Sunday, January 5, 2020

Taking Time for Truth

I have said it before and I will say it again: I am not as concerned about people who vaccinate and those who do not, as I am concerned about the misinformation that is being disseminated throughout the internet. The problem is, it all seems to be coming from the anti-vax movement, and much of it is blatant.

A "Friend" of mine on Facebook posted an article the other day with her comments. Her comments were good and I could tell she was actively seeking truth and trying to share what she has learned.

I went to the article and read all that was contained there. It was one I had read before, as it has passed through the Facebook world at least a couple times. There were multiple errors/mistruths in the article, so I wanted to comment. Not on my friend's page, (I am learning that isn't always well received by various friends) but rather on the page of the woman who wrote the article. I felt I would reach a bigger audience there, anyway. I simply believe it is worth the time to speak truth.

I posted only a couple facts, not having the time to comment on her whole article. I was polite, thoughtful and reserved; only stating facts I had learned previously. The post was mostly ignored for the first day. During the evening, someone posted a comment attacking me - of course without any facts; just name-calling. The next morning, I pointed that out in my follow-up comment. During that time, another comment was posted by someone else asking my solution to what I had pointed out earlier. While I was writing out my response, apparently the original post had been removed or I had been blocked from the page. When I went to post my comment, I received a message alerting me to that fact. I was not allowed to post.

Typical. I have learned over and over again that when someone does not have accurate statistics and facts they are often threatened by those who do. Still, I wanted to be sure to see what had happened. I could no longer see the post on my "Friend's" page. Instead in it's place was the common message we see: "This comment cannot be displayed. It may have been removed"...blah,blah,blah something to that efffect. We have all seen that message from time to time. I could no longer find the author's page, so I went to my husband's Facebook page to see if it had been removed completely or just for me. Sure enough, once on his page I could see the post on my Friend's page (who is a mutual friend of his) and I could go to the author's Facebook page. What I noted was different, however, is that now unless one follows her page, one can no longer post a comment. No, it was not that way the day before. I had easily commented on her page. The other difference now was, on my friend's page where I had seen the original post, one could no longer click on it to be taken to the corresponding page. Now if one clicked on the post/picture it only opened up the full comment directly on my friend's Facebook page. It would no longer take me to Lauren Novelli's page.

Lauren Novelli - "Holistic Lioness" is her name and self identified moniker/description. I have seen her before. She is the typical anti-vaxxer posting and sharing all the same information that all anti-vaxxer's promote. And I am not talking about the followers here, or the average person. I am talking about those actively disseminating the anti-vaxx information to those they hope to bring into their cause. All the information from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the anti-vax guru, Andrew Wakefield, was there. Wakefield is the one who started most of this controversy with his paper regarding vaccines causing autism. He and his paper have since been debunked and exposed. He lost his medical license over it. Along with these two, multiple sites that I have previously written about, and hopefully exposed, (at least to a few people) were shared on her page.

I went to the date the post I am referring to had originally been posted. It was no longer there. But coincidentally, I did notice another post that had been made at the same time. It was a notice that she would not accept any comments from anyone that contradicted her, or the people that she was promoting.

Well that 'splains it, doesn't it? I wasn't at all surprised. This seems to be a common practice by those that don't have the facts on their side. I also noted, there were at least a few negative comments displayed throughout her page. But none that had any actual facts, statistics or truth. Only flippant one-liners. I suspect that was intentional so that she might appear unbiased and that she allows discussion. She does not. The truth is, she is biased. She would not accept my comment that was thoughtful, concise and with proven facts.
Anyway, as usual, I hate to give her any attention. But at the same time, I feel it is important. Her article claims nurses don't have any education regarding vaccines. This is entirely false. A nurse on my "Friend's" page posted a great rebuttal to that. I didn't ask permission to share, so I won't use her name, but I believe everything posted to Facebook is "Public Domain". Below is her comment:
"I don't know where she got her information from regarding health professionals not knowing what's in the vaccines. Nurses are taught about vaccines in nursing school and more than just once. Any nurse (any good nurse) has to know what it is they are administering, what it does, what it's for, and what the side effects are. This is taught first quarter nursing school and drilled in each quarter thereafter. Also any healthcare professional working in the industry HAS to get vaccines. I'm not sure where her information came from, and honestly I stopped reading it after I read that, but as a nursing student....I know how vaccines works and I have to know what's in them before I am allowed to administer it this includes the flu shot. I get people are doing what they think is best and it is their choice to do so, but this persons take on medical professionals is way off base."
I found myself wishing this nurse had posted to Lauren's page and not only to our mutual friend's page.
My original comment to Lauren's page was simply that "live" vaccines are rarely used and that I believe this is sometimes used as a tactic for fear-mongering by overstating live vaccine usage. My other comment was in regard to VAER's, stating as I have shared before that anyone (without proof) is allowed to post to VAERS. You can read my article regarding VAERS here:
As well, this is VAERS' disclaimer which I was getting ready to post to Lauren Novelli's page, but was blocked from doing.

“VAERS accepts all reports without judging whether the event was caused by the vaccine.”

And an additional quote from the website states:
“Note: Submission of a VAERS report does not constitute admission that healthcare personnel or the vaccine caused or contributed to the event.[1]
Anyway, I simply wanted to point out what anti-vax gurus continue to mistakenly promote. As I have said, there are multiple errors in the article. I believe I have addressed all of them in my past articles on this blog, so I won't do it again here. This is just a warning to please be careful. There is so much misinformation out there. There is a good article at this link to help you identify misconceptions being distributed, and how to find the truth regarding vaccines and information about the dangerous diseases they prevent.

One more thing. For future, (and I have observed this for a while now) there is also a close connection between many anti-vax sites and those that promote CBD Oil and medicinal marijuana. I have tried to warn of this connection in the past. We are on dangerous ground in more ways than one, when fake information is so freely and continually circulated. I knew I would find this connection on the Holistic Lioness' Facebook page. There are multiple problems with that. Maybe we should ask, if anti-vaxxers are being used by a whole other agenda. That will be for another post.
And again, I really don't care if you vaccinate or not as much I care about truth. I have finally come to realize that about myself and my concerns. That took some time, too.



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