Thursday, May 31, 2012

A Look In The Mirror

Boy, I'm not sure I have the energy to write this…there is so much stinking garbage going on in this current administration one can barely keep up with it all. This topic, however, cannot be ignored.

If the reader hasn’t heard, Planned Parenthood was recently exposed for encouraging, or condoning gender based abortions. An employee was caught on tape telling a “customer” that she could do a sonogram to find out the sex of her baby; and if it wasn’t what she and her husband wanted, she could then come back for an abortion.

The story gained quite a bit of publicity - at least on the conservative news channels; not so much on mainstream media. A group by the name of Live Action caught these statements on tape as well as other like-statements that were revealed just today. More power to this group for exposing this inhumanity. There is not an ounce of human decency in what is happening in regard to someone murdering a baby because they didn’t want the child based on his or her gender.

Today there was a vote in the House of Representatives that would ban these gender based abortions. Two hundred forty-six members voted to criminalize this act; 20 of those votes were cast by Democrats, the rest Republican. You can see the vote here. Check it out and hold your Congressman accountable.

Unfortunately, a two-thirds vote was needed, which failed to be reached. Shockingly, gender based abortions are now perfectly legal and in fact, the new law of the land. Who would have ever thought this would happen in America! Not me.

Democrats defeated this bill. Only 7 Republicans joined them in voting against the bill that would ban this complete insanity. Congressman Ron Paul from Texas was one of those Republicans that voted with Democrats against the bill that would criminalize this barbaric act. Instead, we now have China-like policy that allows a parent to choose the gender of their babies who would be allowed to live…or not. Somehow, the mostly Democratic party-line vote didn’t surprise me, but it does disgust me. And the supposedly pro-life politician, Dr. Ron Paul, shows he is far from being the strong pro-life candidate he claims to be and that his supporters continue to believe. His vote on this disgusts me even more than any one else’s because of his pro-life claims. It doesn't match up and this isn’t the first time. He once again votes with the Democrats on issues that anyone who was actually concerned with the sanctity of life would never consider! So what about “…the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness...”, Dr. Paul? Our U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence, remember? Your hypocrisy is revealed yet again. My disdain grows for you and your left leanings while unrealistically and inappropriately using the Constitution as your excuse!

The libertarian/liberal excuse that “this is some place the government shouldn’t be involved” is beyond nauseating in every regard. I’ve had my fill of hearing it. Ignoring and thereby condoning immorality in the name of the Constitution or States Rights isn't freedom, it's anarchy! This isn't conservatism; it is joining fronts with the liberal left.

This is about the morality of a nation. This is about the decency of mankind. This is about the sanctity of life; plain and simple. Laura Ingraham said it best on Bill O’Reilly tonight.

“No mainstream news coverage on this”, O’Reilly reminds us.

“Of course not!” Laura responds; “Because this is like holding up a mirror to ourselves and people don’t want to look in the mirror and see what we have become.”

Yeah…it’s pretty ugly. And I am not going to be seen in that mirror. I do not want to be a part of the excuses, or the hypocrisy by remaining silent.

Who will defend those innocent lives, if we continue to say “our government has no place here”. If our government has a place anywhere, it IS in protecting life.

There IS NO excuse for not criminalizing this act.

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