Sunday, November 1, 2020

Faith, Freedom and Holding Fast to Foundations

John Piper's article has created quite the stir on social media in the last week, or so, Personally, I found his article infuriating. And as many articles as there have been to counter what Piper wrote, none of them have been a strong enough rebuke, in my opinion.

What has upset most Christians, like me, is that basically, Piper is saying in his article that Trump's character is a greater sin that is far more deadly than abortion. He tries to cloak this accusation by saying he stands for life, but is intent is very clear.

The second shockingly divisive intent is that he denies President Trump any grace at all that the rest of us have received as Christians. Rather, Piper assumes Trump is still wallowing in past sins. That simply has not been demonstrated since Trump has taken office. And I, for one, take offense at his assumption.

Here are a few quotes from Piper. And I will link the article here, if you want to read it.

"Actually, this is a long-overdue article attempting to explain why I remain baffled that so many Christians consider the sins of unrepentant sexual immorality (porneia), unrepentant boastfulness (alazoneia), unrepentant vulgarity (aischrologia), unrepentant factiousness (dichostasiai), and the like, to be only toxic for our nation, while policies that endorse baby-killing, sex-switching, freedom-limiting, and socialistic overreach are viewed as deadly."

In other words, he is saying Trump is unrepentant for sexual immorality (no one knows his heart). He is presuming that Trump continues in sexual immorality! Really?!! Piper claims the President's boastfulness and vulgarity is worse than baby killing and changing ones gender. He thinks people are wrong to be more concerned about socialism, than Trump's "immorality". Piper doesn't see it obviously, but Piper could also be seen as sinning by judging Trump's heart! AND!!  Believing rumors and bearing false witness!!!

Speaking of what he thinks Trump has done (it's only Piper's view), Piper is sure to note that “those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God” (Galatians 5:21) and that “those who practice such things deserve to die”. He shamefully implies that Trump is beyond receiving God's grace. How does he know what is between God and Trump? So disheartening to see this come from a Christian pastor who is supposed to believe in redemption.

Piper tweeted:

“Flagrant boastfulness, vulgarity, and factiousness are not only self-incriminating; they are nation-corrupting.”
And then he justifies that tweet by claiming the decaying society of the last five years is all on Trump. I hardly think it began there. It has been decaying for decades!! It is my belief that Piper should be more concerned about the failures of pastors to preach truth, or walk a holy walk, which has become all too common. Did he condemn the "Swearing Pastor" and the off-colored jokes he made from the pulpit several years ago? Did he condemn the pastor tossing back shots of alcohol with Justin Bieber at his concert? Thousands have been misled by these progressive, hip pastors who think the way to share the Gospel is to join the world and be cool. I don't think I hear Piper talk much about that. Maybe that is where he should keep his focus. Actually, there are plenty of well-known pastors that have displayed the same type of behavior he condemns in Trump. Maybe he should concentrate on that. Maybe that's where his concern should lie.

I certainly can't quote everything he says here, but he advances the same old rhetoric that is all too common with progressive Christians which is that conservative Christians are being a bad witness to unbelievers by caring about social political issues, but not about one's character. That is just a flat out incorrect characterization and flat out wrong on its face. It should all be our concern and our focus.

He then takes 1 Kings out of context and notably fails to mention there are absolutely times God used (and still uses) ungodly leaders. King Cyrus as one example. David another.

He states: 

"I find it bewildering that Christians can be so sure that greater damage will be done by bad judges, bad laws, and bad policies than is being done by the culture-infecting spread of the gangrene of sinful self-exaltation, and boasting, and strife-stirring (eristikos)."

And then he asks how can we know bad laws are more destructive!! Well duh, there is a reason God tells us to obey the laws of government. And "righteousness exalteth a nation". (Proverbs 14:34) Let's put his ill-conceived thought in reverse. There absolutely must be good judges, good laws and good polices to ensure a nation remains righteous.  I also find it curious he includes bad judges here, just after Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed to the Supreme Court. I find it extremely difficult to believe his point and mention of judges at this time was coincidental. Again, he says Trump's boasting is worse than bad judges and bad laws. Really? Good grief! Our judges and laws are the final word with what happens in our society and retaining any righteousness at all, so that God can BLESS our nation. Certainly Trump's bombastic personality is not what is leading to the degradation in our society. Nor is it what has led to the destructive intent to change our nation from what our Founder's intended. NO! He is the one that is working at protecting our nation's Godly foundation. "Strife-stirring"? Oh that  must be directed at those of us who believe we must take a stand politically to ensure our foundation remains intact.

I am trying to address his positions in the order he brings them in his article, so bringing up abortion again may seem redundant, but he then claims abortion comes from self absorbed arrogance and boasting. And he takes James 4:1-2 our of context attempting to use it as why people seek abortions.

4 From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?

Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not. (James 4:1-2)

Chapter 3 of James ends with the peace that comes from knowing the wisdom of God. The first 2 verses of chapter 4 are meant to be in regard to personal conflict and conflict with others that results without God's Wisdom. These verses are certainly not a reason to point to the reason for abortion.

Next he includes this tweet following it with a justification: 

“It is baffling to assume that pro-abortion policies kill more people than a culture-saturating, pro-self pride.”

Really???? In attempting to justify this, he gets to the crux of his whole intent. It's "presumptuous to assume that pro-abortion policies kill more people than a culture-saturation, pro-self pride." Yet he doesn't explain how "pro-self pride" kills more people than the millions of abortions which have occurred since Roe V Wade. Not even a hint at how that is possible; or more importantly how it is factual, At least he admits Roe is evil legislation. Kinda had to do that, didn't he?!

Piper claims self-absorbed, self-exalting boastfulness, is the most deadly behavior in the world. But again, without statistics, proof or example. Oh, and he misleadingly blames the leader which he views whose "self-absorbed, self-exalting boastfulness models the most deadly behavior in the world." SMH

He takes time to lecture pastors, telling them to "imagine" what might happen due to what they haven't done. Basically, he accuses those who believe it is right to be politically active. And again, he condemns those that believe it is right to be concerned about the direction of America...just as he has ALWAYS done! That is, way back when he was busy attacking the American Dream. The dream he incorrectly visualized, not the real one. He has always failed to see how important it is to keep America vital and strong in order to continue in the efforts of what everything is all about - the Great Commission. How does a weak American continue to spread the true Gospel? And further, to bring a little benevolence to the world along with sharing the Gospel. We can only share our wealth if we have it.

Finally, he gets to his civic duty. Apparently he has none - assuming, even proclaiming, it all leads to destruction. Both paths, he states, leads to "cultural corruption and eternal ruin". Really? How dare him! Talk about being presumptuous and arrogant. Who made him sole authority. And though he tries to say he isn't trying to sway anyone, of course he is! Why else write the article at all?

Through it all, he regretfully has little mention of the need for prayer, to pray, or to petition. Personally, I think that speaks volumes. Further, he neglects the fact that not everyone is called to the same work. It is an absolute fact that some are called to enter the political realm, while others should focus only on the Gospel message. If there is to be another Billy Graham, there must be a Pat Robertson protecting that freedom. It is not right to put down or negate what God has called another to do.

Piper's article is extremely judgmental - not just of Trump, but of Christians who support him. Piper, himself,  comes across as condescending and arrogant. What is the difference in his own high self esteem and that of the President's? The attitude he displays in his article is exactly what he claims is the dangerous and deadly character flaws of President Trump.

Piper's article holds no weight of factual evidence, and he really had to work at making someone's character more deadly than the despicable, disgusting and far too common-place procedure of abortion. It is infuriating he even tried; he certainly in no way succeeded in making his point. His attempt is shameful, in my opinion. I don't think God will look kindly on his position.

Truthfully, I don't believe this is about Trump at all. I think Trump is just his scapegoat. In my opinion, writing  this article was simply an opportunity to push his liberal, progressive ideology which he has always held. Personally, I think he is simply another person that has let his deep hatred for Trump cloud his vision and he took this opportunity to vent and push his own decades old agenda - denigrating America.

"With a cheerful smile", I write this to share with others. Scripture instructs me to expose falsehoods. And my allegiance to Jesus requires it.

 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. ~  1 Thessalonians 5:21 

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