Thursday, May 14, 2015

Nothing But the Truth, PLEASE!

CNN – liberal media that they are – recently printed an article which many anti-vaccine advocates are using to show that once again vaccines cause deaths and illness in children. 

Unfortunately, a multitude of distortions from that article flooded into the anti-vaccine community. People love to find “news” that supports their already deeply held beliefs.

For starters, the babies, as reported at one source, were only 28 and 30 days old. Not the time to be giving a vaccine, in any case! But who cares about common sense, right?

Secondly, the article clearly stated that:
"Authorities haven't said what they think caused the illnesses. They've pinpointed the batches the vaccines came from and have suspended administration of other vaccines from those batches pending the conclusion of their investigation, the institute said. They're also investigating the needles used in the vaccinations and the possibility that a virus or bacteria could have caused the illnesses, Mexico's El Universal newspaper reported."*
The parents were reportedly so angry, they refused an autopsy after the babies' deaths. Refusal of autopsy? There is another clue. It is understandable parents are heartbroken, but to get to truth this would be a necessary procedure.

And finally, it was in one of the poorest, dirtiest areas of Mexico!! Hardly the place for successful medicine when conditions are less than sanitary:
In the poor, rural area, access to medical care is difficult to come by. There are no hospitals or clinics, only a small cinder block health center with a tin roof where residents go when a doctor passes through the community. A small selection of paracetamol and other pills sits on dusty shelves inside.”*
And from ABC News :
"The Rev. Marcelo Perez, a Roman Catholic priest, told The Associated Press that families of the babies said they became sick within hours. The adverse reactions started Friday and the babies were being treated in a hospital in Simojovel, Chiapas, where 93 percent of the people live in poverty, 69 percent in extreme poverty, according to government statistics. 
"The hospital 'doesn't have adequate personnel or equipment," Perez said. "The real problem is the terrible conditions we have ... so that when a baby comes in with convulsions, he leaves dead.'"
I posted a message similar to what I am saying here to Sherri Tenpenny’s Facebook page. She was one that quickly reported and commented on this story. My message was polite and respectful, simply pointing out there is sure to be another side to this story. I was certain additional information would come out regarding the cause of these deaths and illnesses. Why, I wonder, has there been no follow up reporting regarding this situation on her page? I think I know. It doesn't help her in her agenda.

And again, why is it only the liberal sources that are reporting these inaccurate facts? And why are conservative Christians reading them?? One of the articles being promoted is from Al Jazeera!

Really?? We are going to trust Al Jazeera???

Please, people, read carefully; think clearly; question those that use fear-mongering and inaccurate facts to promote their agenda.

The links below state the most recent news on the two babies that died in Mexico, which was initially thought to be caused by vaccines.

"Mexican health authorities on Tuesday said a bacteria was responsible for the deaths last weekend of two babies and for sickening 29 others—not a vaccine as initially feared."*
And from a recent ABC News article:
"Mexico's public health system says a localized bacterial contamination appears to have been responsible for infant vaccine causing the deaths of two babies and the sickening of 31."*
“The institute said the vaccines themselves were safe, and it is investigating how the contamination occurred.”*
Inaccuracies are being reported as facts and widely believed and propagated throughout certain communities. Please do your research. Do not blindly believe every story, just because it seems to support what you already believe. I wrote an informative article about vaccines recently on this blog. I hope you will take a moment to read it and prayerfully consider what is being said on both sides.


*All bold emphasis mine.


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