Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Inside a Heart

Former Vice-President, Dick Cheney, was on Sean Hannity's FOX televison program last night. It was an awesome interview.  He was there mostly to promote his new book, Heart, which tells the story of his many years suffering with heart disease. What a miracle man!  Such an amazing story!

But along with the story of his health, Hannity also asked him some political questions, and we were able to get a glimpse inside the true "heart" of the man.

I couldn't help but feel proud.  This man who in some circles would be considered an establishment RINO, had lots to say...If one didn't know his name, see his face, or recognize his voice, but rather only listened to what he had to say, one wouldn't be able to label him "establishment RINO".  His politics haven't changed, he is still the same man with the same values, ideals and world view that he has always had. Maybe we should begin to listen to the man, or woman, (regardless of who it is) instead of listening to the liberal media, or the rants of those that simply regurgitate what they have heard  somewhere.

When someone is wrong, there is an appropriate means to correct them. But when they are right, they should have our ear, as well as our support. Mr. Cheney's service to our nation is probably mostly over, but he has a lot of life and political experience from which we can gather garnets of truth. I think he's right on! We would do well to listen to his words, as well as his passion.


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