Wednesday, April 27, 2022

The Truth About Disinformation

If you have followed my blog for any length of time, then you know I have been concerned about the conspiracy theories spreading throughout social media. There have been some very well done videos with some pretty wild conspiracies, but often times they are simply a more subtle narrative. Even more often than these seemingly professional videos, there will be a lone speaker, in an amateur or self-made video, telling us his thoughts. These are still well-done with someone obviously knowing what they are doing. As well, sometimes a false, or questionable narrative has been spread through an interview by a “news source” or pod-cast. 

I have written about the deceptions at length, so I won’t reiterate that here. But if you have read my posts at all, then you know I have been trying to understand the timing, connections, and the why of these narratives.  

I think I finally figured it out just the other day, when I saw former President Barack Obama deliver a keynote address at Stanford University. His narrative was remarkable (not in a good way); his delivery consistent with his continual habit of lecturing us and talking down to us. His speech was all about "disinformation".

He was lecturing us on the “conspiracy theories” and fake news that according to him only occurs in conservative media. As if he is the one who should be lecturing anyone on honesty or false narratives! Good grief. Please think "You can keep your plan," as one example.

BUT. He is actually able to deliver this speech somewhat convincingly, due to those videos I have written about. These narratives weren't as much concern initially, because people weren’t really watching or buying. But that has recently changed. I believe this is due to the fear over the pandemic. More and more people began to buy into the conspiracies. The more one promoted it, the more others joined. They began to spread like wildfire.

Now, I am one who has always believed that though these videos targeted conservatives, and especially Christian conservatives, it was far from conservatives making and distributing them. I have a conspiracy of my own. I believe it is the left that is spreading these falsehoods, and targeting Christian conservatives as a means to “stir the masses” and subtly attack the psyche of those already living in a level of fear. It is then that people begin to believe it and spread the misinformation themselves.

Now before I get labeled as a “nut”, myself, why is that so hard to believe? It is the long-held goal of communism/socialism, via the left, to “stir the masses”. It is Saul Alinksy tactics promoted by the likes of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama (both of whom have connections to Alinsky) who believe in these tactics and the ideals of “socialism” – the word "socialism", to be charitable. Fear and “stirring the masses” is a means to gain control. 

Think about it; though those in an effort to weaken America have used this tactic in recent times, it has actually been occurring since Biblical times, when Stephen, the martyr was arrested: Acts 6:12. “And they *stirred up the people*, and the elders, and the scribes, and came upon him, and caught him, and brought him to the council,”

These videos, once believed by conservatives, then get spread further, basically giving Obama the right to say some of what he said the other day in his disinformation speech. Because though Fox and other conservative news sources haven’t admitted these false narratives are out there, they really are becoming quite common. Instead, Fox and other media are simply pointing to Obama’s own lies, (as they should). But the fact is, there have been a barrage of false stories being spread by conservatives, albeit naively, and we shouldn't ignore that. We are enabling those who deceive. In truth, I think conservatives have been hood-winked. They are unwittingly joining the left by believing and sharing these falsehoods.

I believe this has all been intentional and by design. I believe the left is behind it, and most likely Barack Obama at the helm; or at least an active participant. Though you will be hard-pressed to find any information from search engines today about who said their goal was to “stir the masses” , (I think that is an intentional removal) it has been a well known tactic for generations. I tried to find the quote to source it; but the quote below, basically says the same thing about their goal. From the Alinksy plan: 
“[You must help]  the people in the community…feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and chance the future. [An] organizer must shake up the prevailing patterns of their lives–agitate, create disenchantment and discontent with the current values, to produce, if not a passion for change, at least a passive, affirmative, non-challenging climate. [You must] fan the embers of hopelessness into a flame of fight.”
Now think about it. This false information has been making the rounds since the pandemic began. They have grown and grown, the narratives becoming more and more wild. I honestly believe, this "disinformation" is from the left and it was all planned for just this moment. In other words, so Obama could eventually come out and be the savior. These crazy conspiracies gave Obama the right to say exactly what he said at Stanford. It gives him a reason to attack conservatives, and point to all the misinformation they are spreading. 
Everything in Obama's speech becomes valid. I think that was the plan. But in fact, though some conservatives may have bought in, I firmly believe these false narratives and conspiracies are created by the left to make conservatives and especially Christian conservatives look like we have lost all common sense. 

Their plan is working. We are deceived. It is time for us to clean up our act and be more careful. It is time for us to be alert and to stand. We all need to be more careful and commit to discernment in what we choose to believe. If we lack discernment, we simply need to make a commitment to more carefully research everything we are told. It isn't that difficult. We simply need to be willing.

If something just doesn’t sound right, if our beliefs of old are challenged, dismissed, or criticized, we need to listen to the warning buzzer in our head and check out everything we are being fed.

The false narratives have a purpose. They have to be intentional. Why else would someone  be taking such great lengths to see that they continue? We need to determine who is behind them, and refuse to promote them. We must always look for and care about truth.

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