of her antics have been downright foolish, catching the attention of
news outlets from across the nation. For example, twice when Idaho’s
governor left the state for a mere two or three days to attend an
event out of state, McGeachin stepped in as acting governor. That
duty as
Lieutenant Governor, but
she clearly overstepped when she created Executive Orders in
his stead. The EO’s were
contrary action to the way the governor felt the issues at hand
should be handled. Little rescinded the EO’s upon his return. That was a waste of time and taxpayer money.
On another occasion while he was gone, she attempted to deploy the National Guard to the southern border. This, while Governor Brad Little was already at the border with eight other governors to discuss what solutions they might take to help with the border crisis. Yeah, that didn’t go well. She acted before she knew the correct procedure for such an action to take place. There needed to be a request from a border state to procure another state’s help. She had no authority to deploy the Guard. Janice quickly went silent on that one.
there have been multiple issues, but you get the idea.
I am sharing the video below, of an interview with Janice McGeachin and Stew Peters, NOT because I agree with it; but rather because I see so much wrong with it that I am simply astounded and now fuming. I don't think this kind of thing can be ignored. This is a classic example of "stirring the masses", and/or fear-mongering. But let me give you a little background of my concerns before we get to the video.
The rhetoric this guy (the interviewer – Stew Peters) uses in this interview is beyond excusable. The names he calls the cops, the judge and the hospital workers, actually anyone involved in this case is reprehensible. They are all evil in his mind and he doesn't hesitate to say it. I don't think I have ever seen anything so unfair and extreme.
But I shouldn't be surprised! Peters’ show airs on Nick Fuentes' streaming platform. You know Nick Fuentes the radical 23 year old that founded America First Political Action Committee (AFPAC). He was kicked out of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) as well as Turning Point, USA; reportedly due to his racist, anti-Semitic, and white supremacist views. He began AFPAC, he claims, as a "counterweight" to CPAC.
Now, let me be clear from the start. I am not saying McGeachin is a racist or a white supremacist. I know she says she is a supporter of Israel. That is kind of a no-brainer. One almost has to be pro-Israel to gain conservative support...especially in states like Idaho. But what I am saying, is she is being very foolish to align herself with these people. She often seems to act before she thinks. Not governor material, in my opinion.
McGeachin caught nationwide news media attention once again over a video she shared at AFPAC. She created a lot of discussion by even being involved there. People were understandably upset by her attendance via video. When questioned about it, at first she tried to say she didn't know who Fuentes was. You can watch her fumbling response in this video. Please take time to click on the link and view this short interview.
She seemed to be able to recover a bit from her fumbling when the reporter kept questioning her. But when her initial response didn't fly, she instead stated she shared her video at the questionable AFPAC to try to reach thousands of young people. Right. Like a six minute speech would influence anyone. The truth is when one joins something questionable in character or truth, one simply legitimizes the “bad apple” in question and justifies it to those who don’t know the truth. That is exactly what Janice McGeachin did with her video at AFPAC.
This woman is unable to express herself well in any interview I've ever seen her. She is like a Republican Kamala Harris, in my opinion. Babbling and inept. Trying to cover for the things she does not know. Listen to her with fresh ears and without bias. She says nothing of relevancy. Ever. Her entire campaign is nothing more than talking about masks and vaccines and attacks on Governor Brad Little. Truly! Where does she stand on other issues? Have we heard? Go to her campaign Facebook page and what you see is an attack on Brad Little almost every other post! Go to his page and you will find not one mention of any of his opponents.
And now we have this – a child endangerment case in Idaho. Interestingly, Stew Peters, the interviewer in the video below, spoke at AFPAC, too. If Janice was trying to distance herself from AFPAC (and she obviously was after the controversy that resulted from her speech) then she should never have done this interview with someone so connected to Fuentes and who is making the types of accusations that he is making. And let’s not miss an important point from the video. Even though she says she "shouldn’t be identified or connected with whom she shares a stage", (paraphrase) a few weeks later we find out SHE is the one who contacted Peters for this interview. Peters says in the video that McGeachin contacted HIM. Apparently she didn’t learn anything from her associations at AFPAC that quickly went south. Or, she simply doesn’t care.
As an aside, but important because I believe we should be careful with our associations: Nick Fuentes and Stew Peters are both aligned with Lin know Lin, the guy who was a former staunch Democrat in GA, but just in time changed parties to come out as a “Trump Republican”. He’s the one who told all Republicans in GA to stay home and not vote in the crucial Senatorial race in Georgia after the debacle of the General Election. Like staying home would solve anything! Lin Wood is out to destroy the Republican party, in my opinion. And it is my view, that he helped destroy President Trump. And now once again, Janice is making a connection with Fuentes, through Peters who is aligned with Lin Wood. This, after trying to get herself out of another association with Fuentes. Does she think? Connections matter!! Her “at all costs” quest for governor is taking her places, she simply should not go.
Side note: Stew Peters is so extreme, even Fuentes had to reprimand him for comments he made at AFPAC.
This is the recent video of the interview between Stew Peters and Janice McGeachin regarding child endangerment in Idaho. Do yourself a favor and skip to the three minute mark to save some time by avoiding the long intro. The interview ends at twenty minutes.
Or you can view it at the link below on Facebook.
Janice, with this video, is up to her continual, same old antics of politicizing and blaming Idaho's governor for things he doesn't even have means to control. She should know the governor cannot take steps into a private citizen's health. HIPPA applies to the governor too! Thank God! We do not want government involved in our health issues! While continually claiming to be the conservative candidate, she continually takes stances or endorses actions that are far from conservative. The governor should not intervene in private medical matters. Once again, that is something that would set a terrible precedent – as would her previous Executive Orders if they had been allowed to stand. Certainly Governor Little shouldn’t have intervened in the Baby Cyrus case (as this has come to be known) this early on. The situation resolved itself. The baby is already home. I thank God for that.
She acts like she thinks the governor can be some kind of dictator or something that has any power he might desire. She is attributing actions to the governor that he simply cannot take. Once again revealing her naivete for the task at hand – just as she did in her attempt to deploy the National Guard. It would be abusing his authority for the governor to intervene in a child custody case at that early point in time.
She is once again politicizing for her own gain. She's using this child to bash Brad Little once again! And again without having facts on her side. And that she condones Stew Peters heated rhetoric in this video is just as reprehensible as if she stated it herself. His language is so far out of line, and his later comment that he is not accusing anyone doesn’t negate the accusations he had already made throughout the video. He placed a thought in the minds of the viewer, and then he tried to retract it to protect himself from law suits. McGeachin did the same thing. Peters denies making accusations after he clearly did. And then he does it again! How blind does he think we are?
He casts blame on the governor, the judges, the "corrupt cops" and the “psychopath doctors”. They are instilling fear and stirring the masses. Somewhere along the line this whole fiasco actually enabled the doxxing of not only this baby, but as well, law enforcement, social workers and medical workers were exposed. This, endangering the lives and livelihood of these people who were merely doing their jobs. That is not OK. When are we going to get tired of that type of behavior! Fuentes also ran the names in this interview with Janice, and included photos of people who were required to be involved with the case due to their job! I bet they would prefer to not have to be involved at all with something like this.
Isn't anyone else sick of these types of antics? This is all I have seen this woman do! I am so frustrated with it! This interview was not news; nor is it factual. It's opinionated, vile commentary. And this interview was actually taking place even as the baby had already been returned to his parents!
It seems they have not clue one about the baby’s return to his parents. Or if they did know, it appears to me they wanted to go ahead with their propaganda anyway in hopes that nobody would realize the baby was already home. I saw posts about the baby's return before I saw this interview...and the "time stamp" (for lack of better term) of the interview was after the baby was already home! They had to know, in my view.
Stew Peters even had to lead her through a point he was trying to make because she wasn't aware enough to catch it the first time around. And that is this: Peters was trying to say they were passing the baby off to a foster parent. I don't believe this to be true. I had just read info about what the hospital was saying as far as the baby's improvement and it was nothing about going to a foster parent. They were preparing the baby to go home the day before this interview. They may have had a foster parent lined up just in case it was necessary – covering all bases, as they should. But Peters said it anyway and the way he presented it, it seems they were trying to lead us to believe something that wasn't true. The baby went home the same day as this interview, not to a foster.
But even so, my point is this: Janice McGeachin wasn't even aware enough to catch on to what the interviewer was trying to lead her into saying. And yes. He WAS leading her. She missed it initially. And that is this: that if the baby could go to foster care then he could have been able to go home. Yes, duh! But there was no foster care. She missed the whole point of Stew Peters! When she finally caught on to his point, (one can literally see the light go on in her facial expression) she simply reiterated it, without offering any solutions or explanations, had it been true.
Throughout the video the two manage to get buzz words in that will inflame the viewer. They manage to sneak in an attempt to make it look like "the kidnapping" may have had something to do with the vaccine, because they know that will draw the ire of conservatives and be an attention grabber. But it didn't have to do with vaccines. The baby wasn’t taken due to a refusal to vaccinate. Nor does it seem vaccinations were even mentioned by CPS. The experts were concerned with malnutrition. Now the family was concerned they may force vaccinate the baby while he was at the hospital. But that fear was unfounded, in my opinion. Idaho does not have forced vaccinations. Especially forced vaccination of babies! No one in Idaho is forced to vaccinate their child in any form.
In the interview, McGeachin seemingly can’t wait to move in again with attacks on Governor Little, without any representation of facts. She even states that Christian pastor, Diego Rodrigues, (the well-known grandfather) didn’t mention Governor Little in his list of those he blames. But she sure did!! And she couldn't wait to do it as they ran the names and photos of those they blame in the background.
Apparently Rodrigues did say however, that he thought the state is engaged in a child trafficking ring and equated it to trafficking at the border. This is so far out of line to me, it does nothing for his cause. This was ONE incident in which they may have errored. Come on. How much does this happen in Idaho? In a way, what he said with equating it to human trafficking at the border simply belittles what is actually happening at the border. That is a tragedy. And it belittles cases where CPS actually is needed. This is the rhetoric that enflames; and it has to stop.
Some questions I have from the video: The grandfather himself also said the state determined it was unsafe for the baby to go to foster, but then everything is twisted to make it sound like the baby was appointed to foster. He talks about the next press conference being canceled. But was the press conference canceled because they knew the baby was going home and perhaps they didn’t want that information released yet? Or did the family cancel the press conference? There are so many questions that simply don’t make sense. And these two seem to be trying to capitalize on this whole story. Janice is right about one thing. The communication is horrible. And I believe that is in large part due to people trying to make a political issue out of it and bolster attention for themselves.
There were several terrible accusations in the video. Janice was quick to say, “I will be looking into whether there was money involved.” But will she? What kind of an accusation is that!? In their sly, careful way, they have accused the state and specifically Governor Little of profiteering and then they quickly cover for themselves to say they are accusing no one.
The fact that the interviewer simply quoted, rather “paraphrased” a comment from Facebook from someone who claimed to have worked for CPS is not very professional – to be kind. I have worse suspicions than merely unprofessional. Peters didn’t even know if the amount of money that was stated in the comment was millions of dollars or billions. This certainly doesn’t support anything! It’s FACEBOOK...who even knows if the person that wrote the comment was whom they claimed to be. It is astounding he would use this comment and treat it as “fact”, instead of researching anything for himself. Think about that, please. He stated a random comment from Facebook as if it were fact - from someone he doesn't even know.
But let’s get to the heart of McGeachin’s attacks. Does the governor have the authority to be the one to instruct who will provide shelter care? This is a link from the state of Idaho that explains the procedure for shelter care in Idaho. This was the procedure that was followed. The baby was away from his mother and in the hospital for a total of six days. Yes, that is too long. Yes, it is heartbreaking this happened. But do we really know it wasn’t necessary?
Peters and McGeachin claim this was done “outside of the legal process”. They claim that because the governor didn’t intervene that “makes him complicit”. And as I stated earlier, along with Rodrigues, Peters also equates it to child trafficking at the border. The fact that he implies Little and others are profiteering is actually shocking. So of course Peters then states he is “not going to make that allegation either”...that’s lawsuit material. But, in truth, he just did! And then he reiterated his accusations toward the end of the video. This seems to be the way of so many of these videos that seem only to want to “stir the masses”. The MO they always seem to use – instilling a thought and then denying it in order to protect themselves from law suits. But they have already placed it in to the minds of the viewer. I have written about that before. Too little, too late to deny it.
It is my thought that Stew Peters and Janice McGeachin were simply trying to "stir the masses" with this interview. They were misleading viewers and instilling anger; the rhetoric is so far beyond the pale blaming the Governor for human trafficking! Good grief!! And she wonders why he doesn't return her calls! It isn’t in her authority to do anything! Why should he call her?? He did have his attorney return her call. Good grief! After everything she has done, if I were Governor Little, I would only respond to her through my attorney too!!
People better wake up because this is a tragedy! And yes it's frightening and sad that a baby may have been taken from his parents but what these people are doing is equally as frightening. Yes, there were stipulations put on the parents that they must follow in order for the baby to go home. I am not arguing if that is right or wrong. I am not arguing the case for what happened with this family one way or the other. I think it is terribly sad; but I really do not have all the facts. Nor do any of us. I am only pointing out that Janice, once again, is using something to bash Brad Little with facts that are simply inaccurate and her rhetoric seems to be heating up further from what it already was.
McGeachin, at the end of the video, takes credit for the fact that she is simply trying once again to faithfully fight another battle against the Governor of Idaho. Supposedly it’s another call from the Lt. Governor, trying to clean up where Governor Little won’t. Ever the heroine, at least that is how she wants to be perceived. The truth is she is inserting herself where she doesn’t belong once again, making it look like she has power she most certainly doesn’t have. Distorting truth to make it look like only she is the one who actually cares, but Little is only out for himself. I believe the opposite is true and I am sickened by her constant badgering and attacks. Ever the heroine? No. Ever the campaigner!
One more minor thing. This video was shared by someone from New York??? About Idaho? What’s really going on? My suspicions over everything she has done is heightened.
I have tried to break down the fallacies in this video one by one. Honestly, I am starting to wonder if McGeachin isn't herself a paid agitator by the left. Truly! Who acts like this??? It is such a shame. Connections indeed matter. And her connections make me wonder even more about her and her agenda.
In all seriousness, she may very well be a good person. She may have the best of intentions. But in my view, she has demonstrated a lack of wisdom, a careless disregard for authority and her position, as well as the position of the governor; and an absolute quest to bring the attention to herself for campaign reasons. One thing I know, she needs to be careful with her connections and with whom she aligns... and she needs to learn to finish her sentences. We don't need a Republican Kamala Harris.
Finally, thank GOD this baby has returned home! And truthfully I don’t think Janice, or even all the protests/rallies had anything at all to do with it. The system simply worked it’s way through the proper procedures.
Hopefully the proper procedures will work in November, too.
*Edited for clarity on April 17, 2022.
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