same. 

I want to say too, that there are many Jews who have been saved throughout time. Paul, the "sinner in Chief" was the most well known Jew that came to know Jesus. Today those who have come to understand who Jesus is are called "Messianic Jews", otherwise known as "completed Jews". They do not give up their Jewishness. Rather now, they are made complete because they have come to understand Jesus is the Messiah they have been awaiting. They  adhere to the tenants of the Christian faith regarding salvation through Yeshua. They are able to keep many of their Jewish traditions. That is a beautiful thought. Further, not all Jews who come to faith in Jesus are considered "Messianic Jews". There are some that come to Christ and choose to leave the Jewish traditions behind and are simply known as a Jewish Christian. 

The God of the Living!

Jesus made clear that “He didn't come to destroy the law but to fulfill it.” The identifying name: "I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob," is repeated not only in the Old Testament, but the New!

I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. ~Matthew 22:32

Matthew is using this verse to tell the Sadducees (and us) that He is the God of the living and not the dead! Using present tense, He is purposefully ensuring we know that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are all still very much alive, in the afterlife...HeavenIf this is fact, then the Jews still worship the same God now, as they did then. He is not the God of the dead, but of the living....meaning Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as he explains in these verses.3 The Great I Am. “I Am their God.”

Zeal for God

Romans 10:1-4 is key to understanding that the God the Jews worship is, in fact, the God that we as Christians worship.

Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved. For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth.” ~Romans 10:1-4 KJV

In these verses, Paul tells us God wants Israel to be saved...that they are not yet, but that their salvation is His desire. A zeal for God denotes passion. They LOVE God! The same God. They simply are trying to work out their righteousness. Who would do that - going to such great lengths to satisfy the law, if they didn’t love God? He is the Living God repeatedly called in Scripture the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the same One their forefathers served. None of that is accidental.

The Jews at this time simply lack the understanding and knowledge of the Triune God. And they are unaware the Messiah they await, has already come. They do not understand His righteousness has been imparted to us and therefore the salvation that has been given through the Son. They are still trying to make their way into Heaven by works – working out their own righteousness, rather than that which has been imparted to us by Jesus’s death on the cross.

Romans 3: 10-31 is so apropos here. I won’t write out the text, but please read it. These are the verses that tell us, “No one is righteous, no not one.” These verses are in part what is known as “the Roman Road to Salvation”. The verses are also a defense of the law. And for this discussion, I point out verses 29 -31:

Is he the God of the Jews only? is he not also of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also: Seeing it is one God, which shall justify the circumcision by faith, and uncircumcision through faith. Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law.”

Bold emphasis mine. In this question, Paul is asking “is he the God of the Jews only?” It is basically a statement explained through a question. We know he is explaining to us that God is the God of the Jews...even now. We don’t make void the law by our New Covenant faith. Jesus established the law. It is the law the Jewish people so ardently try to follow, made by the God of Creation. The same God we worship. Christ is the End of that law. The law always pointed to Jesus. The Jew simply does not know they cannot possibly keep that law in perfection.

J. C. Ryle theologian from the 1800’s, has much to say about all of this in his many writings. His biography is entitled “That Man of Granite with the Heart of a Child.” That should tell us everything. I have not read it yet, but I have read a few of his other books and I find him sound in doctrine and faith. Now today, Ryle is thought to be a Calvinist, so I don’t mean for any statement I have made about Calvinists to sound like I am beating up on them. But I do believe, as in most things today, they have changed on some doctrine and are not entirely the same as they once were. Only the Bible remains the same. I truly don’t know if Ryle identified as a Calvinist. I never thought so, until I read somewhere, that he is believed to have been a Calvinist. At least by some people’s definition.

In his book, “Are You Ready for the End of Time?”, he discusses Israel. In chapter 7, And So All Israel Shall Be Saved”, he says this:

Israel, then, we find, for nearly 1500 years was more favoured and privileged by God than any nation in the world. David might well say, 'What one nation in the earth is like Thy people Israel, whom God went to redeem for a people to himself?’ (2 Samuel 7:23). It was the only nation in the earth to which God was pleased to reveal Himself. 'To them were committed to oracles of God' ( Romans 3:2). While all other nations were suffered to walk in their own ways, and to live in moral and spiritual darkness, the Jews alone enjoyed an immense amount of light and knowledge. The humblest priest in Solomon's Temple was a far better theologian than Homer; Daniel, and Ezra, and Nehemiah knew more about God than Socrates, and Plato, and Pythagoras and Cicero put together."

How cool is that! I just love it! But then we have the audacity and hubris to claim the Jewish people don't worship the same God that we worship?? How prideful and haughty that must appear to our Father. The Jews were God’s Chosen People and they were a part of His plan to bring the Gentile into His Kingdom.

Remember, this was the 1800s, so not to cause conflict with the choice of words "Palestine", this is what Ryle said further:

"The Jews were brought out of Egypt by miraculous interposition, planted in Palestine, one of the choicest corners of the earth, and fenced off and separated from other nations by peculiar customs and ceremonies. They were supplied with a moral law from heaven so perfect, that even to this day nothing can be added to it or taken from it. They were taught to worship God with ceremonial rights and ordinances, which, however burdensome they may seem to us, were admirably adapted to human nature at that early stage of man's history, and calculated to train them for a higher dispensation. [So if a Calvinist, Ryle certainly wasn't a Dominionist* who believed in Replacement Theology**.] They were constantly warned and instructed by prophets, and protected and defended by miracles. In short, if mercies and kindnesses alone could make people good, no nation on Earth should have been so good as Israel. While Egypt, and Babylon, and Greece worshipped the works of their own hands, the Jew alone was a worshiper of the one true God."4

That demonstrates true worship of the same God that we worship. Finally, they were allowed to receive the consequences of their own sins, after repeatedly rejecting God's prophets and eventually Jesus. And persecution they have received and will receive further in that dreadful day.

Ryle says, "Never was a people so peculiarly favored and so peculiarly punished."

And yet at the same time, they fulfill every prophecy written about them in the Old Testament. And they hold every characterization now that they held then. The land, the faith, the physical characteristics, the language, the titles; all of it. Persecuted and violently treated, they have remained the same through it all. Why would we believe their faith in the same God, then as now, would change, when nothing else about them has? It wouldn’t. Why would God allow any of this for someone who was not a worshiper of him? They are a distinct and separate people and as Ryle says, they can no more mix with the Gentiles, then can oil mix with water. Never have they been absorbed or assimilated, though they were driven from their homeland. They have remained the Jew. It is all for God's purposes; and all of this comes from the God they worship. It is our Triune God Who is the same now as He was in the beginning.

Ryle tells us we find the answer to the entirety of God’s plan in the Bible, which of course we do.

"They are a people reserved and kept separate by God for a grand and special purpose. That purpose is to make them a means of exhibiting to the world in the latter days God's hatred of sin and unbelief, and God's almighty power and almighty compassion. They are kept separate that they may finally be saved, converted and restored to their own land. They are reserved and preserved, in order that God may show in them, as on a platform, to angels and men, how greatly He hates sin, and yet how greatly He can forgive, and how greatly He can convert. Never will that be realized as it will in that day when ‘All Israel shall be saved’.5

This new opinion of Israel, and her people, that we are seeing today is the same mindset that is becoming so common place among Christians which causes many to believe our nation is not (or no longer) a “Christian nation”. Of course we are! Even though we're not all Christian, we were founded on the Holy Bible and Judeo/Christian principles. That alone makes us a Christian nation. Just as Israel is a Jewish nation. A comparison can be made in the same way the Jews worship our God, even though they don't know Jesus. No. Again. They are not saved. But soon...

"I read that when the heart of Israel shall turn to the lord, the veil should be taken away (2nd Corinthians 3:16)."

It's not that they don't worship our God. They have simply not yet been brought to completion through Jesus Christ. But they will be when the fulness of the Gentile has come in, this veil will be removed.

At the end of Chapter 7, Ryle then goes into everything that we owe to the Jew and his words are moving and beautiful; a truth we all need to understand. I won’t include them here, though I am tempted to do just that, because they truly move the heart. But this is already getting so long. I do recommend the book. It is an easy and accurate read for which he is so well known.

I will just close in finality with this suggestion from those final pages as he answers the question of how we can and should repay the Jew:

"On the one hand, we may pay our debt directly, by using every reasonable effort to bring the Gospel to bear on the minds of our Jewish brethren in every part of the globe. No doubt they need to be approached with peculiar wisdom, delicacy, and care. They are not to be treated as heathen but as men who already hold half the truth, who believe the Old Testament like ourselves, although they do not see and receive its full meaning. But all experience proves that there is everything to encourage those who endeavor to lead Israel to the true messiah, the Christ of God with love and patience." 6 (Bold emphasis, mine.)

We definitely shouldn’t treat them with such disdain, that we no longer even believe they worship the same God, that we do, and which has been a Christian standard for generations. J.C. Ryle obviously loved the Jews; and his words are a fantastic example to us.

Salvation to the Jews

I believe the misconception that the Jews worship a different God comes out of a result of a fast-growing “Replacement Theology”; which is also often tied to Calvinism, though not all Calvinists belief this. The church has NOT replaced Israel! “Replacement Theology” holds an allegorical view of Scripture rather than literal. This is why people who follow it, can come to the wrong conclusion about the verses concerning God’s promises to Israel. It also leads them to the wrong conclusion of who our God is and how he has been worshipped throughout the ages.

The Jews are God's Chosen People who will one day come to salvation through Jesus, because God keeps His promises. Jews have to know the things they have always believed are true, in order to come to completion through Jesus. If the church has replaced Israel, that can never happen. They are looking for a Jewish Messiah as told by the prophets.

Because of the Trinity, and because Scripture teaches that God is the same yesterday, today and forever, we can know He is the same God for all of time. The God that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob worshipped, is still the Triune God from Israel’s very beginning; and He is still the Triune God that died and bled for our sins; and He is the Triune God that will return to us as He promised.

No, Jews are not yet saved. Because yes, it is true as John 14: 6 tells us, that “No man comes to the father but by me.” Jews do not worship in full understanding, and hence are not saved. It is not complicated. But it is rather a matter of God not accepting their worship, because they don't yet recognize Jesus. It isn't that they are worshiping a false god, like the Muslims, or other cults; it's that they are worshiping the one true God falsely. And God does not accept that. But He is very much the same, one, true God.

The Bible takes great pains to list lineage, expressly so we know we worship the same God. That this is true, will be important to the Jews' salvation, when the time has come. The Jews will one day understand. It is important that they know that the God they served all along, has come in the flesh as their Messiah. He came as a lowly servant who died for us all, in the way of Jesus, the Christ.

I want to share a thought someone posted to one of the boards. I’m sorry I didn’t get his name and I don’t really remember which thread it was posted. But it is so accurate and completely the way I think about this discussion. It is this:

One last thought: We may very well be thinking about this question incorrectly. Instead of asking, “Do Jewish people worship the same God as Christians?”; we might want to turn that question around and acknowledge that Christians worship the God of Israel. When Christians worship the God of the Bible, they are worshiping the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Christians worship the Holy One of Israel, as Isaiah called Him (for example, Isa. 12:6, one of 29 times this title is used in Isaiah). Instead of portraying Jewish people as worshiping a different false god, Christians should acknowledge that their faith is in the God revealed in the Hebrew Bible, the God of Israel. And if Christians truly appreciated that, it might lead to greater respect for the Jewish people and also a deeper determination to present the Good News to our Jewish friends. Realizing that Gentile Christians are standing on the Rock of Israel (2 Sam. 23:3; Isa. 30:29), they will have greater resolve to proclaim lovingly that the Messiah of Israel has come and His name is Yeshua, the son of David, the son of Abraham (Matt. 1:1).

I believe we owe them that. 


*Dominionist - Unlike dispensationalism's message of social deterioration that precedes Christ's return, Christian dominionism is postmillennial rather than premillennial. It argues that Christians can and must reform society so that it becomes progressively better. Only then will Christ return.

**Replacement Theology - Replacement theology, also known as supersessionism or fulfillment theology, is a Christian doctrine that states that the Christian Church has replaced the Jewish people.


2  Ibid


4  Are You Ready for the End of Time? J. C. Ryle © 1863

5  Ibid.

6  Are You Ready for the End of Time? J. C. Ryle © 1863

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Crossing the Rubicon - Iacta Alea Est

  Opinion Piece 

Tucker has finally crossed the Rubicon into his previously subtle hatred for Israel to a more aggressive approach. Aside from a flat out miracle (or maybe being born again*) I don’t think there is any coming back for Tucker Carlson. Yesterday he hosted snickering, Bible mocking, anti-Semite, Jeffrey Sachs. If this interview doesn't make your blood boil, I don't know what will. They are both espousing the same narrative as Ilhan Omar, Pramila Jayapal, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, and AOC; as well as Cori Bush, and Jamaal Bowman - who thankfully both lost their election.

The people Tucker has interviewed of late - Jimmy DoreDarryl Cooper, Alex Jones, Candace Owens, and now Jeffrey Sachs should have us all very concerned. It’s a pattern. It’s an anti-Israel, even anti-American narrative that is basically ignoring Biblical values and historical facts of both nations. We need to quit making excuses for Tucker Carlson. He is revealing his heart to us. We need to pay attention.

It took less than five minutes to see where this interview was going to go. But then, I really already knew. I previously didn’t know anything about Jeffrey Sachs, but I could tell by the title of the interview, and from my previous knowledge of the direction Tucker Carlson has been taking us since leaving Fox News, what the message would be. I listened because I wanted to know what they were saying; to educate myself and honestly to later help bring awareness. We all need to do that. It is time we all get off the Tucker Train. He needs to be exposed for who he really is.

And just who is Jeffrey Sachs? He's a loud mouth, past economist who voted for Jill Stein in 2024.  Who is Jill Stein? She was the Green Party Candidate, for I don’t know how many times running for President of the United States, and a radical leftist. Jeff Sachs vote for her should tell you everything you need to know about him... Aside from his hatred for Bibi Netanyahu and Israel, which you will see in about the first 3 minutes of Tucker’s interview, Sachs is the Director for Sustainable Development at Columbia University; as well as Director at the United Nations for Sustainable Development Goals. In other words, a leftist; and a radical one at that!

So why is Tucker interviewing and supporting someone like that? Apparently Tucker couldn't wait to interview him because right from the beginning, Tucker tells us that at the news of Assad being brought down in Syria, he immediately asked himself, “Where is Jeff Sachs?!” Tucker wanted to know more fully what was happening; and he thought Jeff would be the one with the answers. It also seems he couldn’t wait for his viewers to hear how much Sachs hates Bibi Netanyahu and all things Israel; hence this interview. To top it all off, Tucker doesn't understand why Americans should be glad Israel brought down Assad. Neither does he understand (by his own inference) why he is seemingly required (by public opinion) to hate Assad. I wanna address that.

But first, if the above info I gave about Jeff Sachs’ position isn’t clear enough, here is a quote from a viewer who commented just after the interview:

"You brought a climate change enthusiast who works for the UN and supports the 2030 sustainable development goals? He also has said he wants China to rise as the global power and for America to be held back."

Holy cow! I am glad there are people that see it. From many of the other comments, it was getting rather frightening. Truthfully, it is very frightening because the majority of comments lent ignorant support of what was revealed in this interview.

Remember when we were all worried and warning about the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development?? Yeah, here’s your guy. I guess we aren’t supposed to be worried any longer, if Tucker is bringing this guy on to preach to us.

I am going to break down my concern. Please bare with me. It’s important.

This is a long interview – 2 hours. I highly recommend everyone listen to this interview, but I realize not everyone has that kind of time. You can get the general idea within just the first 30 minutes, and maybe the last 10 minutes. If you don’t want to do that, and if you do not want to read this looooong article, suffice it to say, the message is simple and repeated over and over throughout: “Israel is the little Satan and America is the big Satan.” That’s right. In my view, they are simply regurgitating the same message as radical Islam. Don’t believe me? Well that’s why I write.

Basically, although Tucker pretends to be conservative, like I said earlier, he and his guest are actually more closely aligned with the likes of Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and AOC on foreign policy...and their apparent hatred for Bibi Netanyahu and Israel.

Sachs is not a bit shy about bashing Netanyahu throughout the interview, blaming him right off the bat for every war of the last 30 years. Well, for starters, if he were a Christian, he would have a better understanding of what is really happening there. But even most non-Christians have a far more clear understanding about what is taking place in the Middle East. At least they aren't inventing lies.

Sachs believes the United States has gone to war on behalf of Prime Minister Netanyahu, and that the “neo-cons” of America and Israelis are to blame for all the wars taking place around the world. He thinks we all love war and and some of us work hard to keep America in one. That premise is becoming more prevalent in our society, but it is wrong from the get-go and thus makes everything Sachs says wrong. Without a correct historical view, and a Biblical understanding, he is never going to get it right. Further, everything he says to Tucker is based on the lie that Israel is an apartheid state and has no right to the land. Clearly, they have no understanding of Biblical prophecy at all; although Tucker has told us in prior shows how he has read the Bible from cover to cover a number of times.

The mockery and disdain in Sach’s tone for Bible believing Christians and Jews should trouble us all. As he defines for us what he means by “Greater Israel”, he literally informs the audience that those of us who believe this are "religious zealots". He then goes a step deeper saying that those who believe such nonsense, are in fact worse than religious zealots. He actually snickers as he states to Tucker and his viewers, “I would even go further than [religious zealot]". And deeper still, he tells us, “depending how crazy the people are” they [Bible believers] use the book of Joshua in the Bible – a story from 2700 years ago – to define the nation of Israel. He laughs as he derisively tells Tucker’s audience that these “zealots” actually believe and use Joshua as our means to defend Israel’s right to the land, "from the Nile to the Euphrates". He condescendingly tells us, “It’s a little sad and terribly frightening”. If you are a Christian, you should be furious and have a little better understanding of how Jews have been made to feel for generations. Personally, I think we need to not so easily dismiss Tucker’s refusal to counter that attack. Yes. It is an attack on both Christians and Jews.

Jeffrey Sachs loves to claim this is all at the behest of “Greater Israel”. What the heck is “Greater Israel”? Israel covers about 8000 square acres in the Middle East and Arabs and Muslims cover over 5 million square acres. This might be where we need to look at a map, if we don’t understand why Israel has a need to protect itself from surrounding aggressors. Sachs attacks anyone who doesn’t agree and he is not one bit concerned about how his view might be perceived.

Sachs actually quotes the anti-Semitic chant “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” but he claims the meaning is inverted. In other words, the chant isn’t about driving the Jew into the sea at all. But rather, it's about Israel seeking the land for themselves. In his interpretation, Israel is the aggressor, seeking to annihilate the Palestinians and all the surrounding nations in their way. That description is certainly a new one for me. "Revisionist history", one might call it...or maybe an "outright lie". Sachs wants us to make sure we believe that Bibi Netanyahu wants to control Palestine. This is an out-right lie! Bibi only wants to protect his nation; which as the leader of Israel he has the responsibility to do!! Israel has given up land over and over and over. Ever hear of “land for peace”? Yeah, look how that turned out! Gaza being the latest example of that.

He also mocks and diminishes the boundaries that Israel won back in the 1967 Six Day War. Apparently that means nothing. He claims Bibi Netanyahu, isn’t about to give up any of that land, when in fact, Israel has been required to give up more and more “land for peace” for decades! Israel relinquished Gaza to the Palestinians and look what happened!!! Over 70% of Palestinians voted Hamas into power!!! Israel lost control of the Golan Heights (a very important place for their protection) in 2018 and since the fall of Assad are now there only as a temporary, defensive position. Who knows who will come to power next in Syria after Assad's fall??? Israel needs to take precautions and protect themselves from another "butcher" who may be even worse than Assad.

If one doesn't think Israel has had to give up land, the facts are available. Israel won back the Golan Heights in the Six Day War and it is an important area for their defense! It is disgustingly not recognized as belonging to Israel by the UN, or the international community at large. In another example, in 1995, Israel relinquished control of Bethlehem to the Palestinian Authority which had recently been established at that time. Israel did so in preparation for a two-state solution; which never happened! Because in reality the PA didn't really want a two state solution!! They never have! They never will!  Israel has also been forced into giving up parts of Judea and Samaria, known as the “West Bank” by Palestinians and others (US media, as one example) who seek to delegitimize Israel’s historical right to the land. However, Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, in 2019, announced that the United States would formally recognize Israeli sovereignty over both the Golan Heights and Judea and Samaria. Still the UN does not. Yes, there are Arabs living there. No, Israel is not trying to expel them. It's always been Israel that gives and seeks peace, while legacy media and people like Jeffrey Sachs paint them as the aggressor who have no right to live in their God-given land where they have always been! Well because...we're all "crazy", you know.

You can read about the sympathies of Jeffrey Sachs here. Though born of Jewish parents, he is a Hamas/Iranian sympathizer. It cannot be denied!! We need to ask ourselves, what is up with Tucker Carlson that he would support someone like this?! 

Sachs begins his narrative with telling us that the United States has been involved and basically the cause of wars in 6 nations: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia and Sudan. And there will be a seventh, – Iran. “All of these countries, we have gone to war with", Sachs states, "because Israel controls US foreign policy.” Tucker and Sachs spent quite a bit of time on this subject, delving into the "7 Wars in 5 years" agenda of the United States after 9/11. Of course, they blame America for being a patsy for Israel, and primarily blame PM Netanyahu for all of it. Sachs hammers all of this home to ensure we understand that Israel is the one that has ran America’s foreign policy for 30 years. Now that we have had 6 of these wars, Sachs informs us that PM Netanyahu wants to get us into the 7th and final one; the one with Iran. He claims Netanyahu actually wants this war and is pushing for it. 

One cannot possibly have this view if they have a Biblical and historical understanding of Israel and how they are basically alone in a sea of enemies. Benjamin Netanyahu has no agenda other than protecting his nation from those that seek to “drive them into the sea”, which is the long held threat to Israel, from radical Islamists. 

A bit off subject, Sachs brings up Mitch McConnel. I think they do this simply because they know Mitch is the Republican, conservatives love to hate. Personally I think that was probably  planned before the interview. By bringing him up, they hope to bring us to their side and persuade us into believing they are right. But Mitch had little to do with US Foreign policy in the larger scheme of things. No one person does. There was really no need to bring up his name other than to stir our ire. Sachs also attacks Biden full force, calling him “the weakest President in American history,” among other things. And of course Tucker lets him. Well we all agree with that. And they know it. That is why they bothered to do it in the first place. They are trying to gain our support through a like connection - in this case our disdain for two men. But  don’t forget Sachs is a defender of the United Nations 2030 Goals and as a director there, he is a strong advocate for the UN. Don’t forget who he really is in spite of the pretense that he is like us! Again, he voted for radical environmentalist, Jill Stein. They are merely trying to suck us in to their way of thinking with an element of truth. It’s the propagandist way/MO.

Somewhere in the middle of the interview, Tucker asks. “Why am I required to hate Assad?” “Assad protected Christians,” they claim. If that is true, and I have yet to verify that, maybe we had better look at for what purpose!! For those who don’t follow news, Assad is known as the “butcher of Syria”, who was just dethroned as leader of that nation and had to escape (apparently to Russia) in fear and disgrace. Assad had chemical weapons and used them. Israel had to go into Syria and destroy those weapons before the next radical Islamist comes into power there and has access to them. Sachs and Tucker completely distorted that truth too….even saying he rescued Christians. Yeah, no!!! Hey Tucker! "Why are we required to hate Asaad?" He's known as "the Butcher" a cruel dictator who murdered and imprisoned thousands!! I have seen reports between 300,000 and 500,000 thousand have suffered at Assad's hands. That should give you your first clue. And I wouldn't be mocking the fact that all of this will be coming here one day...At that possibility, they both simply laughed in agreement!! They inform us that Iran is no threat to the United States but only deemed so by Netanyahu, who is the one convincing us that we need to be concerned. No. That was radical Islam that convinced us of that! Remember 9/11? Or have we forgotten?

Somewhere along the line Tucker asks Sachs, “Why did Russia stand aside when Assad fell?” It’s a good question and one Tucker knows he has to ask and have answered. It is something that if not explained, throws a monkey wrench into their message. I mean after all, Russia and Iran are the good guys and they stand together. Sachs somewhat adequately (not fully) explains that Russia cannot afford to divert military (supplies and men) due to the war in Ukraine. Okay, well that’s the obvious. Even I knew that, so of course Tucker did.

But then somehow Sachs devolves into how Hezbollah has been “mauled” by Israel. Yes, that’s the word he chose. Of course he didn’t mention how on October 8th, the very day after Israel was so viciously attacked by Hamas, Hezbollah attacked Israel from Lebanon, displacing 80,000 Israeli from their homes in the north of Israel. Hmmm Why would they leave that out? Israel “mauled” Hezbollah???! Crickets from Tucker. They both disgust me.

I took notes as I was watching Tucker’s show and was going to go into each and every lie stated in this interview. Almost every claim is a lie. But I realize, I just can’t do that. Look how long this is already??? No one is going to read that much text and there is just far too much background that needs to be delved into to expose every lie and why it is being disseminated. One has to know from ones own heart as a Christian, and ones knowledge of the Bible, why this is such a dangerous interview and where it could lead.

Suffice it to say this interview isn’t about NATO, as the title claims. This is about bashing Bibi Netanyahu and Israel, with intentional malice. This is also a continuation of Tucker Carlson’s fear of war. We all hate war! It is time to quit claiming anyone actually seeks it. This is a distorted commie view (in my opinion) of America and hatred for Israel that Tucker has long been advocating. It needs to stop!

For the sake of narrowing this rambling interview down to a more manageable summary, some of the more radical statements Sachs makes are as follows:

  • Bibi Netanyahu wants to ethnically cleanse the Middle East. I can’t even! SMH But I will try. Israel is the only nation in the Middle East that actually brings aid and comfort to Arab nations and allows them even to serve in their government. There is not a mention of all the food and aid that Israel has given to Palestinians during the war in Gaza….which in fact, Hamas (whom Sachs sympathizes with), has stolen and kept from the population there.

  • Sachs (and Tucker) claim Israel is always the aggressor launching at least 2 of these wars. That is factually inaccurate and easily provable. Israel is simply protecting themselves; the single democracy in a very tough neighborhood. Israel is NOT the invader, or the occupier. And they never have been. Neither Sachs, nor Tucker understand that, because they have no Biblical understanding. In truth, Israel merely seeks to defend themselves.

  • Sachs claims that Netanyahu doesn’t want peace. He wants “Greater Israel” expanded and he has “crowed” as a promise to “remake the Middle East”. This is a lie; or certainly verbiage taken out of context. Netanyahu seeks only to preserve their lives and the nation of Israel that God gave them. This is the nation which they have fought and died to keep for generations. It is the Palestinians, Hezbollah, the Houthis, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Iran and Syria that do not want peace. They want to “drive Israel to the sea”, never to live again.

  • Sachs spends a good deal of time on some conspiracy theories such as War of Timber Sycamore, (which I need to research, further); quotes Seymour Hersh, the journalist who claims the US blew up Nord Stream. I have written about that prior. You can read that here, with several additional inserted links. They both defend the attack in Benghazi, as something deserved because of moving arms, and claims of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) that were being transported from Libya to Syria. Oh, really? An attack on Benghazi is ok in this case? War and destruction is ok for that, but nowhere else? I call that hypocrisy! Tucker informs us the news station he worked for at the time (without naming Fox, but we all know) “made a lot of Benghazi” without telling the whole story. Yeah, Tucker!!! Because 4 great Americans died there!!! So Fox reported it!! But apparently for you, like Hillary, instead always believed, “What difference does it make?” Your liberal bent continues to reveal itself!

  • They purposefully play us with things we hate – trying to “stir the masses”, I guess. Tucker allows and encourages Sachs to make a big deal of attacking Joe Biden; I believe in order to try to draw conservatives to his side. The very same tactic as they did by bringing up Mitch McConnell. Sachs tries to make us believe he supports Trump. Yeah, no. Sachs most likely hates President Trump because of everything he did for Israel; and as well for the comments he has made, since being re-elected. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that.

  • What is any of this [support for Israel] getting us?” they ask. “Just an endless War from the 7th Century BC, forward, Sachs moans. I want to respond to that with a resounding, No! We have done what we have done out of obedience to Scripture, and in order to receive God’s blessings. Maybe not every politician has understood that, but we have always stood with Israel because of who we are – a Christian nationfounded on Judeo/Christian values and principles. Tucker doesn’t get that. And I certainly don’t expect Sachs to understand. He has scales on his eyes.

  • At the end of the interview, Sachs actually claims adamantly that it is Iran who wants peace! He defends Assad – the butcher of Syria, claiming he was not the one to be feared.

  • Sachs claims the United States are the ones that attacked Russia in the recent Ukrainian war. He is distorting the narrative and saying that we did it because Ukraine used the missiles that we gave them. I’m sorry. That doesn’t mean we did it. Did Tucker blame Iran or Obama for anything they did with the billions we gave them? Not a word that I heard. He has mostly been silent on the billions to Iran while clamoring constantly about the money to Ukraine. I am not saying it is right to give money to Ukraine! I am saying BE CONSISTENT!!!

  • No one wants war with China! Quit saying it!!! If we are gearing up for it, which we haven’t been under Biden, but we are gearing up to protect ourselves; not because we want war!!! It is exactly what Israel has to do because of the enemies surrounding them!

  • America had nothing to do with removing Assad. That was all Bibi! He had to do it in spite of us, because of this disgustingly weak Biden administration. Stop the lies! Syria had chemical weapons and was a launching point for Russia. It was a political alliance that had to be broken.

  • Peace is NOT being blocked by the United States!! We have sat idly for 4 years; while this administration has bumbled and fumbled us into weakness and making us very vulnerable.

  • Tucker claims the US tried to kill Putin. Prove it, Tucker! You can’t. It’s the same thing Tucker did when he claimed Mike Pompeo tried to kill Julien Assange. Not one iota of proof.

  • Sachs demands a “two state solution”. He doesn’t understand there is no such thing. It’s been tried. When Ehud Barack was in power, trying to reach this elusive goal, he even threw in Jerusalem and the kitchen sink!! And Arafat still turned down the deal. It is no different now than then. Because the Palestinians and the Arab states do not want peace. They don’t want a “two state solution”. Their charter calls for Israel to be driven into the sea. It is way past time to believe them. Bibi does and so do I. And no one is going to bring peace to fruition. Not Tulsi, not Tucker, not Rand Paul, nor any other Israel hater, nor any other name Sachs decides to drop. That possibility isn’t Scriptural. And peace in Jerusalem will never take place until Jesus returns in His full glory and power.

  • Sachs is a fool. It’s ok to say that. He isn’t my brother. (Matthew 5:22) I will try to pray for him though.

  • Sachs says we (Christian, Bible followers) are “crazy” for believing in a 2700 year old Scripture. That’s not what is “crazy”. What’s crazy is that Iran is about to get nuclear weapons and Sachs believes they are the ones that want peace. SMH

  • No amount of bashing America will change anything. No matter how subtle they are. Bashing America will only lead to a citizenry who won’t fight for her. Oh that’s right! Tucker hates war. So he doesn’t care who bashes whom. He is a coward.

  • Something that almost gets missed with all the other radical narrative going on and that is this: Tucker states his belief in the decades old narrative that started from the likes of Alex Jones and other Israel haters, Tucker blames American foreign policy for 9/11. Nope. That would be Al Qaeda and radical Islam, Tucker. Cast blame with whom it belongs! The intentional, inaccurate finger pointing at our own nation makes me sick!

None of this is about free speech, as Tucker always claims after the criticism starts. This is about letting people say what he really believes in his heart, but doesn’t have the courage to say, because he knows he will lose thousands of his followers. So he simply lets his guests say it, while he nods his head in agreement. That keeps him from being on tape, I guess. Don’t you see? Tucker is getting bolder and bolder with his anti-Semitic and even anti-American rhetoric. I think he is testing the waters to see how much we will put up with and how much we will allow.

Ok. And then there is the mention of the “Doomsday Clock”. I have to discuss this separately from the above outrageous statements. Sachs tries to put fear into our hearts by telling us that we are 90 seconds until midnight, when doomsday will occur. Sorry, bud. The Doomsday Clock isn’t the issue. Israel, as God’s Time Clock is!!! Sachs believes in the Doomsday Clock, because he does not believe in God. I don’t think Tucker knows Him either. I really don’t care what he claims. “By their fruits, you will know them.” And his fruit is rotten to the core, from what he has been revealing of late. 

In fact, by either clock we are close to the end. But only one clock matters. God's! Iran is closer than it has ever been to having nuclear weapons. Do we really believe Assad would have been safe with that capability? Do we really think the next regime, will be even more safe than Assad, with chemical weapons or a nuclear weapon??? I think it might be time for us all to grow up! It’s way too late for willing stupidity. There is no excuse! The information is out there. Past actions are the prediction of the future. It is time to take off our goggles and do the research! It isn’t that difficult.

Whether we want to admit it or not, our hero, Tucker Carlson, is the voice that will lead to the fulfillment of Zechariah 14:2: "And I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem for battle”

And all, means all! Every nation will one day turn against Israel. That doesn't mean we are to sit back and allow that to happen! We are to pray and support Israel. That is how we receive God’s blessings. We used to fully understand that.

In Genesis 12:3 speaking of Israel God tells us, “I will bless those that bless you, and curse those that curse you.” That is astoundingly simple and clear! And that is why American has involved itself in protecting Israel. Aside from being the only democracy in the Middle East, it is in our best interest due to the intelligence we get from them, Plus, we are required in Scripture to defend them! Obviously, Tucker Carlson doesn’t understand that, or he could not hold the foreign policy views he holds.

I feel like no one – pastor, political pundit, or politician – is bold enough to counter anything that Tucker says. The people he interviews and supports are left unchallenged because Tucker is so popular and has the largest conservative audience anywhere. I can think of only one person that I have heard counter him. And that is Victor Davis Hanson after the Darryl Cooper interview. At least for me, I have heard no one else. People are afraid of losing their own supporters if they come out against someone so powerful. Yes. Tucker is that powerful. I worry about that.

Truthfully, though I don’t like to admit it, I am extremely concerned with the influence Tucker may have over President Trump. Tucker believes he absolutely can influence him and he has consistently tried. So far President Trump has remained loyal to Israel and sees it all. I have to give Trump credit and have faith that he will continue to do so. But I also know Trump will be influenced by the will of the people. He views that as his job. And it is! He will honor the direction the American people want to take. This is why we need to be concerned with who is influencing us.

Finally, Tucker had 29 million views on this interview alone, which I believe was intentionally designed to attack Israel and an attempt to make us believe it all comes with knowledge from a conservative voice. Shockingly, the majority of people commenting on X during and after the interview, support Tucker’s beliefs. I don’t know; maybe the majority are just remaining silent. But I think those supporting this narrative don’t do so because they know the truth; but rather, because they have learned to trust Tucker. Tucker is brainwashing America. And it is time Christians wake up and take back our voice from Tucker Carlson.

Tucker is trying to change who we are! He doesn’t like us! Even if he doesn’t say it, we can know this fact by the people he interviews. Jimmy Dore – Communist-wanna-be, regurgitating anti-American rhetoric from the 1960’s. You can read about that here. Defending Candace Owens now a full blown anti-Semite, as she claims Israel is the one committing genocide. Read the letters both Dennis Prager and David Horowitz lovingly wrote to her after her very public fall from grace. Both Prager and Horowitz, to their credit, knew they had to correct her. Then there is Darryl Cooper who Tucker claims is the best historian of our time; but he totally distorts everything that happened in WWII and beyond. He is just another hateful anti-Semite. Read the true account here by Victor Davis Hanson. Then we have Alex Jones, Doug Wilson, Julian Assange, and others all very well-known as anti-Semites whom Tucker supports. Come on. We need to take off our rose-colored Tucker Goggles. He isn’t who he has led us to believe he is. I think that guy is gone.

It's time to wake up and call Tucker out for who he really is. A grifting, anti-Semite who mostly lets others spread his hate for him, because he's a coward and doesn't want to lose his audience. And right now that's the nicest thing I can say about him. He just lets his guests say it all, as he sits back and agrees...sometimes even gushes over them. Then later, when he's called on it, he says the interview was simply in the name of freedom of speech. Right. He's done it far too many times. He builds them up, sings their praises and then sits back and nods in agreement while they spew their violent, anti-Israel, anti-American hatred. If you don’t see it, you are not listening closely enough! We need to take off our rose colored, Tucker Goggles and see what it is he is really trying to say to us and persuade us in to believing. Tucker is no conservative. Far from it. And honestly, I have given up hope that the Tucker Carlson, we all once knew and loved, the one we thought we knew, will ever return. He has crossed the Rubicon and I believe the die has been cast, and he isn't coming back.

You think this is long? This isn’t even a fraction of the lies and distortion these two are attempting to disperse. If you made it this far, look at it this way; I saved you from 2 long hours of despicable, and grueling misery. I suppose I should have waited to write this until I was no longer angry. 


*Our stance on Israel is not a salvation issue. Yes, one can be born again, without believing the traditional understanding of Israel and what a Christian response should be. In this case, there are other issues that cause me to question.
