Friday, February 10, 2012

Who Would Have Thought!

I cannot believe we are having a national discussion about birth control!  It just goes to show the extreme ideology of this President.  He has absolutely no understanding of the true roll of government.

The fact that he has now "walked back" his position (just today) stating "it will now, not be the religious employer that will be paying for the birth control, but rather the insurance company", shows he is indeed concerned about the political backlash to his actions. The "walk back", not really demonstrating much of a change, shows he just doesn't get it.  It also shows his excessive ideological beliefs that the government knows better than the people. He absolutely doesn’t understand that this type of intrusion into the lives of Americans is not the roll of the government. He truly doesn't seem to understand that the American people don't want a "Nanny State".

A government involving itself to this degree regarding our God-given freedoms and rights is a danger to us all…not far from making the people slaves to the government. This type of heavy-handed behavior invading the lives of Americans on every issue is nothing short of frightening.

Furthermore, the President is being deceptive about the degree of infringement involved.  Though he seems to love to focus only on the birth control issue, he knows full-well it is more than that.  The government aid would also include requirements to pay for the “morning after pill”, etc. I, as a taxpayer, do not feel I should be paying for this type of controversial solution for someone’s irresponsible behavior.

Yep, I'm afraid it’s a whole lot more than a birth control issue; it’s even more than a First Amendment, or “Freedom of Religion” issue.  It is total overreach of the federal government and a complete reversal of the roll of the government laid out in our United States Constitution.

How about we quit wasting time and money inserting governmental authority into personal lives of our citizens and pay attention to minor things like the 17 trillion dollar debt and little things like our national security? A little too sarcastic? Hmmm, just trying to make a point! That's exactly what he is doing - ignoring the things at which he should be paying attention.  Yes, he's just a little confused about his priorities!

I recommend we all vote in November and show him he is NOT the Dictator-in-Chief; neither is he the savior of the world.
"Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of a day; but a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate, systematical plan of reducing us to slavery."           ~Thomas Jefferson
"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."            ~James Madison

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