Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Erick Stakelbeck's new show, The Watchman:

Pants on Fire!

From Jay Sekulow at American Center for Law  and Justice:

President Obama made a promise to the American people: "If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period."

He knowingly broke that promise.

Today, millions of Americans are losing their plans. In fact, many more Americans have lost their health insurance than are enrolling under ObamaCare.

The Obama Administration knew for the past three years that this was going to happen.

How did they know? Federal regulations made the "grandfather" clause that would allow Americans to keep their insurance meaningless.

The Obama Administration knew Americans would lose insurance at historic rates. Yet they did nothing. Worse, they misled the American people with a false assurance that they would be able to keep their health plan.

Today, the person most responsible for overseeing ObamaCare, HHS Secretary Sebelius, is testifying before Congress because you spoke out. Now it's time to demand an end to the deception.

Join over 45,000 Americans in standing with the ACLJ and our new legal strategy to defeat ObamaCare.

Sign the petition to defeat ObamaCare at

Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

One Line Sound Bites - Alan West

The problem with taking God out of our government and instead, believing our rights come from the government:

"The problem is, progressive socialists believe they are the grantors, and therefore takers, of individual rights." 
     ~ Col. Alan West


Monday, October 28, 2013

One Line Sound Bites - Ann Coulter

"Republicans, stop trying to get purity in the party!  Let's take the Senate, first!"
                 ~Ann Coulter

Friday, October 25, 2013

Hal Lindsey Report for October 25, 2013

The incident mentioned below has been reported not only by Hal Lindsey, but others as well. Further, this isn't an isolated incident regarding religious discrimination in our military. Below Hal Lindsey's report is a link I have placed from the American Center of Law and Justice (ACLJ), in order for us to take action.
October 25th, 2013

This week on 'The Hal Lindsey Report'
This week, I'll continue my discussion of "The Man God Became."

As I mentioned in this space last week, as we see the demonic spirit of "political correctness" take firmer hold on all areas of our society, I'm convinced that the decision by true Christians to stand up for Jesus on certain issues and claims will spark an onslaught of derision and discrimination against us. I think those defining issues will include abortion, same sex marriage, parental rights, and the role of God in our national life.

Already, our military, our schools, our courts, our media, and our governments are in a mad dash to eliminate any vestige of religious freedom. Just this week, a story broke about a pre-deployment briefing at Fort Hood, Texas. Todd Starnes at is reporting that on October 17, U.S. Army soldiers were told that "evangelical Christians and members of the Tea Party were a threat to the nation and that any soldier donating to those groups would be subjected to punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice."

Though a Pentagon spokesman denies this incident happened, it has been corroborated by other witnesses.

I believe it will ultimately come down to the declaration by Jesus Christ that He alone is the way to heaven. Jesus Himself said that because the world hated Him, it will hate us. He cautioned that true, and faithful, believers will be persecuted "for My name's sake." (John 15:21)

It now appears that the men and women of our armed forces -- the very ones who have volunteered their lives to defend our Constitution and our nation -- may be among the first who will have to decide whether to deny Christ or face criminal prosecution.

Folks, as a former member of our nation's armed services, the Coast Guard, I am incredulous as I write these words. President Dwight Eisenhower once admonished the nation that "there are no atheists in foxholes." If he were alive today, I wonder how that great soldier would respond to the prospect that soon there may be no Christians in foxholes!

Last week, I told you that if we are to remain strong in the coming days, months, and years, we must be planted on a firm foundation. To be able to unflinchingly press the claims of Christ in this hostile world, we must first understand the man who made those claims.

On the last Report, we looked at some of the reasons "Why God Had to Become a Man." This week, I'll continue my examination of "The Man God Became."

I'll share with you seven reasons why God had to become a man. I'll tell you about the claims that Jesus made. Claims that leave no wiggle room for doubt. Either He is the Messiah -- or He is a lunatic. As C.S. Lewis observed, "...let us not come up with that patronizing nonsense about His being just a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to."

You'll learn about His two distinct natures that are inseparably united -- total deity and true humanity. These two natures are united in one person, without confusion or mixture of attributes and function. The Lord Jesus is equal to God the Father and God the Holy Spirit, yet different in that He is also a true man. As we will see, this is the reason why He, and He alone, can be the Mediator between God and Man.

Without Jesus, there could be no reconciliation between God and man. Without Jesus, there would be no redemption for us.

As I said previously, the majesty, the beauty, and the sheer complexity of the concept of the God-Man Jesus Christ is almost overwhelming. But it was all necessary to redeem the creation lost to sin at the fall of Adam. Thank God that He loved us so much He provided a "second Adam" to unselfishly take our place and become our "kinsman redeemer."

Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, CPM Network, The Word Network, various local stations, or Please check your local  listings.                                       
God Bless,

Hal Lindsey  


From ACLJ:

There are ominous signs the U.S. military is turning its back on religious freedom.

On April 23, Pentagon leaders met with Mikey Weinstein, an anti-Christian extremist who decries “fundamentalist Christian monsters” and calls Christians “pitiable unconstitutional carpetbaggers.” He compares Christians to racists from the civil rights era.

If he said these things about Muslims, he’d never be permitted in the Pentagon; but now military leaders are actually consulting with him – relying on his input – as they create new policies that may roll back religious liberty – especially for Christians. This must stop:

Petition to Protect Religious Freedom in the Military

To President Barack Obama and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel:

Cut ties with anti-Christian extremists who seek to redefine tolerance to include every religion but Christianity. Protect the constitutional rights of all soldiers, including Christian soldiers. Anti-Christian extremism has no place in the military.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A Tea Party Hero

An article well worth reading from an American hero:

Slow Assault On Our Faith Heritage

Written by Allen West on October 19, 2013


I recently visited the Five Star Veterans Center in Jacksonville, Florida on behalf of the Allen West Foundation where we had a nice gathering of Americans and the theme of “The American Dream.”
As I drove home after the event heading to South Florida, ‘round about Cocoa Beach I gazed over in amazement at a disturbing electronic billboard sign. I thought perhaps my eyes were just tired. However, as we got further down the road near Vero Beach, I saw the sign again: “Find Jesus in the Quran” with some quranic verse number and the website, [...]

Hours before, I had spoken about the American dream and Jefferson’s immortal words, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.” Those words embody the American Dream: that our individual rights emanate from God, our Creator, not from man or government. It is that deep Judeo-Christian faith that enabled 56 men to embark upon the quest of creating a nation where the individual reigned preeminent.

So how was it that I gazed upon two electronic billboards promoting an ideology that translates into the word, “surrender?”

America is facing its most threatening challenge, a dangerous triumvirate of progressive socialism, secular humanism, and Islamic totalitarianism.

Progressive socialism rooted in the precepts of Karl Marx, who once stated, “religion is the opiate of the masses,” seeks to erode any faith or belief system in God and religion. Marx and progressive socialism is counter to our first amendment rights of free exercise of religion and our fundamental Judeo-Christian faith heritage. You might recall, it was at last years’ Democrat National convention where they had to conduct a vote to reinsert God into their platform. We all remember the disturbing boos and resounding NAY votes rising from the convention floor. But if we take God out of America, then we change the fundamental premise of the American dream. We then replace God with government, and then who is the giver of our unalienable rights?

And if we replace God, then what do we become as a nation?

We will become a nation of secular humanists, set adrift with no foundation, no faith, clinging to a belief that government can provide our needs. We then live in a nation with no moral compass, no standards, and a culture based upon self-gratification and indulgence. We will become a nation where those who openly profess their faith will be chastised, attacked, and demonized.

We will no longer be “one Nation under God” but rather one nation gone under, as Ronald Reagan so aptly stated.

And when we are one nation gone under, with no fundamental faith, we are primed for the infiltration, the stealth jihad that undermines any remaining concept of faith, in other words, Islamic totalitarianism. This is exactly what was described and planned in the 1991 Strategic Plan and Explanatory Memorandum of the Muslim Brotherhood discovered during an FBI raid in northern Virginia.

The American dream is in our Declaration of Independence. Our Judeo-Christian faith heritage enables us to be a unique nation and defines our exceptionalism. We carry our faith within each of us, and we refuse to convert, submit, or be conquered by an ideology that is anathema to who we are, freedom loving Americans.

In the end, progressive socialism, secular humanism, and Islamic totalitarianism will be tossed upon the ash heap with fascism, imperialism, and communism because in America, those dawgs don’t hunt.

Read more articles at

Inside a Heart

Former Vice-President, Dick Cheney, was on Sean Hannity's FOX televison program last night. It was an awesome interview.  He was there mostly to promote his new book, Heart, which tells the story of his many years suffering with heart disease. What a miracle man!  Such an amazing story!

But along with the story of his health, Hannity also asked him some political questions, and we were able to get a glimpse inside the true "heart" of the man.

I couldn't help but feel proud.  This man who in some circles would be considered an establishment RINO, had lots to say...If one didn't know his name, see his face, or recognize his voice, but rather only listened to what he had to say, one wouldn't be able to label him "establishment RINO".  His politics haven't changed, he is still the same man with the same values, ideals and world view that he has always had. Maybe we should begin to listen to the man, or woman, (regardless of who it is) instead of listening to the liberal media, or the rants of those that simply regurgitate what they have heard  somewhere.

When someone is wrong, there is an appropriate means to correct them. But when they are right, they should have our ear, as well as our support. Mr. Cheney's service to our nation is probably mostly over, but he has a lot of life and political experience from which we can gather garnets of truth. I think he's right on! We would do well to listen to his words, as well as his passion.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Wreckless In-Fighting!

I am so frustrated with all the lies and deception going on in our nation. We have a President that doesn’t think twice about spewing things that are not true. He certainly seems to believe what the Nazi’s attempted to perfect when Hitler said:  “If you tell a lie long enough, it will become the truth.”

Now, we know that statement isn’t a true fact - truth doesn’t change - but this strategy is definitely effective in convincing a lot of people to go along with a particular agenda. Obama seems to be doing a darn good job of perfecting this strategy. Our nation is changing; people are buying the lie.

Right now, Democrats are blaming the Republicans and Republicans blame the Democrats for the recent government shut down.  No surprise there; disagreement between the parties is the way it has always been, though the rhetoric sure seems to be much more inflammatory and vicious than I ever remember seeing.

The thing is - there is a solid truth with no shades of gray regarding who is responsible for this government shutdown.  But I am not going to try to make that argument – at least in this post.  Democrats will always believe what they believe and Republicans will believe what they believe. The divide between the two parties is huge; we would be wise to realize that.

What I want to address in this post is the constant bickering we are seeing among Republicans. My goodness, they are all acting like children, and they can’t seem to see the harm they are doing to the party.  One would think after loosing a Presidential election twice to the Democrats due to what was mostly lack of unity in the Republican Party, we would learn.

Recently, I saw a Tea Party leader on a Fox television program say that “Sarah Palin hates the Tea Party.”  What????  And truthfully, though I love Governor Palin, she won’t quit bashing Karl Rove. So what if he said something about her in his book that she didn’t like. Get over it, already! She is usually pretty good at letting things like that slide off her back. I’m not sure why she can’t do it in this case. But it simply does no good to continue this battle! The name calling going on - such as “RINO’s” and “Tea Baggers”, and who knows what other names flying around between the factions - is entirely out of control. And it all, only plays into the Democrats’ hand!

Passion is wonderful. Believing in something and standing strong for it is admirable.  We must have convictions. But to attack those of your own party borders on…dare I say, insanity!

Just before the shut down, I saw some tea party groups and supporters of that recent movement running down the government, and crying for their members “To vote them all out!” meaning all members of Congress.  So many were focusing on ineffective tangents bashing the government, when what they should have been doing is instructing their members to get on the phone and call their Senators, call their Congressmen; write letters.  Now granted, many good organizations are trying to encourage others to do just that, and some of these groups are even doing the leg work for citizens; as example, Patriot Voices, or Secure America Now. I have posted many such efforts on this blog.  But there are also groups that are nothing more than clanging symbols ringing a wrong and ineffective message. “Vote ‘em all out!” they cry. Or, “They’re all the same!” Now where is the effectiveness in that!  We can’t just throw the baby out with the bath water, to use the old cliché.  Sorry, but it fits.

My dad taught me a long time ago, when I was a kid growing up in the sixties, that to run down one’s government is to invite defeat. I mean think about it; it’s common sense really. If no one has trust in the government, how can it possibly be effective? What better way to keep people from being active in their government than to convince them it doesn’t do any good?  Well that is exactly what we see happening, today.  It began during the 1960’s with protests from the likes of Timothy Leary, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dorhn and we are seeing the results of their intentional mission, today.

To continue to bash the government is insanity.  We should be using our government; we should be working within its principals. That’s how one changes things! We have the best system in the world. The only thing that happens by bashing our system is to aid those that seek to destroy it.  Why can’t people get that??

We are scared of the police; we are scared of being watched; scared of this and that and the other thing.  Now, I am not saying we shouldn’t be aware of all that can take place in a nation with a potential of becoming a police state.  But one shouldn't work out of fear.  We shouldn’t get so focused on the things we fear, that we ignore that which we still have the means to change.  People have time to pack a “bug-out bag”, but they don’t have time to call a Congressman. They hide, instead of vote.  They only complain, rather than sign a petition. They would rather see an enemy in our government, while they ignore the enemy that is infiltrating our land….and it ain’t first and foremost, our government! Radical Islam is sneaking its way into our lives, while we focus on who called who what name this week!

We should absolutely criticize and work to change the mistakes, or intentional wrong-doing in a particular administration, but we should never criticize our government, rendering it ineffective because people soon believe anything they may attempt does no good. Bashing our government, the system our Founders fought and died for which was, in fact, given to us by God, does no good!  It only aids those that hate us. We need to utilize what our Founders orchestrated for us when they put in place our Constitution.

Mike Huckabee had an excellent monologue on his show this week.  It isn’t going to be popular by any means, and I may not agree with it in its entirety.  But there is a whole lot of truth in it, if we get off our "high horse" long enough to pay attention and understand it.

I have wanted to write about this for sometime, but I failed to find the right words. The Governor has done that with his televison show monologue this week. The passion and action is admirable with the “new recruits” in Washington, but it must be tempered with foresight and wisdom that only comes with experience. Governor Huckabee has offered some of that.

When the two factions learn to work together, taking the best thoughts and tactics from both, we will finally get somewhere because of the unity working together ensures. As he tells us, it isn’t going to happen overnight due to the overwhelming digression we have seen. The young bucks with such exuberant passion would do well to understand solutions don't come overnight; they aren't going to get perfection all at once.  Further, maybe they should stop to think that quite possibly there is something worth holding on to in regards to what some of the old timers might have to offer. Those "old-timers" that have been there awhile would be wise to grab hold of some of that passion we are seeing in the new recruits, and not allow themselves to become stale or give-in where there is no room to give. Above all, the in-party attacks has got to stop!

We would do well to remember the words of President, George Washington, when he said: "We are not to expect perfection in this world." It just isn't going to happen this side of Heaven. But it is certainly something for which we should strive. As our Founders worked together to bring about a system of government, they certainly didn't all agree, all the time. But a wonderful, exceptional document came through diligence to the task, persistance and strife. Those men tried there best to reach perfection, but it was James Madison that finally said in regard to the "Constitution" as opposed to the original "Articles of Confederation": "It is not necessary that the former should be perfect; it is sufficient that the latter is more imperfect."
Let’s take this one step at a time. We didn’t lose it all overnight and we are not going to get it back overnight.

Below is Governor Huckabee’s monologue:

Oct 20 2013

My Show Opening Monologue

Mike Huckabee
Did the Republicans make a heroic stand as in the Alamo, or a poorly planned and executed assault like Little Big Horn, which was led by a general who failed to calculate the risks, who ignored the scouting reports of the strength of the opposition, and who made assumptions of the battle that proved to not be true. In the Alamo, men fought to the death to protect what was theirs. In Little Big Horn, and last week in Washington, Republicans launched a fight that wasn’t the plan of the battle-tested generals, but rather the plan of the newest recruits. Blame the press, blame the establishment, blame the liberals, blame one’s own team-- was the analysis of those who thought it wise to charge up the hill for a great cause but without following the counsel of Jesus who admonished to “count the cost” before starting the war. But liberalism among Republicans isn’t destroying the Republican party. Compared to the most conservative Democrats, there are no Republican Congressional liberals. Legalism—not liberalism is dividing the GOP. I’ve seen what legalism does to the church. Legalism is focusing more on HOW one expresses belief to WHAT one believes. The liberal might abandon the Biblical truth, but the legalist abandons Biblical love. Legalists make the method equal to the message. The facility of the church becomes a focus equal to the fellowship of the church. Legalists fight for an artificial purity that they will claim is based upon the “truth,” but for them truth is the WAY they “do church” more than the spirit with which they do it. It’s an arrogant and prideful self righteousness that focuses on self instead of a humble and broken righteousness that focuses on Christ. Legalism fights over the color of choir robes, the tempo of the hymns, and the architecture of the church building. For the Pharisees, purity of faith is based on external behavior. What one DOES becomes more important than what one IS. Some people eat their soup louder than others, but it doesn’t mean the soup tastes better. Political legalism in the Republican party is declaring that the purity of conservatism is based on following a particular personality or taking a very specific tactical pathway. The Republicans’ greatest threat is not from liberals--it’s from legalists in its ranks who would rather raise and spend vast money to defeat another Republican in a primary than to defeat a Democrat. The arrogant and self-righteous indignation of those who elevate themselves to be superior in conservatism because they can cause a train wreck. We should ask if the purpose is to derail the train, or to turn it around? Derailing the train is easy. Turning one around takes time, patience, perseverance, and planning. My political heroes are those like William Wilberforce who spent a lifetime fighting slavery, and Dr. Martin Luther King who died fighting injustice and racism. They understood that politics and change are the result of a process, not just a singular event. They were strong and unyielding in their convictions, but humble, patient and forgiving. They never got all they wanted, but they got more than nothing. If Republicans really want to defeat the threat of liberalism and socialism, they need to learn that their friends aren’t their enemies.


"But liberalism among Republicans isn’t destroying the Republican party. Compared to the most conservative Democrats, there are no Republican Congressional liberals." 
~Gov. Mike Huckabee

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Not Giving Up!

If your Congressman is on the list below, please call.

From Secure America Now:


Tell Congress: It's Time We Learn What Really Happened in Benghazi

On Sept 11, 2012, four Americans, including our U.S. ambassador to Libya were murdered in a vicious terrorist attack. Yet over one year since that terrible attack, the American people still don't know what happened that night.

Virginia Congressman Frank Wolf has introduced legislation in the House calling for the establishment of a "Select Committee". A Select Committee would be a bi-partisan committee with special, extra authority to more comprehensively investigate the events that took place in Benghazi. Tell Congress to Support It!

A Select Committee would remove politics from the process and provide for a comprehensive, exhaustive and complete investigation. Unlike the five current committees conducting investigations, it would have full, cross-jurisdictional subpoena authority and ability to call any witness to testify.

Most importantly, it would focus the nation's attention on the security failures of that fateful night, with the hope of making sure such mistakes are never repeated.

Many of the survivors of the attack have yet to come forward to present their testimony. Some have been threatened or pressured not to do so.

Only a Select Committee can compel them to testify and protect them from retribution.
While many Republicans have signed on to congressman Wolf's bill, there are 59 members who have yet to support a Select Committee.

Please contact these members directly or call Speaker Boehner at (202) 224-3121 and demand that Congress appoint a select committee. The American people deserve to be told the truth and Congress must use every opportunity it has to uncover the truth. It is time we got answers and get beyond the lies of the Obama Administration.

Here is the list of Congress people who have NOT yet expressed their support. Please call them today or call (202) 224-3121:
  • Alabama: Mike Rogers, Spencer Bachus
  • California: Jeff Denham, David Valadao, Devin Nunes, Kevin McCarthy, Buck McKeon, Gary Miller, Ed Royce, Darrell Issa
  • Florida: Jeff Miller, John Mica, Trey Radel, Mario Diaz-Balart
  • Georgia: Lynn Westmoreland, Robert Woodall
  • Illinois: Peter Roskam, Rodney Davis
  • Indiana: Larry Bucshon, Todd Young
  • Kansas: Mike Pompeo
  • Kentucky: Harold Rogers
  • Michigan: Bill Huizenga: Dave Camp, Fred Upton, Mike Rogers, Candice Miller
  • Minnesota: John Kline
  • Mississippi: Greg Harper
  • Missouri: Vicky Hartzler
  • Nebraska: Adrian Smith
  • New York: Richard Hanna
  • North Carolina: Renee Ellmers, Virginia Foxx, Howard Coble, Patrick McHenry, George Holding
  • Ohio: John Boehner, Michael Turner
  • Oklahoma: James Lankford
  • Oregon: Greg Walden
  • Pennsylvania: Mike Kelly
  • South Carolina: Mark Sanford
  • Texas: Jeb Hensarling, Michael Conaway, Kay Granger, Mac Thornberry, Pete Sessions
  • Utah: Jason Chaffetz
  • Virginia: Bob Goodlatte, Eric Cantor
  • Washington: Doc Hastings, Cathy McMorris Rogers
  • Wisconsin: Paul Ryan
  • Wyoming: Cynthia Lummis
Call Congress now -- or call (202) 224-3121 -- Demand that your representative support Congressman Wolf's bill and appoint a Select committee to investigate Benghazi.

Friday, October 11, 2013


This is an important message from Hal Lindsey.  I hope you will thoughtfully read it and decide to be a "watchman" as well.

October 11th, 2013

This week on 'The Hal Lindsey Report'
On this week's program, I feel compelled to speak to you in my ministry as a "watchman on the wall." In ancient times, the watchmen stood atop the walls of the city. From that vantage point, they scoured the horizon for approaching danger. If they spotted something or someone approaching that implied a threat to the city, they loudly shouted the warnings. The defenders of the city then sprang into action to repel the invader or handle the danger.

In just as vital a capacity, the prophets in the Old Testament were also "watchmen" who warned the leaders and the people of what they saw coming upon them as the Lord revealed it to them. They were often the conscience of the nation. They chastised, warned, and corrected leaders and kings. God used them to speak His will to the nation.

In much the same way, today's church and her ministers of the Gospel should be the conscience of our nation. But, in ways incremental and unnoticeable on the one hand, and fast and furious on the other, that role is being limited and may soon be completely suppressed.

In past shows during the 16 years this program has been on the air (originally as "The International Intelligence Briefing" on TBN), I've warned of threats to the church and its "watchman" role posed by the moral and spiritual deterioration of our society. Today, however, I see dangers even more ominous.

As President Obama's administration finds itself engulfed in multiplying -- and ever-widening -- scandals, it's alarming how many of them involve the restriction of our rights as citizens, the destruction of institutions and liberties vital to our national freedom, and the suppression of any opposition -- especially the church and her ministers -- that is perceived as a threat to the administration's intentions.

Folks, I believe we are at a crossroads. If we turn a blind eye to the cynical and callous actions of some of our elected and appointed leaders, we will regret it sooner rather than later. Don't be misled by the still-sleeping (or brain-dead) mainstream media, the goal of the "operations" that are now being exposed is the total control of our society and its citizens.

Here are just a few of the scandals that are in the news today: the IRS targeting of conservative and religious groups; the Justice Department crusades against the Associated Press and Fox News (the two that we know about so far); the cover-up of the lethal al Qaeda-led attack on our compound in Benghazi in which our Ambassador and three others died; the attacks on the rights of Christians in the armed services; the EPA's prejudicial treatment of non-liberal organizations; "Fast and Furious"; the across-the-board suppression of any information or policy that exposes the true intentions of Islamists in America; the almost-fanatical push to promote same-sex marriage and the abortion agenda; and the mounting revelations of "unintended consequences" in the implementation of Obamacare.

The net result of the success of even a few of these efforts will be the curtailment of our rights as Americans and Christians.

I know whereof I speak. Over the last couple of years, my ministry (and this television program) has been under unusually close scrutiny by the Internal Revenue Service. Because of your willingness to stand with me in intercessory prayer for God's protection and also because of the personal integrity and diligence of some of the IRS employees who handled our case, we've made it through okay, thus far.

But I have to admit that I was stunned by the interpretation applied by the IRS as to what constitutes a "church" or a "minister." Under those definitions, the Apostle Paul couldn't have qualified for a 501(c)3! I believe there is a movement afoot to eliminate what the Bible defines as "apostolic" ministry -- where a minister is appointed and gifted to speak to the whole church. That could, in effect, eliminate many non-pastoral or parachurch ministries.

Indeed, I know also that there is coming a push to require churches -- which are and have always been, by their nature, "tax exempt" without having to "qualify" with a government agency -- to apply for status as 501(c)3 organizations to maintain the tax-exempt status they already have! You can see where that's going. The IRS would be the government bureau that decides if your church is qualified to be a church and if your pastor is qualified to be a minister. If that happens, that means the IRS will be the official interpreter of what the Bible teaches. (It's already designated to be the "enforcer" of Obamacare!)

Is that what we want? If the government controls us, then it can effectively mute the voice of God to the people and to the leadership. It can silence the church by starving it and even confining its leaders if they transgress the will of the State.

Well, I suppose you've guessed by now what I'll be discussing on this week's "Report." Tune in and encourage your family, friends, neighbors, and fellow church members to do the same. This is a time when we all need to be informed and united as never before!

Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, CPM Network, The Word Network, various local stations, or Please check your local listings.

God Bless,

Hal Lindsey

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Hal Lindsey Report for October 4, 2013

I am posting this letter for two reasons:
1. We need to know what will be happening next and we need to prepare.
2.  I love and appreciate his tribute to Pastor Chuck Smith.
This week's letter is definately worth reading.


October 4th, 2013
This week on 'The Hal Lindsey Report'
Less than five years ago, the United States had a Commander-in-Chief who was an outspoken born-again, evangelical Christian. He publicly identified the Bible as his favorite book and Jesus Christ as the most important philosophical influence in his life.

Today, members of our military who are Christians are forbidden to display a Bible on their desks. They can wear their uniforms if marching in a gay-pride parade, but cannot wear their uniforms if they speak before a church congregation, or any other religious gathering.

Military chaplains are allowed to pray in the name of Jesus Christ when they are conducting services in a military chapel, but they're forbidden to use the name of Jesus when praying in public places. I wonder if that includes the battlefield?

I could spend this entire letter listing just some of the dramatic changes that have befallen our nation in the last few years - and all under the guise of "political correctness" or its legal term, "hate speech."

You may be wondering why I keep hammering on this subject. I do so because I want you to truly understand that it may be only a few short years, or less, before your pastor will be told he or she cannot preach what the Bible says about marriage or the sanctity of life or even proclaim that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation and heaven. If he does, he'll be prosecuted and maybe even sent to prison.

You don't think that can happen in America? Well, it's already happening in Europe and, as you know, our friends on the Left want America to be just like Europe. Even worse, it's happening just north of our border in Canada.

And the insidious thing about political correctness is this: you're its prisoner before you even know it's a threat. Trust me, I wish it were not happening, but we know it will because the Bible prophets predicted it.

You and I have been entrusted by God to be His representatives on this earth at the most critical, and exciting, time in prophetic history. So lest we blow our opportunity to bring glory to God in the closing days of this Age of Grace, I want to help you prepare for what certainly lies ahead.

If you've been watching the last few editions of this Report, you know that I believe times of persecution and prosecution are just around the corner. And when they come, we, as believers, need to be ready to stand strong against the rushing tides of public opinion and public ridicule. We need to be ready to fight.

That's why I want to talk to you this week about "Combat Faith." What is "Combat Faith"? How do we get it? In view of the rapidly increasing dangers of these last days, I want to share with you the most important truth God ever showed me.

Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, CPM Network, The Word Network, various local stations, or Please check your local listings.

On a personal note, it saddens me to say "Goodbye" to my dear friend and colleague, Pastor Chuck Smith. Chuck founded the Calvary Chapel movement in Southern California and was a driving force in the Jesus Movement of the 1960's and 1970's. That's when I was active with Campus Crusade for Christ on American college campuses. Chuck's courage and vision were an inspiration to all of us who ministered to the counterculture during those tumultuous years.

Chuck had been battling cancer the last two years, but he never lost his warmth, his sense of humor, or his passion to share Jesus with anyone and everyone. When news came yesterday that he had gone home to be with Jesus, I was conflicted. My heart was broken, yet it was filled with joy that my friend's suffering was over and his eternity of happiness was just beginning.

It's always difficult to know what to say in moments like these, but I think Chuck himself said it best. Thursday's Los Angeles Times quoted him: "Someday you're going to read in the paper, 'Chuck Smith died.' That's bad reporting. What it should say is, 'Chuck Smith moved.'"

So long for now, Chuck. I know we'll see you again soon.


God Bless,

Hal Lindsey