Monday, November 5, 2012

My America

In the past month, I finished reading Obama’s America by Dinesh D’Souza as well as his earlier written work The Roots of Obama’s Rage. D’Souza offers an interesting perspective having been raised in the third world economy of India. I have highly recommended both books. Both books are compelling and were easy for me to read. I have heard reports from some people that they are difficult to read because it is heartbreaking to see where the current President has taken our beloved country. Yes, in that regard, they are a bit difficult to read.

While I may not necessarily agree with everything Mr. D’Souza has written, I believe his thorough study on the matter has brought him to an accurate deciphering which he readily admits is only his theory of Obama’s actions. I’m convinced he knows he is correct, and I also believe he is right on target.

I have learned a great deal by reading these two books. I have also had my own beliefs validated by the findings of Dinesh D’Souza. I simply did not know how to give credence to my beliefs.  Learning the term anti-colonialist, though I don’t necessarily like the term has given me a greater understanding of Mr. Obama’s beliefs. Mr. D’Souza has shown me how.  One of the most important revelations I came to, was a greater understanding of why it is so critical for those that desire to destroy America, to do so by doing away with our faith-based history. Wipe it all away, has been the goal of revisionists in these later years. I understood it was happening; and I knew they wanted to remove God from the roots of our foundation, but I did not fully understand why.

A profound truth I came to while reading these two books is:  if America’s goals and ideals were not based on spreading the Gospel, then it is much easier to view us as evil Colonialists or as an Imperialist nation whose sole focus is to take over and control other nations for our own benefit.  That is not my America. But I learned it is Obama’s.

My America is, in fact, a tool given by the God of the Universe to aid in bringing Jesus Christ to a hurting world. And it is my belief, that Christians are to be the operators of that tool. If you have an accurate accounting of the history of America, there is no debating my belief. This is a major factor in why I continue to fight the things that I believe are incremental endeavors trying to bring about America’s demise.

Tomorrow is Election Day. I feel like I have prayed without ceasing for the outcome. I decided I wanted to share the last couple pages of Dinesh D’Souza’s book The Roots of Obama’s Rage. This excerpt isn't even the most important of facts that are laid out by Mr. D'Souza, but I have chosen it because it is a heart-felt appeal from Mr. D’Souza to change the direction our nation has been taken the last four years. It seems appropriate before we vote. If you have been one to believe that America is an evil empire only concerned about her own earthly gain, or that the "American Dream" is all about selfish ambition and ideals with no concern for a hurting world, I hope you will take the time to read one of Mr. D'Souza's books, and instead learn and receive all that is right with America, regardless of what her new enemies may try to promote.
"…Call it empire if you will, but America’s role is very different from that of previous empires.  Contrary to the charges of the anti colonialists, the United States today has no intention of ruling or seeking tribute from other countries; America’s foreign policy goals are basically to encourage people to trade with us and to make sure they don’t bomb us.  That’s pretty much it.  Of course America could stop being the global policeman, but then there wouldn’t be anyone to deter North Korea from nuking South Korea or to prevent China from kicking around the small countries in its neighborhood, or to put a stop to genocidal wars in Bosnia or Rwanda or the Middle East. Someone has got to be the cop, and it’s a role I wouldn’t want to hand over to China, Russia, or the United Nations.  There is currently no alternative to American leadership in the world, and deep down even American liberals know this.

So one great threat posed by Obama is that in weakening America he will jeopardize the security and a stability that America provides not only for its own citizens but for the world. Then there is a second threat that Obama poses to his own country. America is currently the world leader, but it is faced with serious competitive challenges from leaner, hungrier nations like China and India.  The economic balance has tipped in favor of these countries; they are growing five times faster than the United States. Chinese cities are bigger, newer, and glitzier than anything in America today.  Also, China and India have larger populations and this too has economic significance.  Since China has more than three times the number of people that America has, even if the Chinese per capita income only rises to one-third that of the United States, China will have a bigger GNP than America.  AT current rates, the Chinese economy will over take that of the United States in a few decades.  The American era will be over, and if history is any guide, it will never return.

What are we going to do about this? Here we are at a fork in the road. We can either draw from the wellsprings of American strength and get about the business of competing in the world, or we can give up on the American dream and lapse into a second-class position as indeed Britain eventually did.  If Obama has his way, America would look  a lot like Obama’s father wanted Kenya to look: government-run peasant cooperatives rationing land and natural resources in order to enjoy a modest self-sufficiency.

Recall Obama’s granny outlining for him the simple life in the village before the white man came. Each family had its own hut.  The men tilled the land and the women drew the water.  The boys learned to throw their spears and the girls learned to grind millet.  The elders watched over everything and made all the rules.  I understand the appeal of growing up in a simple, settled society, because I grew up in one.  We didn’t have all the problems of modern life.  But then we also didn’t have basic amenities that most people today take for granted.  Equally important, there is very little mobility and opportunity in settled societies.  That’s why so many people from the old country would be thrilled to have a chance to move to the United States.  Consequently I understand Obama, but I don’t sympathize with him  In fact, his warped ideology really scares me.  His vision for America may be therapeutic for his psyche, but it is a ridiculous one for America in the twenty-first century.  The dream of the two Obama’s is not the dream that I want for America.  Obama’s dream is actually an American nightmare.

It’s time to act.  Yes, we need change, and this time the change we need is to change the man in the White House. America isn’t the rogue elephant: Obama is.  It’s not a matter of putting him out of his misery; it’s a matter of putting him out of our misery.  We also have to get rid of his team of sycophants and enablers.  I am thinking of Harry Reid, Chris Dodd, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank: The entire liberal Democratic menagerie.  Do all these enablers, or even his own private staff, know who Obama really is and what his goals really are? I suspect they do not, because Obama’s philosophy derives from his own unique experience.  So they are in a way, dupes of Obama and of his translations strategy; this would make Obama a true loner.  But it makes no difference.  The sycophants and enablers are the ones who are clearing the path for this Pied Piper, and we had better get rid of the whole crew before they take us off the cliff.

More than this, we need to ask ourselves how we got into this situation.  We need to reexamine what it is to be an American.  This means we must no longer respond so lethargically to the competitive challenges we face. Ronald Reagan once noted that the American national anthem is the only one in the world that ends with a question: “Oh say does that Star Spangled banner yet wave, o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?” Only we, through our resolution and through our action, can answer that question."

~ Dinesh D'Souza -The Roots of Obama's Rage

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