Sunday, January 31, 2021

The Movie

I see another questionable “informational” video is making the rounds. This video is regarding the possible dangers that may occur with the creation of the new COVID-19 vaccine. I have included it directly below for you to view. I actually hate to promote it, because the message is flawed. But I want to help make people aware of a few things I have learned in regard to this video. 

I have written in the past about the sometimes fraudulent nature of a slew of these videos. As is the norm, there is always partial truth disseminated. As near as I can tell, everything they said in the beginning of this video is true. What they ended with also may very well be true. But as we all know, there MUST be an element of truth in order to get anyone to buy into the rest – to believe the lie.

The Message: That the Communist Chinese Party may be using the vaccine as bio-warfare against the United States, in a two prong system known as “Antibody Dependent Enhancement”.

Personally, I think it is shameful that those producing this video, make this claim while admitting they have nothing to prove their fears and that no one knows for sure if this occurred. Yet they continue to instill in others, a blatant message of fear, that appears to be coming out of their long-held, anti-vaccine beliefs.

The Cast:
Alex Newman – His own bio, sounds wonderful, writing for organizations like “Brietbart”, “NewsMax”, “World Net Daily” and others. He appears to be a Christian writing for Christian publications. But research him a bit further and you find Newman has ties to QAnon. You know...the secret organization that claims to support President Trump, while every. single. one. of their actions have hurt him. Yeah, that one.

Now I think a lot of good people were sucked in and fooled by QAnon, like General Mike Flynn, for example; but this is still a huge red flag for me. Newman has ties with Dustin Nemos who is a full-blown, unapologetical supporter of QAnon. Dangerous territory, in my opinion; so I believe this requires us to look at everything that is presented a bit more carefully. Sometimes we absolutely must decide if we will believe what someone is saying, based on the connections they have to other people and organizations. There is nothing wrong with that. It is called discernment and a time to verify.

Newman also has ties with the John Birch Society – a bit radical in my opinion; and Matt Shea – a former Representative from Washington state and from the far right side of our movement. I have conflicting thoughts about Shea that I do not want to get into here.

Newman’s Personal Publications
  • The New
  • Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc.
  • FreedomProject Media
Dustin Nemos – QAnon advocate and author of “QAnon: An Invitation to the Great Awakening”. Alex Newman and Dustin Nemos discuss QAnon here. Nemos is one of the foremost proponents of QAnon. Look for this logo (WWG1WGA) when wanting to identify someone who is connected to QAnon. WWG1WGA, a means of identification to other QAnon supporters = Where We Go 1, We Go All.

Let me just say a couple things here about QAnon. I will try to post more about them later. But if you think QAnon isn’t a problem, you aren’t thinking. Just remember January 6, 2021 and the “insurrection” that took place. That was QAnon, and they put the final nail in Trump’s coffin after almost 5 years of the left trying to take him down. And I will also mention, it was the liberal left media who first brought QAnon to every one’s attention. Think about it. Why would that be? It is because they wanted that message disseminated. They in effect are the ones that promoted them first and foremost. I had to hear about QAnon first from a "NeverTrump" friend who was more inclined to listen to the lies of the left on mainstream media. None of my conservative friends had ever heard of them early on. That says a lot, in my opinion.

Dr. Lee Merritt – An orthopedic surgeon from Omaha, Nebraska, with multiple specialties. She is a strong proponent of prevention against disease which is great. She is a determined opponent to vaccines and specifically the COVID -19 vaccine, which is also fine and her right. But while a lot of credentials are noted for this doctor, they are used a bit deceitfully, in my mind; because as I said, none of her credentials are anything that offers proof of what she is alleging. Further, as is almost always true with these anti-vaccine narrators, Dr. Merritt sells her own line of vitamins and supplements. The fear-mongering about the vaccine will certainly drive people to her product. Just sayin’. I knew I would find it. Go ahead and believe and buy the product. Advertise the product, but don’t include a false narrative to do so.

Dr. Judy Mikovits
– I have already written about Dr. Mikowits with my concerns regarding her anti-vaccine stance and claims. I bring her up only to demonstrate the connection among all of these people. You can listen to her and Dustin Nemos here. They continue to claim the virus is ALL a hoax. That kind of rhetoric is simply not helpful, I am afraid.

This is the title they give their above message: NO ONE IS SICK FROM Coronahoax. It's all being Faked.”

I will never deny that the virus has been politically and dangerously used, but to deny it even exists is ridiculous.

Léigh Mæsôñ – This is the person who shared the video initially on Facebook, at least the one whose name is on everything that I have seen. The account fits the classic example of a fake Facebook identity. The interesting name, with all the punctuation is a known tactic people use to avoid lawsuits...just a little name change to keep them out of trouble. I do not know if that is what happened here, but clearly this Facebook page has all the clues that are advised to avoid being scammed by a fake account. If you go to his/her Facebook page, the only thing he talks about there is an anti-vaccine message – another clue is the mention of only one subject on an entire profile. Further, his/her face is always hidden.

Disclaimer: I want to state at the onset as I always do, I AM ABSOLUTELY OPPOSED TO MANDATING VACCINES; or any other medical procedure, for that matter! In regard to the rest of the video here and their statements about prevention and cure, I absolutely support that. I agree with them about the importance of prevention. For the record, I do NOT believe that includes masks. 

I am certainly not saying that Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc, and Vitamin D and all the rest are not effective. I believe they are. But that doesn’t mean we should take away from the vaccine. If we can prevent the disease, as opposed to treating the disease, there is nothing wrong with taking that action. And yes, we should always include healthy living and how to get there in any discussion of prevention of disease. But we cannot make accusations like are insinuated in this video, without offering proof. Let’s look at just a few of their claims. 

Movie Review and Interpretation: I do not know why videos like this continue to make the rounds as they do. Now if this video is just more efforts from the anti-vaccine crowd, that is one thing. If that is what the video hopes to address, it is more subtle than most. Almost seeming like they are not even worried about the vaccine. But it is there in their rhetoric, none the less. They have told us in this narrative that people are not going to die from the vaccine, but instead that there is danger in a binary (two-step) process. In other words, the vaccine could be safe IF it had not been manipulated for warfare. They have changed their direction from solely concentrating on the vaccine and demonizing it, and instead scaring people with unproven facts.

It is extremely clear this is fear-mongering, as all of these ginned-up videos are. In this one they want us to believe China is involved with the creation of the vaccine, even though the vaccine is made right here in America with American monitoring and safety. They tell us people from the People’s Republic of China are known to work in the Pfizer and AstraZeneca development labs. The AstraZeneca vaccine has not yet been approved for the US. Funny thing is, the CCP wants us to distrust the vaccine, too.

Now I am really not concerned with whether one takes the vaccine or not. I don’t really have an opinion yet on the vaccine. Nor have I decided if I will take it. But I just hate to see videos going around like this that appear to be fraudulent and used as a means to scare Americans. If there are signs for me i.e. red flags, I am going to research it further. We should not simply take anything at face value these days, in my opinion.

They offer lots of credentials for the doctor, Lee Merritt, but none of them, (if we really think it through) make her an expert in what she is claiming. Nor do her credentials provide proof. But they treat it as if they do. There might very well be bio warfare used, but they didn’t really offer any proof of that. No one can. They have only instilled it into our thoughts to make us believe they are proving it. Some of us may have suspected that fact anyway – that it was bio warfare – but they simply have offered nothing to attest to that claim. They instead only try to make us believe they did. Personally I believe the attack was in the virus itself, and not the vaccine. I choose to believe my President and my government and those behind the effort to roll out the vaccine.

During Newman and Merritt's discussion, they belittle Remdesivir, even though that is the drug President Trump used and used successfully when he had the China Virus. He proudly announced that he felt it saved him. I have to ask, why did Newman and Merritt feel the need to question this drug?

They run down the vaccine, yet the vaccine is actually President Trump’s accomplishment and something he is very proud of. The message in this video appears to be just more anti-vaccine rhetoric to keep the pressure on to turn us all against vaccines. That’s what ALL these type of videos seem to do.

But what if it is something even far more sinister than it seems on its face. What if the message in this movie is to make President Trump and his accomplishments look bad? To continue to work to get the public to turn on him. Did we think about that? Because one could certainly interpret this message in that way. Let me make the least accusatory statement I can about intent of this video: let’s say the intent is simply the work of anti-vaxxers continuing their long-held mantra and belief against vaccines. Maybe they don’t even realize they made Trump look bad by discrediting his efforts. But if one stops to think, that is exactly what they did in this video. And that simply is NOT fair; nor is it wise.

They claim in this video that the Pfizer vaccine has not yet been approved by the FDA, but this article by the FDA on December 11, 2020, distinctly says it has. The FDA issued an “emergency use authorization” (EUA) for the vaccine.
“In making this determination, the FDA can assure the public and medical community that it has conducted a thorough evaluation of the available safety, effectiveness and manufacturing quality information.”
The doctor clearly minimizes this fact in order to make it seem there is no governmental oversight whatsoever in regard to the vaccine. That is simply not true.

Newman and Merritt have noted in their video that the date of their discussion is January 14, 2021 - over a month after the EUA. So to say it is not FDA approved was clearly false, or at least a spin in their rhetoric.

Dr. Merritt also brings up the label from the vaccine and how social media continues to remove photos of it because it exposes the ingredients. But truthfully, has anyone seen that label? There is a lot of opportunity for manipulation with those photos. And they seem to use that distortion in almost every anti-vaccine video ever made. That alone is enough to make me question her suggestion of a sinister motive in removing the label. I am not sure I believe a legitimate label is even out there.

Rating – 1 Star

I have long looked for a motive as to why these videos make the rounds when they do. They do seem to come in groups and at specific times. Sometimes I have wondered if they come out when there needs to be a distraction of some good news that just occurred. I don’t know. Maybe that is overthinking. I will admit, I can be guilty of that. If there is a reason for their timing, I haven’t figured it out yet. This one might simply be in the simplicity of the anti-vaccine group normal routine. Those videos are less sinister than some of the others. But that doesn’t make them less dangerous. They still inflict a doubt in our government, our safety and our leaders. None of that is good. Granted, we need to be careful about what is happening in our nation, and who is orchestrating what. We need to be attentive and look for truth in every action. And that is exactly why I feel the need to call out these questionable videos. Even if the ulterior motive is only to sell vitamins. Fearmongering is certainly a good way to get attention and bring people to a page with monetary designs.

Thanks for considering my thoughts.

*Once again a video has been removed from the source.

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