Monday, January 11, 2021

Cold Insurrection

I guess we all know by now President Trump has been banned from Twitter - a shocking thing to happen in the United States of America. But as well, Josh Hawley, Senator from Missouri, just had his book contract canceled By Simon and Schuster, because he supports the President. Tom Cotton, Senator from Arkansas, had articles refused or pulled at long-time, "respectable" newspapers. A musician’s contract was not renewed because he spoke in favor of the President. Parler was shut down first by Apple and Google, culminating in their server, Amazon, completely shutting them down. Members of Congress are being threatened of censure, because they stood with the President. People are demanding that people that worked for the President should never be hired again, anywhere. Pastors are afraid to speak out on Facebook because they have already had a warning or two, so they are advising followers as to where they can find them, should the inevitable come to fruition and they are blocked completely. Accounts on Twitter (even other than the President's) are being blocked. Conservatives in general are being silenced on Facebook. I myself have received warning labels on my posts even though it was a fully true statement. 

The censorship is real. And the party that used to be the advocate for freedom of speech and civil rights is now the party that is behind silencing others. If the only media we watch is from mainstream, (that includes PBS) we are most likely OK with all of this. Because we have been conditioned to believe the other side is evil. That other side would be me - and 75 million plus. We are evil. If someone is kind enough to offer a portion of grace, we are not evil but rather, only deceived or delusional. I know they are referring to me and people like me, because I have been witnessing what the media and political elite think of me (and 75 million plus) for the last 4 years.

What has happened to our country? Why are we OK with this? I feel like I am back in grade school. Wear your mask, stand in the corner, and write on the black board 500 times, “Orange man bad.” Then and only then will I will be accepted.

People want us to be quiet on social media because it is uncomfortable to hear conflict. They only want to read positive things, because it is simply too much to bear. I get it, but I fear for those people. How will they withstand what is coming? I am sorry, it's going to get rough. But If we do not utilize our freedoms, we will not have them long. And we are seeing a classic example of that right now, in the way this censorship is taking place. It took a successful coup to get us there. But we are there, the coup was indeed successful. And we were denied the opportunity to prove what happened, but that is for a completely different post. It is simply too much to take on here. So let me get back to censorship.

The thing is, it isn’t only incorrect facts people are being chastised for. It is their opinions!! Since when have we become so shallow we do not want to hear the opinion of someone else?? Since when would we want to see people deprived of that??? “Fact Checkers” can silence us for our opinions??? That is what is happening. Facts are distorted by a private fact checker, and opinions are not allowed. I don’t understand this. Truly, I do not. There is “Scroll” “Block” “Mute” “Restrict” “Snooze” “Unfriend” or “Comment” available. Let us decide for ourselves.

Along with all of this, history is being rewritten. Motives and reasons distorted. Extreme headway is being made toward a socialist agenda with this most recent accomplishment of silencing others. Our Constitution has successfully been undermined in this last General Election, but half the nation is OK with that because it was all because of that wicked, evil “Orange Man”.

Please someone tell me just what is so evil about “Orange Man”. Can anyone tell me why anyone in the world deserves the treatment he has received. My goodness! We all have a past!! Everyone gets God’s grace, except President Trump. Can anyone tell me how they know he is not saved? Respectable, trusted pastors say that he is. They were there at his confession of faith. We all took awhile to get where we should be in our Christian walk. Most of us still are not there. Do we want our past to define us? I surely don’t. But besides all of that, do any of our leaders deserve this kind of treatment, saved or not?

President Trump is the strongest advocate for religious freedom in my life time. But we won’t look at that, because media has said otherwise. Plus, media doesn’t like our faith in the first place. Have you seen the comments by some mainstream reporters lately regarding Christians – in just the last few days? Mocking us, because they have become emboldened. The Democrat party voted God out of their platform in 2012. Sorry, that is a fact! (When I get time, I will come back and provide links. I just want to write, right now. No one has to read this.) I find it fascinating that there is barely a politician around who does not understand that in this nation, they need to express their faith, (whether they really have one or not) in order to win an election. They realize the need to profess faith, to satisfy the electorate in America. And that is regardless of the fact that they voted God out of their platform. Maybe they thought we would forget.

The truth is, Trump is the strongest advocate for life in a very long time. Thank God he was strong enough to enforce an Executive Order in his final days, to ban born alive abortions. This EO was only necessary, because Democratic states like Virginia and New York, had allowed for late term abortions up to birth. Let’s see how long Joe Biden takes to revoke that EO.

Trump is the most pro-Israel President since they became a nation. The things he did for Israel in his term are unchangeable. (I hope) Trump’s declaration of Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel and moving our embassy there gave other nations the strength to follow suit. Support of Israel is a large tenant of our Christian faith. He deserves great credit for this fact alone. 

This President got us out of the Iran deal. Let’s see how long it takes Biden to get us back in. Trump’s actions and policies brought strength and peace among several nations. He took out several dangerous leaders during his term. But the media was mostly silent about that, if not blasting their condemnation for those actions. President Trump destroyed ISIS. Remember when Obama was hailed as brave and exhibiting strength when he took credit for what the military had done? What about when Obama was silent when people were left to die in Benghazi? I remember.

President Trump built up our military from it’s lowest decline ever under President Obama. Trump helped our veterans and cleaned up the VA. My husband and I benefited greatly from that. I do not understand the people who are so pro-military, yet find it necessary to condemn him? I truly don’t understand.

About China – DJT is the only politician with back bone enough to take on China. This brought jobs home! My husband said just the other day. “Well we can kiss all those jobs goodbye that Trump brought back, now that Biden is in office.” And he is right!! Biden is going to raise taxes so high again on corporations, they will be forced to go back overseas. I had a friend who is a Democrat who just the other day was complaining about all the product being made in China. She doesn’t even understand that her vote, just ensured that will not change now. Trump was working on getting our pharmaceuticals all brought back to be made in the US. We can kiss that good bye. Who wants an antibiotic created in China after all they have done to our nation? I sure don’t. But we have next to zero medications manufactured here. And that certainly won’t be changing any time soon, now.

I had a longtime friend say to me just the other day, something to the effect: “I think you would like to spit on all Democrats.” No, I wouldn’t. I love them. All of them. And I have always tried to be so careful in my comments about Democrats as opposed to "the left". There is a distinction – for now anyway. That party is changing dramatically. I can’t help but wonder if members understand just how dramatic the changes are. When speaking of issues I have been careful to explain, “I am speaking of the leadership in the Democrat Party, not the citizens.” I am sorry I made my friend feel that I had disdain for her or any average citizen who is a Democrat. No, that certainly isn’t true. But that party is being corrupted. I have disdain for what the Democrat party is doing, and I am not ashamed to admit my disdain for that. I cannot be silent about that sad truth. Honestly, I am not sure many Democrats even know what is happening to their party, when I see so many people standing with them, and I know they actually think differently.

I see Democrat friends stand with the party, when I KNOW these friends oppose abortion. If not fully, certainly they don’t support aborting babies up to the 9th month. I know these friends own firearms and believe in the 2nd Amendment. But yet they support legislation that is endangering that freedom. They have always been the ones to stand for Freedom of Speech and yet they support banning the President of the United States from Twitter. Really? Do they know the Ayatollah of Iran is still on that platform? Antifa? Erdoğan from Turkey? I wonder if they know about this hypocrisy.

And now conservatives are perceived as unwilling to compromise, or accept the election. We are told to just shut up and sit down. We are lectured that we had better be nice and work toward unity. We are warned that we had better not say anything bad about Biden. HUH? Do they understand just what we have been through the last four years? What about the names we have been called? The attacks on our President since day one? We didn’t even get a honeymoon. The attacks were fast, furious and relentless. Google Rashida Tlaib’s filthy comment regarding her hopes for Trump’s presidency. Oh wait. Use DuckDuckGo and you still may not be able to find it. The cover up is deep, too.

Bloody skulls from washed up “comedians”, and “Yes, I have thought about blowing up the White House”, from “days gone by” singers. All allowed on Facebook and Twitter. Does anyone see the double standard? I can predict the response. “Well they weren’t planning an insurrection.” Really? There has been insurrection happening the last 7 months and people are just now willing to say that word! How do they think we felt, when people would NOT condemn burning the courthouse in Portland, but instead supported calls by Democrat leaders to “Defund the Police”. How about the riots all summer long in Minnesota, Seattle, and DC? Does anyone remember when President Trump was forced into the White House Bunker? Remember all the boarded up windows in DC? How is defunding the police going to work? Social workers? Right. Like that is safe! Those calling to defund clearly do not understand the danger our cops are in when they receive a domestic abuse call. First Responders in general put their lives in danger everyday and they want to defund them? Please, they barely make a livable wage as it is, in most states - at least starting out.

Yeah, about that call for “unity”, Joe, how is that to take place when this is the reality:

  • Calling for VP Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment on the President of the United Sates

  • When that didn’t work, calling for his impeachment with a mere 12 9 days left in office.

  • Banning him on Twitter, Facebook and other social media, but allowing the Ayatollah to stay. How is a crackdown on freedom of speech and thought, supposed to bring healing?

  • Continuing to call those that breached the wall, “Trump supporters” without facts or before a full investigation.

  • Investigating Trump’s family for causing the insurrection and threatening prosecution of the entire family. Read or watch the dang speech! Even Democrats like Jonathan Turley and Alan Dershowitz said there was nothing there. Dershowitz, by the way is furious over the attempt at impeachment.

  • Spreading lies and distorting videos, that the family was partying at the time the Capitol was attacked. Those videos were from before President Donald Trump spoke on the Front Lawn.

  • Saying the Capitol police would have treated the rioters differently had they been black.

  • Pelosi talking about "protecting the nuclear codes" and making that conversation PUBLIC! Get real!

  • Media attempt at removing all video tape of President Trump's speech made at the rally on January 6th. It is still available at above link and here.

  • Calling for the censure of Republican members of Congress. What about all the members that should have been censured for the last 4 years? Like Pelosi ripping up the State of the Union. Rashida Tlaib, AOC, Ayanna Presley, Ilhan Omar and their hateful, anti-Semitic rhetoric. And oh about Omar! What about all the questionable things she has done? (I don't have time here)

  • Refusing to give us time to prove facts about a stolen election. (the riot hurt OUR chances, not the left’s – curious!)

  • Book deals rescinded, jobs lost and hopes smashed. only because they support the President

  • Mocking our faith.

And this after all that has happened in the last 4 years:

  • Calling for impeachment 19 minutes after he was inaugurated and for the full four years after -  even to today.

  • Lying about Russia Collusion

  • Framing people

  • Impeaching him on phony charges with a vote that was purely political.

  • Bloody skulls and threats to blow up the White House, etc. left unchallenged.

  • Calling his supporters “deplorable”, “ignorant”, “chumps”, “delusional” and more.

  • Refusing to condemn riots and lives lost throughout the summer and fall, instead allowing it to be called a “Summer of Love”, “Peaceful Protests” and on and on but certainly not an “insurrection”.

  • Pelosi ripping up Trump’s State of the Union Address

  • Failing to report accurately (if at all) any of his accomplishments.

This isn’t even an exhaustive list; this is just off the top of my head. I am not seeing much of a chance for “unity” any time soon.

There is an insurrection taking place, all right. But it is subtle and it has been occurring for awhile now. I don’t know. I think I would call it a "cold insurrection"*. I am now speaking of the silent, long term, sneaky insurrection - the one without violence, but that has been quietly and secretly undermining our Constitution for years if not decades. There has been an all effort to undermine our nation and rule of law for years now. And that is why the hatred from the LEFT for this President Trump is so deep, so continual and so forceful. He has been undoing the efforts of this "cold insurrection" that has long been taking place. At no other time did the left have to battle such a force opposed to their agenda. And Trump was successful. The only way they could defeat him is through lies and fraud. But the truth of the matter is everything that has been taking place all summer long has indeed been a forceful, violent insurrection. I find it extremely offensive, media has only now chosen to use that word.

I know there will be many that my words will anger, many that will not agree. I certainly do not direct this to any of my friends. I love them all. I am willing to let my President go now, but not without my final thoughts. I know! NO one needs to know my thoughts. NO one cares about my thoughts. But I need to express them. And if we don’t all do that, we endanger one of our most sacred freedoms. Because when we do not utilize it, we become used to life without it. And we set an example to others that it just isn’t that important. And when we create a new generation, that absolutely does not understand the need to fight for that freedom, it will be gone. 

Please: “Scroll” “Block” “Mute” “Restrict” “Snooze” “Unfriend” or “Comment”. But do NOT tell me to “shut up”.

Peace out. Onward!

*A short quote:

“As an organizer I start from where the world is, as it is, not as I would like it to be. That we accept the world as it is does not in any sense weaken our desire to change it into what we believe it should be - it is necessary to begin where the world is if we are going to change it to what we think it should be. That means working in the system.” -- Saul Alinsky

Give that some thought! I call that a "Cold Insurrection".

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