Wednesday, August 7, 2013

And Again..

From Secure America Now:

Where Is The Outrage?

Why are the leaders of the House of Representatives continuing to stonewall the creation of a Select Committee to delve into the Benghazi Cover Up?

America wants to know why its sons were killed in Benghazi. Instead of answers, we are getting piecemeal crumbs of information about what went on that night. The latest revelation, reported by CNN almost one week ago, is that there were CIA operatives on the ground in the compound.
Why are we reduced to depending on the news media for this information when Congress has the constitutional duty to get to the bottom of this tragedy?

We need a Congressional committee that demands access to the Americans who witnessed the attack in Benghazi and survived. The American people demand answers to all questions about this tragedy!

We should hear why one of the attackers is giving interviews, when he should be sitting in jail or executed for his crimes.

It is time for a Select Committee now -- before the First Anniversary of the execution of Ambassador Stevens and his colleagues.

On another front: Why has it taken years to start the trial of Nidal Hasan who murdered innocent Americans at Fort Hood? Why is he still receiving his salary? Again where is the outrage of our elected officials?

Contact your elected officials and start demanding answers!

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