Thursday, August 5, 2021

Mission Accomplished

QAnon – the group no one is talking about – at least by those of us on the right. Leftist media certainly talked about them before and after the election. And I want to talk about them in this post. QAnon is being billed as a group of “conservative Trump supporters,” responsible for the “insurrection” at the US Capitol on January 6th. Q, themselves, have since identified this way, and media has been more than happy to report it. I am not going to argue the fact that they may or may not be responsible for the January 6thnightmare. I actually believe they are to blame. But who they are and how they got there is another story. 

But first, let me say, that wasn't an "insurrection"; it was a riot. That claim is probably for another discussion. Or maybe we could even just let go the discrepancy in labeling. Whatever one wants to call it, it was effective.

But do the majority of people even know anything about QAnon? Do we know who they are, and their purpose? Really? Conservative Republicans”? Uh, no.

QAnon’s biggest claim to fame is that they  contributed to the many rioters that stormed the Capitol on January 6th. On that we can probably agree. But in what capacity, did they participate? That is where we should focus. I maintain they were agents of the left – possibly via the FBI. “Useful idiots” were used and incited to achieve what actually happened on that day. Do I have any proof of what I believe? Nope. I guess not. But I have as much proof as those trying to link it all to Donald Trump. Only I have an additional asset – common sense.

QAnon is a mysterious group which basically became a movement within the years of the Trump Presidency; it was first noticed on the internet in 2017. Their purpose focuses around the belief that our government is evil and is corrupted by a "deep state" which controls everything for their own evil gain and agenda. QAnon is said to be a “far right conspiracy group”, that has actually been able to penetrate those in mainstream who are on the conservative side. In part, that is true. I will get to that. There is a lot to unpack here.

Apparently there has been a lot of talk about QAnon in liberal, mainstream media. QAnon also gained ground from social media groups like Twitter, Facebook, and You Tube. There has even been a six part HBO movie made about them from filmmaker, Cullen Hoback. Now I was unaware that there has been this degree of coverage about them, because I generally don’t watch liberal media. But this is a good example of why, as distasteful as it is, that from time to time we should check into what is being reported – even from media we do not trust. I periodically try to read articles from media or watch a video that I don’t agree with, just to keep apprised of what progressives are saying. But I have been neglectful in watching mainstream television, like ABC, NBC, and CBS. It’s just too hard to stomach. This is a good example of why we should from time to time. While we definitely do not need a steady diet of that slanted, tainted garbage, wdo need to realize, that they get the upper hand, if we are not aware of what they are saying. If we remain unaware, it is they who control the narrative. Once a message is disseminated and people believe it, it is entirely too difficult to ever get it back.

The letter “Q”, is in fact, a clearance designation for a government security level. QAnon first identified as “Q Clearance Patriot” trying to make it seem to followers that he actually had a “Q Security Clearance” in the government.

Thus this supposedly lends credence to whomever it is that is the head of QAnon. If he is purportedly someone who has a private security clearance for government operations, then whomever he is, he is “in the know” about everything happening at government levels.

One of this group's main goals is to expose that our government is corrupted by a faction of human traffickers that exists in the top levels of US government. They claim child pornography is being promoted and produced by our political leaders. Oh, but it gets worse...supposedly they are not only exposing pedophiles, they are also after cannibals (yes, really) within not only government but in Hollywood, as well. In their theory, President Trump is heroically fighting this twisted group of people.

This movement is believed to have grown out of a series of posts on a message board, from a site that I will not name here. I don’t want to lead anyone there; nor do I want to give them more publicity. It is basically a site that hosts pornography, and other distasteful web pages. It has actually become known as a “forum for extremists and mass shooters”. I don’t know about that; I am not taking my research that far. I want to completely avoid the site and refrain from drawing any unwanted searches to my blog, due to word references; and I will NOT link it. But I do know it is a highly questionable site promoting pornography and conspiracy theories. The messages, (sometimes considered clues) from Q that are shared there, are known to followers as “Q drops”. It reportedly at one point had a following of 4 million people. 

Now naturally there has been speculation about who the man behind "Q" is. Apparently there has been talk about a possibility of someone for sometime. I have only recently taken steps to research this deeper and from that I have learned who the suspect/suspects are. This person sends messages to his followers (the Q Drops) on the site I mentioned above and it is, in fact, operated by the man who is the owner of this web company. This has made him the suspected founder of QAnon. This is due to the fact that his sites are the only place the messages have been found. The owner of that site is a man called Jim Watkins and it is suspected, his aid is his son Ron Watkins. 

Jim Watkins is a military veteran, originally from Dayton, Washington but he recently has lived in the Philippines owning a pig farm there. He apparently is back in the US at this time. Watkins, while in the military, married a South Korean woman with whom he had a son - Ron Watkins. Ron grew up in Seattle area and was raised mostly by his mom after the two divorced. Ron maintained a relationship with his dad, however; and after graduation, Ron moved to China for 12 years. Well, hum. A China connection. How ‘bout that. Now there’s a conspiracy theory opportunity...

In 2019, the developer of the software and provider of the site that Jim used, is a man by the name of Frederick Brennan. Brennan cut ties with Watkins, so Watkins moved his forum to another provider. Once again, the QAnon posts began at the Watkins’ new site. Is it merely coincidence that Q drops were only posted to sites owned by Watkins? That’s doubtful. That’s an obvious  coincidence, or blatant fact. If Watkins isn’t Q, he certainly has a high degree of control over QAnon postings. Watkins has also created videos with the Q emblem in the background and these videos have also first made appearances on his sites.

Personally, I believe Frederick Brennan, the developer of the software that created the nefarious site should be suspect, too. It is certain, that the two had a parting of ways, Jim Watkins even suing Brennan in 2018 for libel. Brennan squawked, I guess.

Though both father and son have denied being Q, son Ron, has admitted to posting anonymously at times to the site. This was viewed by some as a “slip-up” admission. But the two have long been suspected of being Q. It is interesting they work so hard at denying they are at the helm, but yet they don't deny their association.

Watkins, with his continual denial that he is the mysterious Q, has also, in the past, pointed the finger at Steve Bannon – former advisor to President Trump – as being “Q Clearance Patriot”. Now that might be another clue. Do you really think if Watkins is truly a conservative, they would be pointing fingers at another conservative? No. They would be hiding their connections to each other. I will say with some of the problems Bannon has had, he has made himself an easy target. And let’s not forget President Trump had to distance himself from Bannon. But let’s not buy into false accusations, let’s simply vet and investigate those whom we believe and follow.

As I said, the “Q” designation is to lead people to believe this person has a top level security clearance in government, and therefore has ties to the White House. Well now, there’s another clue. If he really had ties to the White House, do you think he would want that exposed? No. He is intentionally seeking ties to the White House, to make people believe him. We need to think for ourselves, and dig a bit deeper than what someone would like for us. In fact, the man who is suspected of being Q, Jim Watkins, has absolutely no ties to the White House or President Trump. Were he to admit he is Q, that would blow that narrative right out of the water. Supporters, or more importantly media, would be forced to admit that Mr. “Q Clearance Patriot”, in fact has no security clearance or connections to the White House of any kind. And that is easily provable. If revealed, Q security designation within this group would be exposed as a farce. Somebody, I suspect both media and Q desperately wants us to believe they have connections to the Trump White House. In my opinion, this is an effort to incriminate Trump through association. It simply isn’t there.

It is true, people holding Q banners and wearing Q T-shirts had shown up at Trump Rallies, thus giving people the idea that Trump was somehow responsible, or at the very least supportive of this group. It is simply not true that he supported them or even knew who they are. When Trump was questioned about it by reporters, it was obvious from his answers he didn’t know anything about QAnon. Media most certainly tried to make it look like he did – jumping on the parts they could manipulate and leaving out the part where he said, he had never heard of them.

Ironically, Jim and Ron Watkins, themselves have ties to pornography. Jim is known as the “King of Porn” and his son, Ron has been said to have “taken pornography to a whole other level.” ABC has reported this, as well as many other news organization. Curiously the Watkins’ seem to be involved with the very thing that QAnon claims to be trying to put an end – pedophilia and child pornography. But Watkins boldly stated that calling for censoring of his media platform is the most un-American thing I can imagine.”

Oh really? It’s illegal for crying out loud!!!! Why in the heck is it wrong to censor something so disgusting and dangerous!!! IDIOT!! Useful IDIOT, in my opinion!!! It just doesn't add up. The truth is most likely that Watkins was making money from his sickening, pornography site! 

Good people were fooled by QAnon: Michael Flynn, for one. I am disappointed to say that I myself, saw the QAnon logo “WWG1WGA” on Michael Flynn’s Twitter page. We all know Marjorie Taylor Green had to backtrack her words and position. She clearly gets it now, I believe. It has been said that perhaps other high profile people were fooled. There are people that may surprise us, scheduled to speak at an upcoming conference, with questionable ties to QAnon. I am certain there are many others who were briefly, but intentionally fooled. You don’t draw in 4 million people without utilizing someone with a little bit of fame or notoriety and some may have been targeted with deception to draw them. But to those still getting sucked into this insanity, shame on you!!

The new group with Q ties that is advertising seminars/conferences, goes by the name “Patriot Voice”. Not to be confused with Rick Santorum’s years’ old group called Patriot Voices. By viewing some of the speakers listed on their webpage, I believe people are still being manipulated and fooled. Honestly, I am confused that no one now seems to be concerned that Q connections are revealed at this seminar.

There are some well known names speaking at this conference in October of 2021. I will not name them, allowing for them to see the light. There are also a couple less than prominent US Representatives are listed. But Evan Sayat? What the heck! He wrote for Heritage Foundation! Michael Flynn’s brother, Joseph, will be there. I suspect this is how Michael Flynn, initially had connection to the group. It has just been announced that General Flynn will be the keynote speaker. Why did he at one point remove the QAnon logo from his Twitter page, but now he openly joins people not only connected to QAnon, but may actually BE "Q Clearance Patriot"?

One can go to the Patriot Voice web page, to read bios of the speakers. But very troubling, throughout the bios, one will also find mention and  multiple connections to QAnon. The problematic “give away” is both Jim and Ron Watkins have been speakers or are scheduled to speak...without any mention of their bios or who they are, however. They just happen to be the ones, mysteriously listed without a bio. Is this to purposefully create further suspicion of who they are? It certainly keeps the connection to the right-wing alive and well. There they are among other well-known conservatives. I am truly so disheartened by some of the speakers associated with this movement. I truly believe they do not have full understanding of just whom they are associating. I cannot defend the ignorance, but for some, I think they just do not realize..

And then there is Seth Holehouse!! Where do we remember him from? I believe he was instrumental in some of the conspiracy videos that came out when the pandemic first started! Big surprise there! He has since created his moniker the Man In America videosThis is what his bio claims on the Patriot Voice web page:

Seth Holehouse is the creator and host of Man in America. After witnessing the theft of our Republic on November 3, Seth produced a video called “The Plot to Steal America” to expose the election fraud, the dark agenda of big tech and mainstream media, and the hidden hand of the Chinese Communist Party. The video quickly went viral, culminating in President Trump sharing it across his social media profiles—garnering hundreds of millions of views worldwide—and thrusting Man in America into the spotlight. Seth broadcasts live twice a week, covering politics and current events in a calm, rational, and inspiring manner. His mission is to shine a light on the dark forces in this world, and to summon the spirit of 1776 among fellow patriots.”

Yeah, they cleaned that up nicely, didn’t they?! They know all the right terms to use. “Patriot” “1776”. And that “President Trump shared his video.” Personally, I believe they purposefully set up President Trump!!! Holehouse is curiously not yet listed on Wikipedia, and he has managed to keep his age and birth date a secret. I think there is too much unknown about this man to believe anything he says. Truth seekers do not need to keep secrets. I think he is a man of the left or used of the left. According to an article in the Daily Beast, another left wing outlet, Holehouse worked for the Epoch times as Creative Director until 2015 and has long promoted QAnon theories. One can probably learn that fact without using progressive sources which I would be hesitant to believe. But yes, these people have been infiltrating good places and sources for some time.

The unfortunate thing is Holehouse produced a very good video entitled The Plot to Steal America. I have shared it belowIt was actually 100% spot on and it made its way across the airwaves, so that even President Trump saw it. As explained in Seth’s bio, President Trump shared it. And it gained even more publicity. Now let me say, there was nothing wrong with this video. It was actually extremely accurate. It had to be to fool the President. But at the end of the video, Holehouse included a phrase that was familiar to those involved with QAnon. And with Holehouse’s connections to QAnon, this was harmful to the President’s message. It was another way to link him to Q. The link simply wasn’t there, but it was made to look like it was. I think it was intentional. Basically setting up and framing the President to look like he was involved or at least supportive of Q. If it wasn’t intentional, it still worked. I believe this was the entire intent behind QAnon.

It has also been reported, Holehouse has deep ties to a Chinese religious movement called Falun Gong. Apparently these people believe that Trump will bring about the apocalypse and the Great Awakening. They see Trump as an ally against the CCP's persecution of this Chinese spiritual movement. Remember Ron Watkins' twelve year ties to China? It is doubtful that is coincidence, in my opinion. Maybe that group was infiltrated and used too.

One can really get in the weeds with a search regarding Seth Holehouse. It is almost impossible to find a conservative source from google. And of course a conservative doesn’t want to believe reports from the likes of Daily Beast, etc. Still, one does have to recognize there are questionable connections to these people. And that is my point. They are being used to make conservatives and especially President Trump look bad. We cannot be too careful with whom we associate, promote and quote. The true cabal is the left out to destroy all things conservative, and they are doing a bang up job using infiltration, and useful idiots to get the task done.

A quick peruse of the speakers’ bio at the Patriot Voice event” reveal their connections to QAnon. From there one must make the leap to understand if one is related to QAnon, they most likely all are. It is foolish to ignore this, or make excuses. If someone doesn't want people to believe that, they had better be more careful with whom they associate.

Truthfully, I am not certain that I understand it, but there is always an anti-vaxx connection to these conspiracy theories, or to those promoting them. In this case many people that are speaking at the "Health and Freedom Conference" are some of the same speakers that are speaking at the Patriot Voice conference. And in the bios, on that website, they are blatant about their connections to QAnon. As well with General Flynn's "ReAwaken American Tour" names are interwoven and intertwined with well-known anti-vaxxers and people known to be connected to QAnon. The "Arise Freedom Tour" which recently came to a church in my city include Scott McKay and Leigh Dundas, and they are connected to both anti-vaxxers and QAnon. And General Flynn's ReAwaken tour. Why would someone with General Flynn's position and acclaim allow himself to be aligned with people like this?? Some of these are highly questionable  people! Maybe it is out of support for his brother, who is also involved. But that just isn't good enough with something as serious as this. We had better be paying attention. Maybe these people aren’t done trying to undo America. What will come next?

There have been no new messages from Q to the notorious message board since December 2020. Well, hum. Maybe their job was accomplished—and that was, to prevent President Trump from re-election and the effort to oppose the certification of some states’ electoral votes on January 6th. After everything that happened on that infamous day, no one wanted to touch any of it with a ten foot pole. (My apologies for the cliches.)

If you are to search QAnon or Jim and Ron Watkins, there are no current news articles. The most recent being from April...possibly one from June. But when you consider most of America never even heard of QAnon until January 6th, April is pretty early to be discontinuing coverage. The left no longer has need, nor do they want people to still be thinking of QAnon. The HBO Documentary concluded in April 2021. It was safe to reveal the identity of the Watkins' by that time, and it did. The damage had already been done and revealing who the culprits were now, only makes successful the effort to make conservatives look like crazy lunatics who will believe anything. There may be some truth in that in regard to the people sucked into this. But it was NOT the average Trump voter.

On Inauguration Day, (1/20/21) Ron Watkins posted a message on a popular messaging platform. He, in effect, resigned as administrator of the message board that supported Q and the Q drops. He stated:

We have a new president sworn in and it is our responsibility as citizens to respect the Constitution. As we enter into the next administration please remember all the friends and happy memories we made together over the past few years.”

Hmmmm. Curious timing, in my view. Curious message of contrition. Like nothing ever happened. I would say “mission accomplished”. Apparently they are no longer needed.

I did not footnote my article. Many of the same stats and opinions are easily found and oft repeated on the sites listed below. Notably, none of them are conservative links. Conservative media simply has not frequently talked about or reported on this group. Rather, those reporting the most and who kept it at the forefront when needed, all embrace a liberal foundation and belief system. Now here’s another clue. I believe they were intentionally "stirring the masses" with their reporting. Even now though, in their most recent effort to point to the Watkins’ duo as those behind QAnon, their agenda is fulfilled. It’s OK to expose it all now because the damage has all been done. Mission accomplished. What’s next? (404 error now, from the source page)

*I edited this blog on August 11, 2023, due to a broken link. I also removed a couple names, that I did not want to unfairly expose. People can check associations out for themselves. I did leave some prominent names, that truly should know better; and I just don't understand that they are involved with something so questionable. Connections matter.

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