Sunday, June 30, 2024

Lies, Lies and More Lies - Rehashing the June Debate

While the first thing Jill Biden did after the Presidential debate is to claim “Trump lied”, the truth is Joe’s comments started with lies and continued through out his abysmal debate performance. I actually tried to count the lies and record them, but there were so many, I couldn’t keep up and I was losing the opportunity to hear how Trump responded. We have all lived it the last four years, so we should know them all by heart, anyway.  

I have become so weary of seeing the misinformation, disinformation, spin...whatever one wants to call it - I call it "lies" - that I decided I wanted to share a few of Biden’s most egregious accusations and distortions. I am not sure all of what I have listed here, were mentioned in the debate; but we have been living with them for way too long now; too often in silence.

  • The debate started with lies about the economy, with Joe claiming success and stating he had inherited a mess. This is simply not true. Inflation was 1.4% under President Trump when Biden took office and rose to 9% (a high of four decades!) in 2022 during BIDEN’s term, not Trump’s. 1

  • Biden cannot take credit for creating jobs, when he came into office and everyone was out of work because of the pandemic. One doesn't get to take credit for jobs already there, and to which people simply returned. He unnecessarily inflicted shutdowns and mandates upon us for way too long! Under Trump, unemployment declined from 4.7% to as low as 3.5% in late 2019 and early 2020. This was its lowest level since 1969!2 And further, black unemployment rate was the lowest rate it has ever been. His rating among blacks increased and is growing.

  • Notice the debate hosts didn’t ask about fuel prices. Or did I miss that? Fuel was under $2.00 a gallon with President Trump in office, and up to $5.00 plus, in some places with Biden.3 Biden stupidly used our oil reserves to make it look like he was bringing down oil prices. Through Executive Order, he stopped everything in his first days in office that had helped make us energy independent under Trump. That should tell us everything we need to know. Who's the dictator?

  • Trump’s tax cuts spurred the economy and Biden continually lies about the cuts only helping “the rich”. Obviously he doesn’t understand economics.

  • Trump did not say neo-Nazis are “very fine people” at his Charleston speech.4 This blatant lie has finally been debunked by MSM, (Main Stream Media) but those of us who follow less liberal news networks, knew the truth from the onset; because we saw the video that MSM refused to air. Biden still regurgitated this falsehood in his debate comments! It had been reported that he was advised not to bring up this narrative because so many MSM outlets had finally debunked this dangerous, but effective lie. Obviously, Biden didn’t remember the memo to not mention Charleston and he talked about it anyway. Even Jake Tapper had admitted and reported the fact that the Charleston narrative was simply not true, which is just another reason why Biden should never have regurgitated the lie.5

  • “Trump cages”. Those were OBAMA’s cages. Everyone should know and remember those cages started under Obama.6 Do they think we have forgotten? Further, under Biden, the use of cages has drastically grown among many other terribly dangerous border disasters through Biden's disastrous policies.7

  • Trump NEVER said our military or veterans were “suckers and losers”. This lie stems from an article written in the Atlantic newspaper in 2020. But the article named no sources or even the name of a single witness.8 The lie continued to grow with MSM refusing to mention that this statement has been negated with testimony from 19 trustworthy individuals. The truth is Trump’s actions speak louder than words, in the first place! Because of the way he treats our military and veterans, they know; and they return honor and respect with the same! Trump did tremendous things for our military and veterans while in office. He rebuilt the military Obama had destroyed, and Trump reworked VA with the best and most efficient care that we have seen since my husband (personally) started utilizing VA benefits. Veterans were struggling with getting care under Obama, with long waiting lines, many even dying while they waited. How can we not remember that?

  • Trump did not say “inject yourself with bleach” during the pandemic.9 If anyone believes that lie, they need to have a talk with themselves. Trump’s words were intentionally taken totally out of context and manipulated to make him look like a nut case. He was talking about the use of bleach and UV light on counter-tops and other surfaces. Good grief! How easily are we manipulated to believe what someone wants us to believe!!! The video was once available in full context to disprove this lie. He asked questions as a wise leader will. Please read about the full incident at the link I have provided. (Footnote 9)

  • Trump did not make fun of anyone with a physical or mental disability. The video used to create this lie was totally taken out of context and know “fake news”, “deep fake”, “cheap fake”...which they now accuse the right of doing, but they have done for four long, painful years. Projection! They took a video of Trump using his hand in a gesture he has long been known to use when using his hands to express himself in conversation.10 It was taken and used out of context! This supposedly took place in November of 2015. This goes to show the left was after him since the day he announced his run. Personally, that they even thought this through to create a story like that, says far more about lame-stream medial than it does about DJT. Prager U discusses it here: 

  • Oh! And “Russia Collusion” was also proven false over and over and over.

  • Then there is the favorite accusation that "Trump is a racist." It seems this is the most used slander of all of them. They use it for literally everything - even making his followers guilty by association! No. Anyone that will be truthful to themselves, knows this is not true. Everyone from every race loved him, invited him to weddings, couldn't wait to be photographed with him, and did business with him...that is, until he announced for Presidency. The truth is he has never shown any racism whatsoever to any race appointing a variety of people to cabinet positions and beyond.

  • PM Bibi Netanyahu did NOT endorse Biden’s plan for Gaza, but rather diplomatically (because that’s what good leaders do) stated Israel would handle the war as they deemed necessary to protect their nation!11 Biden's "plan" put horrible, unnecessary pressure on Netanyahu and the nation of Israel; and IMHO, the context of Biden's claim during the debate is diabolically untrue. Instead Netanyahu has maintained that "'The war will be stopped for the purpose of returning hostages and then we will proceed with further discussions,’ Mencer quoted the prime minister as saying. ‘There are other details that the U.S. president did not present to the public.’” 12

  • The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) will continue operations” in Rafah, regardless of the dangerous pressure campaign from Joe Biden! Israel will FINISH this war even though Hamas is the one that started it! And God will be with them. Zechariah 14:11.13 It’s Biblical. Jerusalem is the eternal capitol of Israel. Again, Joe is the one acting like a dictator, when he unconstitutionally withheld arms from Israel, when Congress had passed legislation to send them.

  • The Border Patrol NEVER endorsed Joe Biden as he claimed, even releasing a statement DURING the debate, because the comment that Biden made was that important to refute!!!14 Biden also stated there is 40% fewer illegals coming across our border under him. In whose world??? Tom Homan, former Acting Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and who has been at the border for decades said the crisis was never better handled than under Trump and never worse than under Joe Biden!15 You can watch that statement here. And here.  It shouldn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out if anyone is paying even the slightest attention to what is taking place in cities across America. “We have all become a border state” is the flat-out truth!

  • I am still shaking my head over the threats that say Trump will become a dictator; that he even admitted that fact himself, saying: "[He] would become a dictator on day 1." Oh good grief! No! What he said, when asked by a reporter, (almost mocking the question) was, "I will be a dictator for one day, on the first day, when I will rescind every. single, one of Joe Biden's Executive Orders." (paraphrase, but close enough!) Those Executive Orders, were in fact, what made Joe Biden the dictator wannabe!

  • Oh my gosh! Biden took credit for lowering the cost of insulin. Everyone should remember when that took place under the Trump administration.16 But aside from that, the bigger issue is Obamacare (or the Affordable Care Act) that has dramatically hurt Americans and the medical industry since day one of its inception.

  • The worst lie of all for me, was when Biden said no troops have died under his leadership! There was absolutely no acknowledgment from him of the 13 troops killed in Afghanistan, not to mention all the people and billions of dollars of equipment left behind there!!17 Say their names!!!18 We are on the verge of WWIII thanks to Joe Biden, with wars across the globe! Specifically Ukraine and Israel, as the most notable. Iran has once again been empowered by the Biden Administration, just as they were under Obama! No wars were started under Trump, and Russia did not even try to take more land as Putin absolutely did under both Obama and Joe...and that’s a fact.

  • MSM, as well as the January 6th Committee, intentionally left out Trump’s statement of “I know you are going to walk peacefully and patriotically over to the Capitol.” Liz Cheney, and the January 6th Committee intentionally did not allow in testimony, the complete video with that statement. And the MSM, though they were well aware of the full comment in his “Front Lawn” speech, totally left that part out with zero coverage of that statement. Here is how it was generally portrayed in MSM.  This is what he really said.  I watched it in real time. I knew the truth from day one, as anyone did who is not locked into MSM. Anyone who watches media from sources other than MSM, knew full well what he said and his intent. I was shocked by the number of my friends who had never heard that part of the speech. And yes, I will criticize “Republicans” when they are wrong - Liz Cheney could not be more wrong!

  • Trump, asked for 10,000 to 20,000 troops before January 6th, simply because he was aware of the crowd that would be there that day.19 No, duh! Heck! Everyone should have known! I certainly did! Muriel Bowser and Nancy Pelosi who were the ones that needed to okay and facilitate the order, turned down the offer Trump made. And again, in order to not show favor on my part, I will note a Republican, Liz Cheney, purposefully left out this fact from the January 6th hearing, as well.20 Nancy Pelosi, finally admitted that she was responsible for the protection of the Capitol...albeit, way too late!!21 And trust me, you will have to really work at getting around the false narrative when using Google to find the info. The left has control of all media and they will add their links first to the narrative they want us to hear. The fact is, she finally admitted it in testimony and you can read about that from a reliable source in the link I have provided. (Footnote 21)

  • Trump had no intentions of “overturning the election”, which was the phrase repeatedly used (even by conservative media) as if he tried in some illegitimate means. Trump only wanted the slates to be contested, which is absolutely Constitutional and which the Democrats have also done in the past, for finalization of election results. It only takes one member from each branch of Congress to start this process. What REALLY resulted from the January 6th fiasco, was this procedure was prevented from taking place. Who benefited from that mess?? Democrats did! Because our concerns did not have a chance to be heard! And yes, Mike Pence messed this up! Because he had a plane to catch. I think in his mind, he was done with his job and couldn’t wait to get outta there! (See, I told you, I know how to blame Republicans too.) It is easily provable that Democrats did in fact use this election process provided for under the 12th Amendment, even as late as 2016. It is standard procedure. Republicans (America really, because look where we have ended up!) were not only robbed of the election by a number of methods that allowed a cheat to take place, (from fake ballots; to closed doors due to plumbing; to more importantly, illegal practices across several states to unconstitutionally changing election law; and then the riots!) we were robbed of our right to contest the slate of electors. If Al Gore, Hillary Clinton and Stacey Abrams can still whine about being cheated, all these years later, than even more can we!! Because there has never been a more thorough and diabolical cheat!

  • As far as Trump saying "our nation is in decline"...what the heck would you call it??? Of course we love and are proud of America; but this is NOT the America we grew up in and it is my view, we will NEVER survive another government controlled by least until the Dems get their party figured out...but that does not seem to be their agenda. We all should understand what MAGA means after living through the last four years!

I know there is so much I have left out of my post. How does one cover it all? Those of us who watch media outside of MSM or in real time, have always known the truth. We were not surprised by Biden's debate performance, because we have been watching the exact same cognitive level for four long years!!  We have been trying to sound the alarm! Not in hate or disdain, but out of concern and yes even fear for our nation!! Because we have been watching the destruction of America, whether we want to admit it or not....and whether we offend someone or not, we must sound the alarm. We are there; there is no backing down from truth at this point in our history.

There. I feel much better now. I simply cannot let lies stand without response. No one should.


* I have purposely used articles from both liberal and conservative sources to remove any doubt of fairness.
















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