Friday, August 26, 2022

Robin Hood

So we have another new controversy coming from the Biden Administration. Big surprise there. When have we not had controversy in his 20 months as President?

President Biden wants to forgive the student debt of thousands upon thousands of people who took out a loan of their own volition with a commitment to pay it back. But instead, now Biden wants the rest of America to be the ones to pay it back. Nothing is ever really “free”. It’s going to cost someone something.

The left is trying to make Americans believe it’s only the right thing to do to offer a hand up from the government to those less fortunate….you know; kinda like Robin Hood. But the truth is, this isn’t the ways of the Hood. This is, in fact, just the opposite of our beloved Robin and instead places the burden on those who maybe couldn’t afford to go to college themselves; or who maybe worked two or three jobs in order to pay off the loan they had promised to pay. It's called responsibility and we used to honor that.

This most recent action by the President, in itself is bad enough; but even more, Joe Biden does not have the authority to do this. It is flat-out unconstitutional. The Executive Branch does not have the "Power of the Purse". Congress does. Seems democrats don’t care about that these days. Pelosi once understood it. We have her on tape saying it, just a short while ago.

But to me, most troublesome of all is now the Democrats will begin their “shame game”. We have come to know it well. It's a means to look like they are the righteous ones, "on the right side of history"(they love that phrase). They simply start shaming people for not being loving and caring if they disagree with their agenda.

They did the same thing with allowing illegal immigrants and the building of the wall. Who cares about the Rule of Law? “It is simply the Christian thing to do,” they lecture. Funny how they get religion when they find it necessary. They voted God out of their platform at their Democratic Convention in 2012. But call Him back to convince us He would NEVER approve of a wall. They probably should read Nehemiah.

Anyway, I am sure their goals all sound well and good. But the truth is, it is all a break down of the thing that holds our nation together and what has made it so successful for almost 250 years – the Constitution. The truth is, these are all very dangerous actions; not only for us, but for the world.

Both of these endeavors, in my opinion, are about the same thing. “Forgiving debt” is the same tactic as what they did to get their way at the border. “Let ‘em in!” Just forget all about our immigration laws, I guess. Why in the heck do you suppose they want all those people to have free reign? It’s because they think they will then vote "blue". It is my belief that in both of these cases the left is orchestrating/buying votes.

Democrats, these days, don’t seem to care about the Constitution in any form. Oh they love to refer to it in word, when they find it convenient; but they don’t really follow it...kind of in the same manner as when they talk about God or the Bible. They bring it up only when it makes them look righteous or caring. It’s an attempt to make the rest of us look like heathens. Truthfully, for myself, this is why I am most weary of, because I know the opposite is true.

The truth is, they are intent on destroying Capitalism in this nation; and instead ushering in Socialism. How can I say that? They are following the methodology piece by piece. Come on! Think about it. Hillary Clinton did her college thesis on Saul Alinsky. You know; author of the book “Rules for Radicals” dedicated to Lucifer. Yeah, that guy. Obama, too, was a staunch supporter and believer in all Alinsky taught. Obama was raised in a Communist home, after all. He hung out with the likes of Bill Ayers. Biden is simply Obama 2.0 with most of the same people still in power.

It is time Americans wake up to what is really going on in our nation. They can claim to be the caring ones all they want, but when one destroys Capitalism, one destroys the American Dream. When one destroys Capitalism, one destroys our nation’s ability to continue to be the most benevolent nation in the world. Our nation must be strong if we are ever to help the world. It is really that simple. And that goes for aiding other nations financially, defensively, or in sharing the Gospel. We must have a strong, rich nation in order to do any of that. You don't help anyone by printing more money, just to give it away and place the burden on everyone else. They are in effect causing inflation, not stopping it. I believe it is intentional destruction. EVERYTHING and I DO mean EVERYTHING this administration is doing is weakening the strength of our nation. It is time to ask ourselves why.

So Democrat, go ahead and pat yourself on the back. Go ahead and shame the rest of us for taking the stand we take. You were once the party of free speech and open ideas. That certainly cannot be said any longer as we see the crushing of free speech in all manner of ways. And the truth is, most cannot or will not even see the change in the party that has been wrought by those that have a desire for something know – to "fundamentally transform America". Most of us liked America just the way she was.  Instead, many Democrats continue to stand up and look for a way to defend all that has been broken in the last 20 months. Instead, they should be rethinking it all and saying: “Hey wait a minute! The Constitution IS important. You can’t do that.”

The left instead wants to throw the book at President Trump for far lesser accusations without any proof at all. Even Democrat, Alan Dershowitz, has said the accusation of breaking the Espionage Act is ridiculous. Members of their own party have consistently done far worse things than President Trump. 30,000 emails destroyed? Phffff. Just make a joke out of it. That is always what Hillary has done when things go awry. The thing is, Hillary wasn’t President and she had no business declassifying anything and she certainly didn’t have the right to have those emails on her private server….but just mock those that complain about it, and it will all go away. That has pretty much worked for her, because we have conditioned people to be so sensitive and to be afraid to speak out about anything; so they remain silent at all of these unconstitutional actions. Yeah! About those emails. She can keep the t-shirt.

Seventy-one million votes for President Trump? Just call those voters “fascists”. Half of America was already convinced they were nothing but a “basket of deplorables” anyway. Yeah, no "deplorables" is not really a word, but Hillary said it, so it is now.

I really am trying to watch my sarcastic tone. But it isn’t easy. Things are going south fast in America. And no one seems to care. Or they aren’t paying attention. I do get it. The world isn’t an easy place right now. Life is difficult. People just want to be happy. But the thing is, we have stuck our head in the sand for way too long in efforts to be happy. That's how we got here in the first place. 

I kinda feel like those who are alive today and living in America are called to fight. I am not talking civil war...please don’t misinterpret the word. I am talking about fighting by paying attention, by voting, by speaking out,  writing and most of all praying...that kind of "fight". (Unnecessarily worried about misinterpretation? I don't think so. That is, in fact, exactly what they did to President Trump on January 6th- change the meaning of his words. That is their MO.) But the "fight" I mean is really all we need; and compared to what our ancestors did in the fight for liberty, our job is really pretty simple. 

Will we heed the call? Not looking too good if you ask me; but if we don’t do something, we most certainly won’t find happiness. Nor will our children and grandchildren. There really is no such thing as Robin Hood. God wouldn’t like his methodology. It’s contrary to everything He taught.

  • Exodus 20: 15
  • Nehemiah 6:3 (plus)
  • 2 Thessalonians 3:10

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