Saturday, April 20, 2013

Common Sense

I really tire of the distinction continually being made in the media between international terrorists and domestic or “home-grown” terrorists.  Yeah, I know it does matter.  And I will be furious to hear media or government officials call the attack at the Boston Marathon an attack of domestic terrorism.  But really, the truth is, terrorism is terrorism!!

Still, I was extremely pleased to hear Mark Furhman on Fox News Channel the other night say: “This is not domestic terrorism; this is international terrorism."  I always appreciate what Mr. Furhman has to say.  Sometimes it seems he is one of the few commentators left with any common sense.

My frustration?  It comes from my deeply held belief that if we are seeing what looks like domestic terrorism, it is fueled, funded and orchestrated by international radical Muslim terrorists.

Early on, I heard Mr. Furhman inform Fox viewers that the type of bomb used was the same as those used in attacks in Israel.  Well, that certainly narrows the playing field of those responsible, doesn’t it?  I wanted to yell, “Well, duh!” to anyone that would say otherwise!

As news filtered in, we learned more about the two suspects involved; common sense will tell us that these two men were not working alone – regardless of what those in the liberal media would have us believe.  That is another reason I appreciate bold, to-the-point commentators such as Fox News consultant, Mark Furhman. A little common sense on the issue is imperative!

“They are too light skinned,” I heard doubters say. ”They couldn’t be Muslim." I wish Chris Kyle, the most lethal sniper in American history and author of the best selling book American Sniper was here to tell us about his experience with light skinned terrorists! If not for his quick discernment and experience Chechens would have had his life much earlier. (Not too sure they weren’t involved anyway, but that post is for another day.)  Chechen radicals - among others - are definitely here  in America.

The fertilizer factory fire in west Texas? One of the most important rules of law enforcement investigation is a coincidence is never just a coincidence without being investigated further.

That would once again bring me back to Chief Chris Kyle...coincidence after coincidence. But no response from the Obama administration on this man's tragic death...Ok, maybe I'm getting a bit off track here, but I do have deep concerns about this patriot's connections and untimely death.

Next, to defy common sense even a bit further, Alex Jones comes out saying this was a “false flag”. Oh brother! Now Americans are going to get sucked into this man’s lunacy.  Jones too quickly loves to blame America for everything! Jones claims the U.S. government was behind the Oklahoma City bombing and the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in order to promote legislation that will aid in bringing about a New World Order. While I believe there is a need to be concerned about this particular administration, the "Truther's" mantra spewed without concrete facts does nothing more than take any responsibility from those who are truly responsible. We do have an enemy, America!  The Bible tells us so!

But more to the point, we are fools if we believe these two most recent terrorists acted alone. It was much too sophisticated, much too effective to not have well-funded backing and direction.

Fueling my belief that we should be further concerned about the Obama administration, we learn that Saudi nationalist, Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi was deported soon after being named as a person of interest. This is where it gets beyond sensible. This man has obvious, well-known ties to Al Qaeda.  In my opinion, those involved in and responsible for allowing this man’s deportation should be tried for treason.
Finally, please read this article by Glenn Beck.  Now while I don’t always agree with everything Mr. Beck says and does, this is probably one of the most important things you will read this week.  There is a distinct difference between what Alex Jones says and does, and what Glenn Beck says in this article.  Glenn accurately recognizes and defines our enemy...and it ISN'T our government; though this administration has a whole lot of questions to answer. God Bless Mr. Beck for demanding it!

I agree with Glenn Beck in his recent article when he says this may change America forever, but Glenn does leave out one important thing; and that is: we do serve a God who is in control. I am not yet hopeless in regard to America.
It doesn’t matter where these terrorists come from. It never has! Jihad unites them and they are everywhere. What matters is their goal – to kill the infidel; to destroy the “Big Satan” and the “Little Satan”; that would be the United States and Israel, respectively.

One other important note:  there is going to be the issue of “Miranda Rights” for the young man taken into custody. Common sense, America? We need it more now than ever! The younger brother in custody IS an enemy combatant and should NOT be “mirandized” or “lawyered up”! If this administration takes the position that he is a US Citizen and entitled to the rights of a citizen, we certainly aid those responsible for these atrocities.

"If we don't believe we are at war, we are going to be hit again and again." ~ Senator Lindsey Graham.

Yeah, I know. I almost hate to quote Senator Graham after some of his antics. I guess this is a clear example where one can be right on some things and wrong on others. We are in definite need of some common sense.

Beck's warning

“ I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." ~ BH Obama The Audacity of Hope ~ page 261

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