Friday, February 22, 2013

More Calls Needed

Please read below the most recent letter from Senator Rick Santorum. He is reminding us to call our senators one more time before the vote to confirm Senator Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense.

Also, read below a letter I scanned and uploaded from Idaho Senator James Risch in regard to the confirmation of Chuck Hagel.  He makes no promises; only that: "...I have a constitutional advice-and-consent role on those President Obama nominates.  This is an obligation I take seriously."

And well he should. He needs a few phone calls to remind him of what his constituents would like him to do. 

We have more than a few senators - John McCain, case-in-point - that say though they highly disapprove of Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense, "elections have consequences" and that the President has a right to choose who he likes for the positions needed.  While this is true, they are forgetting what Senator Risch said above... "[Senators] have a constitutional advice-and-consent role of those President Obama nominates." 

That they do; they have a vote.  It is our job to remind them.  Even if you have already done so, please call one more time. Simply call 202-224-3121 and tell them you wish to leave a message for your senators.  Whether they connect you to your senators office (in Idaho, Crapo and Risch) or whether they take the message themselves, simply tell them:  "For the security of our nation, please vote no for Senator Hagel as Secretary of Defense."


From Senator Santorum

We are nearing the finish line in our efforts to stop the nomination of Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense. The final hurdle is scheduled for Tuesday, when the Senate will vote to end debate and move on to final passage of Hagel's nomination. I urge you to make one more call to your U.S. Senators at 202-224-3121 and tell them to vote "no" on Hagel to protect our national security.

Hagel's record is one of being tolerant to the Iranian government and organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah, and he has shunned our closest ally in the Middle East, Israel.
His views on the U.S. - Israel relationship are so disturbing that Maryland Democratic Sen. Ben Cardin's rabbi made the statement in a sermon, "From our perspective, outside of Pat Buchanan and Al Sharpton, I can't think of a worse choice!"

Senator Chuck Hagel is the wrong choice for Secretary of Defense because he would send a dangerous signal to Iran and other radical Islamic elements which would make our country and our allies less secure.

Senator Hagel has not made it clear to Iranian leaders that he would use strength to prevent them from obtaining nuclear weapons and he disrespects our strongest ally in the Middle East, Israel. Senator Hagel has repeatedly sought to distance the United States from Israel and refused to support efforts to end terrorist attacks on Israel.

If the Senate confirms Chuck Hagel, they will be handing our country's defenses over to the most passive and most under-equipped Secretary of Defense our nation has ever seen.
Patriot Voices has already informed millions of Americans on the radical and dangerous policies that Chuck Hagel would bring to the Pentagon. We've gathered tens of thousands of signatures on a petition to send him packing. We've rallied tens of thousands of patriots to demand that their Senators block this nomination.

We've reached the most important moment of this fight. Please go to and contact your senators to vote "no" on Hagel's nomination.

Thank you,
Rick Santorum

From Senator James Risch

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