Thursday, December 12, 2013

Without God



People say these two things don’t go together. There is also the old adage that goes something like: “Don’t ever talk politics or religion.”  Yeah, right! There’s a lie from the devil if I have ever heard one. I’d like to know when that mindset started. It was probably sometime in the twentieth century as we began to lose the ability and understanding of civil discourse. I’m convinced it hasn’t always been like this. In my opinion, there is nothing more important about which we should be talking. These two subjects are strategically the basis of all things that enable our world to work.

The church was once the place where political discussions had a very prevalent place in our society. It was where people expected to find out what was going on in their communities, as well as our nation.

Curiously, how does one separate these two subjects? I simply don’t understand.
Think about it for a moment. For starters, there is nothing more important than the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are commanded in Scripture with the Great Commission – to spread the Good News that we have a risen Savior. There is simply no way to minimize the importance of this fact. Really, once one has become a Christian, full understanding will not allow ones conscience to believe otherwise, in my opinion. Next to worshipping and honoring the Creator of the Universe, the salvation of the lost is our top priority. At least it should be. Honoring the King with our lives is a means to reach that end. Of course, it must be achieved with our actions; but without a doubt, sometimes it requires words. Let’s talk.

Humor me just for a moment. Suppose Christians are all doing our job as we should be, and souls are willingly receiving our Savior. Hearts are being changed. Truly Jesus is the answer for everything. But suppose as souls were changed, people did nothing. Suppose they merely got saved and took no action in regard to anything…suppose they were simply an island unto themselves. No love, no charity, no missions, no action at all. Suppose we all simply remained that island with no outward reaching to help anyone else. It wouldn’t make for a very pretty world, now would it? But the Christian wouldn’t do that! Christianity is all about actions! I believe it once was. I’m not so sure about that any more. At least, I will say, the actions we think a Christian should take have certainly become convoluted.

Now clearly most Christians believe that the United States of America was built on our Judeo/Christian roots. We know and understand (contrary to what many teach today), that people came here for the freedom to worship in the manner they prefer for themselves. People sacrificed and died to achieve that end. They also came to this new land to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.[1] Debatable, I know, according to revisionist history, but it is a fact none-the-less.

Most of us believe our Founding Fathers were Godly men and we believe that our rights and freedoms are given to us not by man, but by God. That is clearly stated in our Declaration of Independence. Our Founders made sure we understood this well when Thomas Jefferson included these words:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Most of us also view our nation as a gift; at least we should. Well then, think also about this for a moment:  If we believe God gifted us with the government that we have here in America, but no one ever did anything to be good stewards of that government, wouldn’t we be disrespecting God’s gift?  Suppose we did nothing to protect, defend or respect our Constitution.  Suppose we didn’t vote. What if we didn’t pray for our leaders as instructed in Scripture to do? Suppose we didn’t care if we kept Godly laws, or Godly men and women in office. What if we didn’t care, whether or not we maintained and preserved the history for which our Founding Fathers sacrificed. What if we cared little about our position in the world, because we all simply believe “Que sera sera”? What will be, will be. So there is no sense in worrying or doing anything about anything. Truly, wouldn’t that be blatant disrespect for God and His blessing on our nation.
If God is the Author of Freedom (and He is) and if God gave us our freedom and made it available to us through a nation founded on Biblical principals (which it is and He did) then shouldn’t it be a priority in our lives to be good stewards of that gift? And shouldn’t we ask ourselves why are we so obviously blessed in this country? If we think about it, wouldn’t the answer be that God created a nation and gifted that nation with the ability and means to spread His Good News? A place distinctly able to fulfill the Great Commission and the last words He spoke on this earth. I believe this is why America was built, along with a means to live out our faith as we choose. We are, and always have been, a light to the nations. At least we have, until now.
But let me get back to politics for a moment. Think about what Thomas Jefferson meant when he said: “Can the liberties of a nation be sure, when we remove their only firm basis…that these liberties are a gift from God.”
Our Founders made sure everyone understood that God was the basis and support of this nation. John Adams assured us that our rule of law would simply not work without God in our lives.
“Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other.”
Well now, if the Christian isn’t going to protect that basis for our nation, who in the world do we think will?
The Christian, (or anyone for that matter) who states: “Christians have no place in the political realm,” exhaust me.  God has gifted us with the means to take care of our country through the Constitution and “We the people”. Why would we delegate our responsibility to anyone else?
Really?? I have to ask. Is the revisionist history that tries to make us believe that our nation was not founded on our Judeo/Christian roots really so believable? Our national documents are full of statements about God, such as the ones afore mentioned. Were these men that built such a strong foundation for our nation so wrong? Clearly they believed the Christian must be active. Certainly that wasn’t even a question that entered their minds; it was simply the way that they lived.
As our Founders wrought through their beliefs and finally signed the Declaration of Independence, Benjamin Franklin stated: “If we don’t hang together, we shall all surely hang.” In this statement, we see they fully understood the repercussions of what they were doing; it could mean death for them. Clearly, as they risked their lives, they believed freedom was worth working toward and even fighting. Where would we be if not for men such as these and their strong faith? It certainly wouldn’t be the United States of America that has served us well and stood strong for so long.
The Infiltration

The liberal left seeking to change the direction of this nation cannot do so as long as we hold to our Christian foundation. Our Judeo-Christian traditions and beliefs must be removed and replaced in order for a leftist agenda to be successful. It is imperative that we hold onto the fact that we are a “Christian nation” to prevent the secularists from succeeding in all they hope to accomplish. To allow that label to be removed, we are in fact joining the forces of those that want to defeat us.

As I was writing this, and contemplating all that I wanted to say, I happened to catch Bill O’Reilly’s “Talking Points” on the evening of December 4th, 2013. He believes without a doubt that there is a war on Christianity going on in our nation. In his segment, he is focusing on secular progressives using Christmas as a tool to attack Christianity, and he is absolutely correct in his assessment! He points out it isn’t simply a war on Christmas, but rather it is a war on people of faith.

I believe he is correct in his concern. We are seeing an all out attack on Christmas and the true meaning that is unparalleled. Billboards stating "Who needs Christ in Christmas?" are appearing across the nation. To say "Merry Christmas" has become politically incorrect. Atheists have even found the verse in Jeremiah 10:2-4 that warns of decorating a tree and to prove their secular beliefs they wield this verse like a weapon against Christians. They care not that this verse was about an intent of the heart regarding idol worship, as opposed to the celebration of Christ's birth as the Christmas tree is used today. But that is for a whole other discussion, I suppose.

But even more importantly than all of this, O'Reilly's talking points also include the fact that the left must rid America of Christianity and all for which the Christian stands to succeed in accomplishing their goal. This is the message I felt was particularly important. I hope you will take a moment to watch the video below to contemplate the message he gives us.

Mr. O’Reilly states:
“In order to remake the U.S. into a progressive nation, the committed left must diminish Judeo-Christian tradition which stands in opposition to them. So they must get the religious influence out of the way. All of the so-called progressive countries are secular.

Here in America we have maintained most of our Judeo-Christian traditions, but they are under attack.”
O’Reilly pinpoints 5 facts that are problematic for those who hope to transform America. I have listed them below. Please watch the video for O’Reilly’s more in depth and accurate perspective.
  1. Cradle to grave entitlements, which makes the individual dependant on the government.
  2. Income equality.
  3. Unfettered abortion/ absolutely no restrictions.
  4. Gay marriage
  5. Legalized narcotics.2
Now much of the progressive agenda has already been achieved. It has been done with pushing “politically correct” positions; removing prayer in schools, as well as public places and meetings. It has been done through revisionist history, and by changing attitudes and mores through television and movies. Especially under the administration of the current President we have seen the goal to “transform” America progressing at an alarming rate.

But other than these things I have mentioned, the progressive agenda has also been achieved by an infiltration of the Christian church. You think that’s extreme? That belief is only a radical conspiracy theory, you charge?  Think again.

It really should come as no surprise! We were warned this would be a tactic with the writing of the Communist Manifesto in 1848 by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.  The Manifesto, also eventually published in America, is an attack on capitalism and explains the means by which capitalism can be destroyed. One of the most important means - faith must be abolished.

“But Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience.”[3]
Later, Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, published in 1971, was a dissertation on the means to promote a progressive agenda and break down class structures. A break down of class is absolutely necessary to bring a decline in American wealth and exceptionalism!  
According to Alinsky the “have-nots”[4] or those in poverty were the easiest to control, therefore he used this group, spending most of his life bringing about change in poor communities across the United States. Promoting discontent by pointing to their poverty as opposed to the wealthy in America appealed to the greater sense of good bestowed upon mankind - at least those raised in a land built with Judeo Christian roots. Alinsky used the fact that if an entire community is adversely affected by something, one can appeal not only to those of that community but also to a caring Christian community. But after speaking to the unfairness of class structure, Alinsky also warns of the evil desires that wealth brings, as well as the distractions materialism can cause.  A materialistic mindset keeps mankind from being concerned with welfare of the poor which hurts society as a whole. Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals is all about division and discontent and a deceitful way to bring us there.
Thus, having worked so well, in causing uproar and divide across our nation, his rules also became a blueprint used by the left to infiltrate and to change the mind-set of those within the church body. This, in my opinion, is working best through the mission field. It is exactly what we see occurring within a good deal of several missions-oriented organizations. Not all, mind you, but without a doubt a strong portion. Let me give you some examples.
Though Richard Stearns claims to be appointed by God to his position of CEO of the renowned mission organization, World Vision, I fully suspect he was appointed alright, but not by God. Richard Stearns in his book, The Hole in Our Gospel, spent the majority of his writings condemning the American Christian for living in excess while most of the world suffers in poverty. He blames the American Christian for being too political as the biggest part of the problem. What he doesn’t realize (or maybe he does) that by making the statements he is making, he too is being political. Stearns apparent answer for the world problems? The United Nations, of course! He tells the Christian he shouldn’t be involved in conservative politics as this is what is giving the Christian a bad name. Taking a stand on abortion, legalization of drugs; gay marriage are a no-no. Just as O’Reilly pointed out in his talking points, the progressives are trying to make cradle to grave entitlements seem to be a necessity in a truly caring world. But in reality, it only weakens our structure.
Shame on the Christian for being political we obviously read in Stearns’ book. But apparently it’s ok to support the dangerous liberal left agenda of the United Nations. He even gives a plug for the United Nations “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” as well as the “United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. It is simply more of the ideology and political aspirations of the left that the Christian should embrace according to Stearns, though he would never word it that way.

 But whatever one does, one shouldn’t be political. It gives Christians a bad name. And after all, Stearns gave up all his wealth, you know. Note sarcasm, please.
The Christian, above all, is compassionate. We believe in action and we believe in caring for others. It is my opinion the left has infiltrated missions in the church in order to promote and achieve their ideology. What better means is there to appeal to the compassion of those that want to serve the Lord, than to remind them of all the poverty and sickness in the world? While this is true, the Christian has always made a point to serve the poor and lost, but we didn’t align ourselves with the UN in order to do it.  And we didn’t bash other ministries in the process; i.e. those that have a mission to protect the unborn, or other political endeavors in our nation that Christians may view as their ministry.
Rarely, does Stearns mention that the salvation of the poor should be our goal in missions. Simply that the Christian has a responsibility to take care of them.
John Piper lectures us about the American Dream – at least his interpretation of that dream – assuring us it has no place in the Christian’s life while the world suffers.
Christian author and pastor, John Piper, has video after video about the selfish American who looks forward to retirement. Like retirement is the most selfish thing one could ever do. What he doesn’t take time to say, is the statistics that he quotes about the number of people retiring also would include non-Christians that are also retiring. Do we really expect them to behave as Christians and offer up their lives and money?
I am not questioning Piper’s faith or salvation; I simply believe he is deceived in this area.  As the flaws of the 1980’s “prosperity movement” were finally revealed, so will the reasons and misguiding behind this abject poverty philosophy eventually be made clear.
Piper's video - an error of statistics.
As men like John Piper, Richard Stearns and Rick Warren bash the American Dream they are in reality, living the American Dream! Rick Warren is one of the richest pastors in America, for crying out loud. I don’t care if he gives away 90 % of his income. That’s my point! He has been able to do it by utilizing the American Dream. I don’t care if Stearns boasts that he has given up his lavish lifestyle. It was the American Dream that allowed him to do so. They are doing that which they desire and love to do! As men like these criticize those that are political, they are themselves political with their support of UN resolutions and anti-American sentiments, or as in Warren’s case a universal faith that encompasses and includes all religions, negating the Gospel of the Bible with a "social gospel". While Warren has taken a conservative stance on many issues, he advances a “new age" philosophy that dangerously unites all religions to one goal which is contrary to Scripture. Further, to do so by uniting with the one world agenda of the UN is extremely detrimental to America.

As they make their political statements (yes, I said political) they are in effect bashing the very means by which they are supported. If not for the “rich, puffed up American Christian” just where would they get their money to support their agenda, I wonder.
I really hate to see people buy into this not so new idea, but rather the same one conceived by Karl Marx. The truth is we are all living the American Dream! If we are doing what we desire, we are living the American Dream. If we are working toward what we believe, we are living the American Dream for which someone else fought and died! If we have given up our riches, just like Richard Stearns claims he has done, we are living the American Dream because we are able to choose how we live. What Richard Stearns apparently fails to see is that it is the “wealthy” American and a capitalistic society that has allowed us to do it. That IS the American Dream.
Ironically, wealth and freedom of course, are the very tools that are required to support monetarily Christian missions to the poor of the world.
We see just a tad bit of hypocrisy in that, don’t we? We are encouraged to give up the American Dream, while still needing that dream to support our endeavors. I’m still shaking my head on that one.

Without a doubt the church has been infiltrated by those that hope and understand it is a requirement to change the mindset of those who are of the biggest threat to their agenda – the Christian.

“Without God, there could be no American form of Government, nor an American way of life. Recognition of the Supreme Being is the first--the most basic--expression of Americanism. Thus the Founding Fathers saw it, and thus, with God's help, it will continue to be.” –Pres. Eisenhower
Our Demise
I would like to address one more important point before I finish. I believe the Bible clearly teaches that God is for the division of nations. He is the One who created and made the boundaries. While I am not going to go into this too much at this time, I think this can clearly be seen by the Tower of Babel when God confounded the languages in Genesis 11 preventing them from working together to build an altar to the sky.
God warns us of the one world government of the anti-Christ. Clearly He has chosen Israel as the time-clock of the world. And the boundaries of that nation must be left intact for all end-time prophecy to be fulfilled.
There is simply no question. For me, that is the strongest evidence of all why we should oppose a United Nations agenda that continues to work toward a one world system. Why would we support that?
Our nation is without argument heading toward cultural decline. Faith is losing her place in our lives. Almost all of the progressives’ goals have been achieved with the on-set of Obamacare. We have lost the will to believe we can make a difference. We have decided politics will not work and our government is above all else, evil.
My father taught me a long time ago, that once Americans no longer trust their government, they will fail to use that government in the way our Founders intended. Once no one has faith they can make a difference, they will cease to try, and our enemies will win. I saw the bashing of our American government begin in the 60’s; I have seen the results of that beating come to fruition in the 21st century; specifically and especially 2013.
The left is continually waging their war on religion - intent on removing God from the very fabric of our society. When they are entirely successful in their resolve, then will come our demise.
Let me leave you with a quote from Dr. Ben Carson, renowned neurosurgeon:
Many believe that the United States is in fact not a Judeo-Christian nation and that it does not embrace any particular philosophy of faith. This is not reflected in the words of our founders, nor is it reflected on our currency of which emphatically states in God We Trust, nor is it reflected in our documents of establishment such as the Declaration of Independence. This very document states that we have certain inherent and inalienable rights given to us by our creator. Therefore how could one possibly could call into question the statements that we are not a nation of faith. History demonstrates that Churches have and continue to play an important role in our self-identification in addition to establishing many of our values. If we are not people of faith then who are we? And if we cannot base our system of fundamental values on our Judeo-Christian traditions, then upon what do we assert its foundation? It is time to stop being ashamed of our faith and stop allowing secular progressive movements to define what we like and who we are.
Without a doubt, someone is going to have to protect our Christian nation.  It's going to take lots of prayer; and it is unfortunately going to require some politics. I'd say the two go together handily, and we would be wise to learn how to use them both. It needs to be without shame as Dr. Carson states, but also without fear. And while we are at it, maybe we had better re-learn a little civil discourse. It is time to help younger generations begin to learn who we are and who we have always been - before the secularist agenda has been achieved in its entirety.

[2] The O’Reilly Factor – Taking Points December 4, 2013
[3] The Communist Manifesto – page 14
[4] Rules for Radicals; Alinsky, Saul

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