Sunday, July 13, 2014

A Call Is A Call

We are seeing a situation that is out of control at our southern border. It almost seems to be a situation without a solution. However, there is an answer already in place if we would follow it, and that is the Rule of Law. Just as we can’t pick and choose which Bible verses we want to obey, or disregard, we cannot pick and chose which laws we want to follow or ignore. The laws regarding immigration into our great land need to be adhered to…period. To not follow the Rule of Law, but to try to pick and choose, is only to create chaos; which is exactly what we are seeing at our borders.

We have heard liberal politicians and media pundits, such as James Carvelle, telling us that the churches need to pick up the slack to help these children at our borders.  The churches are willing, but we have also heard reports of the churches not being allowed.

Recently one of the major denominations has stated that help from them has been requested by the government as long as they don’t speak about Jesus. No proselytizing allowed!

I get frustrated over situations like this. This is America and we are told we can't speak about Jesus!!!
I believe I am doing what I can to protect our Constitutional rights for this very reason, i.e. to prevent the government from preventing me from sharing my faith! We have a First Amendment that allows us freedom of religion and freedom of speech to express our faith. The government cannot stop us. I believe it is my call from God to help protect this God-given right.

 Missions are vital to the Christian faith. But the truth of the matter is, missions begin right here at home. The situation at the border is a perfect example of the chaos we endure when our Constitution is ignored. Christians are being kept from a very important mission field; we have been kept from doing what we are commanded in Scripture – the Great Commission!!

In the way of missions within the church, there seems to be a bit of arrogance and pride that we are seeing sometimes in the way of overseas missions.  Somehow, there are some that believe those that go abroad are more holy or more in tune to God’s Word, than those that merely stay in their lowly existence here at home - “plodding along” - as stated by some.

Perhaps those with that belief don’t have full understanding of the call on ones life to help maintain and uphold that which gives us the ability to be missionaries in the first place.

Defending this basic right is just as important, if not more important, than a trip overseas or sending money. We need to do all of it! I don’t understand why there are those that would attack Christians for what they believe is their calling just because they have a political bent. God needs and has ordained those people too. They are the ones that allow missions - overseas, or at home -  to continue.

These illegal immigrants at the border (though some are just children) need to be sent home to be protected by their parents. They are in a danger zone. Parents need to be told their families need to come here through the proper channels - legally. But at the same time, Christians need to step up to the plate and help where they can until proper action is taken in regard to these illegal immigrants. Until then, this is a mission field not to be ignored. This administration wants their cake and eat it too. They want help from Christians, but Christians dare not speak of their faith. That is ridiculous! Our right is protected by the First Amendment.

By this example, we can see without a doubt supporting and defending our Constitutional rights is just as important to missions as sending money, or going to a foreign land. But somehow, some in the church attack those who are political while elevating the status of a missionary overseas. I really don’t know why we don’t give credit to each and allow God to use individuals in their own calling and gifts.
Christians are needed everywhere, in every venue, wherever they are called. And we should work together to support each other in all of our endeavors.
~ Ephesians 4: 1-13 ~


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