Friday, May 8, 2020

Sucked In By Truth

There ALWAYS has to be an element of truth, to convince anyone of ones false narrative and agenda. Personally, I think there is much to question about this viral video now making its way through social media.  It has been removed from You Tube, so I used another link sent to me by a friend.

Before you buy into this narrative, please check out the producer and ask yourself if you are comfortable with this. This is with whom you are aligning by believing this account. EleVate, was founded by Mikki Willis. He is the handsome, compassionate man interviewing the doctor in this popular youtube video. Willis also helped market and distribute the new-age/mystic, movie "The Secret". And he is producer and creator of "Weed the People" a movie regarding the legalization of marijuana.

Everyone who has watched this video AND shared it, knows there is an underlying message about vaccines. For many, that is the MAIN message and why it is being so readily accepted, believed and shared. I have long been concerned about a connection between anti-vaxxers and the goal to legalize marijuana. I believe, however, this aspect is unbeknownst to many. This is the only reason I bring up Mikki Willis' video "Weed the People". I find it worrisome, but predictable after the research I have done.
Other video trailers shown on the EleVate home page, lead me to believe they are more closely aligned with left-wing environmentalists. (9/11 Truther conspiracies started in the left wing too, before making their way to the far right and eventually conservative thinkers) The clips on the EleVate page are well done, I will give them that. Worried about 5G? These are a bit intense, too. Wow! You can view the clips here:
Below is EleVate's mission statement:
"We are ELEVATE, a little production company on a big mission. We live to the fullest in Ojai CA., pop. 8000. Positioned one hour North of Los Angeles we’re just close enough to play in Hollywood, yet far away enough to create our own game. The game we love most is producing filmed works of art that make us feel good about being human.
Our portfolio includes feature films, record setting network TV specials, commercials, and music videos for multi-platinum artists. Our clients include some of the world’s foremost scientists, futurists, evolutionary experts, and best selling authors. We are totally committed to using the awesome power of movies and viral media to activate real and lasting change – to bridge ancient wisdom with modern technology – to share stories that deserve a voice – to champion worthy causes – to amplify the good news of the world –  and of course… to ELEVATE!"
Sounds noble, doesn't it? Take a look at the short two minute clip on their home page describing who they are and see how you feel after watching. Then take a look at a few of the other movies they have listed throughout their page. They note they are a 501(c)3 non-profit, probably classified as "education" in order to receive that exemption status. From the page:
Elevate Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Your tax deductible donations keep the movement moving. Thank you!
In my opinion, they are radical, leftist environmentalists....and they have an agenda. So. There's my conspiracy theory.

But let me point out a few problems I have with this particular video from Mr. Willis/EleVate. I will begin with the doctor who is being interviewed. Her name is Dr. Judy Mikovits. She was at one time a director of research, but she is now known as a "Medical Health Activist"....similar to a "community organizer", in my opinion. Ya, think?

This doctor has made discredited claims about vaccines, chronic fatigue syndrome and coronavirus. She was a research director from 2006 - 2011, when she was fired from her place of employment - Whittemore Peterson Institute - due to lack of integrity. She had refused to turn over a cell line which had been delivered to her office by mistake. By some reports, she had also taken lab notebooks and a laptop. This led to an investigation of her research, for suspicion of manipulation of data. In 2009, an article of her research regarding Chronic Fatigue Syndrome had been published in the journal "Science"- a well known and well respected magazine. "Science" retracted her article in 2011 when falsehoods were exposed. It is basically the same scenario as anti-vaccine guru Andrew Wakefield...made a hero by some, in spite of incorrect facts and documentation.
Mikovits was fired from WPI in October of 2011. In November of 2011 she was arrested at her home. (I seriously doubt it was in the middle of the night with SWAT, as depicted in the video.) After negotiations between her attorney and place of employment, she returned some of the lab notes and the criminal charges were eventually dismissed.
In THIS video, Willis deliberately asks her (for whatever reason) if she is pro-vaccine. She unequivocally states she is, but yet she is well known for her anti-vaccine speeches to antivaxxer groups. That doesn't square with me. She can claim she is for vaccines all she wants, but in reality we must look at her actions. Those pushing the anti-vaccination agenda are wise to the fact that they are being exposed for their false facts and narratives which have brought some suspicion and caused a lack of trust. So, the need for her to say she is not opposed to vaccines is protective, in my opinion; it's also baloney!  She is known to be an anti-vaccine activist and has spoken at many anti-vaxx events - that is what speaks the loudest.
She has made claims that have brought criticism from other scientists because what she claims has never been proven. She has made claims that have been discredited by both the "American College of Emergency Physicians" and the "American Academy of Emergency Medicine".  

A bit of information from her past: "Mikovits worked for Francis "Frank" Ruscetti at the National Cancer Institute in Maryland during the 1980s. She remained in his lab as a postdoctoral researcher. Her work with Ruscetti included studies of several retroviruses and their interactions with the immune system.[11]"

This is where most of the controversy surrounding her begins. It was during that time when both she and Dr. Anthony Fauci were working on HIV/AIDS that problems arose. She has carried her vendetta of him so far as to now actually blame Fauci for the deaths of millions. I will not go into this whole scenario here, as that is for my next blog post regarding another video that warrants scrutiny and discussion. There are many false hoods within that video/interview as well. One example would be that Mikovitz claims that in the 1980's we were told that only gays, IV drug addicts, and prostitutes could get AIDS. That, on it's face, is a lie. I remember!!! No one ever claimed that as fact; they were simply considered the high risk group. And indeed they absolutely were. I will get to the problems with this in my next post.

But let me get back to the doctor's history.

She has claimed to be jailed for 5 days due to "Big Pharma", but in reality it was for stealing equipment, i.e. notebooks and a computer from her place of employment, WPI. In the movie, she claims she was accused of stealing "intellectual property" like it was something intangible that only belonged to her. The article at this link says otherwise.
Along with that, anyone that blames "Big Pharma" is always a red flag for me. "Big Pharma" is in truth, ALL medicine. Why then would we receive any types of medicine at all, if they are such villains? Why are some things classified as "Big Pharma", but for example, things like anti-biotics, heart medicine, and insulin, no concern. They seem to be meds that are not considered abused by "Big Pharma", why is that? I suspect it is simply because there is no agenda to promote there. In my opinion, this medical activist is simply another faux hero, supposedly being maligned for her whistle-blowing work. I think we need to ask, why does this keep happening??? More importantly, why do we so readily continue to believe it?

You can find the story of her arrest here.

Now for a few things that were red flags to me in this video, causing me to do more research. Watch the video carefully for this. For example: 

  1. Anybody that they interview in this video have their name plaques or nametags blurred, making them difficult to research.
  2. The footage showing "her arrest" is questionable i.e. that it was actual footage from the time she was arrested. It appears it's in the middle of the night with all kinds of SWAT, or whatever/whomever being deployed. Sure.
  3. When they make the point about people being contained with stay at home orders and closing beaches, they show massively empty beaches. For added effect, I guess. Every report I have seen shows people on the beach in spite of the shut down. No one is complying to that degree.
  4. It is full of fear-mongering statements like: "The infection rate is going to be worse than it ever has been" or something to that effect. And on a few occasions the good doctor speaks of her enemies purposefully killing people.
There are multiple problems like that throughout the video. Please, watch it with a critical eye and see what you find. A local news station did a report pointing out these errors:

1. The local television station notes in regard to the retracted article in "Science" that it was only done "after ten independent studies were unable to recreate Mikovits’ results. According to the retraction, “Science” found 'evidence of poor quality control in a number of specific experiments in the report.'”
2.  Mikovits states in the movie that the American Medical Association said doctors would lose their license if they use hydroxychloroquine. But this is simply not true. The AMA never threatened to revoke licenses and in truth, that isn't even something that is in their authority.
The AMA has absolutely no control over medical licenses. In fact, the
AMA is simply a voluntary organization, with no power to grant or revoke medical licenses. Medical licensing is run by the state.
3.  Mikovits states her concern about wearing masks, saying the mask activates the virus. She believes the Sars-Covid 19 virus is lying dormant in all of us who have ever had a flu vaccine. There is no way this can be true. There are millions of tests being done. If this were fact, none of these tests would be coming back as negative. Anyone who ever had a flu vaccine would receive a positive test result this simply isn't happening. And in truth, the virus has been spreading whether anyone has been wearing a mask, or not.
4.  She warns that a new vaccine in Italy went untested. To keep it short, part of what she says regarding this vaccine is true. It did have four strains of flu including H1N1. But it was absolutely tested in the U.S. during 2017-2018 flu season. Why would she say otherwise? Also, there is no proof that it came from a dog cell line. There is no documentation at all that states this. Not from the CDC information page or any of the other pages.  
5.  There is no truth to her statement that flu vaccines increase the odds by 36% for getting COVID -19. This study was done by the Dept. of Defense in 2017 and in fact concluded the opposite.

There are other things that are pointed out as false and they are important, but I will not go into those here, as I am limiting this post to strictly with what is said in this video.

Clearly, these people have a fear and distrust of the government and those in charge. Their hope is to bring you along. But they shouldn't be fabricating facts to get there. They live in fear that it is the intent of agencies to prevent therapies until a vaccine is ready, that they can then mandate everyone to take.

I have always said and I will say it again: It is dangerous to have no trust in our government. We must always be watchful, we can distrust administrations, but we must have faith in someone, sometime. Anything else will lead to inaction at one extreme and anarchy at the other. Please, don't misunderstand me. I am not advocating that we ignore our Constitution, or put it at risk! But we must trust our leaders to the degree that we chose to elect them.

This movie is akin to the video that was promoting #filmyourhospital. Their narrative was easily proven fake. Those that created that particular video are aligned with 9/11 Truther Mike Adams of "Natural News". Adams' site is another one that is anti-vaccine and warns of the unproven dangers of vaccines. But if carefully researched, it is full of errors in their articles and reporting. With that, I cannot say this enough; I AM NOT for mandatory vaccines. I believe it needs to be left to the parents and to individuals. I also believe some vaccines have caused problems in some people, just as any medicine does. That's why they call it "practicing medicine". There is nothing that has been perfected. And no one EVER, always reacts the same as someone else. That's why our medical history is so important.

There are elements of truth in this video. Even in the whole story, I am sure we can find truth. Nothing would be convincing without it. Truth is how we are sucked in to a false story. I hate to see people choose to believe any of this without researching the statements and histories of the people involved. There is a whole lot of fear-mongering going on regarding this.  Yes! Let's keep an eye on all of it, but let's not do it by spreading fake news and facts. And let's not inaccurately destroy real science to convince people of what we ourselves want to believe.

Now for the crux of the problem for me. I think the biggest reason these narratives bother me so much is because these movies are blaming the U.S. government instead of the real enemy! How can we ever win the war if we do NOT identify the real enemy!!! The  9/11 Truthers would rather believe the U.S. government is to blame for the attack on America, than to focus on radical Islam. Here once again, it seems some would rather blame our government/Big Pharma and simply give Communist China a free pass! Mikovits points to what happened in North Carolina and Fort Detrick; and everything Fauci supposedly did and on and on. She does it without actual evidence. Only her word. And she wants us to believe her. I will try to get to all of this in my next blog post. Suffice it to say, no one is talking about Communist China any more. That's a problem.

Another danger (and the biggest one, in my opinion) with so readily believing this video is if it blames our government, instead of the real enemy, this will come back and fall on President Trump. I believe these are leftists that have promoted these conspiracy theories and many on the right are falling prey to it. As I said, the same thing happened with 9/11 Truthers. When that theory came out that our government was behind the attack on the Twin Towers, it was well known to be from a leftist source. It was picked up by conspiracy theorist, Alex Jones of InfoWars, misleading the far right and eventually led to convincing every day conservatives. The same thing is happening this time. This WILL eventually reflect on our President who is the one responsible for keeping Dr. Fauci in place. If everything is true about what his video claims, why would the President keep Dr. Fauci? People will eventually ask this question. And it will most likely come right at election time. Why are people so ready to disavow our President regarding his selection and decision to retain Dr. Fauci?

Further the President has already stopped funds from going to WHO. He has pledged to remove the U.S. from that entanglement. He has also promised to clean up the mess with medicines being made in China, and instead bring manufacturing of all medicines home. Why are we not supporting and encouraging him in that instead of placing so much time and attention on videos like this?

Why has no one in the Trump Administration addressed this video and these accusations? More importantly, why is no one questioning that they haven't? If all these accusations were true, don't you think someone in the administration would address it, as "viral" as they have become?

Truth and facts are always important. Have we really digressed so far in our society, that we are willing to believe and promote anything, as long as it fits with what we already want to believe. In this case, it is: "vaccines, their makers, and those who promote them are all evil". Isn't it possible there may be someone who wants to create something beneficial to society? So what if we don't like Bill Gates' funding to WHO!  Yes, he is their biggest donor, now that the President has stopped U.S. funding. SO WHAT? I am not afraid of Bill Gates! President Trump has promised to handle WHO. I believe him.

Again, I have to ask, as anyone who knows me has seen me ask before, why do these videos that are so highly questionable always come from those who are promoting an anti-vaccine agenda? To me, it seems this is simply something that is being used to "stir the masses". And in truth, it is hurting the cause and message of those who are genuinely concerned about vaccines - that is, their medical components, and the possibility of them being made mandatory. Anti-vaxxers will never be effective, by promoting such outlandish information which is so easily disproven.

Yes, your concerns are important. But wake up America. This isn't what everything is all about. Your opinion about vaccines and fear of them is simply not that important in the larger scheme of things. We are truly missing it. And it is going to hurt us all.


 *Updated 5/9/2020 at 8:02 AM


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