None of the evidence has been seen in ANY court, thus far as they have all refused to let it be presented for various "Trumped" up reasons. Pardon the pun. In this case, it fits. I suspect if it involved any person other than Trump, the case would have been allowed to be presented. The Supreme Court has allowed judicial review before; case in point - Obamacare.
Believing we all have a duty to "watch" and share with others that which we have learned.
Sunday, December 27, 2020
Letter of the Law
None of the evidence has been seen in ANY court, thus far as they have all refused to let it be presented for various "Trumped" up reasons. Pardon the pun. In this case, it fits. I suspect if it involved any person other than Trump, the case would have been allowed to be presented. The Supreme Court has allowed judicial review before; case in point - Obamacare.
Sunday, November 29, 2020
The Anchor in the Checked Dress
A concerning video came to my attention the other day. I watched it rather quickly, but was convinced it was just another fake video making the rounds. I wanted to more carefully research it. And now having done so, I want to tell you what I found and attempt to explain why I believe this is a fake video.
I have no doubt the woman that posted this video to Facebook believes it. She appears to be a homeschooling mom. She doesn't mention being a Christian. But many of these homeschooling moms, Christian or not, have been deceived by the vaccination issues and the gurus that promote their theories. Some of their information may be valid; much of it is not. This video is not.
One of the first clues this is a fake video is there are no credits mentioned. No one takes any credit for making it, but they are sure to include logos from well-known sources - CBN, CBS, PBS being some of those sources. Also interesting, is in the segment with the black female news anchor in the checked dress, there is no logo shown. She is seemingly the main source of the report, yet this is the part of the video where no logo is revealed. Very suspicious, in my opinion.
As far as the woman posting it to Facebook, there is one by the same name on "Linked In" that claims to be a Creative Producer / Executive Producer from California. I can't verify it's true, but it wouldn't be unreasonable to suspect it could be the same woman. I have found connections like that in the past. It would explain the manipulated video. It wouldn't explain her claim to be a homeschooling mom on Facebook. The woman that posted the video to Facebook appears to live in another state, so I will make no claim of it being the same woman at this time. I would like to look into that further, though. She does have a pretty good following. That suggests to me she does do something outside of Facebook. Most of us don't have hundreds of "Followers" and another list of "Friends" without a connection of another sort, or some notoriety. It is difficult to determine simply from her Facebook page. She does have hundreds of "Facebook Live Videos" on her page. So there is obviously more to her than "homeschooling mom". This led me to researching what exactly that might be. I found that some of her "following" is due to a product she sells - CBD Oil. Yeah, big surprise there.
There always seems to be a connection with this and the anti-vaxxers. And the anti-vaxxers always seem to be behind the fake videos using scare tactics and manipulation. I knew I would find it. Sorry, if that offends anyone. It is simply always just there to be exposed. I am not talking about the lay people - the moms that do not want to vaccinate their kids. I am talking about those behind the fear-mongering. This woman has posted videos about events from "Prime My Body" - this "is a global health and wellness company that helps people to live wellness and create lifestyle," in their own words. Their merchandise is CBD oil and hemp products. They claim there is no THC in their product according to their website, but that using their product could result in a positive drug test. I am not convinced there is no THC, as they claim. There is THC in their items for pets, but they claim it is safe for the animal. Regardless, I believe this is a gateway to legalization of marijuana and I always find the connection with homeschooling anti-vaxxers, though probably unwittingly, a fact.
But let's get to the video. Obviously it is anti-vaccine. It claims that chips are put into the COVID-19 syringe to inject under the person's skin who is receiving the inoculation. This, in order to track the person, the video claims.
The truth is, there are trackers ON the syringes, but they are NOT implanted into people. The trackers on the syringe are to identify batches, in case of problems or issues, similar to dating and barcoding on canned goods to ensure safety.
At this link is an article from USA Today where some of the claims used in the video have been discussed. The producer of the video uses "Natural News," and "Breaking Israel News" as resources, but from this article one can see the information was twisted to make it look like the chip is inserted into the skin. It is not.
The fake video uses Mike Adams of "Natural News" as a source. I have been warning people about Adams for years. He is a 9/11 Truther. In other words, he would rather blame the United States for the attack on the Twin Towers than assign any blame to radical Islam. His research on vaccines is not credible either and you can find that in the way he carefully orchestrates what he claims, not using any affirmative words but instead using words like "possible" and "may" cloaking them as claims of fact. He has connections with InfoWars and conspiracy theorist, Alex Jones. That should be enough said.
From the ABC article one can see "Breaking Israel News" was warning about the possibility of FORCED vaccines, but they were not warning of a chip being inserted. Here is the actual quote:
"Those who think the government is planning on forcing every American to inject themselves with a coronavirus vaccine may have just received an indication confirming their fears," David Sidman of Breaking Israel News wrote in reference to a May 12 news release from the Defense Department."
It speaks only of the fear of government mandating vaccines, nothing about chips. And again it is Natural News' Adams that makes the claim of a military-enforced vaccination mandate. He later amended his statement after the President announced there would be no forced vaccinations. We remember when the President came out and stated that. (Yes, this goes that far back.)
"If coronavirus vaccines were planned to be optional – respecting the vaccine choice of individuals – not more than 100 million doses would be needed. The fact that 500 million doses are being manufactured is an admission that the DoD and HHS plan to make coronavirus vaccines mandatory," Adams wrote.
However, Adams amended his article when the White House released a video of a May 15 news conference where President Donald Trump addressed the claim.
"We're looking for a full vaccine for everyone that wants to get it," Trump said. "Not everybody's gonna want to get it."
Adams double-downed on the thought though, saying the states may in fact, mandate it. This is simple fear-mongering that has always been part of his MO.
I know fact check sources are not always popular, but just seeing the article and the connections from it that are used out of context in the video should be a red flag. Additionally, USA Today footnoted reputable sources at the end of the article. And again this is in regard to forced vaccinations, not vaccinations with chips inserted under the skin.
In the "CBN section" of the fake video, I am not convinced that was an actual CBN clip that was used. It is easy to make a video and put the logo of any company on the video. I don't recognize the woman hosting the interview as being from CBN. If it is actually from CBN, one can see where the doctor talking about the chip being on the syringe could have easily been manipulated. He is explaining the chip is actually ON the syringe, but then it jumps to photos of a syringe and a woman claiming the chip is IN the vaccine and inserted into the skin. That is not what the man is explaining. The conversations are from two separate sources. This is video (possibly from CBN) that is easily manipulated by using dialogue from one video, but splicing it together by the makers of the fake video. I am convinced this claim of inserting a chip under the skin did not come from CBN.
This is some actual footage from CBN. It is a positive report from CBN regarding the Covid-19 vaccines.
While I don't agree with everything the gentleman says in this actual CBN video, the positive nature of the report negates the negative claims in the fake video. Why would CBN do one negative report (as in the fake video) and then do a positive report all within the same time frame? Obviously, the fake video is just that: fake.
I do believe the makers of the fake video may have used the voice of Gary Lane (reporter for CBN) later in their video. It sounds like him, but is also likely taken out of context. I believe this may have been a report Gary gave about the foolishness that is taking place in regard to actions being taken from a source called "Dangerous Things".
The fake videos uses a clip from "Dangerous Things" (also questionable resource) to lead people to believe chips are in the vaccine, when instead the video from "Dangerous Things"" is simply talking about chips in general and makes no mention of vaccines. I suspect this is what Gary was reporting, if that is indeed his voice in the background.
It is curious to me, that if you google "Dangerous Things" pages and pages of their videos come up. But it is difficult to find anything critiquing their videos, or to look for truth regarding them. I spent about 30 minutes and could not find anything regarding them other than their videos...even typing in 'dangerous things Wikipedia" did not offer any results about "Dangerous Things". I had to go to to find anything. And this is all they had:
Dangerous Things [1] is a Seattle based cybernetic microchip biohacking implant retailer company formed in 2013 by Amal Graafstra[2] following their crowdfunding campaign.[3][4]
Dangerous Things built the first personal publicly available implantable NFC compliant transponder in 2013.[5]
When you click on the name of the founder, Amal Graafstra, no information is revealed about him at all. The link only goes to a Wikipedia page stating they have no information. I don't like that, and I don't trust a video using his "technology" videos taken out of context. His implants may be real. They are NOT real in conjunction with a chip used in vaccines. It appears to me someone went to great lengths to allow any information about him to be found. We all know how Google is manipulating things they want found and things they do not. Obviously they want his implant videos found. They do not want who he IS found.
Regardless, I don't believe he is a part of the fake video. They are using his videos, in the same way they possibly used the CBN video - in other words, if it was actually from CBN; they absolutely did use the CBN logo. They are taking things out of context from CBN reports about the tracking codes ON the syringes and leading people to believe the chip is being inserted into people.
Media have been reporting about technology to implant chips in people for decades! This is a link to an article as far back as 2002. Some of the comments used in the fake video are likely from reports that go years back and are not in regard to the Covid-19 vaccine at all. CBS, PBS logos are being shown in the fake video and a mainstream reporter is used. It doesn't mean it was a recent report about chips in vaccines, as we are led to believe in the video. From the ABC article I linked, we see this discussion, with the same verbiage, went as far back as 2002.
I reiterate, this section of the video is clearly talking about what is revealed in the ABC News Article from 2002, that I linked in the last paragraph. The video clip is discussing the same thing as in the article. But then once again the fake video jumps to the news anchor in the checked dress who is speaking about the chips in the vaccine. It is intentional deception. Does anyone know who the lady in the checked dress is? For which media does she work? Kinda important. But we are left without that info, or any info regarding who created this video.
Sunday, November 1, 2020
Faith, Freedom and Holding Fast to Foundations
John Piper's article has created quite the stir on social media in the last week, or so, Personally, I found his article infuriating. And as many articles as there have been to counter what Piper wrote, none of them have been a strong enough rebuke, in my opinion.
What has upset most
Christians, like me, is that basically, Piper is saying in his article that
Trump's character is a greater sin that is far more deadly than abortion. He tries to
cloak this accusation by saying he stands for life, but is intent is very
The second shockingly
divisive intent is that he denies President Trump any grace at all that the
rest of us have received as Christians. Rather, Piper assumes Trump is still
wallowing in past sins. That simply has not been demonstrated since Trump has
taken office. And I, for one, take offense at his assumption.
Here are a few quotes
from Piper. And I will link the article here, if you want to read it.
"Actually, this is a long-overdue article attempting to explain why I remain baffled that so many Christians consider the sins of unrepentant sexual immorality (porneia), unrepentant boastfulness (alazoneia), unrepentant vulgarity (aischrologia), unrepentant factiousness (dichostasiai), and the like, to be only toxic for our nation, while policies that endorse baby-killing, sex-switching, freedom-limiting, and socialistic overreach are viewed as deadly."
In other words, he is
saying Trump is unrepentant for sexual immorality (no one knows his heart). He
is presuming that Trump continues in sexual immorality! Really?!! Piper claims
the President's boastfulness and vulgarity is worse than baby killing and
changing ones gender. He thinks people are wrong to be more concerned about socialism,
than Trump's "immorality". Piper doesn't see it obviously, but Piper
could also be seen as sinning by judging Trump's heart! AND!! Believing rumors and bearing false witness!!!
Speaking of what he
thinks Trump has done (it's only Piper's view), Piper is sure to note that
“those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God” (Galatians 5:21)
and that “those who practice such things deserve to die”. He shamefully implies
that Trump is beyond receiving God's grace. How does he know what is between
God and Trump? So disheartening to see this come from a Christian pastor who is
supposed to believe in redemption.
Piper tweeted:
“Flagrant boastfulness, vulgarity, and factiousness are not only self-incriminating; they are nation-corrupting.”And then he justifies that tweet by claiming the decaying society of the last five years is all on Trump. I hardly think it began there. It has been decaying for decades!! It is my belief that Piper should be more concerned about the failures of pastors to preach truth, or walk a holy walk, which has become all too common. Did he condemn the "Swearing Pastor" and the off-colored jokes he made from the pulpit several years ago? Did he condemn the pastor tossing back shots of alcohol with Justin Bieber at his concert? Thousands have been misled by these progressive, hip pastors who think the way to share the Gospel is to join the world and be cool. I don't think I hear Piper talk much about that. Maybe that is where he should keep his focus. Actually, there are plenty of well-known pastors that have displayed the same type of behavior he condemns in Trump. Maybe he should concentrate on that. Maybe that's where his concern should lie.
I certainly can't quote
everything he says here, but he advances the same old rhetoric that is all too
common with progressive Christians which is that conservative Christians are
being a bad witness to unbelievers by caring about social political issues, but
not about one's character. That is just a flat out incorrect characterization and
flat out wrong on its face. It should all be our concern and our focus.
He then takes 1 Kings out of context and notably fails to mention there are absolutely times God used (and still uses) ungodly leaders. King Cyrus as one example. David another.
He states:
"I find it bewildering that Christians can be so sure that greater damage will be done by bad judges, bad laws, and bad policies than is being done by the culture-infecting spread of the gangrene of sinful self-exaltation, and boasting, and strife-stirring (eristikos)."
And then he asks how can
we know bad laws are more destructive!! Well duh, there is a reason God tells
us to obey the laws of government. And "righteousness exalteth a nation".
(Proverbs 14:34) Let's put his ill-conceived thought in reverse. There
absolutely must be good judges, good laws and good polices to ensure a nation
remains righteous. I also find it
curious he includes bad judges here, just after Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed
to the Supreme Court. I find it extremely difficult to believe his point and mention of
judges at this time was coincidental. Again, he says Trump's boasting is worse than bad
judges and bad laws. Really? Good grief! Our judges and laws are the final word
with what happens in our society and retaining any righteousness at all, so
that God can BLESS our nation. Certainly Trump's bombastic personality is not
what is leading to the degradation in our society. Nor is it what has led to the destructive intent to change our nation from what our
Founder's intended. NO! He is the one that is working at protecting our nation's Godly foundation. "Strife-stirring"? Oh that must be directed at those of us who believe
we must take a stand politically to ensure our foundation remains intact.
I am trying to address
his positions in the order he brings them in his article, so bringing up
abortion again may seem redundant, but he then claims abortion comes from self absorbed
arrogance and boasting. And he takes James 4:1-2 our of context attempting to
use it as why people seek abortions.
4 From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?
2 Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not. (James 4:1-2)
Chapter 3 of James ends with the peace that comes from knowing the wisdom
of God. The first 2 verses of chapter 4 are meant to be in regard to personal
conflict and conflict with others that results without God's Wisdom. These verses are certainly not a reason to point
to the reason for abortion.
Next he includes this tweet following it with a justification:
“It is baffling to assume that pro-abortion policies kill more people than a culture-saturating, pro-self pride.”
Really???? In attempting to justify this, he gets to the crux of his whole intent. It's "presumptuous to assume that pro-abortion policies kill more people than a culture-saturation, pro-self pride." Yet he doesn't explain how "pro-self pride" kills more people than the millions of abortions which have occurred since Roe V Wade. Not even a hint at how that is possible; or more importantly how it is factual, At least he admits Roe is evil legislation. Kinda had to do that, didn't he?!
Piper claims self-absorbed, self-exalting boastfulness, is
the most deadly behavior in the world. But again, without statistics, proof or
example. Oh, and he misleadingly blames the leader which he views whose "self-absorbed, self-exalting boastfulness models the most deadly
behavior in the world." SMH
He takes time to lecture pastors, telling them to "imagine" what might happen due to what they haven't done. Basically, he accuses those
who believe it is right to be politically active. And again, he condemns those
that believe it is right to be concerned about the direction of America...just
as he has ALWAYS done! That is, way back when he was busy attacking the American Dream. The
dream he incorrectly visualized, not the real one. He has always failed to see
how important it is to keep America vital and strong in order to continue in the efforts of what
everything is all about - the Great Commission. How does a weak American continue to spread the true Gospel? And further, to bring a little
benevolence to the world along with sharing the Gospel. We can only share our wealth if we have it.
Finally, he gets to his
civic duty. Apparently he has none - assuming, even proclaiming, it all leads
to destruction. Both paths, he states, leads to "cultural corruption and eternal ruin". Really? How dare him! Talk about being presumptuous and
arrogant. Who made him sole authority. And though he tries to say he isn't
trying to sway anyone, of course he is! Why else write the article at all?
Through it all, he
regretfully has little mention of the need for prayer, to pray, or to petition. Personally, I think that speaks volumes. Further, he neglects the fact that not everyone is called to the same work. It is an absolute fact that some are called to enter the political realm, while others should focus only on the Gospel message. If there is to be another Billy Graham, there must be a Pat Robertson protecting that freedom. It is not right to put down or negate what God has called another to do.
Piper's article is
extremely judgmental - not just of Trump, but of Christians who support him.
Piper, himself, comes across as
condescending and arrogant. What is the difference in his own high self esteem
and that of the President's? The attitude he displays in his article is exactly
what he claims is the dangerous and deadly character flaws of President Trump.
Piper's article holds no
weight of factual evidence, and he really had to work at making someone's
character more deadly than the despicable, disgusting and far too common-place
procedure of abortion. It is infuriating he even tried; he certainly in no way
succeeded in making his point. His attempt is shameful, in my opinion. I don't
think God will look kindly on his position.
Truthfully, I don't
believe this is about Trump at all. I think Trump is just his scapegoat. In my
opinion, writing this article was simply
an opportunity to push his liberal, progressive ideology which he has always
held. Personally, I think he is simply another person that has let his deep hatred
for Trump cloud his vision and he took this opportunity to vent and push his
own decades old agenda - denigrating America.
"With a cheerful
smile", I write this to share with others. Scripture instructs me to expose falsehoods. And my
allegiance to Jesus requires it.
Saturday, June 13, 2020
Lives Matter
For some it is black and white...Poor choice of words, I know; but that is the best I can do right now. In other words, for some, it means only what it says "Black Lives Matter". It's kind of a no-brainer. Of course they do!!! No one is in disagreement about that! For some, that is all they see plain and simple - Black Lives Matter. And it is both black people and white people that see only those words and choose to believe in them. The truth is every race has an ear. Plain and simple - "BLM". But in reality, though it sounds so noble, many people really have no deeper understanding about what is actually taking place within that organization.
BLM’s #WhatMatters2020 will focus on issues concerning racial injustice, police brutality, criminal justice reform, Black immigration, economic injustice, LGBTQIA+ and human rights, environmental injustice, access to healthcare, access to quality education, and voting rights and suppression.
This initiative will inspire and motivate people to ask themselves and their candidates are you really addressing What Matters in 2020?
Find out more about our campaign goals and focus.
The thing about this movement is, it is deceiving millions of people. Let's take "economic injustice" from the above quote. President Trump has done more for black people in this area than any other President since Lincoln. He brought about the lowest black unemployment in history - until the virus. And yet, they call him racist. Why is that success story not talked about?
"Criminal Justice Reform" - This was one of the things on the top of President's Trump list to address. Some of that was seen with the First Step Act.
"Black Immigration" - Isn't that a bit racist? Pretty sure that hasn't been the issue at the southern border. What about the 70,000 Somalia Refugees in Minnesota for example under Obama? Immigration is not about the color of ones skin. It is about coming legally and following the proper procedure so that it is fair to all. No one should be able to cut in line above those who are following proper channels.
"Environmental injustice"? I think all races are in the same environment. That's a leftist talking point.
"Access to quality education" ? It's the Democrats who have opposed school choice, vouchers, and homeschooling. Why? Choice in education would help black lives. But Democrats oppose it because the NEA, (National Education Association) the largest union in America, is one of the largest donors to the Democrat Party. And everything else to them is a threat to the public school system that they seek to contol.
"LGBTQIA+" - I think God has plenty to say about that, Christian. I don't have to touch it.
"Police Brutality"? It is an absolute fact that more whites have been killed by police than blacks, every. single. year. And there have been plenty of black cops killed too, that barely get a mention in today's news media, because it doesn't fit the narrative.
The truth is there are a whole lot of people being played. This movement - the financed one, not the grass roots one that people think they are supporting - is really about division. Keeping blacks under the thumb of the Democrat Party is in effect the new slavery. Careful! Several black people said it, long before I did.
On the BLM website, they call me a "white supremacist". Not just me, but everyone who isn't black. They tell us that this is our culture. Isn't that a bit racist? I don't see it that way. I know there are a lot of black people that don't see it that way, either. I know, because I read and listen to them daily. They see the danger in this movement. Those people are called Uncle Tom's or Oreos, even House____ not even going to go there. But I have heard the testimony and seen the hurt in their eyes.
And now I want to ask Christians, something - those Christians who choose to support this movement. Do you think maybe it is you who is not hearing clearly. Could maybe you be the political pawn? Maybe your efforts are not really the holy endeavor you envision. Maybe you haven't looked deeply enough. Maybe this whole interest group needs to be tried for deception. Research the roots. Pray and listen to the Spirit. Because this organization is not merely about standing up for blacks. It is my belief, this is about the divide. And the color of ones skin doesn't necessarily determine the way it is seen.
Maybe some of the people opposed to BLM knows something you don't. From their website:
"As organizers who work with everyday people, BLM members see and understand significant gaps in movement spaces and leadership. Black liberation movements in this country have created room, space, and leadership mostly for Black heterosexual, cisgender men — leaving women, queer and transgender people, and others either out of the movement or in the background to move the work forward with little or no recognition. As a network, we have always recognized the need to center the leadership of women and queer and trans people. To maximize our movement muscle, and to be intentional about not replicating harmful practices that excluded so many in past movements for liberation, we made a commitment to placing those at the margins closer to the center."
"It became clear that we needed to continue organizing and building Black power across the country. People were hungry to galvanize their communities to end state-sanctioned violence against Black people, the way Ferguson organizers and allies were doing. Soon we created the Black Lives Matter Global Network infrastructure. It is adaptive and decentralized, with a set of guiding principles. Our goal is to support the development of new Black leaders, as well as create a network where Black people feel empowered to determine our destinies in our communities."
" a world where Black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise."Really? INTENTIONALLY targeted for DEMISE? That isn't my world. And I would bet my life it isn't most black lives either.
I would like to share this video from Michael Knowles. Perhaps it is time to look a bit further about the deception and agenda behind Black Lives Matter.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
HR- 6666
e) Federal privacy requirements.—Nothing in this section shall be construed to supersede any Federal privacy or confidentiality requirement, including the regulations promulgated under section 264(c) of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (Public Law 104–191; 110 Stat. 2033) and section 543 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290dd–2).

"This bill would provide $100 billion in grants to faith-based organization, clinics, medical centers, and other organization which perform testing for COVID–19, tracing of exposure to COVID–19, or services for individuals who are isolating at home. The funding could be used to pay their staff or purchase personal protective equipment to protect their staff.
No provision in this bill would make testing or quarantining mandatory. The bill includes privacy protections for the medical information of individuals that would limit how grantee organizations could share information collected with the federal government. (A large-scale disinformation campaign has made absurd claims about this bill.)Really, there is not too much more to this bill. It lines out use of the funds, it provides funds for personal protective equipment and other supplies, and it provides funds for hiring people to test and trace. I suspect Republicans oppose it out of concern for tracing. But as I have said, we have done that for years. I am not endorsing the resolution. I oppose it simply for the fact of who wrote it. It does have language identifying "medically underserved community" which appears to demonstrate a bias that wise legislatures would not want to support. And it is a whole lot of money, that certainly should be justified. I oppose the bill for those reasons. But it is certainly not the danger that is being spread through media by these antagonists - for lack of better word.
Now there are other issues in several Democratic states such as Washington and Michigan, whose governors are absolutely doing things that should bring concern to many. But those things are not mandated in this bill. This is something entirely different than what is occurring in some of our blue states with heavy-handed governors - some with a whole agenda of their own.
That aside, we absolutely need to ask ourselves why the people making these videos continue to misrepresent so much information. We need to ask, what is their agenda? Is it truly that they are afraid, and their fear is causing them to misunderstand what is taking place? Is it that they are purposefully deceiving to advance another agenda? Are they using an old Saul Alinsky tactic known as "stirring the masses" to create problems among our citizens. What is it, exactly, that is taking place here? This has happened so many times, creating such a stir that we really need to find out exactly what the motive is from the people purposefully distorting facts.
To simplify things below is a quick quote from Wikipedia. It is all easily verifiable with other sources and even with the doctor's own website. Though there is plenty of controversy surrounding him, there is nothing controversial about this description:
"Rashid Ali Buttar is an American osteopathic physician, conspiracy theorist, and anti-vaccine proponent from Charlotte, North Carolina. He is known for his controversial use of chelation therapy for numerous conditions, including autism and cancer."
Let me address the identification label on the video: "Center For Advanced Medicine." It is a well known fact that many fake videos have been altered with a realistic looking logo running across the bottom of the video as a credit making it look like it came from a credible source. So, I wanted to be sure to check this out as a starting point to find more out about Dr. Buttar. I originally researched the wrong clinic. I have removed that information and I am doing an update.*
This link is instead his website and his clinic is called "Center for Advanced Medicine and Clinical Research". It is located in Mooresville, North Carolina. Below is a quick synopsis from their "About Us" page. It is difficult to determine legitimacy. His page appears to be a bit gimmicky, with books and movies for sale, as so many of these sites do, but I can't say that it is fake. Perhaps, he is someone simply promoting his own agenda. Regardless, he is offering phony information about this House Resolution. I also find it interesting that he has a form on his site with a link to oppose HR 6666. And he has a form asking all kinds of private information, that I would certainly never answer without knowing more about this doctor, his website, clinic and his agenda. Curious. This is the quote from his site.
"Our clinic was founded in 1996 with the goal to give those with “untreatable conditions” an opportunity to recover. Over time, we acquired the reputation of specializing in “treatment failures”, ie, patients that had gone to other medical facilities but had failed all conventional treatments as well as “alternative” treatments. Soon, patients were driving long distances, many flying across the country, and others traveling from distant parts of the world to get help for their previously “unsuccessfully treated” medical ailments.
We acquired this reputation by emphasizing a complete and holistic approach to healing, recognizing the interdependence of the body’s various organ systems and the body’s need for balance. By utilizing any and all necessary conventional, traditional, as well as integrative and alternative medical treatments, we have been able to restore this essential balance and reestablish health and vitality in the vast majority of our patient population."
- "Power is not only what you have but
what the enemy thinks you have."
- "Never go outside the expertise of your
- "Whenever possible go outside the
expertise of the enemy."
- "Make the enemy live up to its own book
of rules."
- "Ridicule is man's most potent
- "A good tactic is one your people
- "A tactic that drags on too long becomes
a drag."
- "Keep the pressure on."
- "The threat is usually more terrifying
than the thing itself."
- "The major premise for tactics is the
development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the
- "If you push a negative hard and deep
enough it will break through into its counterside."
- "The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative."
- "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."