Sunday, February 14, 2021


An open letter of my thoughts simply as another citizen.

Everything taking place in our nation in the last few months is starting to wear on all of us, I think. I know we are all sick of it – whichever side we support. But the video I share here is incredibly sad to me. I know a lot of people are sharing it out of celebration. It’s an official “mic drop”. Literally. But I am not sharing it out of celebration, I am sharing it out of sadness. I just feel so bad for this dedicated, hardworking, American attorney who simply tried to do his job. This is actually a travesty. Michael Van der Veen is 100% right.


Yeah, Michael Van der Veen did great at the “trial” AND in this interview. Perhaps he responded a little too quickly to the news anchor's question here. But he had just been through so much nonsense! An unconstitutional, sham trial where a Supreme Court Justice wouldn't even show up! MVdV’s house had been vandalized and attacked, his family threatened just the night before. (As had the other Trump attorneys' homes.) While only serving as a private citizen trying to do his job, he had to deal with a media bent on keeping a false narrative alive. That sad fact is seen in this video and on just about any mainstream channel one would choose to watch. Then to top it off, Senator Mitch McConnell turned on the former President and the GOP for what I can only surmise was to protect his interests in China. That would be better off under Joe. Seems there is a lot of that going on these days.

It is important to hear in this interview, where MVdV explained how the Democrats manufactured/doctored evidence. They deceitfully changed dates of tweets, and added blue check marks to accounts to make it all look more official. They also LEFT OUT evidence. From all evidence they presented, they removed where it showed the President had actually said "walk peacefully and patriotically over to the Capitol to make your voices heard". “Selective editing”, MVdV informs us. We never got to hear the President’s complete statement during the Democrats’ presentation. Mr. Van der Veen is rightfully frustrated because media doesn’t seem to care about manipulating evidence! Where have we come, for crying out loud?!! 

It is telling in this video to hear what MVdV  said about his use of the word "insurrection", at the "trial", because MSM are already spinning what is the actual truth about that fact. He used "insurrection" only in regard to their accusation. He simply repeated the ginned up charge which the left had tried to formalize. They desperately wanted America to believe President Trump had incited violence. And now they want us to believe, Van der Veen also called it an insurrection. He did not.

Investigation, questioning and witnesses should have taken place in the HOUSE before this ever got to the Senate, but Dems were in too big of a hurry. They didn’t follow protocol in the House. They allowed the President no representation, no witnesses; no due process because they knew there wasn’t time. They also knew the facts they needed were not there. YES! President Trump should have been allowed representation in the House. That "witnesses and representation is normally only left for the Senate", is spin. It was too late for any of that and Democrats KNEW it. Because we ALL know you can’t impeach a private citizen, and it would only be days before the President no longer held office.

Democrats KNEW this would never fly – that the votes weren’t there – and they wasted taxpayer money and time anyway. On the last day in the Senate “trial”, Democrats called for the witnesses that should have been called during the House “impeachment”. Now in the 11th hour in the Senate, they suddenly wanted them. But the truth is they called for witnesses at this late hour, only to disseminate another false narrative. It was actually hearsay and never would have been allowed in a real court of law. But for those paying close attention, it also revealed that President Trump believed it to be Antifa that was in the process of breaching the Capitol and not his supporters. But the 11th hour narrative allowed Dems to spin and stir the pot one more time, causing Americans to wonder and doubt. Then, just as quickly, (only an hour later) once the narrative had been propagated through a rabid media, Democrats changed their mind about witnesses once again. They only wanted a temporary account to be shared. They KNEW the real truth would come out if witnesses were actually allowed to testify. Lindsey Graham had promised days earlier to call a “100 witnesses, starting with Nancy Pelosi” who would have to testify to the fact that she KNEW President Trump had actually asked for the National Guard to be there two days prior to the breach on the Capitol. The President had suspected instead, that it would be Antifa they would have to stop; NOT his supporters. To actually allow witnesses would expose the Democrats lie that he did nothing to prevent a riot. The truth is, we ALL thought there would be riots! We watched it all dang summer! He incited NOTHING with his speech and they knew it! That is why they also had to keep changing the narrative from an early accusation that proclaimed “he incited an insurrection with his speech” to the later charge that “he had it all planned days in advance”.

Personally, I think Michael Van der Veen did amazingly well in this interview after going through all of what he had to experience. And truthfully his heartfelt words are uplifting and heartbreaking at the same time. That's the American way, I guess. That's life in a nutshell for citizens these days. I am incredibly sad for Mr. Van der Veen and proud of him at the same time. He was truly placed under a great deal of unfair treatment and pressure. The discouragement he reveals in this interview also demonstrates to me, how strong President Trump and his whole family have been through all of this. They have been dealing with attacks like this for 5 years, not simply a few months. Most people would not be able to withstand it.

Myself, I feel so discouraged by what just took place in our nation. To top it all off, we are still divided with half believing and half denying. Do watch the entire interview, please. We are ALL "regular America". And if we are not careful, we will lose our incredible, exceptional nation.




Michael Van der Veen. Citizen.”

For those with further interest, there is another interesting article from the Blaze at this link.

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