Saturday, May 21, 2022

Why Does No One Care?

Well, now. Stew Peters and Dr. Bryan Ardis (chiropractor – he can’t prescribe meds) are suddenly at odds with each other. You know these two, right? The two gentlemen behind the *documentary*Watch the Water”. “Watch the Water” is the video that recently made the rounds on social media claiming that Covid-19 is actually snake venom. I wrote about my concerns with this video in my last blog post.                        

Turns out Dr. Ardis (a little over a month after the video) is now frustrated with Peters because the plan to sell his vitamins and supplements was thwarted. Seems Dr. Ardis feels Stew exaggerated the narrative so much so that it scared people right out of waiting the two weeks it takes to order and receive the supplements promoted by Ardis. Instead, people are going to their local pharmacy to get the things listed at the end of the documentary. They are able to get them there quicker and cheaper. And why wouldn't they? You can’t make this stuff up.

Christian. We are being targeted with nonsense, because they think we believe nonsense. And it is all a distraction from what the real problem is….and the Solution.

They play on our fears. They use our gullible, trustworthy nature.

I wish someone would help me answer these questions.

  • Why do Christians prefer to believe these dark stories? And ignore any light that might be shed on the fallacy. Even when presented with conflicting evidence that is indeed problematic?

  • Why are no conservative media or new outlets not countering their theories, instead staying silent on either narrative? They seem like they do not want to “touch it with a ten foot pole”. If even someone with a respected platform would speak to this, it could put an end to the spread of these tall tales.

  • Why is it always the same people at the root? People like Alex Jones of InfoWars and Mike Adams Natural News? Info Wars is one of the first entities, Ardis mentions in the “interview” with Peters.

  • Why is it always the anti-vaxxers who are selling a product – vitamins and supplements? And no that isn’t a problem unless they are spreading lies or false narratives to sell that product.

  • If someone mentions God or Satan, why do we automatically believe them without finding what doctrine they believe or with whom they are affiliated, or to which faith they may prescribe?

  • Why do I seem to be the only Christian concerned with the scare tactics that are making the way through the Christian Church? Or am I the only one foolish enough to talk about it and thereby possibly help spread it?

  • If we don’t talk about it, how do we stop it from spreading and deceiving even more people?

  • Why does Ardis make time in his interview to  blame President Trump?

  • Why is it always a connection to anti-vaxxers?

  • Why are good people connected to total nuts?

  • Why does no one seem to care?

Of course Ardis is connected to Clay Clark and ThriveTime; Mikki Willis and Plandemic; Alex Jones and Info Wars; Simone Gold and the Frontline Doctors; People that are aligned with ReAwaken America Tour; and Scott McKay, and Leigh Dundas with Arise America Tour. Judy Mikovits who already had credibility issues? Why are they all connected, all with like events? What the heck is going on? And why does no one care?

When I saw the follow-up interview with Dr. Ardis complaining about Peters’ methods, I actually felt sorry for him. But then, I watched more. We should all be concerned with Peters and his agenda he seems to love to “stir the masses”.

I think so many Christians believe this stuff because they want to believe it. It supports, justifies, backs up something they already believe. Do we even care what faith Ardis follows? Are we just going to believe him without checking? He went to Brigham Young University. He is probably Mormon. He blames the Pope for all of this. We don’t care. He is anti-vax. Apparently that is all that matters. Or maybe it is that he is anti-government. Maybe that is why we should trust him. He makes us forget all about China and a scary World War.  We all know how easy it is to blame the United States government.

Well known churches are sharing this information. Even posting the movie Watch the Water to their websites.

It is the death of discernment. Who cares?

If we believe this, why would anyone believe us about anything else? The Gospel? Nah.

I hate to even include these links in fear of promoting the lies and deception. Do we really want to believe this stuff? This site doesn't seem to want these to be a hot link...maybe that is best. You will have to copy and paste.


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