
Paul and his supporters are quick to call others a "RINO" (Republican In Name Only) yet Dr. Paul is the one that told Sean Hannity the only reason he is running on the Republican ticket is because it is the only way he can win. So who is in actuality, the real "RINO"? And please someone, tell me, where is the character in that?!

Congressman Paul displayed no depth of character at the last Presidential election when, rather than get behind the candidate that did win in the primaries, he told his supporters to throw their support to the "Constitutionalist" candidate, Charles Baldwin.  He also allowed his “national convention” to be held at the exact same time as the Republican Convention, rather than support the nominee that won on the Republican ticket. Where is the character in that? At the end of the day, Republicans should support Republicans, or run on a different ticket!

I have also read reports that after he lost in the 2008 primaries, Paul advised supporters to get behind Cynthia McKinney …you know; radical Green Party Presidential candidate in 2008; supporter of Arab causes, and one of the first “9/11 ‘Bush Knew’ Truthers”.

When you really get to know Paul and some of his other associations, his ties with McKinney doesn’t surprise me at all.
From Wikipedia: “She [McKinney] supported anti-war legislation and introduced articles of impeachment against President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.” 
Dr. Paul is, in fact, Libertarian in his ideology. So why is he running on the Republican ticket? He is a fiscal conservative, but actually very liberal on the social issues. I find it so interesting that all the Paul supporters use the term "Republican" like it's a dirty word. In my opinion, Paul should be kicked out of the Republican Party and forced to quit taking money serving for a party that he obviously doesn't like. So who is the real RINO - the name Paul supporters all seem to love to attach to those that would disagree with Ron Paul?