Tuesday, January 14, 2014

United We Stand

Below is Mike Huckabee's most recent newsletter. He brilliantly covers the topic of party infighting. I have tried covering that topic myself, but the former governor does it so much better. I have felt that we needed a leader on this subject for some time - since 2008, actually -  and I am glad Gov. Huckabee has stepped up to the plate. It is imperative this message get out before the next election.  One would think it would be common sense, but it seems much of that is lacking these days.

I am not saying Gov. Huckabee is perfect. None of us are.  But it is high time we found those with whom we are most closely aligned and bring out the wisdom in their message. The problems within the party can come to the forefront later to be worked upon within the confines of our exceptional system - like mature adults, not bickering children!

Governor Huckabee's thoughts are excellent. It is interesting to me to note, one of the politicians whose supporters were the first to use the label RINO back in 2008, is the politician who also admitted he only ran on the Republican ticket because he felt it was the only way he could win. Doesn't take a lot of common sense to figure out then, who would be the real RINO. But I digress, I actually do agree with Huck; we need to get rid of that term!!

As for Mike Huckabee, looks to me "like he is going somewhere"! Onward!!


There’s one thing standing in the way of Republicans adding to their majority in the House and releasing the Senate from the grasp of Harry Reid and his Democrat foils—and it’s other Republicans.

Jesus said “A house divided against itself cannot stand,” and neither Jesus’s statement nor Obamacare have been repealed. With the jobless rate continuing to keep many able Americans from finding enough work to pay their bills, with our overall economy only favoring those well connected to Washington or Wall Street, and our standing in the world decimated by bungled policies, and embarrassing mistakes like getting caught spying on foreign leaders, 2014 should be a record year for the GOP. But if something doesn’t change, it will be a disaster and we actually run the risk of seeing Nancy Pelosi back in the Speaker’s chair.

Republicans shouldn’t allow the party’s process to be hijacked by the big bucks advertising campaigns which don’t target liberals, but provide the weapons of fratricide so conservatives can slice other conservatives to pieces rather than focus on the real contrasts with leftists.

Those who blame the Tea Party for this are misguided. The Tea Party is a movement, not a structured organization, and as such has rightfully helped the Republican party refocus on the perils of spending money we don’t have and borrowing money we can’t afford to pay back. It’s the infighting, and the back biting, and the wounds from those who ought to be our friends that will hurt us most. When Republicans spend time and money to tear down other Republicans rather than to build up the country, why would we expect people to want to vote for us? People want to be led by someone who looks like he’s going somewhere, not someone who looks like he’s sorry he’s been.

We asked you to offer your thoughts on FB and Twitter as to how the Republican party should go forward and you surely did. Many of you used a term that I’d like to see outlawed from the vernacular of the party---RINO. It stands for Republicans in Name Only, and it’s a pejorative term that questions the authenticity and orthodoxy of someone’s party purity. One of our Tweets from Bettina Flowe said to me, “Get rid of all of the RINOS---including YOU….”For one to imply that he or she is more pure a Republican than someone else must is to assert that one individual has either been given or has taken the role of keeper of the kingdom.

With all due respect, I’ve fought in the trenches of Republican politics for over 2 decades, but I wouldn’t pretend that I’m Lord over determining who the real Republicans are vs. the so-called RINOS.

I think Wendy Harris has it right—here’s what she posted: They all need to be on the same page fighting the same fight for " WE THE PEOPLE". Get rid of all who don't or won't….Jayne Gladden also expressed real common sense when she posted “Stand together! A house divided against itself cannot stand... and a Party divided cannot win..” and Raymond Davis sent this message to us: “Quit beating on each other through all the ridiculous debates. We need to be the world leader respected by other leaders and really secure our borders and stop rewarding those here illegally. The most important thing, tell the truth and get our house in order.”

Our thanks to all who sent in comments, but one thing ought to be certain—someone who agrees with me 90% of the time is not my enemy.

If factions within the Republican party insist on spending time and money to attack other Republicans, I wonder if they want to win elections and save the country, or just proudly boast to their party pedigree. I’d rather have a loyal dog who licks me than one with a pedigree who bites me. I’d rather go to battle with someone who isn’t perfect than with someone who thinks he is.

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