Friday, February 3, 2012

An Element of Truth

Apparently, Ron Paul is pandering to the Latino vote while he campaigns in Nevada. Politico reported some of the off-the-wall comments Paul made while campaigning there.

An on-line journalist that I follow, Joe Newby at the Spokane Examiner is the one that first called my attention to Paul’s statement - basically comparing the treatment of illegal immigrants in the United States to what happened in Nazi Germany. Yep, really.

However, I am afraid Dr. Paul’s comments might reveal more than just an effort to try to garner votes from the high number of Hispanics in Nevada. In fact, there may be a lot more that could be revealed by what the doctor has reportedly said. Personally, I believe these comments by Paul show the deep disregard he has for the Jewish people and the Holocaust that took place in this people's history. In my opinion, Paul, by making these radical statements is actually very close to joining the Holocaust deniers. No one who has a love of Israel or a concern for that nation could use a comparison so atrocious.

Dr. Paul has always managed to excuse his stance on Israel to Christians who might question it, by saying the Constitution does not make us the watch guard of the world.  He convinces Christians looking for a reason to support him, that if America would simply withdraw the foreign aid that we send to Israel’s enemies, then that would be the best way to support Israel. And that statement is absolutely true! However, withdrawing aid from Israel’s enemies does not require that we also withdraw financial support from Israel.  We can stop giving money to enemies of Israel, while still fully supporting the only democracy and our most trusted ally in the Middle East. We do, after all, have a Biblical mandate to support Israel and her people.  Somehow Paul doesn’t get that, nor respect it. 

I believe if we could search Paul’s heart truthfully, we would find a deep-seated hatred of Israel. Why else would he believe it to be ok for Iran to have nuclear weapons, when they have vowed to wipe Israel off the face of the earth? Why else would he suggest we withdraw not only financial support, but strategic support from this country that the Bible says will become the stumbling block of the world? Why else would he be able to so easily dismiss what happened during the Holocaust, as he has done in Nevada and on a number of other occasions? Why does he receive support from questionable newspapers and financial contributors ? Why does he receive money and support from those groups that most openly and aggressively oppose the nation of Israel?

These facts are why I will NEVER support Ron Paul. Some wonder why Joe Newby and others continue to write about Paul rather than simply support with positive comments the candidate of their choice. For me, it is because Paul is getting away with making a number of comments that simply are not true.  Paul has a disturbing history in his political career that has been successfully somewhat buried. And Paul has successfully been able to gain support of a large group of conservative voters that if they knew him for who he really is, in good conscious would not be able to support him.  I believe we have a "jump on the Paul band-wagon" effect that is preventing the best candidate from winning the primary election. We are seeing a replay of the 2008 election.

Paul claims to be the only one that respects the Constitution and that alone is extremely offensive in itself.  While fiscally conservative with some good ideas that contain a lot of truth, Paul is also a social liberal, in conservative sheep’s clothing with outlandish, dangerous ideas on foreign policy. Furthermore, no other candidate blasts America the way Paul does…not even the Obama’s. No other candidate blames America for the ills of the world as Congressman Paul does. I, for one, have had my fill.

I learned a long time ago, that every lie must have an element of truth, to be believed.  Paul appears to be the master of that process. Search a little deeper and one will find things are rarely exactly as he has stated. His statements in Nevada are only one example.

I am tired of this liberal ideologue and some of his supporters bashing conservatives that don't agree with him with labels like RINO and "neo-con". I'm tired of him acting like he is the only true Constitutionalist, when he is also guilty of misrepresentations and interpretations.  His actions and his message, in truth, is one that is especially benefiting the progressive, liberal agenda. If it isn't intentional, it is certainly culminating in the same end result.

Just sayin'!

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