Monday, January 7, 2013

It Figures!

This President continues to send quiet, subtle messages that he is not a true supporter of Israel. Though he may make an appropriate statement when conditions force him, his actions continue to tell another story.

The President's recent appointment of former Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense is yet another example of the incompetency of this administration, or the intentional disregard of our beloved ally, Israel.

Beside the fact that Senator Hagel has no experience in handling a bureaucracy as large as the Defense Department, he doesn't seem to be on the right side of any issue concerning the office to which he is appointed. He also seems to have a habit of making comments that offend a number of Jewish organizations, and though apologies would be appropriate, Hagel has never retracted his statements.

Senator Hagel seems to have no understanding of the danger in "befriending" Iran, as he has stated on a number of occasions that we should have “direct, unconditional, and comprehensive talks with the Government of Iran.”  Neither does he seem concerned with the fact that Iran could get nuclear weapons at any moment. Sound familiar?  Hagel is one of those Republicans that simply seems to have problems being a true Republican, becoming increasingly liberal as he moved forward in his career. As I look back on his career, it appears to me that he is inconsistent in his values. But let me get back to Iran. He also has a record showing opposition to imposing sanctions on Iran. Let me list some other examples of concern:
  • Hagel was only one of two senators to vote "no" on the Iran/Libya Sanctions Act in 2001.
  • Hagel, with only 12 other Senators in 2006, would not support efforts to declare Hezbollah a terrorist organization. (To me, that is a shocking number of US Senators considering Hezbollah IS a terrorist organization.)
  • Hagel has also called for talks with Hamas who has from the onset called for the destruction of Israel. Right! Like talking with terrorists is reasonable.
  • In 2000, Chuck Hagel was one of only 4 Senators who refused to sign a letter drafted in the Senate pledging support of Israel.
I'm sure there are more examples, but you get the idea. Now, Hagel promises to follow Obama's position on Middle Eastern policy.  Like that's comforting!  As I said earlier, Obama's actions are anything but supportive of Israel, regardless of his words.

I learned a LONG TIME AGO to look at those that may be behind the efforts showing support of any particular issue or candidate. This will help one understand the positions a candidate has taken in the past or will take in the future. From where they have accepted money, will more likely than not reveal where their allegiance will be. Well, one of Hagel's strongest supporters is Stephen Walt author of an anti-Israel book that seeks to oppose Israel and AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee). I am not going to plug Walt's book by inserting a name, but Mr. Walt in a recent effort to show support for the nomination of Hagel, continues to make derogatory statements about Israel and Prime Minister Bibi Nentanyahu.

While Hagel was Senator, he was well known to be on the opposite side of much of the Republican platform. He was probably more of a "dove" on issues of defense than even some democrats. He opposed the Iraq war, and he voted against President Bush’s 2007 troop surge in Iraq, which proved to be very successful at the time and clearly needed. With seemingly no concern for a strong national defense as President Reagan advocated, Hagel has long stated he believes large defense cuts are necessary.

So in conclusion, though Hagel is well-known for his opposition to our support of Israel, as well as his being weak on defense, this is the man selected for our Secretary of Defense? Even the current Secretary - the liberal Leon Panetta - in his position at the Pentagon is opposed to defense cuts.

One must ask: Why with everything else the President has to deal with right now - the gun issue; immigration; fall out from the "fiscal cliff" - why would he choose to pick up a battle such as the nomination of Chuck Hagel, when it is something that could be avoided.  I believe it is because he loves these little, subtle statements that in reality display his true lack of concern for Israel, as well as his lack of support for a strong national defense.

Pundits and politicians are said to be baffled by President Obamba's choice of Chuck Hagel as Seceretary of Defense. I don't think it is baffling at all; I think it sends a clear statement - one in which Obama hoped to send to those that are paying attention...those that are concerned about our National Security, and those that are concerned about the situation in the Middle East; none more important than Israel.

Here's hoping the confirmation hearings reveal truth...and that those listening, remain strong. We now stand the chance of having a man who doesn't believe in a strong defense at the helm of our Defense Department.  It figures....
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