Saturday, March 22, 2014

Faith and Politics

I watched an interview this morning of a man I have admired for many years. He was talking about his newly released book, which I won’t mention just yet. I believe it would be a very good read and I will probably write about it later, after I have read the material. But I don’t want to discuss it or name it until I have read it. The author had a great many good things to say in the television interview. His book is important and timely. But he also caused me to pause and reflect on something that has been bothering me for some time.

The interview left me to ponder the pertinent question of America’s next revival.  Certainly America needs a widespread revival to be restored to our original greatness. Obviously we need a citizenry that cares deeply about the principles and moral issues that are causing such dramatic change within our nation.

There are many that try to encourage others to become involved in politics, to vote, to speak out; to pay attention! I am one of those people that believe strongly, that in order for our nation to survive, citizens must become involved.

I also believe there is little hope for our nation unless we see a dramatic call to repentance and a soul searching effort of individuals back to the things of God. We need to be first and foremost on our knees before God.

I also agree with the author that I listened to this morning, that there is a deep yearning within people – especially at this time - to learn more about God.

Clearly there is a spiritual hunger in our nation that almost seems unprecedented. If there wasn’t, why - as the author stated - would Biblically based movies captivate the attention of so many? We see movies such as Noah and the Son of God in theatres now that are both expected to be box office hits. Why would churches boast not only record breaking number of members, but the newly organized mega church also be breaking membership numbers? Why would there be such dramatic efforts by atheists to ensure their belief, that there is no God, be readily espoused and heard. Obviously, it is because the atheists feel threatened. They can only feel threatened if they too, see a national and wide spread thirst for a God - almost any god, it sometimes seems.

There appears to be a great number of Christians who love to state that politics, or even a new President simply won’t work! And those that believe that statement are probably correct. But neither will an “awakening” or revival based on inaccurate beliefs or doctrine bring any effective change to our world!

If the true Gospel is not being preached, what good is any of it?  If it is a false gospel being presented, there will be no change in people lives.  If we continue to accept trashy television, legalization of drugs, gay marriage, the slighting of Israel, a loathsome degree of apathy on just about every issue one could mention, there will be no change in the fabric of our society. As we accept these things, which God clearly opposes in His Word, the blanket of God’s protective covering is slowly and incrementally pulled back.

Why when there seems to be unprecedented interest in the things of God, does our nation have a lower moral standard that is also unprecedented.  It’s because a watered down, wishy-washy “gospel” does NOT work, no matter how full our churches are.

Until we return to a Gospel that teaches repentance and a need for a change in our lives and the way we live, we will see no effective change for good in our society. We can watch all the movies about the Bible and religion that are ever made, we can pack the churches with 3 and 4 services a day, but it is all for nothing if there is no change of heart and people are comfortable living in their sin.

So, I believe it is safe to say a call back to the things of God (devoid of repentance) will be equally as ineffective as those that love to say:  "Politics, or a great national leader, or making more laws are not the answer." None of it will work if we don’t see a desire for morality in our lives – if we don’t see repentance and a change in the way we live. We know this because there is no other time in the history of our nation that our mores have been so low! Yet there is no other time in our nation’s history that our churches have been so filled.

That being said, an apathetic electorate isn’t going to cut it either. Certainly if we had a change in the hearts of individuals, we could envision a more moral society; things would surely be better.  But only if we have citizens determined to follow what rules and laws are governing our nation and what kind of changes are being attempted. We will see a brighter future only if we have citizens determined to watch and be active in what is taking place in our government. We won’t see a more moral society, if we don’t see citizens seeking to change the political hypocrisy that is besetting our land. We will not effect change with our heads in the sand.

People often wonder, especially Christians, why we should follow politics and be involved.  Oh, they understand civic duty as it is explained in Roman’s 1. They will (many, but not all) vote when it is time. They will do jury duty as called and conform to all aspects of the law. That’s good! We should! But if we believe that this nation is a gift from God - that we have somehow been set apart to share His Gospel and been historically blessed because we are a Christian nation founded on Biblical principals, - then shouldn’t we take care of our nation? We love to talk about being good stewards of our churches and our families and our earth and with all the things that God has entrusted us. Shouldn’t that include our nation? It is one of the most important gifts God has ever bestowed, yet rarely do we hear us speak of being a good steward of this nation. 

One cannot simply say “Oh well, God knows.” And expect Him to find favor with that. We can’t simply say, “I will pray about that.” That simply won’t work! God requires action.

We see a wonderful example in Exodus 14, after Moses had prayed to God but before he led the Israeli’s across the Red Sea when the Egyptians were chasing them. Moses prayed fervently. Finally God said to Moses. “Why are you crying out to me? Raise your hand and part that water!” That’s a paraphrase of Exodus 14:15 -16, but check out the passage for your self. God requires action!

“OH! Politics!” we often hear. “That’s for the carnally minded!  But I pray! I trust God!”

Well good for you! We need people that do! We NEED prayer warriors! But while you do that, just remember there is another warrior also using his gifts fighting for your freedoms that allow you to continue doing the things that you are gifted in and want to do. But maybe at some point you should think about being a good steward of our nation, too.

End of soap box! I am not attacking those that are not political. Maybe that isn't their calling. I simply don't want to see those that are political attacked for what they do. These people believe just as strongly that they are also doing God's will with their political statements and actions. There is a need for both. And just as it is imperative for those that are political to pray and seek God, it is also imperative that those that believe they need only pray to understand that sometimes they will need to become involved and take necessary action.

The truth is, we are not going to be saved by a great awakening if the one true God and all His ways aren’t preached. Neither, will we be protected and safe, if we fail to become politically involved – even with a great revival. We need both – a heartfelt revival and a desire to be good stewards of our great land.

In my opinion, it ain’t looking too good. Sometimes it seems we have little of either.

But there is always hope! We serve a God of hope and righteousness! Hope is the heart of our God. We can succeed and be great again, if we would simply do the very things that brought this nation to her greatness in the first place.

I’m pretty sure that is what that book I mentioned earlier is going to tell us….the one that was mentioned in the television interview.

But we also know what the Good Book tells us. It tells us to be alert and to watch. It tells us there is a way for redemption. It tells us Redemption died on a cross – for us! And there-in is our hope for eternal life. We are told an incredible Kingdom awaits us! We await a Bridegroom who loves us! Incredible!

But, in my opinion, we simply need to make life a little better down here, until He comes back for His bride and until His Kingdom is ushered in and politics won’t matter anymore.

Until then...sorry, but politics matter.

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within..."
possibly attributed to Stalin, c. 1947


Friday, March 14, 2014

We Make Law!

Representative Trey Gowdy could not be more right! This is awesome!  Please listen!