Thursday, January 10, 2019

Defender of the Faith

Politics - ugh. It has become such a dirty word. No one wants to talk about "politics". Or at least almost no one. Too, we have been taught in our society that we shouldn't talk politics. You know, the old saying - "Don't ever talk politics or religion."

Personally, I think that is about the biggest lie from the devil that I can think of. Who gains from that? The devil - that's who! The Bible tells us we should tell others about Jesus and our faith. The truth is, our nation was founded on people talking about politics and faith. They used to meet at the local church to discuss it all! In an era, before electronics, that's how news was disseminated.

Then, as now, discussion is how we learn. They used to call it "civil discourse". But somehow, these things became something that we shouldn't talk about at all. Sorry, but that idea is flat out wrong.

Anyway, to the heart of the matter. I have had a political bent all my life. I know why that started with me and I know how. My dad had that same bent and he trained his children up with the things that we should know in regard to faith, our nation and how to protect both. I grew up with politics and faith. But even more than having a bent, I believe it is a responsibility (we all have that same responsibility, sorry) to stay informed and be politically active to some degree. For others, such as myself, it is an actual mission, or calling to stay informed and then to share and protect that information when possible.

I get the rolled eyes and the doubt when I say that. People cannot understand why I am "political". I get judged for loving politics more than Jesus. Don't worry, I am in good company. Other Christians who are making a political difference in our nation have been accused of the same thing.

But this judgment of me and those like me, comes from lack of understanding, I think. Those condemning people like me simply haven't thought things through. Because if they did, they would understand why the Christian's voice in politics is necessary and even a calling.

It is really this simple.

  • There is an agenda to destroy this nation...I will use the term "the left" to identify those who seek this change. Sorry, they are the ones that voted God out of the Democratic platform in 2008; and it is they who continue in the effort to wipe out any mention of God and the Bible from our government. But, of course, ultimately, it is Satan.
  • Our nation was founded on Biblical principles and with Jesus Christ as our Lord. Our nation was founded so that the Christian faith might continue in freedom. We ARE a Christian nation. We are beginning to see the reasons why it is absolutely important to keep that title and not let anyone steal that foundation from us. The left seems to want to destroy all evidence of God in our history. Further, for the first time in history, this year we had a Muslim sworn in to office on the Koran. Our Founders would be literally turning in their grave were they still there. (They are not.)  Pardon the old fashioned expression. But these are critical reasons why we must keep our title as "Christian Nation".
  • In order to destroy this nation, that title (Christian Nation) and our Godly foundation must be destroyed, before it can be replaced. It will only be destroyed by causing doubt in the minds of citizens about our roots and true beginnings. Our history is being rewritten. Those that are aware of this have given it a name - "revisionist history". Our Founders' character and faith have been called into question. Their goals and agenda attacked. Monuments are being destroyed, a focus of burial and towards cremation is now popular. Yes, that is history lost and it also gets rid of a focus on God. My thoughts about that can be read here.
  • If Christian roots are going to be attacked and our history distorted and changed, someone has to prevent that from occurring. It isn't going to be a non-Christian that takes on that charge. It is going to have to be someone whose faith is priority.
  • Very simply. If God created and ordained this nation for His purpose, (and He did), then wouldn't He call some one to protect what He has done. Of course, he would. The responsibility is on us all - whether we like it or not. But some are called to go deeper.
  • Politics is simply the tool, whereby we MUST protect what God has given. We won't get there simply by prayer. Sorry. Prayer always ends in action. Always. God did not make irrelevant, idle people to sit back while He takes care of everything. Yes, of course there are times to wait on God. But we are His hands and feet while here on earth and we have a job to do. When Moses was to part the Red Sea at God's direction, he had prayed, he had sought God for support. But there came a time for action on Moses' part. This was God's response to him: "Why are you crying out to me. Raise your staff and part the water." (Exodus 14:14-31) After the praying is done, then it is time to act. Even doing nothing, is in fact, an act.
  • Not everyone is going to have the same mission, or calling. God needs missionaries overseas and we don't question that. God needs prayer warriors and intercessors and we don't question that. God needs teachers of the Word and pastors of the flock. Well duh, we don't even give that any thought (maybe we  should) just accepting those that God has called. We all have a calling and we all know that fact full-well. Sometimes we struggle trying to find our calling, but we all know (or at least we should) we are to be active, not passive Christians.
This is an "if 'A' is true and 'B' is true than we should come up with 'C'" kind of equation. It is really that simple. If God created our nation, then we need protectors and good stewards of that nation just like with everything else He has given us. Our families, our churches, our environment. We must be good stewards of it all!!

If someone is out to destroy our Christian nation, then surely God will call someone to work a little harder at protecting it. Because if someone doesn't protect what God has done and the freedoms we have here, we are going to loose the ability to continue to spread the Gospel around the world. We will be like China hiding in our basements trying to hold Bible studies and unable to pray publicly. We must all be defenders of the faith, if we are to continue the freedom to share the Great Commission. For some, the tool used to do that is simply "politics". So please, give grace.

Please quit judging me, lighten up and think for yourself. We will all be better off if you do. Stay on your knees, Prayer Warrior. Continue to teach, Teacher. Continue in your sacrifice of overseas missions. But please remember, I am a defender of the faith, too. I am simply the tool that enables you to continue in your callings and what you do. I am fulfilling the Great Commission too, because we had all better believe, there is an agenda to destroy the freedom we were given to do that.

We are all supposed to pray. We are all called to fulfill the Great Commission. And we are all mandated to be good stewards of our families, church and nation. Unfortunately, that takes politics. And politics (after prayer) is what will preserve it all.

23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
24 Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:23-24 (KJV)

13 Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;

1 Peter 1:13 (KJV)

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