Saturday, October 28, 2023

Israel, O Israel

The campaign in media against Israel will grow even stronger now. We've been warned from the beginning that the media will soon turn on Israel, making them the villain rather than the victim. Media always have; they always will.
There will soon be horrifying images posted to social media and in mainstream news, just as this article states. And as this happens, Israel will have to defend itself against these mischaracterizations. They will be made out as the aggressor, the bad guy preying on innocent women and children, when the exact opposite is true. Israel has always been foremost in the world in working to keep civilians safe.
Some will wonder how in the world could this war be as gruesome as portrayed. The truth is these are *terrorists* and they're purposefully kept hopped up on methamphetamine to allow them to do what they do without any feeling, by a regime who has brainwashed them and only uses them. There have been many reports on the drug that they use. Bags of drugs have been found as proof that this is what they're using. But the horrific things these young men (I am being gracious) are doing to civilians speaks much stronger than any tangible proof like finding a bag of drugs. Who could ever do those things without a warped mind; or the protection of the mind by using a drug that allows no feeling or emotion. This is the only thing that explains the ability to carry out such despicable and evil behavior. That, and it truly is demonic.
As time goes on, there will be even more calls in defense of the Palestinians. But we must remember, Palestinians voted Hamas into control in Gaza. Yes there are innocents among them, but up to 57% of Palestinians support Hamas and are terrorists themselves. Israel takes great strides to protect the innocent. Still, some want us to believe the opposite is true about Israel.
The Bible warns us that before it's all over every nation will turn against Israel. And “every” means “every”. So I find myself watching extra carefully for where that turn in America might come. We have always been so pro-Israel! How could that ever change? Media will be a big part of that change by biased reporting that makes Israel the aggressor.
Obviously views about Israel are changing at the colleges and universities throughout America. They are teaching the opposite of what is truth. And we are seeing the many protests and yes, riots, at those colleges. Among them are students that have no allegiance to America and certainly not to Israel. They should be sent back to their countries, in my view.
We have people in Congress, who have sworn their allegiance to “Palestine” even over and above America. They should be expelled for that. One of those people, Rashida Tlaib (MI) is actually leading the protests at the Capitol. Ilhan Omar (MN) and at least 7 others all share the same belief.
But really, none of these examples are a surprise; none of these are really even out of character of what we might expect. What I am more worried about are those that will turn against Israel who actually claim to be pro-Israel; maybe even *always* have been pro-Israel, but are now subtly and slowly moving away from that support. Some are making statements that make us wonder if they are really going to stand with Israel when the going gets rough. They will use “America first”, not actually understanding the Bible says “those that bless Israel will be blessed and those that curse Israel will be cursed.” So if we think about that, and believe God’s word, supporting Israel *is* putting America first. By doing so, we will receive God’s blessings upon us!
I actually believe the war in Ukraine was a precursor in the way of support (or actually non-support) to the war in Israel. We are all so angry at giving funds to Ukraine, that there's little patience for sending any money to Israel. And some of our most conservative people that we look up to, are headed that way. Tucker Carlson is one. I am not surprised by that; Tucker is so afraid of war, that I'm not sure he would stand for anything if it came to actually having to go to war for it. He constantly uses Colonel Doug Macgregor to support his stance and back up his views. And I don’t think Macgregor could be more wrong. Tucker likes to host him because Macgregor validates Tucker's views.
I think Charlie Kirk has been caught up in this, Candice Owens and others in the mold of Rand Paul, who carefully state they support Israel, while dropping hints it's okay to not want to get involved in this war. We all hate war and want to stay out of it as much as possible, but the truth is, an anti-war position is not an okay stance, if you believe the Bible.
Tucker Carlson has long been a pacifist, as I said, but he recently came out with a 13-minute video trying to defend his stance, while also showing his anger that somebody would ever suggest he's anti-Israel. But in the bigger sense of the word if he does not support being involved, then he *is* anti-Israel! It's that simple. “Never again” means never again!
Charlie Kirk in the past two weeks, has made very questionable statements. The first, actually questioning whether Bibi Netanyahu intentionally started this war for political reasons, by enforcing stand down orders as Hamas came across the border. Who would do that? Anyone who has followed Bibi for any length of time would never make that kind of accusation!! Kirk actually said he had the right to question it! Yeah, well maybe; I don't think so! He doesn't get to know Israeli intelligence!! And it is very foolish at a time like this to accuse Israel's leaders of something like that. The very next week Charlie was stating (in anger) that Israel had bombed a Christian Church in Gaza and he was going to get to the bottom of that! I wonder what he thinks actually happens in war. ??? It's messy and certainly won't be without mistakes; if indeed that attack on the church ever even happened. More likely, it was akin to what happened at the hospital! Hamas did it!! But things we do not like, happen in war! And Hamas does not play fair, all the while using human shields.
My point is not to criticize Charlie, but the truth is he has a huge platform and in this climate of anti-war, anti-Israel, anti-funding of any foreign nation even to the point of desiring isolationist policies, his words are going to be very detrimental to Israel, whether he intended that or not. His statements were more than just a policy criticism of Israel; they were dangerous. The end result is actually joining the ranks of the left with their verbal abuse of Israel and her leaders. Further, Israel has already had to give away some defense secrets and strategies in order to defend themselves to the world regarding the attack of the hospital. They had to prove it wasn’t them, but rather Hamas; and in doing so they revealed some of their equipment and strategy.
Tucker's long been on thin ice for me in regard to his foreign policy views. Now, in my opinion, Charlie joins him. Charlie did some cleanup work by adamantly assuring everyone he's always been pro-Israel, which of course he has. The other day, Charlie took even a more solid step by having Pastor Jack Hibbs on his podcast to convince us of his support. Personally, I think that was a clean up job. But yes, the right thing to do. I'm pretty sure Pastor Jack would instruct him to be more careful next time with what he accuses Israel. And I believe Charlie would take that to heart.
But anyway, these are the things that I think are important to watch. I am *not* saying these people are against Israel, per se. I am saying their statements and their support or their lack of support financially, philosophically, morally, Biblically and even strategically are important. What they do and state in order to claim “America first” will lead to confusion and cause others to become opposed to Israel, if we are not careful. I think that's what is happening.
So people can go ahead and claim their love for Israel all they want, but if they are speaking differently from the other side of their mouth, it only brings confusion to those who may not follow closely. We are in a very anti-war mindset in this nation, more than any other time in history. And Ukraine has been the precursor for that to get us there - understandably so. (This is the crux of Charlie’s problem in an apparent double speak regarding Israel, I think.) The way the war in Ukraine has been handled makes me wonder if that's what the Biden administration’s support for Ukraine has been all about in the first place: To stir the masses, which it most certainly has done.
It is okay to support one war financially, but not the other. They are two entirely different situations and handled by completely different people. Netanyahu is out to win and will! There in lies the difference. Ukraine and all that is happening there is being manipulated.
People are not going to like this, but I believe Speaker Mike Johnson has a healthy view of what should happen in Ukraine. That’s for another post.
Charlie Kirk, Tucker Carlson, Doug Macgregor, et al. lament our being in war because we do not have a strong enough defense at this time, and that might well be true. But Oliver North has laid out a fantastic six point plan to wrap all of this up with very little damage to anyone. Listening to it made so much sense that it just hits the heart as truth and actually offered hope that there is a way out of this with the right leadership!
Getting Joe Biden to follow North's plan will be absolutely impossible; but if we could get normal Americans behind that kind of plan, we would be far better off and and we would be able to avoid least for now. Our fear or even our disdain for a "foreign war", at least in this case, is going to get us in a whole lot of trouble. Media and Joe Biden push that fear in the way of appeasement; and now a few too many "conservatives" have joined them (though they would never admit that) by redefining what "America First" means. The end result of both approaches will have the same outcome - WWIII...though they both claim that is what they seek to avoid.
Israel is God’s time clock for all things "end times". And it is surely ticking. Personally, I believe we are in the “wars and rumors of wars” stage. This doesn’t have to be Armeggedon, though all things are certainly aligned. This is a time to pray, get ready and keep looking up! Our Redemption draws nigh!
Be careful what you believe....and listen very carefully.