Saturday, January 2, 2021

There Is An Achan In The Camp

We are just a few days now, before election results will be formally and officially certified on January 6th. It will finally and hopefully be the completion of this disputed and long-lingering election. I have to admit, this has been quite the roller coaster for me. I have waffled in my thoughts and opinion. Sometimes, I believe the left will be successful in their steal of this election. Other times, I totally believe God is going to expose the fraud and President Trump will be successful in claiming his legitimate win.

One thing is certain; I absolutely believe Trump won and I have never doubted that there was massive, intentional fraud. Mark Levin, Constitutional attorney and scholar, best explains what happened in this articlePlease take a moment to read it. It is clear, concise and accurate. And undeniable!

Anyway, I am back on the roller coaster of my thoughts. Climbing upward for the fall, I guess. But I am back to believing that President Trump will not be successful in exposing the fraud and claiming his rightful win – at least at this point. And here is why. 

Everyone knew the contesting of results would be a long shot. The votes simply are not there, with the Democrats still in control of the House. Yes, there are many members of the House (reportedly around 140) that support 7 of the states being contested. And thankfully, at least one member – Senator Josh Hawley from Missouri - has stated he will contest the results on January 6th at the Congressional Joint Session. It takes at least one member from each chamber in order for results to be contested. His recent announcement means this will go to debate at the session. But unfortunately, at this point, there are not enough votes to deny the Democratic slates of electors. Only by a miracle of God could it happen. But truthfully, I don’t think there are a whole lot of Democrats listening to God, compelling them to change their votes. (Sorry, I don’t mean for that to sound political, judgmental or harsh. But by their previous actions, one knows.)

Another possibility of completion, lies with Vice President Pence. And as much as I like him and have trusted him, he does not seem to have it in him to deny the Democratic slates. I believe the election will remain as it was announced on December 14th. That doesn’t mean there was no fraud. It simply means the steal was successful.

One key signal point to this end, came for me from Jay Sekulow of ACLJ. While being careful to not discourage hope; or to disparage the attempt to seek every Constitutional means to secure President Trump’s rightful place, Jay and his son Jordan, have both been pretty silent on the whole matter. That is a huge red flag for me. There is no one I trust more than Jay Sekulow when it comes to understanding Constitutional law and all the internal workings and personalities of Washington DC. 

If you have been following this nightmare, you know about the action from Louie Gohmert suing VP Pence to ensure the VP accepts his responsibility as "President of the Congress". But now with the lawsuit from Louie Gohmert being denied in the Texas court, and VP Pence asking the judge to rule against it, I feel like this contest is very close to being a done deal. Yes, Gohmert has a chance to appeal, and yes the court has allowed time for that, answering his first suit a few days before his requested deadline of January 4th, but no court has sided with the President thus far. I don’t expect it now. Not because there is no case. Quite the contrary, there is a HUGE case. Trump and 75 million Americans who voted for him are being denied due process. BUT. I have accepted this is the way it may play out. That doesn’t mean I believe we should stop our fight, or fail to continue in prayer. And it doesn’t mean there was no fraud. It means those who cheated were least for now.

I know a lot of people are wondering why God would allow this to happen. I have wondered this at times, also. I mean after all, we prayed, we fasted, we reminded God of His promise to “bless those who bless Israel”. President Trump more than any other President has certainly done that. No one has been more supportive of Israel! And yet, it appears this election is going to end up the exact opposite of our desires. How can this be? Well, on my roller coaster ride, I am back to the bottom, where I was in the very beginning, when I heard the Biden team was successful in their steal. (Side note: I don’t believe Biden had much to do with it; he is simply a pawn in the hands of a dangerous team.) But my first thought when I watched what was happening the night of election and the win given to Biden was this: There is an Achan in our camp – Joshua 7.

The scenario in Joshua 7, isn’t letter to letter what is happening now. And I certainly don't mean this as an interpretation of Joshua 7. But it is the same in outcome and reasoning. Let me explain.

Joshua 7, takes place after Israel’s winning battle of Jericho. God instructed Joshua and Israel, not to take any plunder from this battle, but rather they were to destroy it by burning it. Joshua 6:17-19.

God told Joshua and the Israelites, “Do not take the plunder you have won. Even more than that, burn it. Destroy it!” (paraphrase)

But some from Joshua’s camp acted unfaithfully by deceitfully stealing and hiding the plunder. Specifically it was Achan who stole and hid treasure and livestock. Of course God saw and knew Achan’s disobedience. Even though Joshua, nor any of the other Israelites knew about Achan’s sin, God still punished all of them. Achan’s sin brought God’s judgment even on the innocent.

In the next battle of Ai, Joshua sent men to spy on Ai. They returned telling Joshua, it would not take many men to defeat Ai. I will try to keep it simple, but when Joshua sent men to defeat Ai, the Israelites were chased out of Ai, returning defeated in body and spirit.

Joshua actually fell down on his face and repented; he asked God why and sought His mercy. Joshua and the elders rent their clothing. They were confused by the Ai defeat after the great success at Jericho. Achan’s sin was still unbeknownst to Joshua, but the judgment still came. As Joshua questioned God, God answered, saying: “Stand up! What are you doing down on your face?” (I love that part! There is a time to pray and there is a time to get up and stand – to act!)

God told Joshua while he was in prayer, “Israel has sinned; they have violated my covenant.” And he told Joshua of Achan’s sin. “That is why Israel cannot stand against their enemies,” God told him.

I will not be with you anymore unless you destroy whatever among you is devoted to destruction.” ~ Joshua 7:12 -13

Who it was exactly, that was responsible would be exposed the following day. God told Joshua exactly how the thief and liar would be found out, and that this man and his tribe should be destroyed, along with all his possessions. Achan’s deceit was uncovered and he even admitted his sin. Joshua inquired of him: “Why have you brought this trouble on us? The Lord will bring trouble on you, today.” ~ Joshua 7:24

It wasn’t until the Israelites found out all of this, and stoned Achan, and his family to death that Israel found God's favor again. It was only after removing the sin from their camp, that God turned from His anger and judgment, so that Israel might have His blessings again.

So. This is how I think this scenario is applicable to today’s election. Our camp is America. We have been mightily blessed by God for generations. Of course we have had sin and error throughout our history. We are certainly not perfect. But there is also a timetable given by God. We have been spiraling into sin and falling from God’s plan for a number of years. God has given us time to repent. I believe God has given us a reprieve in Donald Trump to right ourselves and the actions of our nation. Trump did many things for the good of our nation and our return to God. (Not gonna make that argument here, but I certainly can.) But I feel like that timetable of grace and reprieve is about over. 

Think about this. Have we repented for the sins of our nation? We have now allowed abortion up to the 9th month of pregnancy. Indeed, even up to the moment of birth. Shouldn’t we all suffer for Ralph Northam (Governor of VA) words, “We will keep the baby comfortable until the mother decides.”

We have allowed the distortion of God’s plan for marriage. Forced to accept and bow down to what God calls sin….more specifically an “abomination”. And in that acceptance we have also destroyed the analogy God has given us and wanted us to understand in that sacred union, i.e. that He is the Groom and we are His bride. And no, there is no sin worse than another's. Sin is sin. The discussion comes so frequently and continually, though, only out of a group forcing others to accept that which God actually calls sin. That is never ok, whatever the sin might be. But that is why we have found it necessary to speak to it. God help me never to force innocents to accept my sin as something that is acceptable in the sight of others.

Further, what about the things we watch on television, and the things we laugh at. The decline of moral teaching from the pulpit. The distortion of the true Gospel. The break down of the family unit. Should we not all be judged as a nation for that? Yes, individually if we have accepted Jesus as our Savior, we are forgiven and we have our eternal home already in place in Heaven. Thanks be to God for the blood of Jesus, but shouldn’t we be judged as a member of the “camp” just as Israel was judged for Achan’s sin? Sometimes judgment is the only way we learn and repent – turn from our wicked ways.

It is my belief that until we have a concerted effort to remove the sin from our land, we will no longer see God’s blessing upon our nation. God is slowly removing His hand of protection; giving us a chance to acknowledge, repent and remove the sin. But judgment, must come along with that, when we have refused to see and learn by His grace. 

What does any of it matter in the big scheme of things, we might ask. What is the big deal about saving America as founded and enduring to receive God's blessing? The truth is it is a very big deal. America is the last best hope for sharing the Gospel. We are the most benevolent nation on earth. We were created to be God's hands, feet, and voice. We are commanded to keep the Great Commission alive and to continue to fulfill it. If we lose our religious freedoms, if we lose who we are and who we were created to be, all of that will be lost.

Who is our Achan? It is he who promotes and advocates sin in any form. Yes, we are all guilty just as the Israelites were. And certainly there is a national sin that will bring about our demise as a nation until we remove it from our land, burning and then burying the ashes under a pile of stones. We haven’t done that yet. Nor do we seem to have any desire to do that. We have allowed Achan in our camp. And our Achan is doing exactly what God knew Israel's Achan would do – corrupt and infect the entire nation to their complete demise and destruction. Until we rid our land of our Achan, we will not receive God’s blessings. And I am sorry. It is a tough pill to swallow, that one party is more supportive of corruption and the things that are not from God, than the other party. It is the party that cheated and that no longer has any regard for life - in any form. If people would open their eyes, they might see that party has had a thief too. And they are no longer the party of their fathers. Yes, there is corruption in both parties. I will never deny that. All sides need to repent. We collectively, as a nation, need to repent. We have lost our way.

The truth of the matter is, things can be stolen from us, thereby corrupting God’s will. The all too common and easy statement “God is in control” is so overused and misused. Of course He is in control, but He has allowed us free will, and the repercussions of our choice are clearly demonstrated throughout Scripture. Sometimes we change God’s perfect will as he allows us our choice.

As far as the election, I don’t mean for this to be political. But I do believe this was a stolen election and it is no longer about President Trump. This is about the life of our nation. Personally, it is my belief now, that Joe Biden will be seated on January 20th. There are not enough votes in Congress to correct the fraud. I don’t believe his "win” will last, however. I think the fraud will eventually be exposed and there will be a flat-out explosion at some point in 2021. Just my thoughts, certainly not a prophesy.

Now this is a difficult lesson for us to understand in this age of grace. But it is a hard truth, none the less. The entire nation of Israel suffered for the sin of one man - Achan. The Bible doesn’t tell us, if his family knew of his sin. But when exposed, his entire family suffered judgment. It is the same with America. We are all in a sense guilty. We have accepted the sin collectively. Sometimes things can be unfairly stolen from us, but until there is national repentance, that is both collective and individual, God’s judgment will be wrought.

I am not a prophet, nor am I a teacher. I don’t know what will happen. I could see a few scenarios playing out. Maybe corruption will be blatant and more fully exposed on January 5th in the Senatorial race in Georgia. Those seeking corruption are getting bold in their actions. Maybe if this corruption is blatantly obvious, more hearts will see and be changed.

Or, maybe hearts will be convicted by the fraud they saw in the election and this will provide enough votes to deny the slate of electors in a few states. It will only take 3 states to keep Biden from reaching 270, the required number. Or, perhaps VP Pence will hear from God and choose not to accept the slates in certain states. There is also a new effort in the Senate led by Ted Cruz, joined by 11 other Senators that seeks the certification to be postponed for ten days until there can be an audit. This is an extremely new effort. It sounds hopeful to me. I am not counting it out entirely. But the most likely scenario is that the slates will stand and Joe Biden will be placed as the 46th President of the United States. Honestly, I simply do not know. Maybe something explosive will be revealed in the new year, after Biden has been illegally seated. I just do not know. Any of these things could happen. The only thing I know for sure, is there was absolutely intentional, widespread fraud; our nation is dying; and God is calling us to repentance. The only other thing I know for sure, is that we cannot give up and we absolutely must continue in prayer and action where God requires action. We must be obedient and attentive. The answer to any of the scenarios I outlined, lies in how America responds to what God has said. Personally, I don't think things are lookin' too good.

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